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PMC: War on the Nether | The Full Collection - Volume 4: The Grand Finale

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
This is it! You've reached the last volume of the collection! Congrats in advance to anyone who's a) had the energy to read through all of these and b) has the energy to finish by reading this. I'm so proud of the series, and will forever remember as the one that rekindled my love of writing and restored my motivation.

Collected in this blog is a revised version of the extremely long final chapter of PMC: War on the Nether, along with an epilogue from my Tales from PMC anthology blog that I had written for chapter 7. Aside from my notes, there's no bonus material. Oh, and Peter's art is back on the cover again! I hope you enjoy the finale!

Chapter IX - For Planet Minecraft
"You what?" ComfySteve asked, the high-ranking first lieutenant surprised at Silabear's surrender. "I don't believe this." "Well, it's true." Silabear said. He waited for them to turn to look around and make sure it wasn't a trap. "We surrender ourselves to King Noncommercial and his Nether Empire, and grant him full control of the government of PMC City and the rest of Planet Minecraft." However, as he said this, he crossed his fingers behind back. ComfySteve, after hearing this, walked up to King Noncommercial. "My liege, they have surrendered." he told him. "What?" the king asked. Still in his mech, he walked over. One of the piglin soldiers was recording Silabear while he looked around for any snipers. "Private Billy, play back the recording." ComfySteve ordered. "Yes sir." Billy said, pressing play on the recording. Noncommercial heard it and grins. "At long last, I have won!" he announced. "Take away these prisoners. They will be executed later."

At the same time, the different teams were underground heading to the different districts. The Soda Strike Team and a few other PMC Military soldiers were heading to District 3 alongside a small group of Luminous Gang soldiers led by Faisal, a pixel artist who lived in the Luminous Caverns with some of the other Luminous Gang members. "So, Faisal, how's the art going?" IGE asked. "Good." he answered. "I recently finished my latest piece, which is a portrait of me and Spencer." "Cool." Peter commented. "Did he like it?" "Yup." Faisal said. "Can we see it?" Pig asked. Faisal laid his glow spear against the wall and pulled up a picture on his phone. "That looks great!" IGE said. "Guys, less talking, more walking." Ella grumbled, continuing to walk. "You'll be able to fight in a few minutes." IGE told her. They continued walking and make it to the district, where they climbed up and out of the bunker, emerging near the docks. The group made their way up to the rooftop of the nearest building and headed across the building roofs to sneakily hang out on the roof of a house on Paril Road, where they watched the other teams arrive a few moments apart.

The second team, comprised of Trot, Whisper, and Cloudkitty, as well as some Luminous Gang and PMC Military troops, headed to District 2. On the way, Trot talked to Whisper and Cloud about Shadow. "I just want her to feel better." she vented. "It's hard seeing my best friend like this." "Well, she needs some time to get over him." Whisper reminded her. "Yeah, mourning takes a while." Cloudkitty added. "You're right." Trot said. "I guess I shouldn't have tried to push her to help us fight in the battle." "Just give her time." Whisper repeated. "Plus, we already have two teleporters; that gives us an advantage anyways." "Hey, look, we're here." Cloudkitty pointed out, gesturing to the bunker ahead of them. They exited the bunker, emerging near the military base, where they also climbed onto the rooftops and hung out on the roof of a building on Paril Road, spotting IGE's team across the street on another building.

The third team, comprised of Tem, Rakkitatoru, and a few Luminous Gang and PMC Military troops, headed to District 4. "So, what do we during the battle?" Tem asked Rakkitatoru. "I was thinking I cast this new spell I've been working on, which'll create a magical shield around a certain area that is impenetrable from both sides to anything non-magic, with the exception the caster." the mage explained. "That way we can keep the battle contained the area around Paril Road and the ruins of Cyprezz Tower." "Good idea." Tem said. They eventually arrived at District 4, which was located under the Nugget Factory, which was northeast of Cyprezz Tower. They arrived near the ruins and Rakkitatoru began preparing the spell. She gave Tem a pair of magical beacons and told him to put them down at the corners of the square she was making around the area. They set things up, and Tem contacted Spencer, who saw him laying down one of the beacons, explaining what was going on. Spencer notified the rest of the group of the shield.

The fourth team is comprised of Spencer, General Axo Playz, and several Luminous Gang and PMC Military troops. "So, how's leading the Luminous Gang going?" General Playz asked. "Pretty good." Spencer said. "We've been working on keeping the caves safe, and preparing them to be an evacuation place in case whatever was prophesied in that carving on the wall that just appeared one day comes true." "That thing is worrying me." General Playz responded. "Once we end this war, I'm going to talk to Silabear and the Council about it." "Good idea." Spencer replied. They arrived at their destination, District 1, and emerged northwest of Cyprezz Tower. Spencer saw Tem laying down a beacon, and later got contacted by him, receiving an explanation of the shield.

On Paril Road, ComfySteve and his men prepared to take away the now-prisoners of war. However, things went awry when Silabear used his claw to pick the lock on his shackles. He took out the vial of liquid luminous armor, a special armor engineered by the Luminous Gang that formed around you, and punched one of the piglins. He used a built-in arm blade to cut the other Council members' shackles (including Stubbs), and they all put on their armor. Knowing this was the signal, Faisal fired a shot from his sniper rifle at Private Billy. The bullet went through his skull, killing him. He fired more bullets at ComfySteve, but the swift and agile Nether Empire lieutenant noticed them and blocked them with his shield. The Soda Strike Team climbed down from the building and started attacking the Nether Army soldiers stationed around the area as the shield came up around the area, covering everything, including the docks.

