Kokano's Avatar
the grind is almost here!! time to not get any sleep for 30+ days again this june!!
Level 65 High Grandmaster Procrastinator

Wall Posts

  • Kokano's Avatar
    December 7, 2023, 8:40 pm to Public
    (a little bit of a rant, I’m sorry.
    don’t read if you don’t want to, idc because nobody does anyways)

    the world truly is an evil place, and the people on it are just no exception.
    every time i try to say something, others simply ignore or make a joke out of it, even if it’s serious.
    they don’t understand what i’ve been having to go through for over three years.
    they don’t and they won’t care. they don’t understand, and they certainly don’t want anything to do with that idiot that sits by a wall during every lunch period at school for two of those years.
    that idiot just wants someone to talk to regularly, a friend, a real friend, but everyone’s either way too intimidating, even if they’re a year or two younger, or again, don’t want anything to do with them.
    almost every day, they just feel the need to cry. but either only a teacher notices or nobody notices. they don’t understand.
    they feel as if the only place they’ve known is no longer the place they want to be.

    (will delete this later.. probably..)
    Elyrantha said 2023-12-13 01:04:52
    Elyrantha's Avatar
    If you want to talk about it, just ask for my discord if you have it too, and I’ll be available to talk!
    partyweevil said 2023-12-08 12:56:56
    partyweevil's Avatar
    yeah, the world is pretty bad. but life can always get better. It usually does too. you can dm if you want cause i dont wanna type out a bunch of stuff here, but ultimately, if you want things to change you have to start with yourself. that doesnt mean changing who you are, and that doesnt mean its easy. that said, there are lots of things you can do to make little steps, and help yourself. and also, there are good people, you can find them, and they can help you out of whatever youre in by being there for you every day and driving you forward. theres often a lot going on in peoples lives that make things way harder than anyone could understand. even with that, there are still options. again you can dm me even if you just want to vent. you are strong.
  • Kokano's Avatar
    December 3, 2023, 2:49 pm to Public
    me, june-september 2023: this is it, this is the only book I’m writing. I took a break for a year, and now I’m back just to do this one experiment.

    me, september-november 2023: okay, I promise this time. this will be the last book I write before I retire from writing. this second one will be the last one.


    idk what this is, don’t ask. just need to post something cause this account has been dead for a week (might be coming back tomorrow).
    but yeah, for like the past month my mind has been wanting to do this sort of story with a school that’s been lost for decades and paranormal stuff happen at it every night, and like these characters just get trapped there and have to stop whatever’s happening at the school before they go missing or something.
    IT’S A HUGE WORK IN PROGRESS and idek if I’ll actually do it, but i don’t have any better ideas for it..
    MerBatPhan89 said 2023-12-04 12:17:06
    MerBatPhan89's Avatar
    I hope things work for you with your book.
    ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2023-12-03 15:36:52
    ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
    :0 That sounds like a cool story!
    I have 10 and I haven't written a single one yet xD
  • Kokano's Avatar
    November 20, 2023, 4:59 pm to Public
    so, until I can figure out how to make an entire skin using the pmc editor on my phone, it looks like I might be quitting skindex for a while and only uploading on here for a bit.

    for the past few days, I’ve been experiencing this really annoying distortion glitch on my skins whenever I upload them on skindex. they look perfectly fine in the editor before I post them, but after they’re posted they just look HORRENDOUS in random spots. I don’t know how to describe this but the site will just change the values/hex codes of some pixels and make them lighter or darker than what they’re supposed to be.

    i have no idea how to fix this weird visual glitch but it looks like only skins on skindex are affected by this.

    (also I’m not sure if this image will work or not since i still don’t understand how to get pictures to show up in pmc widgets and posts, but if not just click the link ig-)
    megami said 2023-11-23 21:08:21
    megami's Avatar
    I don't get why skindex is so broken

