Ticket #20854
Status: Accepted
Opened by WarlordCarissa
Bug Report
9/3/23 11:23 am 9/3/23 11:23 am
9/3/23 1:11 pm 9/3/23 1:11 pm

Getting "locked out" of skin editor

Unsure who else is having the issue, I didn't think to look around yet, but I been having a problem at random times accessing PMCSkin.

I am using Opera, as my browser on Windows pc, but this never happened before until the new save to cloud function was put in.

After a while of not using the editor, I went to the editor, clicked on the use advanced editor option, and was greeted with the new prompt of selecting yes or no and that saying yes would send me back to the last skin I was making, I think. I skimmed through it mostly.

I clicked yes and waited on the main screen for a while. Which was out of the ordinary sense PMC is very quick with directing me to a new screen or page. I reloaded, getting a prompt that my stuff may not be saved, but reloaded anyway sense I just really wanted to use the editor.

Once reloaded, I clicked on the advanced skin editor option again, not even a prompt showed up this time. I clicked many times to try and get it open, but nothing! Even the basic one didn't open.

Eventually after a loop of reloading, sometimes exiting the menu all together, I finally got the prompt I did the first time. About, saving what I done last and all. This time I clicked no to see what happened. I already uploaded my skin from way before I was sure. I got into no long after, and everything was reset! I dunno if that was the point or not, being I skimmed through this new text, but all of it was cleaned out!

The skin I expected to be wiped clean, but the lay out, my short cut buttons, my palettes, all gone. Luckily I saved one but I couldn't manage to ever get back the other I had lost.

I dealt with it, tried to set up everything how I liked thinking, "maybe this will only happen once?" Nope.

It happened again, randomly. I think mainly after I uploaded a skin, but never a pattern I realized of how many times I uploaded stuff. Today I even had an occurrence of it, getting stuck in the loop of clicking yes, reloading and reloading, exiting and so on. I only had uploaded one today. Yesterday three with no issue. It seems completely random when it occurs. Also, even when selecting yes it can open, but my palettes cleaned out again!

It is kind of an inconvenience when you plan to upload a ton of skins in one day and suddenly get "locked out" of the editor. Not everyone has time, patience or always the motivation to continue after a while.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon and other can relate with this issue. Feels a bit frustrating but I tend to remain calm and hope it gets worked out.

Thank you for reading, hope it can be fixed.

Update: An hour later I got in, but my palette has been wiped again. I read the prompt this time and selecting no before was on me I suppose. It seemed like it was suppose to wipe everything. Kind of strange how it does that an not just the skin.

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09/19/2023 6:15 pm
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat
Paril's Avatar
Was this the palette you lost, btw?
09/21/2023 10:14 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
WarlordCarissa's Avatar
No. I was able to save that one. Thank you anyway. Surprising how much you are trying. And tad spooky you could get other's stuff like that. But I am sure you can't really do anything bad. I can't even think of how.
09/22/2023 1:35 pm
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat
Paril's Avatar
That's very strange. Yeah I added the ability to fetch from other peoples' autosaves after you reported this bug because I was worried about data loss; it did lead me to the bug, though, so it shouldn't happen again in the future. Hopefully.
09/22/2023 2:25 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
WarlordCarissa's Avatar
Alright. Things lately have been running smoother for me. So seems like everything is fine if you done something.
09/08/2023 10:12 am
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat
Paril's Avatar
You can re-load an earlier cloud save from the Settings menu to get your palettes and such back.
I don't really know what caused this one, I can't reproduce it locally so I'm not sure what the issue might be here.

There is one thing I'll be fixing soon which is the auto-save on clicking Reload causing the pop-up to appear when you next reload if you clicked "Reload' instead of "Cancel", but that shouldn't cause the editor to break entirely.

Next time it happens, check Ctrl+Shift+J for any error messages. If you get stuck in this state, let me know on Discord or something and I can diagnose it with you.

When that dialog shows up, it's saying that your local save session and your cloud save session have desynced (another machine has saved a newer session than the one you're using locally). Clicking no will keep your local saved session active; clicking yes will load the cloud save session. Either way, you can load previous saved checkpoints from Settings. I'm not sure how you're getting desynced offhand, though. Your entire PMCSkin3D data is saved on the cloud (palettes, brushes, skin, poses, etc).
09/08/2023 10:57 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
WarlordCarissa's Avatar
So I wasn't suppose to lose my stuff by clicking no? But somehow did? It like was a full reset like I first entered the skin editor. I mainly noticed my palettes and short cut buttons were reset, as well as the preferred color "wheel" shape.
09/08/2023 4:31 pm
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat
Paril's Avatar
It depends. It sounds like somebody loaded up another instance of PMCSkin3D on that same computer and wiped the local data somehow; that's the only way that dialog would have popped up (having saved local data without a cloud upload time).

That being said, I checked in your Cloud Save backups, and you have several that have skins and palettes saved - check through Settings < Load Cloud Save, you might find the one you were missing in there.
09/10/2023 9:33 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
WarlordCarissa's Avatar
It only went back so far it seemed. I didn't work. I am thinking maybe has to do with my palettes existing before the cloud save was ever implemented. I didn't use the editor in a while, and came back to the new dialog and cloud save function. Then it didn't let me in for a while, until I selected no. Now I am thinking, perhaps it didn't ever save my last thing in the first place. So, they are just gone.
09/14/2023 9:52 am
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat
Paril's Avatar
Selecting no will just use whatever was locally on your machine. Which palettes were missing? I loaded a cloud save of yours a few days ago and saw like a skin color palette or something.
Do multiple people use your PC for PlanetMinecraft or is it just you? Do you use other machines to use PMCSkin3D with that account?
09/14/2023 2:08 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
WarlordCarissa's Avatar
There was a hair color one, and only I use my account and PC. And other machines like? Being on laptop or phone somehow? I only have been using PC for about a year or two now, way before the cloud save stuff was added. I used to use laptop but I doubt it would do anything sense I don't use it now at all.
09/07/2023 3:51 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
I have the same problem, it's an issue with the cloud save thing, the way to fix it is to clear all your cache data, in other words closing all your pmc tabs, and reopening them
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