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The Soda Strike Team | PMC: War on the Nether Chapter II

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last we left off, King Noncommercial of the Nether Empire had declared war on the entire Overworld, because the Council of Mods had refused to grant him full control over the dimension. The PMC Military issued a call to all soldiers to come to the military base.

IGEBM and his friends Chaos, Pig, and Ella drive up to the PMC Military Base on the edge of town, near the Paril Woods. They each pull out their ID cards and show them the officers at the gate, who let them in. They get out of the car and head to the lockers, passing by all the other soldiers who had received the call. IGE and his friends hadn't been in a battle since the PMC Soda Wars in December, when they fought for the CocaCola Army (well, Chaos fought against them and joined them for the civil war), and it had been even longer since they had fought for the PMC Military, which was about a year, in a battle on the outer End islands to free it from the control of a demon king.

The group head to the locker rooms, where they change into their uniforms. In the men's locker room, Chaos asks the group how they're feeling about the current situation. "I think we'll win." Pig says. "For one, we have a technological advantage, and for another, it's one empire against an entire dimension, largely comprised of experienced fighters." "Don't get too overconfident." IGE says. "That's how you lose." They finish putting on their uniforms and walk out to wait for Ella. She comes out a few minutes later and the four of them head to the briefing room. They listen to General Axo explain the whole Nether war situation, and then he sends each squadron off to get their assignments. He has the four friends stay behind. "Strike Unit 721-" he begins before IGE interrupts him. "We prefer being called the Soda Strike Team." he says. "I will refer to you by your designated unit number, Captain." the General continues. "As I was saying, you four are being sent on a mission to the Forge. We recently received a call from them. Zoglins are rampaging throughout their village, and you seem like the best fit to stop them, especially considering you four are friends of Forgemaster Chaos and his associates. You will find your transport craft in perfect condition at the harbor. You are dismissed. Notify me when you stop the zoglins."

The Soda Strike Team head to the deployment bay, where they find their transport craft, a Waverider-832 customized with the colors of CocaCola, in perfect condition after it was heavily damaged on the way to the stronghold during the Ender Wars. They get onboard. Chaos checks the fridge, which is fully stocked with food and drinks. Pig checks the weapons compartment in the floor of the hull. Inside are four laser rifles, bandoliers loaded with small bombs and ammo packs, grenades and electro-machetes for their utility belts, and, last but not least, bracers that transform into arm-mounted plasma blasters. "We're good to go with weapons." Pig says. "Bm, time to go?" "Yep." IGE says. He turns to Ella. "Let's go!" Ella steers the ship out of the harbor, sets course for the Forge, and then puts it on autopilot. On the way there, they pass by a small craft with two piglin gunners inside. The begin to charge their crossbows, but IGE throws a grenade onto their ship. Ella speeds up the boat to get away from the explosion, and Chaos spots a piglin arm floating in the water, slowly sinking, with the crossbow it was once holding sinking faster.

They eventually arrive at the Forge, after a 20-minute journey that almost used up the boat's fuel. (Luckily, they have more.) Tem, one of the Apprentices, is there to greet them. "You guys are here!" he says. "We've been fighting zoglins and piglins for the last 40 minutes! It's a miracle any of us have survived, but I guess our weapons hold up. Chaos, Shadow, and Trot are in the village square, battling the horde." "Are they doing good?" Ella asks. "Well, Chaos is slashing the sides of zoglins with a gilded netherite sword, Shadow is warping around and throwing silver throwing knives at piglins, and Trot is lobbing fireballs in copper armor from the roof of a house." Tem explains as he takes them to the square, while also attacking zoglins with his silver sword.

When they get to the square, Forgemaster Chaos notices them. "Hey, guys, it's IGE, Pig, Ella, and the other Chaos!" he says before getting out of the way of a zoglin. Pig rushes over to help him. "What are the others doing?" he asks the Forgemaster. "Well, we don't have as many Apprentices as we used to to help us out." the Forgemaster responds as battles a piglin. "Cloudkitty and Potato are at the other port trying to take out the crew of the ship, Whisper is with Rakkitatoru trying to evacuate the town, and Tem was helping us out before he went to the docks to greet you guys. Luckily, we have another Apprentice here: IGE. Do you have a plan, because up until now we've just been attacking them." "Well, I think we need to split up." IGE says as he shoots a piglin with his laser rifle. "Ella, go help Whisper and Rakkitatoru. Pig, head to the piglin ship and give Cloudkitty and Potato a hand with sinking it. Me and Chaos will stay here and help Shadow, Trot, and the other Chaos." "Copy that." Ella says. She rushes off while Pig heads to the other port.

