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Level 45 : Master Pony

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Cool down
Cool down limits power attacks, or makes you wait for your strength to build up.In other cases, if you spam a horde of mobs without waiting for the cool down, your item won't deal as much damage.The cool down affects most items.
Duel-Wield is an option when you can have both your Minecraft hands holding something.This idea originated from a mod.
You can collide with other players and mobs again!This makes it so you can't escape a horde of mobs anymore.
Special Attack
Originally, sprinting and attacking would make a critical hit, but that's all changed now!When you stand still or crouch with a sword, a sword slash will appear symbolizing a special attack.This special attack knocks back entities and deals the entities damage. Along with that, axes have a special crushing blow attack.
Bows now have an animation, when your shooting, in your hot bar.
Damage Indicator
The damage indicator is where you get shown how much damage you dealt in the form of dark hearts.
Your death message now appears on your death screen.

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Shields are a way of protection against other entities, this will help you in a horde of mobs, PVP, etc.Shields work as a barrier with durability, low durability.

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A shulker is a mob what shoots projectiles that give you a potion effect called levitate.As fun as this may sound the effect doesn't last very long, gets annoying after a while, and may cause you death.
Skeleton Horses
Skeleton horses are now in-game and can be found in a certain biome alone.Beware, when you come close the horse will multiply causing 4 horses with skeletons riding to come.The chances of finding these horses are rare.

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Command Blocks
New command block types have been added!


Impulse is the same command block we have known for years.It does the same thing as before but with a new name and more options.


The chain is where you have to have a chain of command blocks for the block to work.

If you have 4 command blocks(3 chains,1 impulse)and you type,''I'm doing a review!'' with separating each word into a command block(in order)with unpowering the second word, it will say ''I'm a review!''.Also if the command blocks don't line up facing the same way, it won't work.


Repeat is like impulse but repeats a certain command again and again!If you type in ''I'm doing a review'' and you power the command block it will keep saying ''I'm doing a review'', again and again until you stop or unpower it.


Conditional: Needs to be powered by another command block

Unconditional: Doesn't need to be powered by another command block

Always Active: Doesn't need to be powered by Redstone/''items''.Powered on its own

Needs Redstone: Needs to be activated by Redstone or Redstone items


Command blocks now have a direction which means you have to place the command block in a certain planned direction for it to work.Lets say you have the command blocks set to up, up, and up.That will flow but up, up, down won't flow and work correctly.

Structure Block
The structure block is unusable but that 4 different modes: Save, load, corner, and data.The texture changes depending on the type.

To spawn the structure block in your world put /setblock (coordinates) Minecraft:strucrure_block

End Blocks
Purpur blocks are a decoration block found in the end city.These blocks come in a set(block, chiseled, stair, slab, etc.)and can be crafted using popped chorus fruit.

Endstone bricks are a decoration block found in the end city.These blocks are the only one in the set and can be crafted by using 4 endstone.

The end rod is a block with acts as a light source(like glowstone).This block can be placed anyways(upside down, sideways, right way up,etc.)and can be crafted using 1 blaze rod and 1 piece of popped chorus fruit.
The new path block replaces gravel in villages and is a layer lower than normal blocks.You can get this in your own world by patting grass blocks with a shovel.

Realitive Items
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Different arrows have been made for different potion effects!There is also a special arrow that when shot a highlighted area will appear on the entity.This makes it so you can see the entity, even through blocks.
The lingering potion is a potion that had a wide area of particles, that affects the entity with the potion effect.In other words, the potion will create a cloud of particles with effects.

Dragon breath is how you make the linger potion.Dragon breath is from the breath of the ender dragon!
Frostwalker is an enchantment that makes water into ice when walked on.The ice gradually melts.

Mending is an enchantment where it mends items(having the mending enchantment)using XP.
The Golden Apple
Normal golden apples have been nerfed to make it less OP.

Notch apples cannot be crafted anymore and can be only found in dungeons.
Chorus fruit is a fruit found in the end that regens your hunger but also teleports you in a random location, much like an enderman would.If you cook this in a furnace you will get popped chorus fruit.To plant this in the overworld get the flower at the top(which is a full block)and put it anywhere you wish, the flower needs to be planted on endstone.

Beetroot seeds are a way of acquiring beetroot(which is made into stew.Beetroot seeds are found in villages and can be received while farming, but only on a random chance.
Elytra is a cape that you equip on your chest plate slot.When you jump off a high area(lets say a mountain)elytra will spread forming two beetle wings and making you glide, then progressively drive to the ground.
Dragon Head
The dragon head is equipable in your head slot and when put on Redstone, the dragon head will pen and close(just like when you walk).
End Crystals
End crystals are now acquirable by slaying skeleton horses.These crystals can respawn the ender dragon and can also be used for decoration.Beware, if something or someone gets too close or punches it(crystal)will explode.These crystals can also be crafted.

