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Only Way Back Home chapter 2

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Lyra_Capricorn's Avatar Lyra_Capricorn
Level 30 : Artisan Botanist
‘It was just a stupid dream, Fiona, just a stupid dream,’ I thought as I got up. I heard a crash from downstairs as I pulled on a sweater. I grabbed my bag and pulled it on. I crept downstairs and pointed my flashlight at the living room couch. ‘It’s just Banana,’ I thought, jumping down the last few steps and scooping up Banana the yellow cat. I put him on my head and ask him, “Do you know where Mom and Papa are?” the yellow cat just hissed at me and fell asleep. I put him on the floor and open the door. I breathed in the fresh air and left, closing the door behind me.

I walked down the road and towards the setting moon, and the sun heats up the rocks lining the sides of the road. I make a dash for the bus stop and took one last look at the little house down the road with Banana the yellow cat and my adoptive parents. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts and I waited for the bus. The green and yellow bus rolled down the road, and stopped right in front of the bus stopped. The doors opened and I stepped on.

After grabbing a seat, the doors to the bus closed and it was off. The bus rolled down Tack Street and Pin Avenue, stopping to let people on and off here and there. After at least an hour, I saw my stop ahead. The bus stopped and I got off. As the bus rolled down Bulls-eye Drive, I hailed a taxi. ‘This journey is going to be hard,’ I thought. Seeing as I was looking for the only way into the memory world, this might take a very long time, too. I hailed a taxi and got in, just as the driver asked me, “Where would you like to go, miss?”

“Take me to the airport, please,” I said, as the driver pulled into gear. As the settings changed from a city to an urban area, I slumped back into my seat. My phone went off, and I checked it. ‘Oh no!’ I thought. ‘It’s Kari!’ Kari was the only person that cared about where I went, and where I was at all times. ‘I can either not reply, or I can reply saying I’m sick with something contagious,’ I thought. I texted back another reply, “Not available right now, please text back later.” Fiona smirked and thought, ‘Hah, I’m a genius.’

“Fiona, I know you’re there. You read my message. I know that you did, “Kari texted back. “Miss, we’re here, “the driver said. I unbuckled and slid out. I closed the door and shoved my phone into my bag. Although it kept buzzing, I ignored it. I walked into the airport and went to the front desk.

“Hello Miss?” I asked. The desk clerk turned to me and asked, “what is it that you need, dear?” I pulled out my ticket that I bought a couple of weeks ago, and I put it on the counter. “Can you tell me the status of this flight?” I asked, pushing the ticket closer. The woman took it and said, “Yes, it is early, it will depart in 5 minutes.” I took the ticket and ran to a seat in the 5A area, and I pulled out my phone.

I know you’re there, Fiona Callus, don’t ignore me!” I laughed and texted back, “I’m sorry, Fiona Callus is not available right now. Please try again later.” I put my phone away and that’s when the intercom went off. “All passengers for plane 5A, the plane is now boarding.” I got up and went through the doors to the plane. As I took my seat, I felt my phone buzz. I ignored it and prepared for the 7-hour flight.

I left the plane with nothing in my bag but my phone and a notepad, seeing as the only other thing was my ticket. I looked around in the airport bustling with people, and I looked up to find a sign that read WELCOME TO ACRINIA! I wandered around the airport, and I finally found the door. During most of the flight, I was telling Kari that I wasn’t available, but she didn’t stop pressing me for answers. Eventually, I texted her, “ok, I’m in the air. Don’t even try to follow me.” So, she stopped and I finally had peace.

As I left for the streets, I checked my phone to see the GPS, so I could get to the warehouse. My phone buzzed and it was my pen pal, Tyke. “Hey. How are you?” he asked. “I’m here. At the airport, that is.” I typed. I shoved my phone away and walked for about ten minutes, in the direction of the warehouse. ‘I can’t believe I’m finally leaving. Going back to where I belong,’ I thought. I ran the last quarter mile and stopped at a giant grey warehouse. I shoved open the doors. A 16-year-old boy stood with his back to me, hunched over something on a table, as a girl with bright blue hair drew something on the paper in front of her, and another girl with deep purple hair identical to the one with blue hair, laughed.

“I’m here. What’s the plan?” I asked. The girl with blue hair looked at me and said, “I don’t think I’ve ever met you. Who are you? Are you, his girlfriend?” she pointed at the boy hunched over the table. I laughed and said, “You wish. I’m his pen pal.” I tapped him on the shoulder and he showed me what he had. It was a map of Frailep, the French town that we were hoping to go to. It was an exact replica, with every building placed very precisely and accurately. I patted him and said, facing the blue haired girl, “I’m Fiona Callus.” She nodded and said, “The girl who wants to go back in time and live there, right?” I nodded and said, “the plan is to find the mystical time orbs, you know, one of those glowing blue orbs in that top secret facility in Frailep, so then I can bring back my family. Go back in time.”

“Huh,” she said. “I’m Liz Carter, the twin sister of Azzie.” She pointed to the purple haired girl. ‘Weird. I’ve never met her, and she is now part of the plan. She seems easy to talk to, like everything is said against your will,” I thought. I gasped. “You’re a Torpical!” I said, realizing that she is a Torpical, someone who can convince you to do things or someone who can make you say things against your will. Liz nodded and smiled maliciously. “You are 100 % correct.”

I growl at her and sit down in the seat Azzie pulls out. I looked at Tyke and ask, “So, we’re going there?” I point at his drawing of Frailep. He nods and says, “only a 4-hour flight, but it could be a 30 second teleport.” I glare at him and say, “you know what happens when you teleport at the age you’re at. You’re only allowed to when you’re 25!” he smiles and says, “well, I’m a teleporter, so deal with it. I’m going to ask these questions until I’m 25.” I shake my head and I turn to Liz. “So just so you know, don’t talk to me, okay?” she nods and turns to Azzie. “Hey Azzie? Do you want to egg Fiona’s home?” I glare at her and she laughs.

“Guys, we’ll have to fly and we only have enough money for three of us to go. Fiona has to go, but who else. Fiona?” Tyke says, turning to me. I stand up and say, “I want to bring Tyke, but between Azzie and Liz, you two can choose.” Liz stands up and says, “I’m going!” Azzie laughs and comments, “I really didn’t want to go.” Liz laughs triumphantly and declares, “I am the ruler of the world!” I roll my eyes and say, “we have a mission to complete, so let’s get going before we do anything irrational.”

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