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    04/24/2020 3:21 am
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
    MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
    I'd be rather surprised. There's at least one nasty bug in 20w17a that corrupts older worlds (rain underground, maps messed up). I guess they could do a bugfix version and call it a release candidate, and not do any more "snapshots" with added features or anything. But 20w17a makes a ton of changes under the hood and I suspect it's going to get some time to get them all verified working smoothly
    07/03/2014 9:39 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    start by punching a tree. Also, since I had to figure this out when I started, hold down the punch button instead of pressing it over and over again
    07/01/2014 5:41 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    MamiyaOtaruthis is still a thing
    Just stays like this forever

    The max size for mods is 10mb. You are likely over that limit, and pmc doesn't have a way of telling you it is too big, it will just keep saying uploading. Upload the file to dropbox or mediafire and use the mod file mirror box to put the link to the file in at the bottom of the editor.

    I'm aware of the size limit. This is the same mod I've been uploading for a couple years now. It happens to be less than 450kb. Great guess though I'm really glad you are here to obfuscate things

    If I sound annoyed, it's because my previous post, which you apparently didn't see since it's on the previous page and who would go there spelled out both the size of the file, and why I would like to upload it directly *in addition to* (not instead of) providing a mediafire link.
    06/29/2014 7:55 am
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    this is still a thing

    Just stays like this forever
    06/27/2014 1:58 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    06/27/2014 1:54 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    Has that size been recently drastically reduced? I can no longer upload updates to a mod that has been hosted on PMC for a couple years. It's a .zip file, about 450kb. It just never finishes. Slightly annoying as I like to host one version here, then use the mediafire mirror link for a different version.

    This is new behavior in the last few days
    05/09/2014 12:59 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    Does not matter. It's like it says in PlanetMinecraft's rules:

    All modified content must have the permission of the original creator to modify or use the work. Proof must be provided at the top of the submission and be either specific to you, or broad towards all users in the community. Stating who originally made the work is not permission

    Copyright is pretty much the same. Saying someone else owns it doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever you want with it. Someone else still owns it.

    Now that Nintendo has stopped tolerating them (or first noticed them, whatever) they are done. TBH it's probably a matter of time for Pixelmon too
    03/18/2014 7:59 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    XslareRegardless however, minecraft still displays everything, by default, as 16x16.
    Textures (on blocks anyway) are represented internally by an "icon", which is a link to the terrain texture (all block textures mashed together) and coordinates within the terrain texture for top, bottom, left, right (or width and height, I forget). It doesn't matter how far apart those points are (different blocks can even have points that are different distances from each other): there is no 16x by default. Nowadays the only 16x by default is the size of the default textures.

    The "LESS LAG PACK"s are simply playing off of a placebo effect, nothing more.
    Despite textures of different sizes being handled the same, I'm not 100 percent sure this is true. Applying some reductio ad absurdum, if it was, higher res packs wouldn't run slower. Load up Sphax 512 and tell me there isn't a difference. 16x for sure runs faster than 512x, I don't think it's out of the question that, for extremely low end machine, 8x might be a bit faster than 16x.

    However, given that Minecraft treats different resolution block textures the same, I think the 512 packs slow things down due to excessive use of video memory. A graphics card that has so little memory that 8x works better than 16x is very likely to be bottlenecked by something else. So practically speaking I would be shocked if 8x really did anything to speed things up
    03/08/2014 9:49 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    gta4 on consoles looked like gta4 on PC with the graphics turned down to a combo of medium and low. gta5 came out on the same consoles that gta4 came out on and can't be much more demanding. PCs have only become more powerful on average since then
    03/06/2014 3:12 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    1.10 is a perfectly fine version number and the next one after 1.9.

    1.11 and 1.12 could come next. They aren't decimals.
    09/26/2013 5:15 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    I want them to stop making drastic changes to the internals with every release
    09/20/2013 11:52 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    good. I can finally get rid of crusty fallback code in my minimap for cards that don't support FBOs
    09/20/2013 10:53 am
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    Caboose0308I don't see what is the problem with a mature 11-12 year old.

    That's like saying there's no problem with a unicorn.

    You may think you are mature, but you are not in a position to be able to make that judgement. See the Dunning Kruger Effect ( ... ger_effect ). You are not mature enough to recognize what maturity even means, and so are not capable of making an accurate assessment. But you don't know that, so you make one anyway and assume it's correct. It's not. Sorry.
    07/28/2013 7:02 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    07/03/2013 6:41 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    pebble225I looked up a tutorial for how to install minecraft 1.6.1 mods and it didn't even work. So ever since this update came out, I couldn't install any mods because everyone is being ignorant!
    2. The minecraft jar is under versions/1.6.1 now.
    Do any of you know how to install a Minecraft 1.6.1 mod?

    yeah, you can't install mods because everyone else is ignorant
    07/03/2013 4:18 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    it took me two solid days to update the minimap, mostly because of resource packs, but also due to the removal of RenderManager and its partial replacement by TextureManager. Lots of variables are now no longer public as well. From a coding standpoint I really haven't been happy with 1.6.1. Also horses icons have to be shown at a different angle from all the other ones thanks to them being about the most complex model in the game. Artwork consistency has taken a hit
    07/02/2013 8:44 am
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    why would you blame the launcher? It seems far more likely that the new Minecraft version is causing a slowdown. Unless you've tried running old jars with the new launcher and that is slow too

    that said, haven't noticed any slowdown
    05/10/2013 10:10 am
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    brag brag brag
    04/28/2013 6:42 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    FTB: for being fastidious with permission
    04/23/2013 8:08 pm
    Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
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    I wouldn't call battlefield a sim either. Closest to an infantry sim would be ArmA. Which has its own problems of course, like janky controls. Far bigger maps than battlefield though

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