    I know I mentioned to you that I did a skin that I could clearly see was putting out a different color than when I used the color picker tool it said it was the same color when it was trying to change the colors to a shade just a bit of a hue off

    god why does the skindex editor suck so bad, I would switch to pmc but it takes so long and is more frustrating
    r a i n b o w said 2023-11-20 18:11:10
    r a i n b o w's Avatar
    for the photo thing - if u change the dropdown menu from "viewer links" to "bbcode full linked" and copy paste that it should insert a photo <3
    cloudkitty said 2023-11-20 17:01:12
    cloudkitty's Avatar
    It doesn't actually show up for others, only you

    but yeah it was really unsettling the first time haha
    I can check to make sure though
  • Kokano's Avatar
    October 28, 2023, 12:10 am to Public
    taking a small break from uploading ig
    after i post another contest entry first

    need to focus on school for a bit, and also need to prepare skins for a new, upcoming series I’m doing, and I’d rather have them all finished and ready to post when I get to them.

    see y’all in like a week or something.
    FlameofShadows said 2023-10-28 08:17:49
    FlameofShadows's Avatar
    Ok! I can't wait to see you again soon! Have a nice school break, and I can't wait to see your new series! (I bet it's amazing!! <33)
  • Kokano's Avatar
    September 29, 2023, 1:06 am to Public
    could just be me actually trying to speed through my work because of tight deadlines, but I think I’ve gotten faster at writing five-paragraph essays-
    i just finished one that’s due tomorrow and I only spent yesterday and today working on it.
    normally it takes me like a week to finish an essay, and that’s mostly because I’m procrastinating starting on the essay for over half the week.

    but I’m hoping I get at least a good grade on this one. however because of how little time I actually spent working on it (and I didn’t have any sort of outline other than like 3 notes), i pretty much just rushed through it-

    now we need to present our essays and presentations in class tomorrow :thumbs_up: yay, how fun…
  • Kokano's Avatar
    August 15, 2023, 3:20 pm to Public
    as of today, school has officially started back up for me :/
    I don’t know how this will affect my ability to make skins during this next year, especially since my parents want me to stop procrastinating my online classes ;-;

    so I may disappear from time to time, or I may be able to continue uploading regularly, we’ll see. :o

    anyways sorry for the lame announcement. mostly posting this as I haven’t made a wall post in 3 weeks and I don’t think any of us want to continue to see a post about trades LOL.

    for those of you also starting school pretty soon (or have already started), I wish y’all good luck in the year to come!
    Kokano replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2023-08-15 15:35:14
    Kokano's Avatar
    ahh lucky :o
    thank you! and good luck to you as well!
    PsioPsia001 said 2023-08-15 15:30:53
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    I have over 2 weeks left, good luck with school!
  • Kokano's Avatar
    July 25, 2023, 2:42 am to Public
    boring announcement time

    briefly opening trades for a little bit. will be accepting trade requests until the end of the month.

    lmk if anyone feels like doing a trade lol
    also if you have a preference on a theme, you can state that too

    (okay bye-)
    Kokano replied to piinkmarshmallow's comment below 2023-07-26 12:30:33
    Kokano's Avatar
    okay, then I’ll try to get something out for my side soon
    autumn replied to Kokano's comment below 2023-07-25 15:36:24
    autumn's Avatar
    yeah, same
    piinkmarshmallow replied to Kokano's comment below 2023-07-25 15:27:32
    piinkmarshmallow's Avatar
    umm... bees?
    Kokano replied to autumn's comment below 2023-07-25 15:06:12
    Kokano's Avatar
    lol alright
    so like witches and stuff? if so, I’ll try to get my side out by tomorrow or the next day.
    autumn replied to Kokano's comment below 2023-07-25 14:56:26
    autumn's Avatar
    m a g i c
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  • Kokano's Avatar
    July 1, 2023, 8:20 am to Public
    can’t believe sf is actually over now
    i can actually sleep for once

    man, yesterday really burned me out xd

    now it’s time to go post those 8 skins I made yesterday but didn’t have the time to post them here when it was still Friday

    also damn 34 attacks received?? sob, I didn’t deserve to get that many fanskins, thanks you guys-
    lyricallyprotected said 2023-07-02 22:57:42
    lyricallyprotected's Avatar
    nah, you deserved every single one.
  • Kokano's Avatar
    June 1, 2023, 3:59 am to Public
    its my birthday today lol

    i am now officially 365 days older than i was last year-

    oh and i’ll be posting more sf attacks on here this time, but I’ll probably start that over the weekend since I won’t have the time today and tomorrow.