IGE and Chaos start firing on the piglins and zoglins. "These guys take a few shots to go down!" Chaos says as he kills a zoglin with the third laser blast. "I can see." IGE says. He warps behind a piglin and runs him through with his electro-machete. His injured body twitches on the ground after the electricity zaps him. "Trot, how are you doing?!" IGE screams to the arsonist leaping across the rooftops. "Good!" she shouts back. "They pardoned me, thanks to your convincing argument against the court! Now I won't be spending the next 10 years of my life rotting in a prison cell!" She throws a fireball at a zoglin. "You know those fireballs don't kill them, Trot?!" Forgemaster Chaos shouts as he blocks an arrow fired by a piglin. "Yeah, but it stings them, and then they lose their balance!" Trot yells back.

Meanwhile, at the edge of town, where the emergency safe cave is located on a hill, Ella, Whisper, and Rakkitatoru are evacuating the town. Rakkitatoru is using her mage powers to block the zoglins with a shield. She briefly stops to cast the Magic Missile spell and fires one at a group of approaching piglin soldiers. It kills them. However, as Ella is leading citizens to safety cave, she notices a ghast flying overhead. "Guys, ghast!" she screams as she draws her rifle. The shield didn't cover them from above, so if the beast fired a fireball at them, they'd have a lot of injuries on their hands. Whisper puts on her elytra, grabs some fireworks rockets, and leaps off the cliff. 'I've got this!" she says as she jumps. She propels herself upwards to the where the ghast is, then draws her bow and fires a copper arrow, charged with electricity from Rakkitatoru's magic, at the ghast. As she flies down, she watches the electricity zap the ghast, killing it. Ella rushes down the hill to move the citizens out of the way, and then cuts open the ghast's corpse after it lands to pull out the ghast tear.

Meanwhile, on the piglin transport craft, Cloudkitty and Potato are being cornered by piglin soldiers, all wielding golden swords, but then one of them drops dead from a bullet in the head. "Pig!" Cloudkitty cheers. "You came to help us!" "We sure could use it." Potato says. "Always glad to help a friend or two." Pig replies to the two of them. As they fight the piglins with their swords (Cloudkitty is using a pair of silver katanas while Potato is wielding a netherite claymore), Pig zaps several others with his electro-machete. He then turns off the electric part of the machete and dives into the water, where he cuts a few holes in the boat. Cloudkitty notices a piglin officer run up from the lower deck. "Captain, the ship is sinking!" he says. "Holes have been cut in the bottom of the boat! I was nap- er, reading, when I felt water on my fe-" He is stabbed in the back by Pig, who snuck up on him after climbing through a rather large hole he cut in the bottom of the ship. The captain of the ship draws his dual golden swords, and begins to fight Pig. The two of them battle as the ship sinks slowly into the waters of the Forge's harbor. Cloudkitty and Potato finish off the other piglins, and notice Pig is on his back, his machete having been knocked out his hand and landing out of his reach. The captain is about to run him through with one of his swords, but he is hit in the head by an iron nugget shot from Potato's slingshot! It distracts him long enough for Pig to draw his rifle and fire a couple of shots into the captain's chest. He drops dead, and Pig, Cloudkitty, and Potato, rush off the ship and climb up the cliff, as the boat was nearly underwater.

In the village square, there are still more hoglins and piglins running wild. Pig and his group have just arrived to help IGE, Chaos, Forgemaster Chaos, Shadow, Trot, and Tem, and Ella, Whisper, and Rakkitatoru have evacuated the town and are now making their way to the square. Once everyone meets up and takes cover in a nearby home, they begin to formulate with a plan. Shadow puts a map of the Forge on the table and marks it up. "This is where we are." she says as she draws a dot over the house in red. She draws a pink line showing the directions the zoglins are charging in and a blue dot showing where the safe cave is. "The pink lines are the zoglin's charging courses, which I drew based on where they were going, and the blue dot is the safe cave where our citizens are hiding. Anything else?" "We saw a ghast and killed it, but that was the only." Ella adds. "It dropped a tear." She pulls the ghast tear out of her pocket. "Ghast tear, that's it!" Shadow says. "Me and Chaos - the Forgemaster - have blaze powder and ender pearls in our house. We can make an end crystal pit to lure the zoglins into with something, and the blow them up." "Great idea." Trot says. "Of course it's good." Forgemaster Chaos says. "If it's one of Shadow's ideas, it's bound to be amazing." "Aww, thanks Chaos." Shadow replies. Before they can kiss, IGE interrupts. "Ahem, the plan." he says. "You two lovebirds can flirt with each other later."

They sneak through the streets to the Forgemaster's house. Inside, Shadow gathers the materials for the end crystals, and they make 9 of them. Ella finds some obsidian in another chest, and then IGE receives a call on his phone. He looks at the screen. It's Si. "Si, what is it?" he asks after answering. "IGE, piglins have attacked the cruise ship I'm on!" Si screams into the phone. "I'm on my way." IGE replies before hanging up and turning to the group. "Okay, so, we have a problem: the cruise Si's on is being attacked by the Empire. So, here's my proposal: me, Shadow, and Whisper, the three teleporters, warp onto the ship and begin warping groups of people on the ship to the Cholan Empire, which is their destination. We take Chaos - the soldier - and Tem with us, that way they can fend off the piglins while we do our evacuation. Meanwhile, the rest of you guys deal with the zoglins." "Sounds like a plan to me." Pig says. "Let's do this."

