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How to be the best faction w/ TheMelvinMan

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TheMelvinMan's Avatar TheMelvinMan
Level 31 : Artisan Fisherman
Hey guys, Melvin here to ask you one simple question...Go ahead try and answer it;

What makes a faction Good?

Can it be the players who play in it? Can it be the leadership skills? Can it be the bond created by the players?
Actually its all of them. Let me explain them in detail....


Alright, you just joined a faction server and you want to start a faction. Now let says you have no friends who you brought on to the server because they all want to avoid you today (lol). But you don't want to play alone and you need to recruit for your faction, allow me list some basic things a leader should already have planned/ or do when he types /f create *blahblah*

Faction Guidelines: Now here's a common mistake all new faction owners do.

  • Be Original

Before we even start with simple guidelines of how to run the faction give your faction name an original name. Something never seen before.

I mean seriously how many times have you seen: Rebels, TheMafia, Legacy, PVPmasters, PVPGodz, Outcasts.

JESUS people be original. I know sometimes you might not be thinking and you're tired I get it, but seriously think of something original. RSA: Royal Scottish Army. Is my own faction that has been running for a while now. Be something the server staff, and players will remember or have burnt into their minds when the log on.

"Whoa, you heard about that RSA?"

"Yea we should try to ally them"

Something that stands out is something to get you noticed.

  • Don't Let newbs in!!
They let everyone in with the ability to help out. Now this is ok if you're just starting out because you have nothing to lose, however be careful they don't just show up to you're f home and ambush you with a faction attack. Please don't always say no to every newb who spams to join factions, they might actually be useful but as said before be very careful and have a plan to hide valuables if the person you let in is just there to raid you.

  • Be Strict; have a backbone

Now I know it's probably gonna cause some people to leave but if you have no control over your faction it will fall. If you're being raided and theres no form of unity, your raiders will over run you easily. To own a faction is one thing, to lead it is another. Owning means you watch over it, not really taking any action, but to lead your faction is to be involved and help your members get to the top!

  • Assign people to certain jobs

This is something myself as a strong faction owner have JUST FINALLY come around to doing. If you send the whole faction on a raid you won't continue to receive an income. All miners/farmers/gathers they are raiding with you for this time period your resource income hits 0. Assign non-combat skilled players to continue to do their job at the base whether it be building/farming/mining so resources can always be coming in. That way if your raid fails you have back up resources and can continue the raid if you're winning, or rebuild if you lost.

  • Develop a ranking system

Here at RSA, our ranking system is based on military rankings. Why have rank systems? Some of you may have guessed why by just even looking at this, because it develops determined players. A player who joins a faction as a miner,recruit,private or whatever you're starting rank is wants to be a faction moderator or high rank official of the faction. They look at the high rankings of a Council member,Major, Leader and aspire to be like them. They want the feeling to have others look up to them, so they work harder bringing in extra materials or fighting harder to please officials and move through the ranks

  • Be Efficient

This one is mostly directed to the actual members of the faction. The leader can't be on 24/7 and doesn't expect to have to direct you guys to simple punch a tree. If you as a member take it into your personal accountability to get more iron and diamonds to help the faction, you're on your way to a promotion. The more efficient your faction is, the easier it will be for you guys to out gear your opponents.

  • Be Organized

During a raid it can be a habit to randomly place in a chest and tp back to your mates to continue the fight. But as my own personal peeve i hate disorganized chests. As a leader make sure you put someone incharge of a storage room to keep things organized and easily accessible.

HOWEVER, keep valuable items in an enderchest if the server has no disabled it OR in a secret hidden area that only YOU know about. However make sure your leader is informed of it.

  • Develop a NO HACK SYSTEM!!

Urgh I hate hackers and can't stand them. Do not be that faction that lets in hackers, because if you're a multi-server faction like the RSA that reputation of having a hacker follows you. Let me give you RSA's No Hacking/Cheating policy.

No Member can have ANY sort of hack or to get in have ANY HISTORY of hacking; Yes even if you x-rayed 1 year ago your out. We've had issues in the past of having all our resources being taken from us due to 1 incompetent member using x-ray, we won't have it again!!!!

