Minecraft Mods

VoxelMap No Radar 1.7.10

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MamiyaOtaru's Avatar MamiyaOtaru
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
*EDIT* I'd like to bring this back. Also to have a Forge version again. Stay tuned

Help Translate VoxelMap!

This is a version of VoxelMap with no mob icons, and no cavemap. Some servers have blacklisted VoxelMap for including these (even though there is a method to disable them). Perhaps they will allow this version (it announces itself as "VoxelMap No Radar"). If they don't because of bad memories or lingering ill-will, oh well. Leaving aside whether it is blacklisted or not, perhaps users will feel more comfortable using this version if it feels less cheaty to them.

If you want the version with Mob Icons and Cave Mode, get it at the usual place. For 1.7.10 and up, the full featured mod with radar and cave mode is Liteloader only. The Liteloader version includes Client Permissions functionality, allowing servers to disable features using the Client Permissions plugin, without relying on janky color codes in the MOTD. The Liteloader version also includes Realms support, as the realms world ID is retrieved using a method Liteloader provides, that I cannot port to this version.

For players, Liteloader works fine with Forge or without it, so you can use it in all the places you might have used the jarmod or Forge versions before. If you have some irrational dislike of liteloader, or simply wish to continue using jarmod or Forge versions, you can use this version of the mod. Since Jarmod and Forge versions do not include ClientPermissions functionality (it's something Liteloader makes possible) you will be stuck without the radar or cave mode. (note, I can't upload jarmod version ATM, will be here soon if PMC gets fixed)

Modpacks: This mod may be included in modpacks, if
  1. I am credited (please include a link to this page)
  2. you do not make money from the modpack. No charging for it or putting it behind an ad link (like adf.ly)

Install: For the forge version, install forge, click Forge Version and save the jar in your .minecraft/mods folder. For the jarmod version, click Download Mod, then use MCPatcher or MagicLauncher to install it Jarmod version is down until PMC fixes their file upload function!
CreditZan for starting this mod, Lahwran for continuing it. All the translators (listed in their respective translation files)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by MamiyaOtaru 07/07/2014 2:30:21 pmJul 7th, 2014

fix for forge mangling unicode characters in source code, which users would see as a welcome screen full of gibberish, among other things

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07/26/2019 9:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
minecraftminesweeper's Avatar
why can't I download this
07/13/2014 2:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Moghidien's Avatar
Is there a 1.7.9 version? I tried to see if this one would work but it doesn't work with 1.7.9 =(
07/13/2014 3:38 pm
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
no.  there was np MCP release for 1.7.9
07/09/2014 9:00 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
kiddabob's Avatar
Can you still make a radar version of the mod that uses forge please?
07/09/2014 11:19 pm
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
the version with the radar works fine with Forge
07/09/2014 2:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
OMGitsMorganHD's Avatar
Only problem I am running into with this mod is sometimes my chunks will despawn then load back up again this doesnt happen when the mod is not installed. I have upped my memory to 3gbs and it still does it. Could it be a compatiblility issue with Optifine or no?
07/09/2014 6:49 pm
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
good description of the issue, thanks.  Pretty sure I know what causes it, but I'm not sure I can do anything about it without losing live updating of the map.  I might be able to in the liteloader version :-/

It could well be something to do with optifine.  Could you test without it?  The map uses chunks' isModified flag to know when to recalculate a chunk.  That variable is not really used by vanilla Minecraft for anything that would cause them to unload and reload, but Optifine might make use of it as part of its optimizations (same way the map does) and maybe they step on eachother doing it. 

If you could test if it happens without optifine, that'd be great.  Again though, if that is the issue, I can only fix it (if at all) for the liteloader version
07/08/2014 5:48 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
saskadani's Avatar
will be non forge version?
07/08/2014 10:22 am
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
both versions of the mod are forge compatible

*EDIT* sorry misread this.  yeah will be jarmod version at some point, having issues uploading right now
07/07/2014 9:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
yurikoma's Avatar
This welcome message needs to be fixed, most people won't know what to do when they come onto my server and see this i57.tinypic.com/2whgild.png
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