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    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      June 3, 2024, 10:53 am to Public
      It's my birthday today and I realized something:
      I got enough time to bring some packs to 1.20.5, but not all of them. So, I've decided that since I won't be able to bring all my releases to 1.20.5 in time anyway, I'll be working towards getting them all ready for 1.21 instead, which is coming in about 2 weeks from now.

      What does this mean?

      • You'd get all the features I announced (even the ones previously delayed), plus all the secret features I have yet to show (designed specifically for 1.21) as soon as possible after 1.21's release.
      • I'd get more time making sure the Update Series is the best it can be before it's out there.
      • It does mean you'd have to wait for it a bit longer, but late is just a little while.
        I could try to force it out the door, but that's not who I wanted to be, and I wouldn't want to use anything coming from someone like that anyway.
      Thank you for reading all this. I'll head back to work now. More news soon!
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 30, 2024, 9:04 am to Public
      I predicted a June release for 1.21 and a possibility that it'll come as I'm working on the 1.20.5 Update Series. I mean, it has to be out by June so Minecon may come with news for 1.22. And the Prereleases are here to confirm my little theories.

      Here's a little response to that: I'll get my projects to 1.20.5/6 first, then to 1.21. The jump from 1.20.5 to 1.21, relatively speaking, is smaller than the jump from 1.20.4 to 1.20.5, so that won't take as much time in the oven as it would be for the 1.20.5 Update Series.

      However, with the new features 1.21 is bringing, all fully realized, some of my packs will be designed much differently to adapt to the changing scene.
    • New in Town | The Settler's Experience Data Pack
      Minecraft 1.20 Extensive Data Pack
      468k 105.6k 1.3k
      x 10
      kanokarob's Avatar kanokarob 5/27/24 11:13 • posted 6/23/20 9:35
    • Copper Golem
      Minecraft 1.21 pre-release Mob Data Pack
      63.5k 14k 328
      x 1
      iRtaRyZ's Avatar iRtaRyZ 5/25/24 3:57 • posted 10/19/21 8:26
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 25, 2024, 7:36 am to Public
      Made a hard decision today to not do something I was going to add alongside the 1.20.5 Update Series, and saving it for a later version. I find the idea to be a pretty good one, and I'll get to it eventually, but the main problem with going for it now is that it's going to take way too long to complete for a side improvement, and I want to mess around with the new stuff in 1.20.5 as much as you are. I'll talk more about the removal on Patreon in the next few days.

      As for the update plan: I'll be updating each pack individually and release them when they're ready, so you'll get them as soon as possible
      (plus about 2 weeks for Early Access - which would be free if I don't need money to live, but ... life). Some packs have new features to come with them, and all packs' descriptions are going to be overhauled, but I'll let you know more about the new stuff and changes in particular later on.

      PS: whenever I mentioned 1.20.5 I also meant 1.20.6 too, it's just that 1.20.6 is just 1.20.5 with a bugfix that won't affect my projects like, at all.
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 23, 2024, 7:08 am to Public
      Also, yes, I'm still working on the Update Series - that's the biggest priority on the list right now. But I still want to keep you guys posted just so you know I'm not like, gone or anything.
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 23, 2024, 6:43 am to Public
      Kinda ironic that 1.21 is the release that's going to make what I'm adding with 521 a lot less interesting ... The feature that caused it is a good change, I just find it to be a bit ... ironic.
    • iRtaRyZ's Avatar
      May 21, 2024, 6:12 pm to Public
      This week I will release an update for my copper golem datapack! 🫡
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 19, 2024, 12:49 am to Public
      Just learned today that if you haven't migrated to Microsoft from a historical Mojang account, your account is permanently deleted and you have to buy the game again.
      Even if you have the receipt of the original purchase.

      Heck, to this day you can still migrate your old YouTube account for free.
      17 years after YouTube's acquisition to Google, that deal held on.