If a base is raided and any items look duped or cheated in, The RSA member is to burn the items immediately; unless the item was a donator item given to a donator, then the kill and item is fair game.

No one likes a hacker, play the game it was meant to be played it in Minecraft you MINE, enjoy it and don't cheat.

  • Become Multi-Server

Be careful not to have too many servers at the same time. Having a max of 2-3 server is enough to keep track off. Giving a well trusted moderator admin status on each, or a co-owner. AKA: My co-owners: Theultimatepwn,tbird667, and bhakws1 are usually Admins on servers to help reduce the things on my plate, so to speak.

This asserts you're dominance and once again gets you noticed.

Faction Fighting/Pvp drills:

Its important to have a set of guidelines to have you actual combat players ready by having a routine for them. Now these aren't necessarily drills but sort of little tips.

  • Have Back up

Look I know you're most likely gonna get crap like

"oh look you brought you're little friends to help you!" or "You can't fight me without you're friends?"

I've said this countless times as my own personal quote: "If I have 3 armies and you have 1, would I sent 1 army to make it fair? Or send in all 3 to ensure a victory."

The answer is painfully obvious, you will naturally send in 3 armies or people to kill that 1 army or person and get your loot to win.

Now back up doesn't exactly mean people. This means potions, golden apples, enchanted gear, anything that can give you a tactical advantage on the player you're fighting. As cheap as potions or Notch/Op/God Apples may appear it will save your life. Swiftness to run away, Harming to make your opponent rethink his attack, or even a God Apple to make yourself a tank to roll over your enemy.

  • Do not boast or brag about your kill

Do it in your Skype,vent,team speak call NOT in the game. Because if you died by the hands of your enemy later on those brags come back to haunt you

"You're damned if you do and your damned if you don't"

This phrase responds to your enemy, if you kill them they will insult you, If they kill you they will insult you. Don't stoop to their level, simply ignore these insults. It will get the staff on your side, the more they insult and the less you respond the less evidence staff has of you saying anything.

  • Don't kill newbs

I mean seriously man they didn't do anything to you. Let them pass and try to just play minecraft. RSA's main purpose was to guard spawn and cease the killings of newblets and allow them to pass through unharmed. However this rule becomes null if the newb attacks you.

  • Assign Tasks

As mentioned above assign tasks. Got someone good on archery? Congrats their a permanent archer, Same with swordsman or axeman (if mcmmo) Assign someone to always keep track of weapons and armor, so they constantly can repair damaged gear for the next battle. If you are a donator with god armor do not waste it, keep it for emergency situations. Killing 1 guy is not an emergency DO NOT WASTE IT!!!

  • Don't be a dick/ Get cocky

I understand being a troll can be fun at times but I swear for every time I heard this quote,

"Well its OK I have more at home" or "That was just my bad armor and sword"

I've wanted to punch so many people in the face. Acknowledge the person who killed with a fair fight or good fight and move on. And also DON'T SAY THAT, you seriously sound like a douche when you do, all it tells me is that you can't accept defeat. As an admirable quality it is, getting your ass kicked and thinking you've won ISN'T.


If you lose: People make this 1 HUGE common mistake. Once they die they return home to grab their good items and return to win the fight 8 times out of 10 THIS FAILS!!!!! As much as your brain wants you to return to win the fight DON'T.

If you win: Also if the guy asks for a re fight, I know it can be tempting because you just won and you're feeling high and mighty. That's what causes you to lose and it will be humiliating. Just go to your /home or /f home and continue you're business.

  • Always bank your winning items

The second you get something good idc if your inventory isn't full but if you kill 1 person on a raid or outside spawn or anything and you receive about 20 diamonds or a good sword, GO HOME IMMEDIATELY TO BANK THE ITEMS!! So if you get killed you atleast make a profit out of your raid/kill.


Well guys thats all for now. If you want more tips feel free to let me know and i'll continue to type these. It was alot of fun spreading my knowledge on this.

Well it's also been 1 full year since I've looked at this. So I decided to update this blog by doing it in video/podcast like style! It's my first huge attempt at something like this so I hope you guys like it!


Thanks for reading/watching guys! Hope to see you on the battlefield by my side!

RSA Founder: TheMelvinMan

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