"Attack!" General Playz shouted, charging into the fight and firing his triple-barreled gatling gun at his opponents, killing them all. Spencer also ran in, stabbing a charging piglin with his glow glaive. Noncommercial, furious at this insurrection of sorts, activated his mech's weapons. "Release the hoglins." he said into the communicator built into his mech. At the docks, a cage aboard a large ship opened, releasing hundreds of hoglins into the city. "Oh crap." Trot said. She created a large fireball and hurled it at them. Rakkitatoru saw this and fired a bolt at the fireball, strengthening it with magic. The flame landed near the hoglin horde and set some of them ablaze. "Wait, aren't they gonna zombify in a few minutes?" Tem asked as he stabbed a piglin with his light-enhanced silver sword. Rakkitatoru did a spell to see if they were under any effects. "Nope." she said. "The piglins splashed them with anti-zombification potions. These guys aren't gonna be getting up any time soon." She cast Firebolt at an incoming hoglin, which went straight through its brain, killing it. They spotted Whisper, Cloudkitty, and Potato rushing over to help them.

Meanwhile, Whisper and Cloudkitty were fighting back to back against a group of piglins. Whisper teleported onto the rooftop and sniped a few with lightning-infused copper arrows, enchanted by Rakkitatoru. Cloudkitty, with the agility of a cat, dodged several crossbow bolts and stabbed a piglin with one of his silver katanas. However, he was knocked down by a piglin brute, who prepared to chop off his head with his golden battle axe. Potato saw this and rushed over, decapitating the brute from behind with his Netherite claymore. "Need some help?" he asked. "It would be much appreciated." Cloudkitty replied. Whisper, previously focused on sniping piglins, spots Potato and waved to him from the rooftop before teleporting down. "You're here to help us?" she asked. "Yup." Potato said. Whisper drew her bow, shooting at a piglin that was charging at him from behind. They noticed Rakkitatoru, Tem, and Trot battling hoglins and decide to help.

During all of this, closer to the ruins of Cyprezz Tower, Noncommercial and ComfySteve were battling the Council of Mods and the Soda Strike Team. ComfySteve was holding his own against the armored Silabear, Adrestio, Smack, and Stubbs, as well as the other Council members. Phantasm entered ghost form and appeared behind his opponent, kicking him in the back and causing him to fall into Adrestio's arms. Adrestiowas promptly kicked in the shins by a resistant ComfySteve, which allowed the latter to free himself and throw a dagger at Silabear. The bear caught the small blade, crushing it in his armored paws. "Crap." ComfySteve said to himself. "Royal Guard, aid us!" The Nether Empire Royal Guard, who were preoccupied battling Luminous Gang soldiers and PMC Military troops, ran over to the fight, with one of them grabbing Smack from behind and attempting to choke him. Smack, however, countered by taking out a glow knife and stabbing the guardsman in the stomach, wounding him. He lost his grip and Smack escaped, throwing the knife at his opponent's face and killing him. ComfySteve grabbed a piglin's crossbow and began charging it while turning towards the battle going on between the Soda Strike Team and King Noncommercial.

Noncommercial, meanwhile, took on all four Soda Strike Team members. IGE and Peter fired their plasma blasters and laser rifles, dual wielding them and doing minor damage to the mech, along with Pig's grenades. Ella swung her flaming pyro-axe at the mech's left leg, which also did minor damage. "The Netherite on the mech is making it impervious to our attacks!" IGE commented with frustration. He put his guns away and generated his signature light kusarigama, swinging it at the mech. "Maybe hard light magic will do more damage!" His guess was correct, as the kusarigama took out a sliver of Netherite. However, Noncommercial proceeded to take out his massive cannon, which he previously used to destroy Cyprezz Tower, turning it down to its lowest setting to avoid collateral damage of his new city. Peter noticed the cannon charging up. "Guys, look out!" he warned. Everyone leapt out of the way as Noncommercial fired his beam cannon at the ground before him. It didn't do any damage, except for leaving a hole in the ground. Pig lobbed another grenade at the mech, which scratched it. "Netherite shouldn't be that strong." he said to himself before Noncommercial flew into the air and landed on the ground, sending out a shockwave that knocked down everyone in the area. Before they could react, the king of the Nether Empire prepared to step on the Soda Strike Team.

Luckily for them, Noncommercial was unable to succeed, as his foot was blasted by a traitorous ComfySteve using a stolen crossbow, before he was knocked down by Smack, who leapt onto him, assuming he was aiming at one of the Strike Team members. Distracted by the crossbow bolt hitting his foot, Noncommercial didn't see an Eva-13, the last of its kind, flying towards him, dual wielding the Spears of Longinus. The mech kicked Noncommercial's mech in the face, knocking it down. Noncommercial got back and saw the pilot of the mech: former Captain Grimm Knight of Evangelion Squadron!

Gracie heard Grimm's voice in her communicator. She had come up from district 5 later than the others due to a cave-in that trapped her team and forced them to dig away the rocks, and was just now arriving at the fight. "Grimm, you're here?!" she asked, her voice full of joy and excitement. "Yup, it's me!" the mech pilot said through his mech's communicator. "I'm a little busy right now, though!" Near the ruins of Cyprezz Tower, she saw Grimm's Eva-13 pick up Noncommercial's mech and throw it down the road. She fired several plasma blasts at it, which didn't do much damage, but still scratched the mech. Meanwhile, the Strike Team had gotten up and were running down the road, past everyone, all of whom have been focused on the fight, with Pig breaking away to talk to the Council of Mods. The hoglins were running wild through the street, attacking the PMC Military and Luminous Gang, and the council had handcuffed ComfySteve and killed the Nether Empire Royal Guard.

