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How I Ended Up Having the Time of My Life on 2b2t

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Culpeo's Avatar Culpeo
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
A few days ago I was thinking about how I could never find a good Minecraft server to play on when my thoughts jumped to 2b2t. Granted it's apparently the worst place on earth (Minecraft-wise), but I was surprised I hadn't given it a shot yet. How hard could it be?
  Ha. Haha. Ha.
  I quickly realized that the hard part was not actually playing on the server, but getting past the ridiculous crash-prone queue that guards the entrance to the Minecraft equivelant of Mordor. One does not simply log into 2b2t. "ok," I said. This is fine. We wait in a queue for a couple hours. No big deal. I have been gifted with the most insane attention span known to man. I can do this. And better yet, we'll have some fun along the way.
  Scatter plots. That was my plan. In order to gain information about what lies ahead, I would predict it using the statistical data gained by sitting in the queue. This way I could estimate how long it would take and better prepare. After all it would only be a few hours.
  How wrong I was...
  According to sources that were somewhat outdated, the queue was not that long, only a couple hours and 600 players. According to real life (so much more accurate) the queue turned out to be at least 10 hours long, ranging from 1,000 to 1,300 players normally. My scatter plot data, when graphed, kept predicting a shallower curve as time went on, which was expected, but the horizontal asymptote was being very discouraging. No biggie. Wait times are no match for my ridiculous attention span. Unfortunately there were more problems.
  According to this nifty site I found, 2b2t.io (yay it has a bunch of graphs), the server restarts every 12 hours or so at seemingly random intervals. They turned out to have a sort of predictable pattern, but not enough to go by. When the wait time is 10 hours or more, it's very hard to enter the queue at exactly the right time so a server restart doesn't get in the way. The queue is very unforgiving during those times. No mercy.
  On my first try, I started in late afternoon, not knowing what I was in for. Two hours later, I accidentally clicked the disconnect button. Not my best moment. I tried again, but being pretty uneducated on the methods and manners of 2b2t queues, I didn't get very far before my self-appointed bedtime got in the way (not to be confused with a much earlier "normal" bedtime that I probably should have used), only about #350 or so. My second try was more calculated, starting in late morning, in preparation for a long wait. Coincidentally, though I didn't realize it at the time, I had joined the queue directly after a restart, during the slow upward climb of the player count. As a result, instead of starting at #1,300, I was already #900. This was my first encounter with the server restart, though it didn't directly affect me as of yet. This boost got me down to about #85 by late evening, but since I had calculated at least another hour or two of wait time, I was not prepared when another server restart happened due to me being away. Kicked out of the queue at #85, I was sure I could do it if everything lined up just right.
  Third try, got up early morning, set up my position in the queue, went back to sleep. I woke up to find that my spot in the queue was non-existant, due to... you guessed it... another server restart. I jumped back in the queue mid-morning, but the damage was already done and there was no spot boost due to the server restart having passed a while ago. This resulted in me getting to about the same spot in the last hundred by late evening. At #55 while I was at my computer (this time), I was able to see firsthand the queue spout the first words all day that didn't correspond to my spot in the queue. "Server restarting in 15 mins." Hope drained from my body. "Server restarting in 10 mins" What could I do. The day's chance was over. "Server restarting in 5 mins." Then I had an idea that just might work. "Server restarting in 15 secs... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1"
  "Everyone has left the game."
  The second I got the error message I raced back to my server list and spammed the refresh button as fast as I could while still being able to see whether I connected or not (it helped that my relative ping for 2b2t was the lowest I've seen for any server I've ever played). A min of clicking later I got the connection, clicked the join button, and hoped for the best.
  I was quickly dumped on a cobblestone lava-cast with no queue in sight.

  TO BE CONTINUED (bc I have a paper to write instead)

  One quick message tho. You too can use these strats to get into 2b2t (pretty sure, but I only have that one datapoint *statisticians crying out in terror*). Just log into the queue (doesn't matter what spot anymore, it's just to get told when the restart happens) and check at least every 15 mins to see when the server is going to restart. You should use 2b2t.io to predict when a server restart will happen so you don't have to wait as long (if one didn't happen recently you'll probably get one (they happen every 12 hours or so)). The min it kicks you and the other people (half of which are probably afk in the queue), spam that refresh button (making sure to wait for the "Pinging..." msg to go away each time you press) and join as soon as it gets back up (about a min or two). With luck, you'll make it in. Just don't go in any portals and do your research so you don't get trapped for good. It's not too bad if you know what you're doing.
CreditReddit for the image. 2b2t for being there so I could climb it.

