Lore of Virtual-Reality
Final destination - Finalist Theorist
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    The Great End
    A group where you theorize about finalizing the final lores in the world of reality and gaming mostly Minecraft.
    And other stuff if you are bored IRL related.
    Let's DOMINATE the LORES
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    What are the Endermen?
    The Endermen were Ancient Builders that get stuck on The End dimension. The End is filled with only one food source called Chorus Fruit that can teleport you randomly. The Ancient Builders ate them then they adapted with their food and surrounding in The End. Until decades later the turned into an Enderman. A three blocks tall creature that can teleport through time and space, manages to travel to another dimension.
    Shall There Be A New Minecraft's Armor?

      In addition 1.21 update to the new menacing weapon, the Mace. It brings a new heavy items to Minecraft with some new aspect. Since it has a peculiar item called "heavy core" it should have done one thing. And what does heavy thing does? It SLOWS YOU DOWN! So from a perspective, there must be lower attack speed for the new weapon.

      Now, lets talk Heavy Armor. Heavy Armor is basically from the heavy core item that is melted only using blast furnace, with the burning source of lava only. The heavy core item will be melted into heavy plates. And uses NETHERITE ARMOR! Then you must put it into smithing table. Basically OP!

      In addition to this, Mojang need to make a new heavy upgrade. Since the Heavy Armor is now stack with more Heavy Items, and ever since netherite armor is incredibly heavy, with one netherite ingot contains 4 golds. Then, there must be a low speed for the armor, for a start Mojang can make the player wearing one part of the Heavy Armor can not sprint or run accept walk obviously.

    Bonus+++ Notes for Mojang
    *Make every part of an armor has different speed effect depends on their types
    *Shall just make it have a lower speed
    *Shall never give attack speed for Bedrock Edition!
    What is the origin of Enduno1?
    When the Ancient Builders became the Endermen. Their first apperence were slightly different from the endermen nowadays. Their skin were black with two bright green eyes. Some even mutated into White Endermen, with white skin(obviusly) and two bright green eyes. Just like us humans. The endermen also mated with one another. One time, there were White Enderman who mated wuth Regular Enderman. The mating between these two perculiar enderman brought a new mutated enderman with black skin, with the halfsight eyes of bright purple and bright green. The mutation carry on with the past generation. Until, when an The Last Mutated Enderman, breed with a human. And their mutation was very strong, and then. *Starting World Geneeration* I was born. With the skill of teleportation from the endermen and high-knowledge of the world from the humans. I became the ultimate creation of mobs and players. I can travel between dimensions with a blink of an eye, travel between space and time. And with the Star of The End in the sight of my eye. I gain eternal life. With that time, I recreate the Minecraft World through my imagination. New Dimensions, Lost World, New Items, Blocks, Mobs, BOSSES. In the time being. I am on a mission to study to enter the world of Mojang and the Lego Group. And help bring balance to the world of play and joy.
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