    xd that’s it lol

    hope you’re all having a nice day/night so far
    Fartsaasaa said 2023-06-01 11:15:12
    Fartsaasaa's Avatar
    happy b day then 🎂
    Jasmine_ said 2023-06-01 11:09:45
    Jasmine_'s Avatar
    happy birthday!
    katress said 2023-06-01 09:54:28
    katress's Avatar
    r a i n b o w said 2023-06-01 07:00:05
    r a i n b o w's Avatar
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY (hang on imma make u a fs just wait whilst i revise for a bit lmao)
    lacuna said 2023-06-01 06:59:27
    lacuna's Avatar
    happy birthday!! >:D
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  • Kokano's Avatar
    April 6, 2023, 3:07 am to Public
    aight, just realized how fricking close I am to level 50, like what in the world, time goes by so fast-
    just wondering, should I do something to celebrate this milestone when the time comes? like a reshade or smth? idk, what do y’all think-

    also I still don’t understand how to insert pictures on pmc, so bam there’s an imgbb link of proof of how close I currently am atm. (imgur doesn’t work on my phone :/ )


    BUT ANYWAYS YEAH, should I do anything for lvl 50?
  • Kokano's Avatar
    February 22, 2023, 3:59 am to Public
    smh, there’s so much drama and too many issues on skindex, I’ve had enough of it-
    y’all, so basically i’ll be moving here for a bit until the current bit of drama has been resolved (if it ever will be), so expect more uploads here over the next few days.

    don’t even ask why i’m announcing this, it’s 1 in the morning, I’m tired and annoyed, but I know I won’t have enough sleep after this. also i don’t even feel like changing my status so-
    Northcoast said 2023-04-06 03:27:10
    Northcoast's Avatar
    It feels like every minecraft website atm is riddled with drama...
  • Kokano's Avatar
    December 1, 2022, 4:34 pm to Public
    this is going to sound like a really stupid question, but how do you insert pictures into widgets on your profile lol

    im trying to add a picture to my about me, though I can’t figure out how you do it.

    ty in advance to anyone that sees this and tries to help.
    autumn replied to Kokano's comment below 2023-02-15 11:30:46
    autumn's Avatar
    Kokano replied to autumn's comment below 2023-02-15 11:13:16
    Kokano's Avatar
    i’m on mobile, specifically I use an iphone. (pmc and skindex are blocked on both of my computers)
    autumn said 2023-02-15 05:11:03
    autumn's Avatar
    are you on mobile or like a laptop or computor
    r a i n b o w said 2023-01-04 07:22:09
    r a i n b o w's Avatar
    I always use this website. Just upload it then choose "don't autodelete". Then choose "BBCode full linked". Copy that. Paste it into pmc. the photo will be a link to the website so click the unlink button (The one thats the link button with sparks). Sometimes there will be a link underneath the photo as an advert - just delete that
    It has pro options but honestly i have no idea what they do and have never needed them :)
    ShadowOnTheLoose said 2022-12-01 16:58:33
    ShadowOnTheLoose's Avatar
    if you take this site and upload an image, then copy the direct link
    and paste it into the correct box on the image thing
    it should work well-

    you dont have to sign up for anything either
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  • Kokano's Avatar
    October 8, 2022, 11:45 am to Public
    hey guys!
    i know I never really make announcements on here, but I am quite curious about something and I’m not really sure who to ask.

    so I’ve been trying to post this skin for about 8 hours (more like 3, because then I went to bed for the other 5), and the site just does not want to upload it. I’ve tried removing parts of the description, setting it to upload automatically by a certain time, but it still just gives me a spinning circle and nothing else.
    I am not sure as to what it is going on. I thought maybe it was my internet because this has happened before, so I left the tab open for a bit while I just watched youtube. I waited for a few more hours to try to post again, and it still isn’t working.

    So my question is, is it possible for the site to block your skin from being posted, like on skindex, but they just don’t tell us? (Because I mean, only leaving you on a blue or orange spinning circle doesn’t tell you much).

    I doubt anyone will actually see this as I’m barely known on this site, but I thank anyone who does actually see this and can try to help.
    Don't worry guys, I’ll keep trying before the day is over..
    ShadowOnTheLoose said 2022-10-08 11:52:18
    ShadowOnTheLoose's Avatar
    not usually...
    maybe make a ticket and let them know about it
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