Minecraft Data Packs / Technology

Factory Mechanics | 1.20.5+

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Required Resource Pack
SLT World's Avatar SLT World
Level 41 : Master Engineer
Factory Mechanics is a datapack directly inspired by the Create Mod to provide automation and production of goods in the game.

It introduces 7 new blocks and 1 new item, each with their own separate functions and uses.

There are a few attached images showcasing crafting, millstone crushing, and fan bulk processing recipes which should provide an idea of the automation capabilities of this datapack.


- Drops items stored inside it.

​Copper Fan
- Creates air streams that can blow items up to 7 blocks away.
- Can be used for bulk item processing, including washing, haunting, blasting, smoking, and freezing.
- Recipes for bulk item processing are illustrated with fan icons in the attached images, and additional recipes for bulk smoking for food are included, even if not listed in the images.

- Breaks the block in front of it, excluding bedrock, obsidian, crying obsidian, netherite block, and reinforced deepslate.

- Chops down all connecting logs, mushroom stems, and mangrove roots, dropping items where they were broken.

- Breaks all connecting leaves and harvests mature crops in front of it, resetting crops to their initial growth state. It also tills any dirt into farmland.
- Harvestable: Wheat, Potato, Carrot, Beetroot, Nether Wart, Glow Berries, Sweet Berries

- Crushes items dropped on top of it and outputs them from the bottom.
- Recipes for millstone item processing are illustrated with arrow crushing icons in the attached images.

- Interacts with blocks 2 blocks away
- Performs player actions such as placing blocks, shearing pumpkins, using flint & steel, shearing (breaking) mature crops, burying items to create suspicious sand or gravel. brushing suspicious sand & gravel, filling & emptying buckets and bottles into cauldrons.


Mechanical Grip
- Extends player's block and entity interaction range by +4 when held in the mainhand or offhand.
- This allows players to interact with blocks and entities from a greater distance, enhancing their building and combat capabilities.
- This is a very useful tool for players looking to expand their reach and efficiency.

Before using the Factory Mechanics datapack in a survival server or world, I recommended to test it in a creative world to first become familiar with its functions and possibilities.

If you have ideas for new automations or features you'd like to see added, please share them in the comments. I would greatly appreciate good ideas, whether it'd be a new recipe, a new block, or a new item.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20
toMinecraft 1.21 pre-release

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by SLT World 05/07/2024 3:57:18 amMay 7th

Short fix
- Added a fix to saws, drills & harvesters not getting powered when placed next to an active redstone source

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05/12/2024 1:22 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
StupidXDR2000YT's Avatar
Slt you can use entity model features and entity texture features
SLT World
05/13/2024 6:24 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
SLT World's Avatar
Hmm, I don't quite get what you mean by "entity model" and "entity texture" features. I am using custom item textures to mimic custom blocks right now with the "item_display" entity

Do you mean Optifine's entity texture feature and CEM models? If so, I don't really like using Optifine for custom blocks, Optifine updates slower than a snail.
05/08/2024 12:59 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dinosaur
DinoDesmond's Avatar
underrated data pack
05/03/2024 10:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MixosGR's Avatar
Hi i Have a problem with the pack [​14:11:02 WARN]: Missing metadata in pack file/slt-factory-mechanics.zip I can't install it pls help I will like to run it on my multi-player server thx
SLT World
05/03/2024 11:58 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
SLT World's Avatar
Hello, thanks for checking out the datapack, I see the problem, unzip the file into a normal folder should make it go away.
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