Starting my projects

RocketStudio's Avatar RocketStudio2/17/24 4:54 am history
2/17/2024 1:51 pm
RocketStudio's Avatar RocketStudio
So, tomorrow, Sunday 18th, i will be able to work on my future zombie apocalypse map project (and maybe i will work on my other projects). I'm not gonna have much time, see my first topoc, "informations"
If anyone is motivated in anyway to help me (that can be help me bilding as well as just giving suggestions, i like suggestions), ask me in the comments of this topic :) and if you don't want, then, just don't.
Posted by RocketStudio's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Mountaineer

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02/17/2024 11:50 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
meermeer3's Avatar
You can summon in zombies at a specific location with a specific timer with command blocks:

Giving yourself a repeating command block or a chain command block:
/give @s minecraft:repeating_command_block
/give @s minecraft:chain_command_block

First make a scoreboard called timer:
/scoreboard objectives add timer dummy

Use a repeating commmand block that counts up the timer with this command:
/execute unless score 1/20sec timer matches 300 run scoreboard players add 1/20sec timer 1

Use a chain command block that resets the timer:
/execute if score 1/20 timer matches 300 run scoreboard players set 1/20sec timer 0

Summoning a zombie on a specific location every 15 seconds with a repeating command block (always active):
/execute if score 1/20sec timer matches 299 positioned x y z run summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {PersistenceRequired:1,active_effects:[{id:speed,amplifier:0,duration:-1,show_particles:0b}]}

x y z are the coordinates for your zombie location

If you want to give the zombie effects or not make any noise:

Hope this helps :) Unfortunately zombies can't find their targets without seeing them first I made a lazy fix for this with on a repeating command block:
/execute as @e[type=zombie] at @s if entity @p[distance=10..] run tp @s ^ ^ ^1 facing entity @p[distance=10..] feet

This will make them teleport through walls though

So you can also do this but they won't be able to find you through walls:
/execute as @e[type=zombie] at @s facing entity @p[distance=10..] feet if block ^ ^ ^1 minecraft:air run tp @s ^ ^ ^1 facing entity @p[distance=10..] feet

Have fun!

02/17/2024 1:51 pm
Level 28 : Expert Mountaineer
RocketStudio's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for these commands! I was planning to use mods but i may use these instead, but Idk if they work in 1.12.2.
Planet Minecraft


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