Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy 19b - Pivotal Elementspool

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist10/2/22 2:30 pm history
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10/26/2022 7:07 pm
GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
Hello. This is a continuation of Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P19a - Fire and the Flood P2. If you haven't read that, please read it before you read this, or else you will be pretty confused. Even though this is the second part of chapter 19, I'm leaving the intro part here.
The reason why I had to split P19 was that it was too long and when I tried to save it, it deleted a paragraph off the end of the chapter.
Anyways, here's the rest of BENT 19!
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Here are the contestants
The Contestants!
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Warden
- Moobloom
- Evoker

Team #2: mångfald
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Iron Golem
- Enderman
- Piglin

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin
- Phantom
- Villager
- Iceologer
- Cat
- Wolf
- Bee


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  Piglin looks down at her teammates from the raised platform where she had just activated the terminal.
"Are you going to take as long getting down as you did getting up there? I lost count of how many times you rotated this stupid robot's inside just trying to reach that terminal!" Enderman yells.
"Now guys, this isn't the time to fight. I'm sick of telling you. It's just like dealing with Evel- erm... Evoker and Illusioner all over again." Iron Golem says sternly.
Vindicator nudges Enderman in an attempt to get him to shut up.
"Watch out! I'm gonna rotate this thing again!" Piglin exclaims, tapping a few buttons on the Sheikah Slate.
There is a rumble and the entire room begins to turn back to its original orientation, putting the terminal platform back as the wall.
Piglin slips as the floor rotates, but Iron Golem quickly reacts by sticking his arms out to catch her.
The rotation stops and the Divine Beast lets out a deep mechanical cry.
"I AM SO SICK OF THAT NOISE!" Enderman exclaims.
"And I am so sick of your prattle, Enderman," Pillager declares.
Frustrated, Iron Golem takes the Sheikah Slate from Piglin and heads back towards where the team had entered Little Rudania. 

  Simultaneously, Alleviation is working on activating the third terminal.   
"Alright... I don't think we can do this one like we did the last one..." Evoker says.
"Well, it looks like whenever that ball hits the bottom of the cage where the terminal is, the room opens up," Glare observes.
"Right, but the issue is that whenever the room is unlocked, it's always upside down!" Copper Golem adds.
"I could go in the cage when the door unlocks and then when the terminal is the right side up, I can activate the terminal!" Allay proposes.
"Ok," Evoker responds. "That sounds like a great idea, but there are some spikes on the ceiling. You can fly, so you'll probably be alright,"
Glare intercepts. "Why don't we just stasis the ball? Then someone could go in and not have to worry about the spikes," they suggest. "I'll also be up for activating it if you guys don't want to."
Evoker is a bit stunned.
"... That's a genius idea... Why didn't we think of that before?" she exclaims. She opens up the slate and starts to adjust Little Ruta's trunk. "Alright... Now I'll move her trunk just a few notches up..."
The trunk stops moving and the Divine Beast lets out its mechanical cry. As the water from the trunk hits the water wheel, it begins to rotate in the opposite direction. As soon as Evoker uses stasis on the ball, and the terminal chamber is in the correct orientation, Glare lifts the slate into the terminal chamber, activating it from the ramp leading up to the room.
 Iron Golem faces the large metallic doors directly on the right of the main entrance.
"It looks like there's some wood blocking the doors from being opened," he observes. Pillager also takes note of the wood and quickly sets the tip of one of his arrows on fire.
"I'll shoot the wood to burn it to a crisp!" he announces as he loads his crossbow with a new flaming arrow; the first one had burnt up while he was talking. The two watch as the wooden board locking the two doors together quickly burns up, allowing the doors to be opened. Initially, Iron Golem tries to push them open but quickly finds out that they are too heavy. Looking down at the tablet, Iron Golem swipes the device's interface to the rune screen.
"Magnesis will do the job here," he announces as he boots up the magnesis rune. It only takes a single push to open up the doors.
While Iron Golem is activating the second terminal for his team, Enderman teleports outside to the Divine Beast's head. He looks around and spots an unlit torch much like the ones inside the beast. Next to the unlit torch is an enclosed track. At the very start of the track, there is a glowing ball that is being stopped by a metal gate.  

