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The Life and Times of Chickenpants93 [Month of Pants!]

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chickenpants93's Avatar chickenpants93
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad


A common word with the same or similar meaning to the word “hello.”

This word is commonly associated with cowboys, goat flowers, and Americans in general to anyone who has never met an American. But there is only one man who managed to be all three, only one legend powerful enough, only one man daring enough.

It’sa me bucko, get used to it.


Howdy! I’m ChickenPants93, and if you know who I am, this is the anniversary of the day I joined this website five years ago!

If on the the other hand you don’t know who I am, this is the anniversary of the day I joined this website five years ago, and you missed the bus buddy!

This blog post is in no way a call for my own attention, TRUST ME, IVE TRIED. *weeps*

Instead this post exists to celebrate the five beautiful years I’ve been here. To thank old friends, to share old storys with new ones, and to write down something about my life before I forget who I am and what I was.. doing… here. . .

Oh right

Welcome to the month of ChickenPants93! (Which I’ve decided is April, because I joined this site the second to last day of March lol) I’ll be posting stuff to this account every once in a while with new stories and callbacks to my dark and intriguing past!


The Beginning

One day, on the 30th of March, a small lad approached the gates of a beautiful land of Minecraft skins and content. Content that clearly showed just how much they all deeply cared about the game and its players.

Then I left skindex to burn and joined pmc instead.

That was probably the smartest decision I’ve ever made on the internet at the time! (Other than perhaps the decision to remove all my old scratch projects) I honestly can’t imagine how different my life would’ve been if I hadn’t joined.

Well actually, I guess I can, it’d probably look something like this:

*This image has been removed due to how devastatingly poor a decision it depicts. The pmc staff apologizes for the inconvenience, and would like to offer this complimentary trident to the face.*

I then decided I had made too many good choices recently and went inactive after posting a couple skins (good ole batman, I used to think he was ugly but I’m actually very proud of that skin (what a sentence))

Around this time, I was part of an smp, though I didn’t know the term at the time, we just called it the cloud catz server, or cloud catz. This was because the owner ( Witherbrine1001, yo wassup wither how are you) had a cat with the name cloudy and honestly it was epic, and I’m sure the cat was too. I had created a base I was proud of. all in survival! Although the surrounding area was made in creative mode. It was a scientific facility I called “magitech incorporated.”

Did I yet mention how genius I was at the time? Because I was brilliant.

Wither eventually built a company next door called “PuffX inc,” and we began working on some genuinely impressive for the time command block creations. These creations included such things as the ShulkerSlime, the shulkerBlaze, and most terrifying of them all, the ShulkerFish.

Unfortunately we soon realized all of these things manage to either drown or melt, and moved on to bigger and better things. This was my first real experience as the admin of a server, and I’ll admit I probably annoyed some people with how seriously I took that job.

The next project I decided to work on was a magitech mall, and while I never actually finished that project, (I just made the front wall, concrete is expensive.) I did get steered towards the biggest project of my life by my good friend JadeFire170, who had just made a PMC account.

It went something like, “oh yeeeaaaahhh, Planet skindex right?”

I would like to formally thank jadefire170 for putting up with my ridiculousness. The sheer amount of ridicule I deserved for my ridiculousis is ridiculous.

The Phirst World War

A very short time after joining this website, (on which I continued to post skins and the occasional low quality map) I discovered a forum created by one treedude13, otherwise known as Michelle Obama, otherwise known as *indecipherable gibberish*, otherwise known as Zackeatsbeans, otherwise known as whatever his current username is because my gosh man.
(hey look its Brick)

This forum post was titled something along the lines of “what is the best letter”

This was a simple forum pole, though it only actually included letters a-h or so, so lots of letters left out.

I will admit, fool I was, I nearly voted for the letter C.


But then, out of nowhere, like a one eyed angel from above, (even though he wasn’t a moderator yet) dreamCritting saved me. “Vote for E”

Brilliant, exceptional, words to live by. (I’m pretty sure he actually gave a reason but I can’t check currently and I wouldn’t bet money on my ability to actually remember it so this is what you get.)


