Skinterest's Avatar
Share your skin ideas in our guestbook!
Expert Group
Level 27
A group all about sharing ideas for skin creators to use as inspiration!


What are the requirements for joining?
Our group has a variety of roles/positions people may apply for! To apply for a creative role, you must share an example of what you're planning to post. You may apply for more than one role. You can apply through a PM to a moderator OR through our guestbook. To apply for the member role, you must only ask to join.

The MEMBER role currently has NO permissions. Members may post in our guestbook and will have access to voting in polls and participating in community events!

Current creative roles include:
- EVENT ORGANIZER: event organizers will help out with any prompts/raffles/contests or other events hosted by the group or it's members! This role has access to our wall, content, and collections.

- BASE CREATOR: base creator is a role for posting skin bases. Bases may be unshaded or shaded. This role has access to our wall and content.

- AESTHETIC CREATOR: aesthetic creator is a role for posting moodboards or collages. If you like making moodboards or collecting images, this role is for you! This role has access to our wall and content.

- WRITER: writer is a role that's mainly focused toward blogs. Some ideas of what a writer could provide to the group: tutorials, round-ups, prompts, or general ideas that don't necessarily have visuals. This role is a bit obscure, so make sure to give examples of what we can expect from you in your application! This role has access to our wall and content.

- COLLECTOR: a collector is someone who puts together themed skin collections. If you're someone who doesn't make skins or moodboards, you may want this role. Collection themes MUST be approved by a moderator. This role has access to our wall and collections.
How do I submit an idea?
Currently, people with the member role and non-members may submit ideas through our guest book.

People with creative roles may post directly to our wall and submit their own content!
I used an idea, how do I share to the group?
There are a few ways you can share with us!

- Post to the guestbook
- @Mention or message a moderator
- Tag your submission with 'skinspiration'

Also, if you've used an idea from a community member, please be sure to credit them directly! You can do so with an @mention.
Is there a time limit/due date for the idea I want to use?
Unless specifically stated, no.
Typically, only contests and events will have due dates and they will be explicitly mentioned.

If you're using a community submitted idea from the guest book or round-up blog and you're still unsure, ask the person who originally shared the idea!
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