"Why did you shoot the mech?" Silabear asked the lieutenant. "For a while now, I've been questioning my king's decisions of late." ComfySteve answered. "Especially the slaves." "I was right!" Stubbs exclaimed, feeling triumphant. "What slaves?" Adrestio inquired. "Well, for the past few months, King Noncommercial has been enslaving people in the Nether to mine up Netherite for his mech." ComfySteve explained. "He also had several engineer a casing that could hold some magical device that I forgot the name of." As the Strike Team ran by, Pig overheard this. "Magic device?" he asked, leaving the group to talk to ComfySteve and the Council. "It was something End-related." ComfySteve replied. "That's all I remember." As Noncommercial's mech got up, Pig used a spyglass to zoom in on his chest. "Wait, that's the Heart of the End!" he noticed. "That's what it was called." ComfySteve remembered. "That explains why the Netherite is so tough!" Pig realized. He took out his phone and searched up the Heart, showing it to everyone. "'The Heart of the End, if its power is channeled correctly, can be used to strengthen anything and grant it enhanced attributes.'" "So, basically, if we destroy the heart, we can give ourselves a fighting chance?" Phantasm asked. "Precisely." Pig answered. "But the Heart is nearly indestructible."

"What do you mean 'nearly?'" Smack questioned. "The only thing that can destroy it is something very rare: a raw nucleon power core, which is just as strong." Pig told him. General Playz was overhearing the conversation while helping Spencer fight some hoglins nearby. "I know where we can find one, but it's too risky of a plan." he said, landing the killing blow on the hoglin and walking over to them. "We don't have any other choice." ComfySteve commented as Phantasm took off his handcuffs, now knowing that he was on their side. "The Evangelion Squadron mechs ran on raw nucleon power cores." Playz explained. "But Grimm is currently piloting the last one." They all looked at the battling mechs. "We can't risk it." Silabear said. "What if he doesn't get away in time?" "It's a risk we'll have to take." Playz grimly replied. He spoke into his communicator. "I want the Strike Team, the Apprentices, Trot, Gracie, and Faisal to come over to me and the Council. And, just so you know, ComfySteve is on our side."

Everyone ran over to them, leaving Grimm and Noncommercial to duel. Grimm, in his Eva-13, slashed Noncommercial with his spears. The powerful mech of the Nether king, however, was a perfect match for Grimm, and countered by firing his beam cannon, which damaged Grimm's mech. Grimm leapt into the air and threw one of the spears at Noncommercial's mech, which became stuck in his left shoulder. When Grimm landed on the ground, he ripped the spear out, causing the arm to fall off. "No matter." Noncommercial said, knowing that a missing arm wouldn't stop him from using the beam cannon. He jabbed the cannon into the socket where his left arm was once attached , and it began to transform into an arm that ends in the beam cannon's barrel. He fired a slightly more powerful beam at Grimm, who blocked it with his spears. Noncommercial turned up the beam to almost full power, which shattered the Spears of Longinus! Grimm, his mech weak and damaged, struggled to get up, but managed to hold his own in a fistfight against Noncommercial's mech.

While they fought, the group discussed the game plan. Pig told the others what he told ComfySteve and the Council. "But if Grimm gets caught in the blast, he'll die." Gracie said nervously, worried about her boyfriend. The entire time they'd been talking, she'd been watching the fight, nervous that Grimm would get killed at any moment. "Don't worry." Spencer said. "If Grimm ejects, he should be able to get away." "IGEBM, focus!" General Playz barked, spotting IGEBM hooking up an antennae to his communicator. "Yes, sir." IGE said with a salute, clicking a button on his communicator before taking off the antennae and paying attention. "So, basically, the plan is for Grimm to activate his mech's self-destruct and then eject." Silabear clarified, summing up everything Pig's been saying. "And as he gets away in a rocket-powered chair, the mech blows up both itself and Noncommercial's." "It may not destroy the mech, but it'll definitely destroy the Heart of the End that's enhancing its powers." ComfySteve added. "Then we'll have a fighting chance if he survives." "Alright, team, ATTACK!!!" Silabear shouted.

The soldiers charged into battle as General Playz contacted Grimm and explained the plan. "Got it, General." Grimm said, understanding the risks. In his mech, he smashed the glass box covering the emergency self-destruct. "Never though I'd press this." he said to himself as he prepared to push the red button. Before he could, however, Noncommercial punches the Eva-13 unit in the face, destroying one of its optical sensors. Blind in one eye and wounded all over, Grimm struggled to fight back, but continued to battle. As the PMC Military and Luminous Gang battled the Nether Army, Gracie looked up at the mechs and wondered if something went wrong. She was attacked from behind by a piglin soldier and was saved by a plasma blast from Peter. "Gracie, focus." he said, continuing to fight as Gracie got up. She found cover and spoke to Grimm. "Are you okay?" she asked, worried. "My mech is severely damaged." Grimm responded. "I just got an alert saying systems are going critical, and the shields went down a few minutes ago."