I began to campaign soldiers for this army, I scowered the streets, I commented annoyingly on wallposts, I dared to challenge every man who stood against me in my fight for E. And then, when I thought we had won, I received a blow, a blow that shook me to my very core.

I had been betrayed before in this war, most of my friends (jadefire170 especially, who voted for the letter f) had already betrayed me for the enemy. But no, this was no mere betrayal, this was a strike straight from the source.

Treedude13 had stepped in.

“You idiots you were supposed to vote f it’s the funny respect letter”

Shaken, but not stirred, I pressed on harder. I began campaigning against the letter f SPECIFICALLY. The letter F is merely an E with less lines, E comes first in the alphabetical order, less swear words start with E. Arguments like that were what TRUELY grew our army. Eventually, we even managed to convince treedude13 to our side.

I stood with legends that day, anonpmc2713049(TheAlmightyBirb), treedude13, and dreamcritting all went on to become legendary pmcers in their own right, but as for me? I was still new, and suddenly I had a double digit follower count.

The Promise

I had always had a good sense of humor, by which I of course mean I was a guy who had seen Shrek at least once.

This of course did not make me a comedian, but anyone who knew to tell me likely found it more funny to not let me know. And hey, they were right. I, ChickenPants93, professional command block scientist and totally not secret underground Shakespeare puppet cult leader, (CONTEXT IS NEVERRR) had become ChickenPants93, Rick rollin link trollin meme postin memepants93, the fastest shrek in the west.

This was a powerful seat I was sitting in, one nobody may have realized at the time, but one I knew full well would come. The crown was a heavy one to bear, but my great wisdom was immeasurable, so I knew I needed something to help support it.

So I made an oath, an oath I still chant to this day. This is an oath I have promised to always follow, no matter what the costs may be.

As part of this series of posts, I will be making art and other special content based on the years on pmc, and this video of a dramatic reading of this oath that I recorded is the first of many of them.

Here it is! (This is my first time using youtube so let me know if it works)

I’m sure you were all moved to tears by the video you’ve just witnessed, I know I am every time I rewatch it. Some have called it an end credits to my life and those like me, and honestly I can’t help but agree. This oath and those like it have impacted many of my kind over the years, though if I do say so myself, this is clearly the best out of all of them.

After all, it’s a rickroll.

Congratulations to any of you who dodged that one, I was known for making the site a dangerous place for a while there. One almighty birb once said that “I need a hazmat suit for every link I click, and honestly I’m enjoying the chaos.” I think he also said “you should be ashamed of yourself.”

Jokes on you bucko I’ve been waking up in ash and dust for years your hazmat suit will do no good against my powers.

The Wall Post Renaissance

This time period on PMC was an important one, a shift in the way things worked, one could say. This was the revolution of the wall post!

Before this time, the only real way to gain popularity on the site was through skins and other content. Though at least from where I sat it seemed that wall posts were gaining in popularity, and some talented users even managed to build their whole account on them.

This was a great opportunity for me! But it was also the opportunity to make Fanart for other pmc users! Skins are cool sure, but cool people were the real inspiration for me. It gave me a chance to practice! And it made me smile to see other people appreciate it, I realized I had finally found something I enjoyed drawing that other people liked too. And that’s probably the only reason I’m an artist today.

The Golden Age of Comics (Relating specifically to hotel mario and undertale)

“Well I declare! just how many comics can possible have any sort of relation to either of those PLUS the bEEEEEEEEEEautiful PMC community?”

Well you strange stereotypically southern doubter, the answer is simple.

Idk, like three?

The very first consistent comic I ever posted to pmc, the first I ever posted to the internet in general, was a simple one.

It was dialogue from the very memed animations of Hotel Mario drawn not with Mario and Luigi, but instead with sans and papyrus, skeleton brothers of hit RPG undertale.

And it was glorious.

Now you may find that cringe, and YES IT CERTAINLY WAS, but as one jadefire170 put it (and has confirmed to still be true yearly since the event) it was “comedy gold,” and that’s all that matters.