  Allay and Glare have no problem reaching the platform above the map room, but they have no idea how their teammates can meet them there.
"The only terminal that we found over here is on Little Ruta's trunk, and you are getting that one anyways," Glare starts.
"Correct. Evelyn said that she thought that there was something under the water by the map room, but we can't access it as it is. There must be some way to drain the water," Allay replies.
"Well, I'd suppose that anything in relation to that would have to be back down there. Unless it has something to do with these curious pressure plates..." Glare says, flying up to a group of five pressure plates, each of a different size.
"That looks... promising, but our teammates can't fly up here. I think that we need to activate something like a ramp or an elevator that will allow the rest of our team to reach us,"
"Yeah, that would make sense. Then again, we don't know how to carry that out," Glare says, flying down from the platform and to a sealed door on the wall beneath it. "You know, I bet there's a terminal in here. I wouldn't be surprised if those pressure plates opened it."

"Same here, but that brings us back to our problem- we need the rest of our team to activate them..." Allay sighs. "I'm going back to the foyer. There might be something that can help down there..."

  Once Allay reaches the foyer, she begins searching. She searches the map room upon noticing the lights on the back wall. Similar to the pressure plates, the five glowing icons on the back wall of the map room are each a different size. Even stranger, the sizes are in the same order as the pressure plates. Allay takes note of them.
The soft blue glow of the five icons fades out but quickly starts to light up again. First, the medium icon, right in the center, pulses on and then off, followed by the second smallest on the far right, and then the smallest on the far left. The second largest icon, located in between the middle and far right icons pulses on and off next, and finally, the largest icon lights up. All five lights turn on and start to glow in synchronization for a few seconds before the cycle repeats.
"This has to mean something! I'll tell Glare, and hopefully, we can figure out what to do with this information!" Allay exclaims, before she flies back up to her friend.

  Vindicator walks over to the wall opposite the metal doors. This room has an orange glowing goal on the back wall. On the right wall, there is a locked room housing one of the terminals. Deciding to ignore that terminal, for the time being, he turns out of the room to face a curious-looking door. There is a peephole in the door that gives a clear view of an unlit torch.
"Alex!" he calls out to Pillager. "It's another thing that can be best handled by an archer!"
"On it, Peter!" Pillager responds.
The archer quickly fires a flaming arrow at the torch through the hole in the door, opening it up.
"Alright... So, we've unlocked the door, and I can see the terminal. It's just behind these fire jets that look just like the ones from last time's game. The only question now is how do we get to it?" Vindicator questions.
"I know just as much as you do," Pillager replies.
  Vindicator exits the room without activating the terminal. He looks up to see Enderman standing on the long beam that stretches across the length of the Divine Beast.
"Oh, it's nice to see you again. I hope you were doing something constructive while you were gone," Vindicator teases.
"Peter, don't agitate him," Pillager says, walking up to his friend's side.
Enderman crosses his arms and paces around on the beam a few times before teleporting down.
"As a matter of fact, I was doing something constructive, thank you very much," he remarks.
Putting the Sheikah Slate on his hip and folding his arms, Vindicator boldly moves his glance up at Enderman's eyes.
"Alright then. Would you mind telling us what you were doing? I assume it had something to do with the terminals, right?" he asks.
Enderman continues pacing before teleporting closer to Vindicator.
"Well, if it was related to the terminals, I'm sure you wouldn't mind handing me the tablet so I can finish the job,"
Vindicator turns to Pillager and the two grudgingly decide that they should give Enderman the slate.
As soon as Enderman takes the tablet from Vindicator, and without any warning to the rest of his team, he rotates the Divine Beast. Piglin and Iron Golem, who are standing on the other side of the room, are understandably startled.
"Huh- Aaahhh!!!! Who rotated the room!?" Piglin cries, screaming out in panic.
"Don't worry. You're not going to get hurt," Iron Golem declares. He quickly grasps Piglin before the room is finished rotating.
Both Iron Golem and Piglin slide to the floor safely.
The rotating stops.
Enderman is now standing on the opposite side of a gap from Vindicator and Pillager.
"If I'm correct, which I know I am, when I use magnesis to lift this metal box, it will release the ball that looks like it's the perfect size to fit right in that goal on the floor beneath us!" he declares.
Just as he had expected, the ball falls down into the gap. As soon as it rolls into the goal, both the ball and the lights around the goal become blue. The sound of something opening up is heard from below.
"You see, guys? This is MY terminal to activate!" Enderman declares as he teleports to the bottom of the gap. Once the terminal is activated, Vindicator jumps down to where Enderman is. "Alright. Acceptable performance. I'll be taking that tablet now. I think I just might have an idea on how to block the flames in the other room..." he presents.
Vindicator places the metallic box over the flame jets on the floor before running into a slight problem. "Hey guys, I'm going to tilt Little Rudania again! Just letting you know beforehand so nobody's surprised when it rotates!" he exclaims. Now rotated, the metallic box is able to block the flames while still leaving space to walk through to the fourth terminal.

