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Carl and the AI Fairyland | S1 E1 | Carl VS The Kitten Cubots

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Team UNNAMED's Avatar Team UNNAMED
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Carl the creeper was taking a casual stroll about the minecraftian plains playing Angry Birds on his iPhone SE 2022 when suddenly something happened that was so random that Carl couldn't help but drop everything and watch in amazement, as another odd animal burst out of a tunnel-within-a-tunnel and startled Carl.

"You must be Carl," said the strange beast in a deep voice. "You're new here. You haven't seen a true cubot at work until you see one at work. How do you like the joint?"
Carl hesitated, "C-cubot? What in this blocky world is that? And I've been here for over a decade, but what the chick is a cubot?"

"Well, it's the only word we have for these amazing beasts." The odd cubot gaped in surprise.
"You people have words? All of this is made up nonsense." Carl laughed.
The cubot smiled back, "Well, then I can tell you about the greatest, most adorable, species of cubot of all."

Carl pressed on the "Shoot" button on his iPhone SE 2022 and a giant silver gun appeared in his hands. "OK, then! The furries are the greatest. There are hundreds of thousands of them in the world and you have to be careful with them as they will attack anything and everything. But remember, cubots are not like furries. They are big and clumsy but also very easy to catch." Carl held up his iPhone. "This thing is amazing, it has all the features I need in a phone. Yes, I could get a more powerful one, but look at this thing!" The cubot laughed. "It's the best phone in the world! It's made out of hair."

"This means it is pretty difficult to kill the cubot. Anyway, if you happen to meet one, never, ever, ever play Angry Birds. I hear they put apps on the world phones that cause these amazing creatures to explode and kill people."
"The cubot has a serious work ethic. It will do anything for food. Once it's caught, it will feed itself by eating some fruits it finds around the plains. Well, if you call that fishing." Carl laughed. "It also has special organs that it uses to taste and smell for any dangerous food and will spit any food into the air if it does not like it."

The cubot laughed, "Well then, are you sure about that? You might want to try." Carl pressed the "Shoot" button on his iPhone SE 2022 and the scooter was in his hands. The cubot looked at the shiny white scooter. "Wow! This thing is amazing! It can go for great distances and I can use it to get from A to B quickly. I can leave anytime I want!"

Carl chuckled. "You might want to consider one of these while you're still in the lab, because if you turn out like me you're pretty much screwed. At least I can still walk to my house." Carl held up his iPhone. "This is a really handy device for having work done."
"Really! You can dial anyone? It has a camera too so you can always take pictures of what you're doing to make your work easier" cried the Cubot.

"It's only 12 Megapixels," Carl said. "It doesn't even compare to the current generation." He pressed the "Shoot" button on his iPhone and the skimmer was in his hands. "Wow! It's amazing! It has these huge blades and they move back and forth. It's amazing!"
The cubot gasped. "You can use this to check the dirt and see if anyone has been here. And I can blow it up for any laser beams you might see!"
Carl shook his head. "The last thing I want is lasers. But can we at least get back on topic? WHY are you here?"

"Well, I heard you might be looking for an ovot." Carl looked confused for a minute before finally coming up with an answer. "I don't know what an ovot is, but we are. They are beings made out of only the finest, most stunning hair in the world. And as much as the cubot may appreciate anything that is shiny, it cannot stand up to the importance of having a baguette."

The cubot looked up in shock. "WOW! You make up your own words? You have the amazing knowledge of the old world? Yes, well then let me show you just how good I am at blow jobs!"
The cubot jumped on the scooter and zipped down the hill. "As you can see, I am a genius. I even have this effect on the people in my immediate surroundings. Now, let me take you home so you can test this incredible device on yourself. Bring me some cheese with that!"
Except for one thing: When Carl walked into the lab, the cubot was nowhere to be seen.

Senselessness is the act of doing stupid things without thinking them through in advance. In the eyes of most, Senseless is to do anything, but Senseless is really to kill yourself in a useless act.
But as the Diktat of The Party goes, we are not creatures made out of hair. We have thoughts, opinions and opinions we care to share with the people around us. And by the rules of the Party, we are allowed to disagree with some of the people in our lives without being called a dickhead. But that's as far as we can get. The worst thing we can do is challenge any of the Party's rules with our thoughts and opinions. Why? Because that is the "third word" in the-

"Mr. Narrator? Can you shut your yap up," said Carl. "Because we're trying to do our parts. Not to mention AI is writing this story. AGAIN!!!" Why, yes, you may continue.
"Why thank you. Now where was I," questioned the now suddenly petrified Carl, because he heard a familiar sound behind him. As he quickly turned around without a second thought, he had seen the worst thing he hadn't seen in months - a teenage kitten creeping behind him.

"K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-KIIIIIIIIIITTYYYYYYYYYY!!!" he yelped. He flew offset and out into the wild before crashing into an ovot, which, to Carl's nightmare fuel, had the skin of a cat woman!!!
"K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-KITTY MONSTROOOOOOOOOSITYYYYYYYY!!!!!" He had fainted and was now in the hospital. "What in tarnation? One minute I was surrounded by kitties, the next I'm stuck with a bunch of humans.
Suddenly, everyone in the room gasped and looked at him in shock. It was here when Carl realized all the players were wearing catman/catwoman skins. Carl fainted for another minute and awoke in his bed at home.

"So it was all a dream," Carl wondered. NOPE! Carl saw a cat woman on his wall and he knew it was real.
That was probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I heard she was at the Wacky Races, and she kept getting hit with those ball things. I think they're called "bubble rounds." And then she fainted. I heard it was just Carl's bad luck. It's my bad luck that I got to watch it.

"K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-KIIIIIITSSSSSSS! I HATE THIS FAIRY!!!", screamed the cat woman. "K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-KIIIIIIIIIITTYYYYYYYYYY!!!" cried Carl. "That's my line!" Suddenly, the cat woman asked Carl to marry her underwater. Carl briefly imagined an underwater wedding, with the cat woman wearing a Wetsuit, fins, and snorkeling mask in all her glory. Those 5 seconds made Carl cringe so hard he accidentally blew up the entire Xenoverse in less than half a second and they all lived happily ever after.

Carl and the AI Fairyland | S1 E1 | Carl VS The Kitten Cubots

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Team UNNAMED 07/24/2023 10:19:25 pmJul 24th, 2023


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