One of the things I hope to do soon after posting this blog is to remaster at least the first page with modern art and modern characters from my modern works. (Modern modern modernization if you will.)

The second comic I ever made is likely the thing that solidified my art style as what it is today. Heck, even the thing that made me the person I am today. And yet again, it all started from a forum thread.

This forum was created by pmcer Whiteout-, and it was titled “the waffle kingdom.” This kingdom was a kingdom dedicated to waffles, and waging war with their enemies, the pancakes.

Now I’ll admit, I was on the wrong side at first, but eventually I joined the waffles! That stands for something right? Suuuure I was going to betray them to the secret underground grandmother rebellion, (ayo WbMystery reference, go check out his story) but hey! I didnt! That’s gotta count for somethin huh?

The events of this forum and the story told by WBMystery inspired me to make my own comic, a comic based on undertale. because, honestly? I didn’t have the skill to come up with a story that could fit the zany hijinks we were up to outside of ripping off someone else. This was my first real successful project, starring several pmcers of the time, and I think I’ll remaster a page or two from this one too. (Maybe a whole breakdown of what the lore could have been, as this comic was cancelled and the lore had been floating around in my head for years)

This comic solidified my art and writing style in a lot of ways, most specifically the art style. The character design of whiteout- is what I used as a reference for litterally everything else I ever drew after that, including my original characters. You can thank whiteout- and Shire12 for that by the way, I based the design (and indirectly, my entire art style) off of shire’s whiteout- fanart.

When I finally had to cancel the comic, I was pretty sad. I would have kept going, I even tried to reboot it for a page or two. But due to some drama I really wasn’t comfortable with writing a specific character anymore. And so I was forced to move on.

The in between

So, during the success of my comic and wall posts, I was actually making a pretty successful show of articles for the PMC Press! (created by Creative_Kylee) I had always worked on a lot of papers for school, but this was really the first time I considered working on writing for anything other than just homework. I really enjoyed it! And if you’re still reading, you probably enjoy what I’ve written so far too. (You crazy, bro.)

A lot of things happened around this time, so many things that I probably can’t include, but they all mean the world to me. The PMC hunger games simulator forums, PMC Grandma, being a nerd, the story’s we all wrote together back in those days.. (again, check out the posts by whiteout- and WBMystery) And of course everyone remembers PMC Prom, in my opinion it’s probably the greatest thing we ever did on PMC. Honestly? It deserves its own section. and hey, why not? I’m writing a blog about the last five years of my life! I can afford to do that.

PMC Prom

For those who aren’t aware, PMC Prom is an event started by Jadefire170 and held yearly on PMC, we’ve done it two years and it honestly blows my mind that 1. It’s only been two and 2. It’s ONLY BEEN TWO??

The idea came from a yearly tradition held on a mc skin website Jade had previously been a member of, but this event was just a hangout in a chat room, Jade wanted to make something bigger.

And holy cow it worked.

It honestly blows my mind to think that we made that, -Rae- deactivated, Aurosilia, jade, and I were the main build team. (Forgive me if I forgot someone, I’ll feel horrible.) The prom was a plot on a former server called Ruinscraft, (it went bankrupt last year.) which consisted of a hill with a river surrounding it. It had a magic atmosphere and pink and green trees. a decorated path wound up the hill to an absolutely gorgeous dance floor, with a stage for the music to be played on.

It was an incredible sight to see everyone who showed up, and there really were a lot of people. We had to hold three separate event times through the day, and managed to gather well over 100 people. props to you guys, you’re all the greats.

We even got Cyprezz and Mrs. PMC to join! Though they were only able to come for the hypixel part of the event. (As far as I’m aware.)

The bottom of the path also led to a hole in the hill, which led to a secret under prom. But not just any secret, a totally radical secret. It was an 80s style arcade and pizza restaurant, designed by yours truley. It was purple and neon green, and even had some radical robot versions of PMCers that said quotes if you pressed a button!

I was pretty proud of it, and I still am. It didn’t take long for people to find all the secret rooms I designed there, but to this day the mystery as to just what that room of 100s of chickenpants animatronics was for stays unanswered. And perhaps it always will.