      Props to SalC1 for doing the experiment and confirming this with hard data.
      TheDiamondPlayables replied to MarkSarmite's comment below 2024-05-19 07:17:33
      TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      I'd still make the comparison if it is since the point is still there.
      It's probably even worse for Microsoft if that's actually the case, regardless of if the YouTube migration deal is still held.
      MarkSarmite said 2024-05-19 05:33:57
      MarkSarmite's Avatar
      yt is not under microsoft
    • Wandering Trader Announcements
      Minecraft 1.20 Quality of Life Data Pack
      20.5k 3.1k 38
      x 3
      Ercerus's Avatar Ercerus 5/17/24 11:50 • posted 6/30/21 2:18
    • Ships out on the oceans
      Minecraft 1.20 Adventure Data Pack
      333k 124.3k 340
      x 5
      Ercerus's Avatar Ercerus 5/17/24 11:27 • posted 3/15/19 3:10
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 16, 2024, 10:20 am to Public
      Another random piece of trivia: The file containing the things I need to know in order to port any given project to 1.20.5 is around 200 lines long, and counting! As a reference point, the same file with the things I need to know in order to port from 1.20.2 to 1.20.3 is only around 30. (the count is 27 if you were wondering)

      Bit of context here: For every new release, I used a self-made tool called the "Patch Notes Grabber" to get information off a given update log, or a series of snapshots leading to a big update and merges all that into one mega update log (if the update log itself isn't out yet), then carefully sort through the resulting data for the stuff I need to pay attention to in order to bring a project to a given release.

      It's standard practice for me now, but I never really talked about it since it's more of the boring bits, but I still need to let you know I'm still bringing this to 1.20.5, this'll just take a while for me.
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 16, 2024, 2:51 am to Public
      I'm starting to think that this bug is on its track to becoming the 2nd Damage Wobble bug.
      It was a thing once, got removed, then many years later was re-implemented again and felt like a new feature.
      (Technically this one was never a thing, but alternatives existed that did the same thing - all of which were removed instead)

      If 1.21 is released without this bugfix I'll look for another path to bring back "/nameless" to Villager Names myself. (Hopefully there'll be another way around it by then)
    • William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld (1.20+)
      Minecraft 1.20 World Generation Data Pack
      551.7k 138.4k 1.2k
      x 10
      WilliamWythers's Avatar WilliamWythers 5/15/24 6:09 • posted 10/9/20 5:22
    • Towering Tepuis (for Overhauled Overworld 1.20.4-1.20.6)
      Minecraft 1.20 - 1.21 pre-release World Generation Data Pack
      4.2k 455 16
      x 9
      WilliamWythers's Avatar WilliamWythers 5/13/24 6:57
    • Navigable Rivers (for Overhauled Overworld 1.20.4-1.20.6)
      Minecraft 1.20 World Generation Data Pack
      31.9k 7.2k 14
      x 9
      WilliamWythers's Avatar WilliamWythers 5/13/24 6:22 • posted 10/8/23 12:23
    • Cliffs and Coves (for Overhauled Overworld 1.20.4-1.20.6)
      Minecraft 1.20 World Generation Data Pack
      30.1k 6.5k 3
      x 10
      WilliamWythers's Avatar WilliamWythers 5/13/24 6:22 • posted 10/8/23 12:28
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 12, 2024, 8:17 am to Public
      3 days later, I got a brand new tool out of it. This'll help me shave off a ton of time posting stuff (and managing them) across multiple platforms.
      look, building a parser from scratch is tough beans, alright?
    • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
      May 9, 2024, 5:32 am to Public
      Decided to speedrun HTML and CSS in 4 hours - I'll need them for future update shenanigans.
      Just the basics of them anyway, I can always improve it later on.
    • Sun Fox from Isle Granchio
      Fox (Java) Mob Skin
      100 4
      Ercerus's Avatar Ercerus 5/8/24 4:08
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