  Little Ruta trumpets as Allay flies up to the tip of her trunk.
"I'll just activate this one now. Mångfald could be ahead right now, and we're just wasting time not finding the terminals!" she exclaims.
Allay places the Sheikah Slate on the terminal atop Little Ruta's trunk. In a sudden blue pulse, the terminal's tip begins to glow. With four out of six terminals activated, Allay returns inside with the slate to find that Copper Golem and Glare had activated a lift that allowed access to the pressure plates from the platform above the map room. They had also activated a moving platform that traveled straight up from the map room's entrance.
"There's a little elevator now! Evoker, Warden, and the others can reach the pressure plates now!" Allay excitedly exclaims.
"Yeah! Let's go get the rest of our team!" Copper Golem responds.

  Back down in the foyer, Evoker and Warden observe two large gears on the back wall within reach of where they are standing.
"They look like they could be turned with enough physical force. I think if we turn them, it could drain the water here," Evoker observes.
"Well, I can take care of turning the gears," Warden suggests, reaching for the large cog of the closer gear.
As Warden pushes the large gear, the smaller one begins to turn as well, and slowly but surely, the water filling the pool drains.
"Amazing!" Evoker exclaims. She runs over to the now-accessible ramp and slowly walks down, where she is met with a passageway that was inaccessible before. "I knew that there was something hiding under the water! Looks like it's a dead end though."
Copper Golem suddenly comes down from the lift to the pressure plates.
"Come on up! There's something up here that will help us!" he exclaims.
"Alright!" Evoker exclaims.
Copper Golem hops off the elevator to get the animals from the airlock.

  "Sooo... I guess we just hop on these pressure plates. I'll get on the smallest one because I'm the lightest one here," Allay says.
Glare is in agreement.
"Aliea found something earlier that we think is important in activating these. She found a peculiar light display that she said might be the order in which we activate the plates... what was the order again?"
"Hmm...." Allay starts "I think it was... The first one was the third plate, and that's all I remember. I'll have to fly back down and check again. I guess in the meantime, you can decide who's going to activate each plate. I'll be back in a minute!"
After checking the lights in the map room again, Allay takes extra care to remember the order that they lit up.
"3... 5... 1....4... 2..." she repeats as each icon pulses on. "3, 5, 1, 4, 2! That's the combination!" she exclaims as she flies back up to meet her friends.
"Ok, let's do this!" she says with determination.
Evoker is the first to step on the center pressure plate. The orange glow fades into the same ancient blue that is present all throughout Little Ruta. "Alright," she calls. "Now to activate the fifth pressure plate!"
Copper Golem takes his place on the far right pressure plate, which also lights up blue. Not even knowing what the objective of the challenge is, as she had been down in the airlock up until that point, Moobloom walks over the fourth pressure plate, which is enough to weigh it down and reset the other two plates.
"Why? Why would you do that?" Evoker grumbles in frustration.
"Evelyn, there's no need to get angry at her. Let's just start the puzzle over again. The order we need to activate the plates in is 3, 5, 1, 4, and lastly, 2," Allay voices.
The team starts to get on the plates again. This time, after Copper Golem steps on his plate, Allay takes her place over the first plate, although she is just barely heavy enough to activate it.
"Alright Moobloom, you can go up now," Cow says, nudging her friend.
Moobloom nods and hops onto the fourth pressure plate.
With all but the largest plate active, Warden is directed by his team to step on it. The moment that he does, there is a rumble that sounds almost like something below them had activated.
Taking ahold of the slate, Copper Golem rides down from the pressure plate platform where the previously sealed door is. Much like Allay and Glare had suspected, the fifth terminal is located behind it, which he is not hesitant to activate.

