Silabear's Avatar
after all these years I’ve finally found *them*
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Level 68 High Grandmaster Bear


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on a more professional note, I do a lot of cool internet things. here are my favourites:

i make epic datapacks! you can view them all on the "content gallery" widget on this page.

datapack hub
i own a community around datapacks with almost 800 members! we've got a minecraft server, website, mod, but most importantly epic discord server!

datapack jam
admin in a team which runs occasional datapack competitions here on PMC! initially started by TheMobo but now we have a big team helping us with trophies and stuff. discord and group

game dev
i’m working on a couple of nice 2D puzzle games as part of a small indie team that I can’t wait to tell you about! i’m also collaborating with someone on pmc on a shorter game which I’m hyped about too 👀

Planet Minecraft


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