With not much left he can do, Grimm got ready to self-destruct the mech. He put one hand over the self-destruct button and one over the eject button. "Noncommercial, come at me!" he shouted. As the king charged at Grimm, he pressed self-destruct. The 90-second countdown appeared on a red holo-screen as Grimm tried to eject. "Why isn't this thing working?!" he said, his voice full of panic as he repeatedly pressed the eject button. He turned on the communicator again, broadcasting to everyone in the battle as he accepted his fate. "Guys, we have problem: my eject button isn't working. I don't think I fixed the mechanism. The clock is ticking. I have 61 seconds left until I die, so let me say my brief goodbyes to IGEBM, Peter, Pig, Ella, who I fought alongside in the Soda Wars, General Playz, who recruited me, and, most of all Gracie, the love of my life. I want you to know that, no matter where I am, be it on this planet, heaven, or Hell, I'll be always be there for y-"

He was cut off as the call was ended. Everyone already knew why, and they all turned to see the mech blow up in a large, bright yellow explosion. Noncommercial activated his mech's shields, which protected him, but the Heart of the End was destroyed by the blast. The shields were destroyed, and the king's mech was knocked back several yards. Soldiers got out of the way as the mech landed, and Noncommercial got up. He received an alert on a holo-screen saying the Heart was gone, and fired up his cannon to full power, screaming with rage as he fired a immensely powerful beam of energy down the road, killing hundreds of soldiers. Luckily, the Council, Strike Team, Apprentices, Trot, ComfySteve, Faisal, General Playz, and Spencer are were to get out of the way, and Gracie was protected thanks to being behind a car on the other side of the road, out of harm's way. As the remaining fighters looked on at the field of corpses, they thought all hope was lost, and that everything they've done was for nothing. The Strike Team found Gracie behind a car, crying a sea of tears. They signaled to Trot and the Apprentices to come over, which they did. "He's- he's gone!" she wailed. "I- I can't believe it! He's gone! I loved him! No! No! No!" They tried to comfort her as the Council, ComfySteve, General Playz, Faisal, and Spencer looked around. "I hate to say it, but this is it." Silabear said glumly. "We lost." All of a sudden, they heard a horn.

Everyone, even the crying Gracie, turned around to face the harbor, where the sound of a horn came from. In the harbor, they saw approaching ships from all the nations of the Overworld and the End! They spotted Captain Clay's pirate ship, with the famed pirate at the wheel, and several Cryptic Family ships, with the one in the front carrying Firestar, Aspirin, DarkRob, and Ghostly, all led by Guts. Even the Cholan Empire, who at first refused to join the war, have sent a few ships to the city, with the main one carrying King Elightin Elytra himself, along with his associates Dr. Golden, Greief, and Rob, as well as Si! However, the biggest group of ships is in the back of the massive fleets, and they're End ships from across the Ender Nation, led by a larger End ship captained by Lord Piaccu, Commander Worpin, and his brother Lieutenant Endrys! "They all came!" IGE cheered. "What?" Tem asked, confused. "Remember when I was hooking up that antennae to my communicator?" IGE explained. "When Axo yelled at me? Well, I was using it to strengthen my signal so I could send a planet-wide distress signal to all the nations. Unfortunately, it fried my communicator, but it was clearly worth it, and then the End ships presumably joined the fleet when they came through the portal."

"We're here to help end this war!" Guts spoke into a megaphone from his ship. "We brought everyone!" King Elightin added, his voice amplified by his ship's speakers. "And we won't go down without a fight!" Lord Piaccu finished, shouting into another megaphone aboard his ship. "Yeah, for Planet Minecraft!" Clay shouted from aboard his ship (without a mic). "FOR PLANET MINECRAFT!" everyone shouted.

"CHARGE!!!" Clay ordered. Then, the massive armies made their way across the ships and started charging down Paril Road. As his crew attacked the shocked piglins, the more experienced soldiers of the Cryptic Family Military, the Cholan Army, and the Ender Army joined the PMC Military and Luminous Gang in fighting the Nether Army. Even as they fought, more ships from the Forge and Sodaville began to arrive, the residents of those villages having chosen to take up arms to save their home. "Hey, look, our old troops came and fought." IGE said to Peter as the group looked on at the charge. "Yep." Peter replied. "Now's our chance to strike." "Now?!" Pig asked, surprised. "There's literally a united Overworld army charging through the streets and you think now is a good time to strike Noncommercial?!" "Yeah." Ella said, agreeing with Peter. "Think about it: the Nether Army is preoccupied with fighting our allies, which means they can't defend Noncommercial, who is currently disoriented by all the chaos around him." The others started to agree. "What about Gracie?" Pig inquired. "Someone needs to stay and take care of her." "I'll stay." Trot responded. "Then it's all settled." IGE said. "I have an idea. Whisper, I need you to teleport everyone else over to the ruins of Cyprezz Tower, where the soldiers aren't fighting." "Got it." Whisper replied. "Everyone, grab onto me." While the others grabbed onto Whisper and she teleported them all away (except for Trot, Gracie, and IGE), IGEBM ran out from behind their cover and drew Noncommercial's attention. "Hey, Noncommercial, come and get me!" he shouted. "I bet you really wanna squash some Overworld insurrectionists right now!" "Oh, this is too easy." the king said as he flew towards IGEBM, who hurried down the street before teleporting to the others. Noncommercial found them all.