  The pressure plates had also activated an elevator in the 'dead end' under the map room. Rushing over with the slate, Evoker hops on the lift and rides it downwards. The elevator stops in a large underwater room filled with various fountains, gears, and drains. Some of the fountains spray a diluted water-breathing potion. On one of the walls, Evoker finds a chest containing a blue tunic that strangely happens to be in her size. After she equips the tunic, Evoker dives into the pool where she is faced with a maze of sorts. Some of the passageways of the maze are elevated just out of reach. Confused about how to access the raised passage, Evoker treads the water until she realises something- the water level is going up. After a little more time, around 10 or 15 seconds, the water level had gone back down. The water in the maze room would continue going up and down at 10-second intervals, which Evoker figured out after the first three times the water level changed.
"It's time to get through this maze!" she thinks to herself as she swims through the sunken labyrinth.

  After struggling for quite some time to make his way up to the tip of the Divine Beast, Pillager carefully hops off the mechanical lizard's giant spine.
"Well, that's the last terminal! Since nobody has said anything about the game being over, I guess that means that we won!" he exclaims."Yeah... About that....." Vindicator starts. "Golden would usually make an announcement the moment that a team is safe..." The two eye each other. "Oh no... So we aren't safe either..." Pillager mumbles. Piglin runs around frantically. "But- we did everything! We activated all the terminals!"  
"You FOOL. You guys didn't activate the main control unit!" Enderman yells, seizing the tablet from Iron Golem.
Right as he places the slate on the main control unit, there is a rumble atop Little Rudania as the all the openings are sealed up as they did when the team first entered.
The rumbling continues, and suddenly, a sculk-covered creature that looks similar to a phoenix rises from the main control terminal on Little Rudania's back.
"Oh no... You've got to be kidding me. Did she seriously give us a BOSS BATTLE and not tell us?" Vindicator murmurs before he pulls out his large axe.
"Bro, this is a bit off-topic, but I'm impressed that you are able to use that in one hand. With proper control as well," Pillager says with praise.
"Yeah, and I'm not even super jacked like my dad is. I've got the same physique as you do!"
"THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!" Piglin whines. "Why does this have to happen?!"
Iron Golem approaches her. "Hey, I had to physically separate you and Enderman multiple times earlier to prevent you two from fighting. Now, when it is actually important for you to fight, you start stalling,"
"Uggghhh... Yeah, you're right," she admits.
Piglin draws her sword and approaches the sculky phoenix. As Pillager loads up his crossbow, the bird flies higher, spreading out its flaming wings. "Give me the slate! I'm going to try to activate the main control unit!" she calls.
Enderman reissts initially, but reluctantly tosses the slate to her.
Something is off when Piglin tries to activate the main terminal. "What? An error has been detected- Cannot authenticate Sheikah Slate?!"
The team quickly realises that the only way to activate the main control unit is to defeat the phoenix, which is no easy task. The bird flies out of reach of everyone, save Pillager, and uses ranged sculk attacks against them.

