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An Open Letter to Server Owners - Paradox Talks Vol. 1

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TeamParadox's Avatar TeamParadox
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
An Open Letter to Server Owners:

What have we become as a community? Over the past few years, we (the Minecraft Community) have turned a blind eye to many of the problems that have plagued the game we all love. However, one issue has become synonymous with Minecraft; rapacious servers and their owners.

Before I get too far, this is not me ranting on why I hate large servers; it’s the opposite. I love the open interaction that Minecraft offers to players. Large servers foster interaction in a way that no other game or server can. This is my way of trying to help the Community improve the standards for all players.

All of the concerns that I present will lead to one overarching issue that runs rampant through our Community; and is spreading through the gaming industry at an alarming pace. I don’t expect to change the world with a letter, but I do ask that you take what I say to heart. The most useful weapon we have in this fight is knowledge.

So, when did “donations” become sales? So many servers use the phrase “donate to the server”; yet offer goods and services in return for your “donations”. Paying for ranks undermines the value of said rank. Whether you are on a PvP, creative, or survival server (or any variation of the three), Minecraftians who buy a rank devalue the work of everyone that has preceded them. When server owners allow new players to be on equal ground with those that have invested time and effort spanning up to years, it creates an atmosphere of complacency which is almost certain to kill innovation and creativity.

If your goal is to turn your server into a viable business, why do many servers alienate their “clientele”? Server owners tend to put power and trust into their friends, regardless of whether they are what is best for the server/community and ignore the larger number of regular players that log in everyday. Server owners tailor their product to a small portion of players; yet expect the entire community to “foot the bill”.  After enabling this behavior for so long, it has become normal for owners and administrators of the server to no longer be publically accessible, instead opting to play on parts of the server that are only accessible to themselves. They remove themselves from the creative process and servers become stagnant and lack innovation.

Both of these issues lead to the overarching problem, peer pressure and idolization in gaming. Gamers, kids in particular, are pressured into “donating” to servers because their idols from YouTube and Twitch asked them to. These internet celebrities know how influential their opinions are to their younger viewers and play off of that idolization. Now I know not every YouTuber and streamer use this method, but it has become commonplace. AND IT ABSOLUTELY SHOULDN’T BE! Donating because of the pressure to do so, or a pipedream that they may get to meet their idol for more than a fleeting moment due to a colored name in the chat, does not solve the broken system that has become the go-to business model for many servers.

Minecraft servers used to be a place where innovation was displayed proudly. Now, the standard has become cookie-cutter servers run by quasi-celebrities that say they need money to improve their server. All we are doing is throwing money at a problem, hoping that it will resolve itself. It is the equivalent of family members “making it rain” in an operating room because the surgeon doesn’t feel like performing a surgery that day. You might think that this is an exaggeration, but I strongly believe that the Minecraft Server Community is on life support. We continue to pump money into these servers, hoping that they can fix these issues because the owners say that’s what they need.

soxhawk of Paradox

To read the follow-up response to article, click here.

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by TeamParadox 11/09/2014 12:36:30 amNov 9th, 2014

Added links to Twitter and Website, general grammar corrections.

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11/03/2014 5:09 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Quanto__'s Avatar
First of all, the EULA fixed this, and with Microsoft owning Minecraft, it will be enforced.

Next, this is one of the exact reasons that I have avoided using "Donate" or "Donation" or any other synonym because it misleads the user. They need to know that I'm going to use some of that money for myself too.

I've never even thought of secluding myself from my community. That's just disrespectful to my fans.

I do hate "cookie-cutter" servers. If you're going to make a server, at least try to make it nice.
10/30/2014 10:42 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
pelagius_septim's Avatar
I feel like a large majority of servers, big and small, monopolize the game play experience. Not all of them are selling game perks, some comply to the EULA, but a large majority spam chat with "Dont forget to donate" "Donate at our website" etc etc. I full heartedly agree with you that servers shouldnt be buisnesses, where they consider donations as sales. But its something to keep in mind, some servers seriously need donations to keep up, and this blog touched base on the donation issues. Awesome blog!
10/30/2014 12:27 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
TeamParadox's Avatar
You are exactly right. I completely agree that server do need money to operate. Smaller servers are at a disadvantage when it comes to raising funds, but their overhead is much lower. My next blog (releasing on Saturday) will help small servers, as well as larger ones, adapt their crowdsourcing model to a system that works better within the EULA and their customer base.
11/24/2014 1:51 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Robot
Zero_Crazy123's Avatar
I agree but a lot of times people will use the money to make the server better, like for example: adding more ram for the server or getting an upgrade on the box the server currently runs on. servers shouldnt have to pay money to operate. THIS IS A GAME FOR KIDS! We are not entrepreneur's.
10/30/2014 12:39 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
pelagius_septim's Avatar
Awesome! Cant wait to read it! :D
10/29/2014 11:04 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
SleepyDog's Avatar
It makes me sad to think, there are charity servers out there. Yet people decide to donate to 'famoose' servers because their idols play there. Well said, however this blog post will never stop the chaous between servers. You should make a post about servers that 'beg' people for money before they shut down.

A big shoutout to this charity server:
Solid proof that there are good servers out their.
10/30/2014 12:32 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
TeamParadox's Avatar
Charity servers are an amazing example of how the Minecraft Server Community can have far reaching effects beyond just Minecraft, and the gaming community in general. Letting players know that the "profit" from the server, money raised less the overhead costs, goes to a specific charity is a great motivator to donate more than just the standard amount (at leat that is my view on it). However, I still believe that charity server still should not sell ranks, items, access to in-game features, etc. They should adhere to the same rules we hold every other server to.
Miss Shadowz
10/29/2014 4:20 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Miss Shadowz's Avatar
Well said.
10/29/2014 4:31 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
TeamParadox's Avatar
Thank you very much!
10/29/2014 11:15 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Robot
Zero_Crazy123's Avatar
I Dont Think Servers Should Be Considered Buisness's MINECRAFT IS A GAME NOT A BUISNESS.
Servers Have Been Ruined By Big Servers. They Have Unfair Donation Perks And Its Just No Longer Fun. Most Servers I Go On They Have All The Sucky Games For Free Then They Have The Best Games But You Have To Donate To Play Them. So Uncool -_-.
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