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One Of The Worst Feelings In Minecraft [semi-rant]

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Xander the Great's Avatar Xander the Great
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Puncher

Most of us by now are familiar with the mode known as Hardcore (those who havent... you are a wimp). Anyway it basically works like the real world... you have One Life and you difficulty is permanently stuck on Hard. And no matter what, you are bound to lose sometime... so its really just about holding of death for as long as you can... its really hard.

I feel that many would agree that Dying in hardcore is pretty depressing. Yes, Yes, its really hard to watch those diamonds burn in lava, or to have your house destroyed, or begin the long treck back to your home if you were to poor to make a bed... if there is even a home left. And I know a lot of fellow faction server players would argue that being raided and grieved may be the worst but I think that Dying in Hardcore is comparable.

In case any of you were wondering... yes I did just die in my current hardcore world, and this article is helping me cope with the fact I am going to have to completely restart...

I now present to you my evidence for why I think this situation is a real kick to the balls, face, stomach, arm... spleen... kidney... elbow... shoulder... other such body parts:


After you take that final heart in your hardcore world you can no longer interact with any of your creations, pets, or landscapes. Sure you have screenshots, but I think we will all agree that it is much more fun to interact with your creations then to see them in a 2D snapshot. On a normal world or server you may lose a large amount of all your possessions, but often there will be something you can return to. Whether it be your ruined home, some of your possessions that survived, or even just a familiar landscape you can rebuild upon. On Hardcore this is all gone, you are left with just 2D screenshots and memories.

Some may argue "what about when your favorite server shuts down? Surely that is more of a blow!" Well... the truth is, if you are playing on a server long enough for you to watch it shut down, there is something that keeps bringing you back, meaning, you probably left on a high note. When you die in hardcore... it is safe to say you are at the lowest you have ever been on that world.


As I said before, once you die on hardcore... you have absolutely nothing left, aside from memories and any screenshots you managed to snap before your untimely death. Lets say you build a 1:1 scale replica of the Taj Mahal using nothing but materials you gathered yourself from your world in hardcore. This would be quite the feat and would probably get you pretty popular pretty fast... if you had proof. Lets say right before the big reveal that wither you locked up tight to keep any pests away from your front gate breaks free and find you in nothing but your elegant cloth armor you were wearing for the reveal. Now... to your dismay... you have lost all of your work forever. You have screenshots of your building, but because you used F1 before taking all the screenshots there is no proof that you DIDNT use creative at all. No one would buy it and you are only left with the knowledge that you did the impossible. Imagine how bad that would feel.

Now a more realistic example, is that you had an amazing house you were working on that you really loved and then died... you would have no proof that you made this amazing house yourself in hardcore. Simply said... you not only lose all your possessions, but your credibility for that specific build.


When you play on a normal world its a lot of effort yes... but you have something to show for all the time and passion you put into your Minecraft. People who die in hardcore put forth tons of effort and if they die, it all goes to waste. In a normal Minecraft world if you die its no real biggy, in fact you might enjoy the fact that you now have an excuse to play a lot more to regain anything you lost! In the end you dont just lose your virtual stuff, and credibility, but on top of it you lose all the time you put into your hardcore world.


Well this isn't entirely true... you have one person to blame... yourself. On a server you can blame the player that killed you or took your stuff and swear vengeance. On a single player world, you can blame the mob that killed you and rebuild so it doesn't happen again. On hardcore, you can only blame yourself for not thinking ahead to prevent what happend. When you die you are left with a screen that signals that YOU died and YOU cannot re-spawn. Its all on you. This is the real reason it hurts the worst, because you can get no release by blaming something else, the weight of your failure falls directly onto your shoulder and sits there like a shaming only ment for you to see.


Dying in hardcore is hard... but thats what make it all the more fun. Knowing what you have on the line is enough to motivate you to plan ahead and stay cautious. I didn't make this article to scare you... In fact the only reason I made this article is to motivate you(and myself) to try to see if you can beat the odds and avoid all the dismay. I hope this semi-rant hit your fancy!


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2 Update Logs

Grammer Correction : by Xander the Great 07/08/2013 2:44:50 pmJul 8th, 2013


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