"Let's do this." Peter said, seeing Noncommercial arrive right after IGE teleported in. He drew his plasma blaster as IGE generated a light kusarigama. Pig readied a grenade, Ella charged her electro-machete, and the Apprentices took out their weapons. Rakkitatoru readied a shield spell as she saw Noncommercial lift his foot. "I will kill you all!" Noncommercial declared, stomping his massive foot to create a small shockwave. Rakkitatoru stepped forward and cast the shield spell, blocking it. As the magic shield went away, the other surrounded Noncommercial, attacking him. With his mech not enhanced by the Heart of the End, their weapons were actually doing more damage to it. Noncommercial fired several missiles from his back, which landed in random locations around him. Pig countered by throwing a grenade at his back, which exploded in midair as it hit his mech, sending him falling forward onto the ground. He got up and fired several more missiles from his remaining forearm. The group dodged them as Pig got an idea. "Everyone, I need you to get out of the way!" he said. "Get as far away from here as possible and I'll signal when you all can come back." The others ran as Pig threw down a bunch of timed explosives around Noncommercial. The Nether King was too focused on lowering the setting of his cannon and charging it up to stop him, and Pig took out the singularity grenade and threw it down, assuming it would explode on impact. His guess was correct, and he ran away as the singularity began to form. He managed to escape just before it began sucking it all the explosives. Said explosives blew up inside the singularity just as it exploded, creating a larger explosion that completely obliterates Noncommercial's mech. The King noticed this just in time to hit eject, and just barely escaped the explosion. However, he was wounded in the process as the edge of the blast hit him, destroying his seat's rocket boosters and sending him falling several feet out of the air.

Meanwhile, back with Trot and Gracie, the former had been defending the still-crying Gracie from piglins, but they were slowly closing in on the two of them. Then, the soldiers were shot dead by someone. Trot turned as her fireball went away, seeing Shadow wielding a plasma blaster. "You came!" she cheered. "Yeah, I thought about what you said." Shadow told her as the two friends hug. "Chaos would've wanted me to fight for our home. What's up with her?" She gestured to Gracie. Trot caught her up on the battle. "Let me talk to her." Shadow said. "Okay." Trot agreed. She fended off the piglins while Shadow talked to Gracie. "Listen, Gracie, I know how you feel." she said. "When I lost Chaos, I didn't know if I'd ever be the same again. I had gotten so accustomed to being with him that I realized I had forgotten what life was like without him in it. I was... lost. That seems like the right word for how I felt. But then I realized that I had put him before Cyprezz, and no one should ever come before Cyprezz." She handed Gracie a tissue, which she then used to blow her nose. Shadow gave her another to wipe away her tears. "Thanks for that." Gracie said. She slowly stopped crying. "I guess you're right about that, but I just really miss Grimm. I loved him so much, and now I don't know what to do now that he's gone." "Well, we have to stay strong." Shadow reminded her. "And keep pushing. After all, we can't do anything. Just remember why they died: for us. They died to save us, protect us, and make sure we had future even though they wouldn't." "You're right." Gracie said. She stood up. "Now, let's fight." Shadow handed her a plasma blaster and two joined Trot in the battle.

Back at the ruins of Cyprezz Tower, the group have all gotten back together to finally stop Noncommercial for good. "No mech to protect you now." IGE said, stepping forth. Noncommercial got up and drew a golden sword, ready to fight. "I'll handle him." IGE said. He swung his light kusarigama at the king, slashing his leg. Then, he transformed it into a light sword, which he used to duel with Noncommercial. As the two fought, Ella took out a chocolate bar and put away her machete, snacking on the bar while watching the duel. IGE gained the upper hand and generated a second sword, which he used split Noncommercial's blade in half. As the king dropped what remains of the sword and attempted to flee, IGE transformed his light swords into a kusarigama again, swinging at Noncommercial and wrapping the end around his leg, which he used to drag the king back in. He then got rid of the weapon and knocked out the King of the Nether Empire. Peter stepped forth and handcuffed him as the group turned around the see the Nether Army get overpowered by the Overworld soldiers. In a matter of minutes, the battle was won by the united warriors of the Overworld.

Several hours passed. The Nether Army, along with Noncommercial, were been taken back to the Nether by the PMC Military, where they were held in prison before the new king, ComfySteve, decided that anyone who still stood with Noncommercial would remain in said prison; anyone who repented was granted amnesty. That was his first act as the new King of the Nether Empire, with his second being to free the slaves and let them live normal lives once again, creating a new group to help them rebuild their lives. In the Overworld, a funeral for Chaos was held on Forge Island, and the entire village, as well as the Soda Strike Team, General Axo Playz, Faisal, Spencer, King Elightin, Dr. Golden, Greief, Field Marshall Rob, Si, and Captain Clay attended. A few people chose to leave the community or renounce their citizenship (if they lived somewhere else), among which was Robin. Without a Forgemaster, IGEBM suggested to his fellow Apprentices that they become a council that helps to run the village. After the funeral, the Strike Team journeyed to Morbid Island, where Peter stepped down from the role of Aspect of Horror, becoming the new Lord of Terror and promoting Firestar to Aspect of Horror for his excellent job leading the Cryptic Family during the Siege of Morbid Island. After the ceremony, the group spent the night on the island before returning to PMC City in the morning to attend Grimm's funeral that afternoon. All of his friends were in attendance, as was Lord Piaccu, who professed his feelings for Gracie to her, even admitting that he too thought it was a bad idea to do it at her boyfriend's funeral. However, Gracie reciprocated and the two began going out, with Piaccu even giving Gracie the deed to a nice, two-story house near his fortress in the End that she could visit whenever she wished. Following the funeral, Si expanded his cemetery to include individual graves for all of the fallen soldiers in the Nether War, while IGEBM broke off from the Strike Team (who were on their way to Cyprezz Tower for an event) to visit Grimm's Circus of Nightmares, where he left a sign at the entrance saying it was closed indefinitely until the managers figured out what do with it.