The second year of prom was (in my opinion) even greater than the first. I actually started the build only about two months after the original prom, and the stage I designed would eventually become the greeting area for PMC Prom 2021: The Next Generation. I didn’t actually expect it to be hosted on my plot, but the practice design was well received. And hey! It was right next door to the previous prom!

I built out a dark oak mushroom forest with a purple moss covering the ground. We designed a sky of custom stars and above the greeting area we made a giant metal alien spaceship. Of course I made all the aliens tongue in cheek references to members of the PMC staff team, because who would I be if I didn’t?

I actually personally put in every joke and reference to pmcers, and a few of them screenshotted them and posted them, which honestly made my day. We really tried to one up the year before, and we for sure succeeded. I haven’t even mentioned the corn maze with the secret arcade, or the apple orchard, or the firework show on the top of the ship. PMC Prom is really one of the greatest memories of my young life, and hopefully it always will be.

Next year is on the way, and I’m sure it’ll cement itself there as well, maybe even higher, only time can tell.

I hope I’ll see you all there at the party :)

The Waffle Server

The waffle war forum was such a great success for whiteout- that she actually started a whole minecraft server for it and those who were a part of it. It was honestly one of the best survival servers I’ve played on, and it’s where I met/better got to know some of my closest friends. Whiteout will always have my respect for being willing to pay for a server for us morons, it was some of the best fun I’ve had in a long time, and it was very appreciated by a then very lonely birdmanthing.

It was on this server that I met (or at least really got to know) ya boi WaffleBear!

If you don’t know who wafflebear is then you haven’t been paying attention buddy. It’s everyone’s favorite pooh bear detective, Waffle P. Bear!

He, rainyafternoon, -rae-, and I would all one day become members of perhaps the greatest organization known to the gamernet, but that was soon to come.

We did a lot of stuff! We made modern art, I expanded my magitech business, and we played checkers to decide our fates! But that was just the beginning, though at the time it seemed like the end.

The Whiteout- SMP

When the waffle server ended, the whiteout smp began! It was admittedly inspired by the dream smp, though it didn’t really affect much of what we did there, all I knew going in was that there would be two world governments, and I was determined to be one of them.

I was the first person to log on other than whiteout-, and after helping her build balaurburg (that’s spelled wrong I’m sure, it’s just the scientific name for dragon mixed with burg,) I moved to the north to build my own city. Tuxcity. My greatest built accomplishment, with its towers that rose to the clouds, the great castle, the magitech mall, (after all these years) and of course the black and gold lighthouse of eternal flame, reaching all the way to the edge of the sky. I founded it with a couple friends and actually made a pretty good name for myself on the server. Wafflebear, who was the balaurburg ambassador, even helped me create a trade route between the two nations over a river that would one day start something incredible. Of course it’s not an SMP without some sort of zany hijinks, and that came in the form of the linguini cult, founded by wafflebear. They practiced such horrors as human sacrifice and pasta worship! But don’t worry, they aren’t savages. Human sacrifice is only on tuesdays.

I, of course, couldn’t stand for such horrors, and gave wafflebear an ultimatum, he would have to chose between his role as the dragon ambassador, or his place as the leader of the linguini cult. Wafflebear chose linguini.

An all out firework war had started, and many lives were lost! (Mainly bear like 17 times) but in the end the victor was clear, and a peace treaty was signed. This conflict actually benefited bear in the long run, as it allowed him to make the cult into a city! The great city of lanternville, a land covered in the eternal darkness of a volcanos smog.

Our two new nations, allied after a war, started helping each other build into better places! Bear made Rainyafternoon his second in command, and rae was living a peaceful life on a balaurburg beach.

One day however that all changed. One day wafflebear and I were inspecting the bridge we had made back when he worked for balaurburg. We were mainly making sure it still worked fine, as well as setting up new tracks for a world wide rail line. It was on this bridge that history was made, because it was then that we found something deep in the river under the bridge.

The Pooh Bear Detective Agency

From our vantage point on the top of the bridge, we could clearly see some sort of brick structure under the waters. Wafflebear was actually the one to point it out, and he jumped in pretty quickly to see what was up.

