At Last, Regular PE! (School Story 9-20-2023)

IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM9/20/23 10:24 pm history
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9/22/2023 5:53 am
PsioPsia001's Avatar PsioPsia001
Before School: Nothing much happened on the bus, and when I got to school, I told Gabriel and ZJ the good news about me not making the soccer team.

Study Hall: I just worked on my English and History work, the latter of which was pretty fun. In the beginning of the class, Cailey, Eloise, and Oliver briefly continued a conversation from Math yesterday (I know about this because we all sit at the same table in that class) about Eloise getting Oliver’s older brother’s phone number. Luckily, it didn’t last long as opposed to dragging us off-topic during the entire class yesterday.

Science: Three people shared their summer projects, and then we continued an activity from yesterday,

Spanish: After a couple of quizzing games on the stuff we’re learning, Sra. Revels (pseudonym) told us about the new mini-project, which is due by our next class (which is n Friday)l

Lunch & Recess: First of all, the pasta was finally cooked completely! Can I get a cheer? (plays crowd cheering sounds) Okay, okay, all jokes aside, lunch and recess today was pretty boring, outside of the brief chain of restraining order jokes during lunch. Me and Alex R. went outside before everyone else since they were eating slowly, and I didn’t hear Mr. Gills’ warning about the bee gathering on the left side of the steps going up to the field, so I accidentally stepped in their area. Me and Alex proceeded to run down the track to get away, and Bria came out and joined us. The girls then thought I was attracting the bees after angering them since more were appearing, and they did several things to defend themselves. For one, I was nearly shot at with a hose. Bria also took off one of her shoes and threatened to throw it at me if I didn’t back away, she’d throw it at me. Alex did the same with one of her Crocs. They began to walk towards me, which forced me to back away, and eventually, we wound up on the other side of the field, with me far away from them. My point of not being a bee magnet was proven when a bee came near them while I was away, which led to a ceasefire, a re-putting-on of shoes, and walk over to Leela, ZJ, and Solzy, who were tossing around a football. Bria and Alex joined them, and I mainly just walked around the pentagon, but was tossed the ball a few times. Once the whistle blew, I ran inside, down the hallway, and across the commons to the art building for my next class.

Model Building: We continued building our chipboard towers, and me, Duncan, Julia, and Nicky had our usual comedic back-and-forth of attempted roasts, Duncan trying to convince us to watch The Owl House, and Duncan trying to convince me to join water polo since I didn’t make the soccer team and they needed players. I was able to cut out my entire tower and score most of it, so I’ll probably finish that and start glueing everything so it stays in place next class. After we cleaned up and were dismissed, I ran out of the art building and up another set of stairs at other end of the commons to go to PE,

PE: On the way to PE, I ran into Kelso, who had water polo and was taking the same route as me. We talked for a bit, and then when I got to the varsity gym, it was empty. I felt a bit awkward, since I was in a massive empty space all alone and it was my first regular PE class of the school year, but that awkwardness went away when Ess arrived, followed soon after by Asher, and both of us were surprised that he didn’t make the soccer team since he’s good. Slowly, all the others arrived, and I found out that Kaylah, Esmé, Haile, and Alex F. were all here as well. So basically, in a nutshell, PE is a class of 24 kids (including me) who either chose not to do a sport or were cut from their sport after try-outs ended (which was yesterday). The first thing we did was a game in the center of the gym where we all stood in a circle and each of us had to put our foot on a spot with a number on it, in order. The 22 of us that arrived before class started (Theo and someone else were late) spent a few tries trying to get it right, but eventually got a time of 30 seconds. For our activity, we got into groups of three (me, Haile, and Alex) and played mini golf basketball. Since that doesn’t exactly explain it completely, allow me to explain: the coaches hung hula hoops on the basketball nets, and set up hoops with matching colors on the floor. Our job is to shoot from that hoop into its accompanying net, and if our ball lands somewhere that’s not through the net, we have to shoot from where it landed. Each amount of shots it takes for us to get the ball through the net is then recorded by one of us on a sheet. (My group got some holes-in-16, by the way.) Each hoop also has instructions on how to throw the ball, like granny shots or right hand-only shots. My time in the general area of the commons and upper field came to an end when PE was over, at which point I made my way make to the [​REDACTED] School building for my last two classes.

History: Since they let us out of PE 5 minutes early and we already have 5 minutes between each class, we all got back 10 minutes early. I went to the Academic Center for History and found that the tables were, as usual, not in the orientation we normally have them in for class. Isaac and Kaylah came in and joined me in sitting down for a minute after PE, but that peace and quiet was ruined when Krish came in and started yelling at us in a horrible (yet funny) French accent to move the tables around. It may have taken around 7 minutes to do, but we (me, Isaac, Kaylah, Krish, and the recently-arrived Bria, Grayson, and Alex F.) slowly moved the tables into the closed horseshoe shape they should be in. Ms. Howdy came in and was impressed, since nearly every class she’s had has never been able to set the tables up early. About 5 minutes into class (during which we worked on a geography-related zombie apocalypse survival assignment that’s due on Tuesday), we had a fire drill, but it didn’t really get in the way of anything. Me and Grayson had a good laugh near the end of class when I looked at a disaster tracker map for the assignment (we’re each in one of 10 surviving cities and we have to decide whether to move to another one or stay put based on geographical stuff) and selected something along the lines of “COVID-19 alert” and saw that one of the places that got marked was Washington DC. We had another laugh when Grayson selected the COVID thing while zoomed in on his city of Phoenix, and the yellowish-orange hue that marked areas in danger appeared on his screen. One last laugh occurred when I opened Google Earth and put in the coordinates of my city, Houston, and for some reason, the program shifted around the numbers past the decimal point and changed the longitude from west to east, putting me somewhere in some mountains in friggin’ China, on the opposite side of the world.

Advisory: During Advisory, Ms. Clementine checked our homework planners to make sure we’re using them and gave the bus kids sticker markers for our IDs.

Math: Thankfully, there was less chatter and craziness amongst my tablemates, Cailey, Eloise, and Oliver, but less doesn’t mean none. In class today, we just did a worksheet.

After School: So, I apparently forgot to charge my phone this morning before I left, and it was at 6% when I got in the bus. Since I don’t have a portable charger, I decided to not catch up on my PMC feed from during the school day and just talk to my friends. There was significantly less chaos than yesterday, which is good, but luckily, I still have the last 8 minutes of yesterday’s chaos in my Voice Memos. When we got to my stop, my grandma wasn’t there because she thought I was getting picked up 20 minutes later. I texted her before my phone died and she came to the stop 5 minutes later.
Posted by IGEBM's Avatar
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster

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09/21/2023 8:14 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ranger
PsioPsia001's Avatar
That geography assignment is really interesting, we only learn about rocks if we have a lesson (it's rare).
09/21/2023 3:44 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
09/22/2023 5:53 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ranger
PsioPsia001's Avatar
Update - maybe it's good that we learn about rocks, my teacher suggested that he'll break human rights
09/20/2023 11:39 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn
SatoshiHikari's Avatar
you live in houston? (sorry if you don't want to answer that)
09/21/2023 6:59 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I live in NYC

for the History project, we were each assigned one of 10 US cities that had survived the zombie apocalypse, and the city I was assigned was Houston (and Grayson's city was Phoenix)
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