Finally, he met up with the Soda Strike Team, the other members of the Forge Council, Trot, Shadow, Gracie, Spencer, and General Playz at Cyprezz Tower, where they lined up outside the building, behind Silabear and the Council of Mods, the former getting ready to give a speech for the massive crowd that extended all the way down Paril Road. "People of the Overworld, we gather here to celebrate the ending of a war - the Nether War." Silabear began. "Sure, it may have only lasted a few days, but it felt like months for some of us. We gather here today to honor the soldiers who gave their lives to defend this dimension from the tyrant that was Noncommercial, who is currently rotting away in a prison cell deep in the Nether, something he will spend the rest of his life doing. We also gather here today to celebrate several people who fought in this war that did survive, and who were the ones mainly responsible for saving this dimension from coming under the control of the Nether Empire. These people are standing behind me right now, and we are about to award them the Planet Minecraft Medal of Heroism." Silabear proceeded to read off their names as the council members handed each of them a medal. Shadow and Gracie each got two, one of which being for Chaos and Grimm, respectively. The group waved to the audience as they exited the stage.

Epilogue - Years Later
It was the year 2033. Three friends were returning to PMC City after a nice walk through the woods. On their way, they passed by Si's graveyard. As the old gravedigger polished the uniquely-designed headstone of a man called Chaos Crypteral. Wondering why there were so many headstones in a city (and world) where hardly anyone died, the three entered the PMC Cemetery. The first one tapped Si on the back. "Umm, sir, we'd like to ask you a question." he said. Si turned around. "What is it, youngster?" he asked. "Well, this city has such a low mortality rate, and so does the entire planet." the second one explained. "Why are there so many headstones, and why is this one so special out of all the others? Barely any headstones are designed like this." She gestured to the field of graves around them, most of which were ordinary headstones. "So, you want to hear a story?" Si asked. "Yes!" the third one answered. "Follow me." Si said. He led the kids out of the cemetery and to his cabin nearby.

In the cabin, Si sat the kids down at the table. "Hey, IGE, these young ones want to hear a story about Chaos!" he shouted. IGEBM, who was in kitchen making lunch (he was visiting Si at the cemetery to help him out with grave polishing, and went to the cabin to make them lunch), walked into the living room, where he sat down next to Si. "Let me tell you a story about an incredible artist, skilled blacksmith, and hero to many." he told them.

"Chaos Crypteral was born on February 14th, 2020-" IGE was immediately interrupted. "That's Valentine's Day." the first kid commented. "Yes, now let me continue." IGE said. "As I said, he was born on February 14th, 2020 in PMC City, and, several months after his birth, he was taught by four skilled smiths in the four forms of smithing. He learned how to be a whitesmith from a great warrior who had retired and became a whitesmith, he learned how to be a redsmith from a copper miner who became a redsmith after quitting his mining job, and he learned how to be a yellowsmith from a gold seller who forged with the metal in his spare time. However, most importantly, he learned how to be a blacksmith from a kind, caring, and brave man on a taiga island, who Chaos regarded as a father figure. Chaos spent several weeks on that island, learning the art of blacksmithing, and, at the end of his training, he was gifted a sgian dubh by his teacher, which he has had with him ever since. He left the island, but returned to it a few months later because he heard news that his teacher had fallen ill and was dying. According to him, his master's dying wish was to take care of the island, which Chaos did by building a small cabin on the island and visiting it every month to keep things tidy there. That cabin expanded into an entire village - the Forge, where all the smiths went to go work. Si, wanna tell them about Shadow?"

"Gladly." Si replied. "In PMC City, he regularly attended the Circle of Caring Souls church, where he began to develop a crush on the pastor, a girl named Shadow. The two became good friends, and Shadow even started to develop a crush on him! How luck! Most of us never have crushes who like us back. A few months before Valentine's Day in 2023, the two professed their love to each other and became a couple. He really loved Shadow, and she loved him just as much, and they were very happy together. the two built a house where they lived together. Sadly, that all came to end in April of that same year... Care to finish this story?"

"I don't see why not." IGE said. "As you may know from the history books, between late March and early April of 2023, the entire planet was at war. We recently passed the 10-year anniversary of that war ending. I'm sure you all know about the Battle of PMC City, when the people of the Overworld and the End united against King Noncommercial and the Nether Empire in a final showdown in the ruins of the city, but, in my knowledge, you guys barely learned about the Fall of PMC City. Well, let me tell you about it. Me and my team, the Soda Strike Team, which consisted of me and my friends Peter, Pig, and Ella, had returned from the End to PMC City after battling the Crimson Butchers alongside Lord Piaccu of the End and two of his highest-ranking military soldiers. Now, the reason we returned was because our commanding officer, General Playz, had sent a distress call to us saying that the Nether Army had invaded the City and him and a few others were holed up under the military base in a bunker. After a battle in the streets, during which Noncommercial himself arrived in a mech, we found ourselves losing. Our men had guns to their heads, and Stubbs was trying to help out in a tank. Then, Chaos arrived, and with him came Shadow, their friend Trot, and the Forge Apprentices.

"They turned the tide of the battle, but then Noncommercial returned after leaving the battlefield for a bit. Using a massive cannon that seemed to have been engineered by his chief scientist, he cut Cyprezz Tower in two at the middle and the top half of it came down and wrecked part of the city, as well as trapping Chaos under a piece of rubble. Shadow pulled him out, and helped him stand as we all looked around at the destroyed area around us. Those of us battling the Empire fled to the Ancient City, where General Playz and High Councilman Silabear had evacuated the rest of the city. However, the piglins, led by some crazy, gold-eyed scientist, followed us to the cave entrance, where me, the Strike Team, the Apprentices, Shadow, Trot, and a weakened Chaos tried to hold them off so the others could escape. In the end, Chaos, knowing he would soon die from his injuries, asked Pig to give him a grenade, said his goodbyes to us, Shadow especially, and then set the timer as the piglins surrounded him. As we ran deeper into the cave, we saw the explosion bring down the roof of the cave entrance, killing Chaos, that crazy piglin, and anyone else caught in the blast. Shadow was heartbroken, and Trot had to literally carry her down the tunnel to prevent her from getting caught in the blast and being either injured or killed."