Alternate Dimension Adjustments

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Overworld Structures
The igloo spawns in the coldest of biomes when snow golems lie.In these igloos, you will have a chance of finding a secret dungeon, beneath the floor.The dungeon holds a villager and a zombie villager, trapped.You will also find the delicacy of a brewing stand and a chest filled with loot(and other items).

There are now 128 different strongholds in your world
End Structures
When the ender dragon is slain a portal will appear in the sky that transports you onto a faraway island where the end city is found.To go through the portal shoot an ender pearl and you will end up on the island.

An end city is a place far away from the ender dragon's spawn.To get to the end city, you have to go through a portal only acquired by slaying the ender dragon.Once there new mobs and blocks will await you.The end city has loot here and there, but the best is in the end ship(near the ship dock).The end ship had valuables, the dragon head, and elytra.
The Void
The void is a biome that is most useful for builders.To get this biome follow these instructions: Create New World, Switch to Creative,(Click)More World Options, World Type: Superflat, Customize, Presets, The Void.Remember this is the only biome in the world you made!

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Boats now have oars which you use to control the boat.Boats are not easy to break anymore and come in a variety of colors depending on the wood they are made from.You can also bring a friend along for a ride(does not include players, and/or some hostile/peaceful mobs.
Skeletons can draft left and right while shooting and when unactivated by players they hold their arms down.The AI for skeletons also has changed.
Now the mob riding the entity will have control than the mob who is being ridden on.
Zombies now use their arms more aggressively against you.

Zombie villagers now have more detailed textures.The textures depend on their profession as a villager.
The dragon in the end has gotten stronger with dragon breath and stops frequently at his altar, where it is invincible.

Ender pillars are now in a circular form, some with cages at the top(making the dragon fight harder).
Your Minecraft computer screen now shows the potion effects that you have, when you do have potion effects anyway.

F3 + q at the same time shows debug list (in chat) | Alt + F3 will show debugging info (when info screen is on) | Shift + F3 will show debugging info (when info screen is on).

When mode(survival, creative, and spectator)is changed in chat is will specify what mode you changed to.This also works with the debugging info(chat specification).
A brewing stand is now powered by blaze powder, rather than nothing.You will have to visit the nether more frequently!
Assorted skins in Minecraft have armor add-ons, the armor add-ons on all skins are visible.Mojang has changed this to make the armor add-ons transparent.
Mobs will not spawn on any type of railroad track and will not attempt to go onto it.Mobs also fight each other when they are aggravated.If a skeleton attacks a zombie they will fight each other instead of you.
Numerous categories of sound have been added and modified for the pleasure of hearing.
Doors hinges now depend on what edge of the block you have placed it on.Right edge,right hinge;left edge,left hinge.
Rabbits skins now vary on what biome they generate in.Rabbits sizes have been reduced and the rabbits come in all categories of length and width.
2 tall grass will not protect you from mobs.Previously when you hid in 2 tall grass, mobs could not identify you.This has now changed.

MC I.9
Minecraft 1.9 is now available for download, check the webpage for more information!

1.9 News
CreditMinecon,MC 1.9 Snapshot

10 Update Logs

World #2 : by C_S 03/01/2016 9:25:18 amMar 1st, 2016

Minecraft 1.9 is now available as well as a really short bit of new information

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09/27/2016 12:42 am
Level 42 : Master Skinner
i4sheep's Avatar
Aw darn it, why did you quit you were so cool man, come back!
10/22/2016 2:01 pm
Level 45 : Master Pony
C_S's Avatar
Hi RancorDrama! I know I quit but only because Planet Minecraft was too much for me (because of school and all that), you can also find me on my youtube channel! :)
10/22/2016 2:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Skinner
i4sheep's Avatar
Oh ok.. i'll see you sometimes i hope.
11/12/2016 12:30 am
Level 45 : Master Pony
C_S's Avatar
Ok then :)
12/22/2015 10:39 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
PartyPerson2005's Avatar
You forgot something. Beetroot! And Beetroot Soup and Beetroot Seeds
12/22/2015 11:26 pm
Level 45 : Master Pony
C_S's Avatar
No, I have that...check in the ''Food'' section
12/23/2015 12:03 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
PartyPerson2005's Avatar
ok sorry!
12/23/2015 12:50 am
Level 45 : Master Pony
C_S's Avatar
No, its okay :)
12/22/2015 10:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
PartyPerson2005's Avatar
In shulkers the effect is called Levitation and not Levitate
12/22/2015 11:26 pm
Level 45 : Master Pony
C_S's Avatar
#Typo :P
Planet Minecraft


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