We were shocked to find out that someone had built a deep trench all the way into the earth, and we had no idea when it had been made!

Coming out of the water, we found ourselves in a dark cave.

There were signs on the walls, ranting and raving about some sort of ‘mistake.’

We found bottles, an old white bit of leather armor labeled lab coat, and in the front most important of all we saw a carving.

A symbol was etched deeply into the wall, and glowing from the flame of our torches.

It was an eye, and the sign underneath read ‘Don’t Forget.’

We quickly called over rainy, and we told -rae- about it soon after, it was quite the discovery and nobody had any clue how it had gotten there.

We swam around the river a bit more looking for any extra clues as to who had made it, but all we found was a stray pile of bricks in a river further down.

It wasn’t till later we realized it was some sort of grave.

Standing there on the beach, we knew there had to be more. Whoever had made this would have had to have done something else as well, right?

We formed a pact, we were going to find out what was going on, no matter what it cost.

We became the Pooh Bear Detective Agency.

We got to work building a headquarters, a brick building with a large symbol of wafflebear's bubble pipe on the front. It had dark oak flooring, and green stripped wallpaper. It was the perfect place.

We did find more, we found a book, we found a structure, and we found an anomaly.

It was one of the strangest adventures any of us had been on, but I’m afraid I can’t tell you any more about it.

You see, this is a story I’ve been trying to tell for years, it was me who put that tunnel there, and it was me who set up our first case, though nobody knew it at the time.

I’ve tried turning this story into a comic, I’ve failed twice so far, but I’m willing to try again. Whatever it takes.

Until that day when the story is finally told, I’d like to thank everyone who has supported it! I could tell more stories from the SMP, yet none are quite as good as the ones I plan to tell. Its simple enough to say that those stories I wrote with wafflebear, rainyafternoon, -rae-, jadefire170, whiteout-, Vonk, and others are the greatest tales I’ve taken part in, and I can’t wait to tell them.

Keep on smiling everybody :)

What about now?

Nowadays I’m working on the PBDA project, my writing project Talltale, and tons of random art and oh gosh help school. There’s a lot I haven’t talked about! And some of the people I’ve met more recently are really cool too! I’m very excited to see what comes next for me.

I’m not quite sure why I made this blog, to some it may come across as self absorbed, but it really isn’t. I made this to keep record of stuff I’d rather not forget, and maybe entertain a few people along the way.

It’s been a wild ride! If you’ve read this far, congrats! And thank you :) that’s awesome, it’s really freaking cool.

I’m going to be posting a lot of stuff over this next month, a lot of nostalgic art and storys, as well as some other goofy stuff I’ll probably come up with along the way.


here’s to another five!

*insert whatever the goodbye version of howdy is here*

Cya around.

Creditall the people I mentioned, and many more! Its because of all of you that I'm here today :D

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04/29/2022 2:10 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Witherbrine1001's Avatar
I really enjoyed reading this, and I also realized 10 years old wasn't the best age for me to start a Minecraft server... (Sorry for resetting all the time, I had a terrible attention span.)
04/29/2022 8:09 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
HA no problem dude
good to see you by the way!
04/29/2022 11:54 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Witherbrine1001's Avatar
You too!
04/05/2022 1:18 am
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar
I love this

also the whiteout smp gave me dark flashbacks to my dream smp phase
04/05/2022 8:12 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
ayo wanna be a hero tommy?
03/31/2022 1:00 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
congrats!!! you did it!!! yeah dump your scratch account and projects = the best decisoosnsoon ever becaseuese I do!!!!

anyho congrats!!
03/31/2022 8:27 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
Thank you!
03/30/2022 10:38 pm
Any/All • Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard Professor
mcrjellyfish's Avatar
i really enjoyed reading it all! :D congrats on the 5 years again dude, you're such a fun person and im happy that i get to interact with you in this very neat community
03/31/2022 8:27 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
Ayy thank you Jelly! And same to you!
string cheese
03/30/2022 9:43 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Musician
string cheese's Avatar
how long did this take
Planet Minecraft


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