"So, yeah, that's the story of Chaos Crypteral." Si said as his friend finished. "Now do you three understand why that grave is so special?" "Yep." the second kid said. "I never knew there was so much history behind this guy." the third one added. "Do you either of guys have a picture of him?" "Sure." Si responded. He took out his phone and scrolls through his library to the year 2022, where he found a picture he was asked to take of Chaos, Shadow, and Trot. "There's Chaos in the middle, in his casual wear." "Oh yeah, I remember that jacket." IGE said. "He loved that jacket. When we found his will, it said he'd like to be buried wearing it. Si had to dress a mutilated corpse." "Yikes." the first kid commented as he pictured Si putting the jacket on a mutilated version of the man in the picture. "Well, anyways, I guess we'll be on our way. Bye." The other two say goodbye and then left the cabin, continuing on their way to the city.

"It's hard to believe that there's a whole generation of PMCers out there who don't know anything about this guy, or anyone who died during that period where the mortality rate here died." IGE said to his friend. "Yeah, same." Si replied. "At least we were able to teach a few people about him. One day, we're gonna die too, and we'll be forgotten like all the others." "Let's hope that takes a while, though." IGE responded. He heard the microwave ding. "Oh, hey, those secret nuggets I put in the microwave are done." He went to the kitchen to get their lunch.

ComfySteve12345 as First Lieutenant ComfySteve of the Nether Army
Silabear as Head Councilman Silabear
Noncommercial as King Noncommercial of the Nether Empire
Private Billy
FE98 as Faisal
OrderOutOfChaos as Peter
TheMcPig as Pig
Pixella_9487 as Ella
Trotelot as Trotelot
WhisperOfTheWild as Whisper
cloudkitty as Cloud
BigFatPotat as Potato
CrownDeluxe as Tem
Rakkitatoru as Rakkitatoru
Sp3nc3r_ as Spencer
AxolotlArmy as General Axo Playz
Stubbs1 as Stubbs
Adrestio as Councilman Adrestio
smack17 as Councilman Smack
_Phantasm as Councilman Phantasm
TheGrimmKnight as Grimm Knight
GracieMockingjay as Gracie Mockingjay
ClayMan1077 as Captain Clay
Firestar2477278 as Lord of Terror Firestar
Aspirin60 as Fear Priest Aspirin
DarkRob333 as Fear Priest DarkRob
GhostlyBit_57 as Fear Priest Ghostly
Guts N Pixels as Guts
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
CesarCarter as Greief
Rob333 as Field Marshall Rob
LegendarySi as Si
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
Commander Worpin, Head of the Ender Royal Guard
Lieutenant Endrys of the Ender Army
ShadowOnTheLoose as Shadow
Young PMCer #1
Young PMCer #2
Young PMCer #3