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10/26/2021 4:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheElmonaterZ's Avatar
Have you tried using autoreconnect lmao
12/29/2020 3:43 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
mmttdj's Avatar
at what time of the day did you have the luck of joining?
cus im joining every night now , but at night it restarts and when i join the queue its at about 400, when i wake up its at 800+ so yeah thats really annoying. (i live in the netherlands)
so do you still know when you joined for the 3rd time?
12/29/2020 10:22 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
Culpeo's Avatar
use 2b2t.io to predict server restarts (and wait in line before hand since it gives you a 15 min warning) and join as soon as the server is back online after one of those (spam refresh). The queue gets kicked, so the sooner you rush back in line, the better a chance you have of getting in right then (and if not you get really far up the queue anyway). idk how ping affects this tho. That was during the 2020 incursion btw.
08/15/2020 5:14 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
A1dsmaster69's Avatar
your making it sound like quantum phisyks just join the queue whenever and pray lmao
08/15/2020 12:54 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
Culpeo's Avatar
lol I think it's simpler than that, but yeah. xD Server restarts soon actually so I'm waiting for that.
Grave The Ghoul
08/10/2020 1:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Grave The Ghoul's Avatar
Nice man! I remember waiting for hours during my early days, but these days its not so bad, though I stopped playing for a long while. Well, its been 3 months, and I was wondering, what other stuff did ya do? Have ya built a base? Can't wait to find out!
08/10/2020 7:59 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
Culpeo's Avatar
I got out of spawn on my second try, traveling a bit right of the axis I was aiming for (to avoid the highways). Did several thousand blocks of travel in the overworld before going to the nether bc I'm just paranoid like that about traps haha. It takes some exertion to get around the lava flows and withers, but I don't think I dropped below half-hunger (I never sprinted except on the cast pk) by the time I hit trees. Apples fixed that fast, but man, they were a chore. Didn't stress too much about food since mobs don't spawn really and walking takes no effort (I can't say why other ppl starve). I was pretty much set on xp and food after I stumbled upon a skeleton grinder in a base about ten thousand blocks out (bones -> meal -> grass (no grass in natural beta) -> seeds -> wheat (accelerated by meal) -> bread). It was kind of ironic since the first owner actually died of starvation with all those bones on his hands, not knowing what to do with them. Did some mining, but the terrain gen was still beta, so I didn't try too hard just yet. Then it was just another 20k of walking in the nether (also riding the rails ;p) ducking into random portals to find the passive mobs I wanted for wool and leather. Set my spawn and tried to cultivate some cows, but wheat only goes so far without a endless supply of bones. I wasn't really thinking of settling down at all, I just liked walking (with a stack each of mushrooms, millions of blocks was a distinct possibility), but I wanted to make sure I had the resources I wouldn't be able to get later. The hunger management and journey is the best part and you can't get it anywhere else, unlike surviving in one place. 2b2t really brings out my nomad and inventory management skills and I love that.
Unfortunately, I had a pretty crappy laptop and I didn't get more than a few hundred thousand blocks out without problems. Getting on the server was hard to manage and the reset wasn't always at the best time for me to play (I don't get to say when it lets me on). I didn't want my playing of 2b2t to control my choices. It should be the other way round instead.I'm planning to get back into it tho because it should be easier now. I have a better pc that won't disconnect spontaneously, I can more easily manage my waiting, and the line is much shorter. So don't count me out of the game yet. ;p
05/08/2020 12:07 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
I'm glad you at least tried it.
05/08/2020 12:58 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
Culpeo's Avatar
Ah, yes, about that. I seem to be playing regularly now. For free if you can believe that.
05/08/2020 10:45 am
Level 41 : Master Theorist
TheoRoar's Avatar
"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that code" -Minecraft Spy
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