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In the broom closet tips :D

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 G3's Avatar G3
Level 21 : Expert Academy
If you are in a point in your life where you cant really practice, but want to add little bits of magic into your life there is still a way! Here's a compilation of little tips for you!

Don't expect everything to be this beautiful 'aesthetic', just have fun!

If your a student, a lot of subjects you may be learning can be put towards your practice (e.g. using english or history as an excuse to look at some older witchy literature, looking up the 'folklore' beliefs behind herbs for a biology class)

Honor the seasons! The things that go by 4 times a year. (e.g. go on a hike during the summer solstice (or a little walk))

I hide little crystals in the pockets of jackets I dont wear much

Do tarot with regular cards

Write sigils on paper and put them in your shoes

Stir intentions into your tea or food when you cook

Use herbs and spices that mean certain things when you cook

Light a candle in the colour that helps you manifest

Say affirmations

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β€’ 09/08/2023 7:27 am
β€’ Level 31 : Artisan Mage Geek
ghostoftheglade's Avatar
"How to.make people think you're crazy, you are inexperienced at cooking, and want to make yourself into a witch..."
β€’ 09/09/2023 8:42 am
β€’ Level 9 : Apprentice Prince
snailmarsh's Avatar
you should read this cool book called "leave people alone because surprise surprise christianity isnt the only religion that can be posted on planet minecraft, and you wouldve had to intentionally look for this post anyways" :)

dont get political or whatever you want to be doing,
β€’ 09/09/2023 9:40 pm
β€’ Level 31 : Artisan Mage Geek
ghostoftheglade's Avatar
Bro chill, LMAO
Idc like at all, πŸ˜‘
For the record stay off my profile if you don't like me
Also books with long titles seem overrated at this point
I can't tell how serious you are,
and I don't personally know how to "stir intentions", wasn't something I deemed worthy to pursue but as a baker, well please don't use "herbs or spices that mean certain things" for those reasons alone because it may come back to bite you and in the nicest way: be careful in the kitchen.
But for the record I have never considered arguing politics, where would you get that idea πŸ€” 😁 to be fair though, if I wanted to start a war it would be ideology
And I am a chemist who will from now on daily affirm that the world is out for everyone and everything could be worse :)
But could you please explain "manifest", "sigil" and what you actually believe, it will help me better understand
If you read to the end, congrats, you have to some degree earned my respect and also I'm sorry for causing friction
β€’ 09/10/2023 1:35 pm
β€’ Level 9 : Apprentice Prince
snailmarsh's Avatar
sigils - symbols written/drawn that people use to protect themselves/help them feel more confident/give themselves good luck

stirring intentions - intentions are things like "every time i stir i feel more confident"/"every time i stir i loose connections to toxic friends"/"every time i stir i find it easier to take care of myself"

in paganism some herbs/plants have meanings, such as leeks meaning protection and love or lemon meaning success but you wouldnt shove leek in your crushes birthday cake lmao, you would obviously use specific recipes which work with the herbs

again crystals have meaning in paganism

so yeah :), if you continue being hostile after this i will ignore you but yeah i totally get it seems a little odd but all these things are simmilar to prayer really

props to you if you read the whole thing
β€’ 09/10/2023 1:25 pm
β€’ Level 9 : Apprentice Prince
snailmarsh's Avatar
i havent clicked on ur profile, am i missing something? (just checked it now, i based my comments bc the christian community is fairly large on PMC (which i dont mind, its acc kinda cool seeing people sending prayers to eachother) and i was refearing to you being so weird about paganism/wicca)

this is deff an ideology based situation

also sigils and all the stuff in this post is pagan specific, its a post about paganism. people who participate in paganism are often called witches, this isnt about fantasy witchcraft at all

also cant believe you follow a religion about loving thy neighbor like you love thyself lolz, like Bro chill, LMAO Idc like at all, πŸ˜‘

all jokes, hope ur break goes well just remember sometimes taking the piss out of smaller religions comes off as super rude
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