Minecraft Servers

💀 HalfastMC UHC SMP 💀

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HalfastMC's Avatar HalfastMC
Level 47 : Master Dragonborn
💀 HalfastMC UHC SMP 💀
Status Pinging...
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
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The average player will RAGE QUIT after playing 5 minutes on THIS server!

Bedrock Edition and Pocket Edition -

IP: play.halfastmc.com

PORT: 19132

The Minecraft server HalfastMC is an Ultra Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft Server - Hard Mode Survival with no natural regeneration. Players have to use potions, beacons, apples, etc to regenerate health. Monsters spawn more often and hit much harder.

Unlike other servers, players won’t be banned from the server after death. Commands like teleport are very limited, to add more of a challenge to your experience. The server is also very strongly against pay to win, so you won’t see any premium packages for overpowered items.

HalfastMC has a semi-active community, filled with people who have been active for many years, and some players that joined very recently. Most of the community is a mature audience, so join and chat at your own discretion. HalfastMC is the perfect place for players who love survival Minecraft but think it’s way too easy.

Join the Discord community using this link: discord.gg/REGwfwRe6d , or play on the server now using the IP address play.halfastmc.com , or visit our website at www.halfastmc.com.

(This server is a direct descendant of DRAGONHOLLOW / Dragon Hollow - If you used to play there, we play here now!)

3 Update Logs

BEDROCK AND POCKET EDITION CROSSPLAY : by HalfastMC 12/01/2022 9:57:50 pmDec 1st, 2022

Bedrock Edition and Pocket Edition -

IP: play.halfastmc.com

PORT: 19132

Server Updates!

• Markets Update
‣ New Markets added where you can buy claimblocks, some ‘creative-only’ items, uncraftable potions, and more. It is located in the castle garden, or you can take the first warp on the right in the castle (I didn’t label it yet, whoops). If you roam around the castle, you might find other unique shops as well.
‣ You didn’t hear it from me, but there’s an enderman that apparently will buy dragon eggs in exchange for rare items. Maybe you can find him in the End?
‣ More markets and more items will be added over time.

• End Crystal
‣ End Crystal explosions will deal 80% less damage. This is to combat End Crystal PVP, as I found it to be too OP and cheesy. It was either this or to change the recipe for End Crystals to something less easily obtainable.

• Top Survivor
‣ The Beta period will come to a close as it seems like everything has been working well with the plugin. Thanks Lilac!
‣ Prizes for the beta Top Survivor will be given out to those in the top 5 (When I create them).
‣ Top Survivor will start AROUND ( December 1st, 11:30AM UTC
‣ NOTE: this will be 6AM for me so it won’t start on the dot. Hopefully within the hour.

• Voting Party
‣ I updated the voting party so now when 50 votes are reached, a vote party can happen more than once per day. Rewards will be adjusted over time.

• Stream Sniping
‣ The concept of a 24/7 stream spectating the server might be new, so we have to address the concern of “Stream Sniping”. Since it would be difficult to prevent, it is **allowed** on the server.
‣ Everyone will have the same advantage by just simply viewing the stream. The way I see it, the more people viewing the stream the better, as more stream engagement will continue to bring in new players.
‣ Players who are viewing the stream are able to interact with the server - This means that viewers can call out warnings, assists, etc. Keep this in mind when sneaking around. If it becomes too much of an issue, I may consider removing this feature.

• Plugin that replenishes Elytra and Dungeon Loot
‣ I have installed a plugin that should replenish the Elytra in End Cities for players that have not discovered them yet. This change will go into effect when the border is expanded in the End. These item frames will not be able to be destroyed.
‣ Chests in dungeons (natural structures) will always be filled thanks to this same new plugin. Even if the dungeon looks raided - Check the chests anyway!- If you have not discovered it before, there should be some loot in there for you.

• Ender Dragon
‣ I have been spending a lot of time with the Ender Dragons, I’m about 60% finished with all of the loot tables and types of dragons that will spawn. Here’s my progress so far summarized:
‣ There are 6 different Dragon Rarity types: Common (White) -> UnCommon (Green) -> Rare (Blue) -> Epic (Purple) -> Legendary (Yellow) -> Mythic (Red)
‣ The more rare the dragon, the higher the chance it will drop a chest with rare loot (And its respective Dragon Egg)
‣ Loot includes a custom Dragon Egg, custom armor, tools, weapons, and more. *Please keep in mind, usually when I create custom items the first thing I try to consider is making sure the item is not too OP in PVP.*
‣ When killing the dragon, the top 10 players who dealt damage to the dragon will be given a reward automatically.

Community projects posted by members on this server

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• 08/13/2021 6:27 am
• Level 1 : New Miner
Retrohollow's Avatar
• 02/12/2020 1:17 pm
• Level 1 : New Miner
Absurd13's Avatar
Best server out there if you enjoy a challenge...especially if you are tired of "pay to play" servers. This is good raw old fashioned MC fun just a little bit harder :) Great friendly community!!!
• 01/28/2020 7:46 pm
• Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
HyperSilence's Avatar
Don't mind me. Just the owner commenting on his own server....Pretty sad, right?
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