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Pacifity's Art dumpster (artblog thing)

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Pacifity's Avatar Pacifity
Level 43 : Master Artist

Buckle up and watch your step, there is junk EVERYWHERE

After years n years of being on here I have decided to make one of these, yippe!

I always have random art laying around so might as well post it all, or well, most of it-

Enjoy, and watch out for cobwebs

❗disclaimer: some of this stuff may not be where it should be, because there is a lot of it and I might not remember the exact month/date

sorting it all will be a pain, i can already tell- aaaaaaaa

New Stuff [​made this year]

Character art (OCs n such)

Pacifity's Art dumpster (artblog thing)
This is Razor, a monkey with the ability to create illusions.

Pacifity's Art dumpster (artblog thing)

This is him but Lego. Lemgo Momnkie Kimnd. yes, his face goes into the uncanny valley, I am aware-


Pacifity's Art dumpster (artblog thing)

More of the stinkers! The one on far left belongs to a friend.

Middle one is yet to be named, last one is the boy, the legend: Razor himself

Unnamed blorbo color test + sketch bust. She has anger issues-

Fandom stuff

Fandom: Lego Monkie Kid + Ben10

Spidermonkey from Ben10 but as a lego monkey, because I can :D

My art journey has led me here: to a point where I can think of something, and then draw it. This is one of those things that motivate me to keep going.

I have picked up a pen and realized I can now make stuff for things I enjoy. I am no longer just a spectator, no longer only watching and admiring from afar. Now I can create, share it with others and inspire the rest to do the same.

In mine hands lies the power to break mountains, to tear apart universes and shape them to my liking.

the most random junk you have ever seen

My friend likes moss a lot lol


art progress, icons for a flight rising dragon profile, green one is a recolor

Remember this fella? I added some stuff in the background as well as basic shading

I am still a huge fan. A fan of what, exactly? Ventilation.

Strawberry | DTIYS [full res]
Character DTIYS, oc belongs to AveryUnlimited on DeviantArt


Some texture practice, testing new brushes


Opened and finished this year

I have a lot of sketches from 2023 which I left unfinished, If it so happens that I open one of them and actually finish it, I will add it here (there's like, 10GB worth of stuff, one file weighs around 500KB - 800KB on average)

Silvo Shenanigans (dragon oc)

Before I post the flood of images, allow me to introduce you to my dragon oc: Silvo. You might know him already as I made a human skin for him.

Sooo his lore is basicaly: lil creachur with cobwebs for brains runs around different dimensions and causes chaos and destruction for fun. The yellow horns allow him to cut through the fabric of reality and make portals to different dimensions/worlds and even multiverses. He calls himself a dragon and can shapeshift with the help of a magic book he stole from one of the dimensions he once visited. The original owner of the book has yet to be found.

I like designing looks for him and what he would look like if he were to be shoved into [​INSERT FANDOM NAME HERE]

Say hi to everyone :D

Right. We should work on manners-

okay, now for the madness!


Spiderverse Silvo! When designing outfits for him, I always try to base it on an animal that has the closest color palette to his (white + blue + yellow). This was started in 2023 and 'finished' in early 2024. I should probably make an updated version.


Cookie run Silvo! I have been playing Cookie Run: Kingdom for over a year (or maybe even two), but had to drop it since my phone is no longer able to run it smoothly. This was first sketched in 2023, finished early 2024.


Murder?? with the drones??? Let's be honest, if he was ever a drone, he would have enough braincells to qualify as a 'janitor drone' at best.

Here is a version with glow. His outfit in all humanoid forms is always almost, if not the exact same, as in his human form.


Still reading these? wow, okay! So Silvo has many 'forms' he can take, all of these are stored in the book mentioned earlier. All forms are refered to as 'morphs' since he physicaly morphs into them. Each one has a limit - he cannot stay in one morph for too long without returning to his original form (that being a quadruped drake).

If a morph is similar in build to his original form, he can stay in it longer: for example, all 4-legged creatures.

On the other hand, if a morph is vastly different from his original form, it is more difficult to maintain it for more than 24 hours.

Example: a lizard. 4 legs, a reptile, pretty easy to morph into. A snake? no legs, a little more difficult, but still not as bad. A humanoid? now this is harder, since it has two legs, an upwards posture and is a mammal.

Each morph takes energy, which can be replenished by either sleeping or eating. Once again, the more difficult the morph, the more energy the transformation process consumes. Energy can be replenished by eating or sleeping.

Imagine 5 notches of energy. 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴

Morphing into a 4-legged creature would take only one notch ⭕🔴🔴🔴🔴

Now, imagine a two legged humanoid. That would take two notches. ⭕⭕🔴🔴🔴

How about a dragon with 6 legs and 4 wings? That would take 4 notches! ⭕⭕⭕⭕🔴

One notch takes around three hours of sleep to restore. Eating also helps, but not as much as sleeping. After a full meal, the time needed to sleep is reduced slightly.


Silvo's main weapon is a bow which can be put apart into twin swords. I have yet to draw it- but it is pretty much the same as his clothes: mostly white with hints of grey and blue accents. Said bow does not need arrows to function: instead, it produces rapid bursts of cyan energy which resemble arrows. It does however, need to be charged from time to time. It charges automatically and does so while on a 'cooldown'.

Silvo's weapon may manifest into some of his morphs, depending on the dimension he travels to. It usually takes form of whatever is closest in that dimension: for example, here in HollowKnight, a thing which would resemble his twin blades the most is.. a pair of scissors.


This one is a redraw.

I lied, this is not finished, this was just 'opened'. I think I made a few lines and closed it, so- yeah- ANyWaY-

Click to reveal


2 Update Logs

Update #2 the shlorbo : by Pacifity 01/28/2024 8:55:59 pmJan 28th

Added stuff in the 'Fanart' and 'OC' tabs

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01/28/2024 10:17 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Musician Nerd
SnappNote's Avatar

fr tho silvo is so cool and goofy he’s awesome
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