  Evoker finally makes it to the end of the aquatic maze. Soaking wet, she climbs off the last platform and places the Sheikah Slate, which she had been carrying on her belt, on the plate of the sixth and final terminal. The slate is authenticated with a blue glow, and there is a rumble as the walls of the maze recede to the floor. The water level raises, and so does a bridge that allows her to walk back across.
She rides the lift back up to the foyer, where she meets her teammates with determination.
"The last terminal! I got the final terminal!" she exclaims.
"Not quite the last one..." Warden replies. "We still have the main control unit. We activate that, and then we're safe."
Evoker looks at Allay and hands her the Sheikah Slate. "Here, Ali. I think you should activate it."

Allay gladly takes the Sheikah Slate and flies into the now-drained main control room. She takes a deep breath before slowly placing the tablet on the main terminal.
There is a pulse of blue light that surrounds the tablet.
Authenticating Sheikah Slate...
The blue pulse stops and Little Ruta trumpets before kneeling down. Alleviation is safe.

Welp, I didn't commission that a sculk phoenix was put in Little Rudania. Regardless of whether I had, in fact, told someone to put the creature there, someone decided to do it on their own, or one of those pesky Hollows put it there, mångfald did not activate Little Rudania's main control unit, so that means that they lose. Again. Sorry guys.

Well, you guys did great! Going onwards, Little Ruta and Little Rudania will be used to protect this campus from danger. Now, in just three days, I will be going on a trip. I will be returning to the sculky town of Darfyra with some friends. I have been longing to return for a while. You guys can rest assured that we will be alright. While I am gone, I guess you guys can have a break too.
Also, contestants won't be voting this time. That was a one-time thing.

Vote on a member of mångfald to be eliminated. The most voted member will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Chapter 20 will be released when voting for this is over.

Poll ended 10/16/2022 2:30 pm.

Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor

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10/26/2022 6:30 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Blocky2's Avatar
Am I allowed to join the series? After all, I am a block. And blocks are in minecraft
10/26/2022 7:07 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
As a voter, sure. Unfortunately, the voting period for this chapter ended a while ago, so you'll have to wait for chapter 20 to come out. In the meantime, it could help to read the previous chapters to understand the lore up until this point.
10/09/2022 12:23 am
Level 44 : Master Lemon
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
Had me on the edge of my seat! Paired with 19a, a real delight.
10/09/2022 9:46 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
10/03/2022 9:43 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Birb
____'s Avatar
I vote for the Enderman, it is even the first mob that I killed with sticks when I started playing minecraft.
10/03/2022 6:11 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Farmer
StarbucksLatias's Avatar
Vote Enderman
10/03/2022 6:11 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Farmer
StarbucksLatias's Avatar
Enderman sucks
10/03/2022 10:32 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
10/03/2022 5:44 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
10/03/2022 10:33 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
10/03/2022 4:44 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin
KaiOceansword's Avatar
I'll read later, need to do mah homework
10/02/2022 9:37 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
stupid enderman
10/02/2022 8:49 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
There (goes) Johnny!
10/02/2022 5:12 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Wait a minute... official BENT Fandom Wiki and subreddit? Noice!
10/09/2022 10:33 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
CesarCarter's Avatar
The amount of lore i have to write down there is massive
10/09/2022 9:58 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
If you want some help...
10/09/2022 9:59 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
CesarCarter's Avatar
10/09/2022 10:02 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
I see...
10/02/2022 3:19 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
PEOPLE: Angelonasher, Rob333, Firestar2477278, StarbucksLatias

10/02/2022 3:07 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar

They HELPED. Unliek Enderman\
10/02/2022 2:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Yisss, first comment! Also I made a color palette based off of the ENT (enchanted netherite trophy):

10/02/2022 3:17 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
did you read p19a yet?
10/02/2022 3:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
ye, read it first, otherwise it's like playing half life 2 before half life 1, you miss out on a bunch of the story
10/02/2022 3:14 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar

(mind if i potential make a palate content with this?)
10/02/2022 3:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Go ahead, I don't mind at all!
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