On the cruise ship, IGEBM, Shadow, Whisper, Chaos, and Tem warp in behind Si. "Si, behind you." IGE says. "You came!" he cheers. "And you brought back-up! You're gonna need it." He gestures to piglin battleship on starboard side of the cruise ship, with piglins climbing up ladders to get onto the top dock. Passengers are running around the deck, and there's even more chaos down below. They get to work. Whisper warps into the captain's cabin while Chaos and Tem begin to battle the piglins, along with Si, who joins the fight with his dagger. Whisper speaks into the intercom.


Meanwhile, back at the Forge, Ella, Pig, Cloudkitty, Potato, and Rakkitatoru emerge from the deep pit they just dug to put the end crystals in, which they dug on the edge of town, near the safe cave, but far enough away from both locations that nothing would be damaged. Forgemaster Chaos climbs down to set up the crystals, and then climbs out of the pit. "The question is, how do we get these zoglins into the pit?" Trot asks. "Well, we could drive them towards it with warped fungi." Rakkitatoru suggests. "I always carry some on me for brews." She pulls some warped fungus out of her satchel, handing one to each of the people there. They go around town and begin to sneak up on the groups of zoglins and scare them with the fungus. The groups start charging towards the pit. Once all the zoglins have managed to fall into the pit, Trot throws a fireball at one of the end crystals (from afar), and the group watches as it blows up. Several zoglin parts get blown out of the pit and land on the ground around it. "Well, let's clean this up."

Meanwhile, IGEBM's team has gotten all of the passengers off of the cruise ship, which is now sinking from several holes blown in the bottom by piglin demolitionists armed with blast fungus and other explosives. However, IGE returns the favor by diving into the water and firing a couple of light beams at the underside of the piglin ship. He then warps back to the top deck, where he spots the captain of ship, who noticed him diving into the water. He gives IGE a threatening stare and heads to the escape boat. IGE turns to Si. "I'll warp you out of here." he says as he takes Si's hand and warps to the Cholan Empire. Shadow and Whisper (along with Chaos and Tem) warp back to the Forge. At the Cholan Empire, IGEBM and Si explain to King Elightin Elytra why him and his friends suddenly teleported a bunch of people onto the island. "I understand." Elightin says. "They can stay at the Emmin Hotel." "Thanks." Si says. "Peace out." IGE says to Si and Elightin as he warps back to the Forge.

At the Forge, the Soda Strike Team say their goodbyes Forgemaster Chaos, Shadow, Trot, and the Apprentices. "Stop by again soon!" Forgemaster Chaos says. "As long as you promise to help PMC City in the war." "Promise." Forgemaster Chaos says. IGE, Chaos, Pig, and Ella board their ship, and Ella steers them out of the harbor. Pig contacts General Axo to let him know the mission was a success and that they're ready for their next mission. "Well, tell Private Ella to set a course for Morbid Island." Axo responds on the comms. "Morbid Island?" Chaos asks. "What happened there?" "Firestar contacted me and told me piglins had landed on the shore." Axo responds. "Chaos, you better be ready to help your citizens." "I am." Chaos says. "Axo out." the general says. He hangs up. "To Morbid Island!" Ella says as she charts the course.


Cast (in order of appearance)
OrderOutOfChaos as Chaos
TheMcPig as Pig
Pixella_9487 as Ella
AxolotlArmy as General Axo
CrownDeluxe as Tem
TheCrypteral as Forgemaster Chaos
ShadowOnTheLoose as Shadow
Trotelot as Trot
WhisperOfTheWild as Whisper
Rakkitatoru as Rakkitatoru
Sgt. Porkus
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire

Writing completed 3-6-2023 at 6:04 PM ET
Published 3-7-2023 at 3:35 PM ET
Written by IGEBM

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04/17/2023 7:50 pm
Level 25 : Expert Button Pusher
crowedd's Avatar
no wonder I didn't know I was in here-

you forgot to ping me lol
04/17/2023 8:33 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Oh dang I did
04/03/2023 7:46 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
:O :O :O Look Mom!
I'm in the story!

Thanks for saving me bro :)
03/11/2023 12:09 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
King Noncomercial is a nasty degenerate despot and a obnoxious tyrant, throw that waste of rotten flesh to the zoglins to eat!!
03/11/2023 7:36 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar

His fate will be much worse…
03/11/2023 8:50 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Okay... (c:
04/20/2023 4:31 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Just one week until it’s time for me to write his fate
03/10/2023 1:59 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Bear
Silabear's Avatar
amazing as always
03/08/2023 8:12 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
LeLovesJazz's Avatar
I can't wait for next chapter.
03/10/2023 7:12 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I just finished writing it. Based on the speed I'm typing these at, the series will most likely be weekly, releasing Tuesdays at 3:35 PM ET.

Oh shoot. I forgot to post the Lyrics of the Day!
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