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Mysticpunk (Cyberpunk + Fantasy) World Building

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Sinus Productions's Avatar Sinus Productions
Level 51 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
The year is 2102. We're still trying to adjust to the world, but we don't really know the world before. I mean, we do, we just weren't a part of it.

Sometime between 2020 and 2040, technology was on it's way to glory. Mankind had finally invented Artificial Intelligence equal to that of their own. The new robots, now referred to as "Relics," quickly became integrated into society. Human relied on them. They were stronger, smarter, and faster. Some humans felt inferior, so companies began testing mild genetic mutations. There are a handful of new forms that humans have taken, Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves to name a few, and they started to act as if they were other species entirely. Then, in 2058, it happened. No one really knows the cause of this, but some of the organic races began gaining abilities. Balls of fire, electricity in the palm of their hands. Magic, they called it. Magic was better than machines. Magic was better than the Relics. Relics could not use magic. Relics were members of society. They could work, they could have their own lives, they could love other Relics and even organic races. But they were no longer better. It was safer for the Relics of your family to stay home while the organics took their magic to go work and adventure. They were unintentionally discarded. Some were left to rust in their own lives. Some of them were upgraded, made to match the new world. But neither could not use magic. No matter how hard Relics or their creators tried, they could not wield the unknown power. At least, that's what is has been, until now. Until... me.

My name is PRK-324. But my friends call me Park. I'm a Relic. And I can use magic

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The FaiyaBLAST
04/18/2020 10:13 pm
Level 49 : Master Enderdragon
The FaiyaBLAST's Avatar
Really love the explanation for the other races and this intro as a whole. Can't wait to see more of this!
Sinus Productions
04/18/2020 10:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Sinus Productions's Avatar
Ty! I was really hoping people would like the origin of other races
04/18/2020 4:39 pm
Level 46 : Master Geek
ChatieTheDragon's Avatar
Oo this is cool.

You should read the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard! It takes place in a “post-post-apocalyptic” setting... about 2000 years in the future. The world basically ended and started over again, so they don’t have any technology that’s better than ours (in fact, it’s not as advanced as we are currently), but nuclear radiation and such led to certain people having powers.
It’s a young adult series and has 5 books, so if that’s not your thing it’s cool. But the world building is amazing and seems similar to what you have going on here! Your humans with magic, relics without, and a relic suddenly getting powers is similar to Red Queen’s silvers and reds, and how the main character, a red, gets powers!

sorry if I’m ranting. But it seems like you’d like these books based on your ideas. 😂
04/20/2020 7:08 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
Culpeo's Avatar
Nice, I think I've heard of that. I should check it out. The summary you gave of that series you mention reminds me of another series I've read that has a similar caste system to both of those discussed. It's real-world universe far-future adult science fiction by Pierce Brown that also has 5 books so far. Breakthroughs in genetics have resulted in humanity diversifying themselves into similar but different species that are adapted to be specialists at different occupations in society. Some are fragile pilots, others are tough soldiers, and a privileged few are rulers. Whatever someone is born as, that is what job they will have for the rest of their life and the spot in the hierarchy they stay in. No switching, the difference in species make it almost impossible. I doubt there has ever been a caste system more strict. The society has spread to and terreformed most of the planets and moons in the Solar system and based it's government and culture off of the Roman Empire of times past. The first book Red Rising, is reminescent of the Hunger Games, just better. The later ones get pretty wild. Pretty kewl tbh.
04/20/2020 8:48 pm
Level 46 : Master Geek
ChatieTheDragon's Avatar
Oh I’ve heard of that! I’ve never known what it’s about, but now I think I’ll read it sometime!
04/20/2020 9:15 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
Culpeo's Avatar
yea, it's pretty great. I'm sure we would both read each other's series if the libraries weren't closed lmao.
04/18/2020 4:42 pm
Level 46 : Master Geek
ChatieTheDragon's Avatar
(If you think this sounds interesting I could recommend a few other series with similar concepts. I can recommend books all day haha!!)
Sinus Productions
04/18/2020 4:41 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Sinus Productions's Avatar
I haven't read that, but that certainly sounds interesting. I'd have to pick it up sometime
04/18/2020 4:07 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator Artist
-Valery's Avatar
Wake the frickin up, Samurai. We have a city to burn.
Sinus Productions
04/18/2020 3:32 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Sinus Productions's Avatar
I forgot to add the apocalypse part
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