Author's Notes
Chapter 9
- I had forgotten to mention this in the original version of the chapter, but, according to PMC City laws, crossing your fingers while making a governmental statement like a surrender immediately invalidates said statement - as long as there are at least 2 witnesses (which there were) to prove you did this.
- Private Billy's name is a nod to CavemanFilms, who I used to love watching, and who used Billy as a running joke name for characters that die in his videos.
- The districts are Luminous Gang locations in their lore. In this series, they're research bunkers under the city connected via tunnels. They also serve as an underground method of traveling around PMC City.
- Paril Road is a long road that stretches from Cyprezz Tower (at the center of the city) south down to the docks. IGE and Si both live in apartment buildings located along the road.
- Ah yes, the Nugget Factory... IGE's soon-to-be place of employment...
- The prophecy Spencer is referring to is the one Tzyber was reading about the Maddened One back in chapter 5, which foretold the events that would be prevented in PMC: Apocalypse.
- My lore explanation of zombification: hoglin internals are so adapted to the climate of the Nether that they are unable to adjust to the climate of the Overworld or the End, which causes their body to rapidly rot until they become zombies. If a hoglin dies before being zombified, the zombification will bring them back to life. Anti-zombification potions slow the rotting down so that it takes several years and is barely noticeable until the end.
- Phantasm has the same powers as Ghostly.
- The Eva-13 mech is, of course, from Evangelion, which I previously stated Grimm is a big fan of. He had some corrections for me about how the mech worked or something, but I couldn't find them...
- Fun Fact: the Luminous Gang doesn't actually have a fifth district; no idea why I wrote that in.
- Following the Nether War, an entirely new batch of royal guardsmen had to be recruited by ComfySteve and his new first lieutenant due to the council's actions.
- The nucleon in this story isn't what it is in real life; I based this nucleon on a substance from Transformers lore. In most Transformers universes, nucleon can be used to strengthen a normal Transformer (as the commercial said, it makes them "stronger, faster, more alive") and even resurrect the dead, but at the cost of removing their ability to transform. The Decepticon Justice Division (Megatron's kill squad/Decepticon Gestapo) use a version of it enhanced with chronal energy called Nuke to make themselves crazy powerful.
- In case it wasn't obvious, the communicators used by the PMC Military are the same ones used by the Chaos Legion in their universe.
- Grimm and Guts both have such interesting backstories. I've long considered writing an anthology series explaining the lore behind some of the characters, especially after I wrote that one prologue story for Apocalypse about the fall of Hell's Island that's haunted IGE.
- Just to be clear, the "blind in one eye" line was referring to the Eva-13, not Grimm himself. Basically, half of his viewscreen that allows him to see outside was missing.
- Grimm's death scene was one of my favorite moments from the series. In terms why it happened, as he said, he hadn't fixed the eject mechanism: the locks and springs that would normally activate (or deactivate, in the case of the locks) when the button is pressed hadn't been oiled due to Grimm being in a rush and missing them. This led to them freezing up and not working.
- Gotta love how plot armor protected all the named characters from Noncommercial's rage-induced beam of doom.
- It was a truly awful coincidence that Chaos and Grimm left very near to each other... PMC had a really high "mortality rate" (as I call it) last year.
- My string of clichés in this series continue with "all hope seeming lost" until all the characters/allies the main cast has met along the way arrive with their friends to save the day.
- The part where all the others arrive is also where I introduce a large swathe of characters (not as large as the finale of Apocalypse, in which I tried to name almost everyone I had met on the site, but still big). Some of these characters would go on to become main cast members in my future stories, like Elightin, Dr. Golden, Greief, Rob, and Si.
- I'm currently wrapping up this writing session (no, this isn't the end of the notes) and looking at the cast list; so much has changed with all these people since last year... Pig's less active, Ella and Grimm vanished, Trot, Guts, and Piaccu all left, Phantasm got a promotion, Gracie's now on break because she's part of CAP, and me and Si are now extremely good friends... I always think a lot doesn't change in a year, but I feel stupid for thinking that because, well, it does.
- I'm quite proud of the term "Overworld insurrectionists."
- Noncommercial's back-mounted missile launchers were inspired by the ones Jetfire has in War for Cybertron: Siege.
- Shadow's line about putting Chaos before Cyprezz is a loreified (yes, that's a word now) version of what Shadow actually said about him when he left the site (that she had put him before God); worshipping Cyprezz in the lore is the equivalent of worshipping God. (Just so you know, I haven't fully worked out religions in the lore...)
- I always love incorporating little, unnecessary details into my stories where I can; Ella eating a chocolate bar while watching IGE and Noncommercial duke it out is one of my favorites.
- TheGlitchedRobin left the Forge group after Chaos left, hence the mention in the story.
- For those who didn't know (or didn't realize that was loreifying something in the epilogue paragraphs), I was the one who suggested to the Apprentices that we become a council.
- Peter swapping roles with Firestar was another thing based on actual events.
- And so begins PiaccuMockingjay... yes, I just made that ship name up on the spot... and I'm surprised I never saw it in a wall post while they were together...
- What I did with the Circus of Nightmares is also true; it's been inactive since Grimm left, with the only update being one made when Grimm came back that said he had put me in charge (which he did).
- Getting a PMC Medal of Heroism is like getting a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

- I love how one of the main parts of this story is basically invalidated by the fact that Si's (sorta) left the site. It's hilarious.
- When I initially wrote this, I imagined that people would've stopped leaving the site so frequently by 2033... it's slowly getting better, so it's possible.
- Si would never call someone a youngster, but I'm leaving it in because it makes him sound like an 80-year-old even though he'd be somewhere in his late 20s by the time of this story (in other words, for the laughs).
- Si seldom stays in his cabin, by the way. (He has an apartment in the city.)
- Re-reading this (because there's not many revisions to be made due to most of the story already being in the past-tense) has made me realize that I should probably loreify the whole thing about the mods telling Shadow and co. that the CCS can't be a group specifically for Christians... nah, removing a church from the lore may cause drama...
- I had to add in dialogue about Si lamenting the fact that crushes tend to not reciprocate feelings...
- Hey, I remember when Chaos and Shadow became a couple!
- Yes, Si is also mortician. Not many PMCers wanna get into the death business, okay?
- My line at the end of the story about people not knowing about Chaos parallels my thoughts on all the people that were leaving that year. I feared that, far in the future, they'd all be forgotten, lost to history, and maybe a few people wound stumble upon their profile pages, but most wouldn't know about them.
- Plot twist: this whole story is an ad for the Nugget Factory's secret nuggets that'll totally convince you to buy them. Now buy them.

Well, that's it! You've reached the end of the collection! This was really fun to work on. I enjoyed getting to reread all the chapters, fix all the mistakes, and write out my notes on each chapter (even if changing the tense of each chapter drove me nuts at times). This will likely be the last lore blog you'll see this year, although I'm considering making a second blog for Chaos Legion lore since I'm running out of space on the original and a lot of stuff has happened involving the GME, the GAE, the Imperialstoneland Federation, and the Evil Alts. As for if you'll ever see one of these types of collections again, I do want to do this again next year for the 2-year anniversary of PMC: Apocalypse, and, if I'm done with my Transformers fanfic (I'll have been working on it for a year by the time this is out, and I'm already halfway done) by August or September, I'll do The PMC World War as well.

That just about wraps it up! I hope you liked this series and I'll see you again in the next wall post!

- Gaél

Credits and Resources
Original Series

Volume 4 began 3-24-2024 at 3:10 PM EDT
Volume 4 completed 4-20-2024 at 11:40 AM EDT
Published 5-2-2024 at 3:35 PM EDT
Written by IGEBM
Cover art by OrderOutOfChaos
Cover text (sans “WAR ON THE NETHER” and Peter’s username) by IGEBM

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05/13/2024 3:12 pm
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05/13/2024 3:39 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
This isn’t even in the same universe as the Chaos Legion lol
Marshal GrossDemonStein
05/13/2024 4:25 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
Marshal GrossDemonStein's Avatar
I know it. My words had a hidden meaning. It was a hidden hint
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