Custom Worldgen: Trees Stack on each other

Pillowsleeve's Avatar Pillowsleeve4/15/24 12:41 pm
3 emeralds 114 2
4/16/2024 11:18 am
Pillowsleeve's Avatar Pillowsleeve
Hi, I've recently started enhancing my own Minecraft experience by learning how to code (sorta). I have been learning how to make textures, models, datapacks, mods and plugins. I want to keep my Minecraft changes as vanilla as possible so datapacks are my main way to go.

Whilst creating my first ever custom biome I ran into an issue where trees are stacking on top of each other; anyone know what's causing this?
Posted by Pillowsleeve's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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04/15/2024 6:09 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
If you can identify what's cuasing this, it would be worth publishing (i.e. blog) because I can see instances where someone might want to stack trees intentionally…
04/16/2024 11:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pillowsleeve's Avatar
I'm currently troubleshooting trough trial and error...

Edit: I've been trough a lot of numbers and settings but can't seem to find a cause. Distribution (Placement) and Tree Height Placement Limit don't seem to have anything to do with it.

Edit #2: The trees spawn on top of other structures. It might have something to do with the placement order but I can't change that since it has to be in a specific feature step. Also, since I added a third biome to my datapack, every world I create with it crashes the game because of "Feature Order Cycle Found". I have no idea what this means...
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