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The IGEBM Squad | PMC: Apocalypse Chapter V

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last we saw IGEBM and his friends, they had gone on a mission to the ruined Hell's Island - IGEBM's former kingdom - to find a nucleon power core to power their super collider. However, when IGE left the lab to have a moment to himself in the ruins of his past, the Four Horsemen ambushed his friends in the lab, and a fight broke out in the room where the core was stored. Luckily, IGE returned in time to save the day and turn the tide of the fight. Him and his friends fled the lab to return to their ship, but IGE stopped at the ruins of the Hell Spire to find a picture of him and his dead friends Ant and Drome in the Spire's ruins. He was then chased by the Horsemen, but escaped them and successfully returned to the ship.

The Golden Glory makes port in the Cholan Empire Harbor, before IGEBM, Si, Tzyber, Dr. Golden, and Greief disembark from their ship, with IGEBM carrying the nucleon power core and Greief carrying the energy rods. They are greeted by Owange, a new citizen of the Cholan Empire who has become a cab driver. "Hey, Owange." IGE says. "Hello!" Owange says cheerily. "Once he heard you were coming, King sent me to pick you guys up and take you to Golden and Greief's house." "Well then, what are we waiting for?" Golden asks. "Where's the car?" Owange leads them to their car, which they get into. Then, they drive to Golden and Greief's house, where they exit the cab. Golden opens the door with her key and sees Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief sitting at the table eating breakfast.

They hear the door open and turn to see the group entering the house. "You're back!" Rob says. "We finished the collider while you were gone." Zibonzi adds. "Did you get the things you needed?" Shadow Greief asks. "Look in our hands." Greief responds. "We also had two encounters with the Four Horsemen." Tzyber adds. "What now?" Zibonzi asks. "Is the collider downstairs?" Golden asks. "Yeah." Rob answers. "Alright, you, Zib, and SG are gonna help me carry it up the stairs after I install the energy rods and power core." Golden explains. "Greief, you take the others outside to the driveway and start the van. Pull it up outside the front of the house and bring out the platform truck so we can load the collider onto there and then wheel it into the van. Then, we'll all drive to the beach and test it out there. Si, call Elightin and let him know to send some people to clear out an area there for us to work." "On it." Si says, taking out his phone and scrolling through his contacts to find Elightin's number. "Hey, we're gonna be testing out the collider on the beach." he says when the king answers the phone. "Golden wants to know if you can have an area there cleared out for us to work." "I'd be glad to help." Elightin says. "I'll send a military unit there to clear out the area and stand guard around it." "Thanks!" Si responds, hanging up.

Greief takes IGE, Si, and Tzyber into the garage. He grabs the car keys on the way out, unlocking the doors to the van. "Alright, Tzy, you can sit next to me." he says as he opens the doors. "IGE and Si can guard the collider in the back of the van. They all get in the van, and Greief drives it out to the front of the house. IGE opens the back doors and extends the ramp, allowing Si to push the platform truck down the ramp and up to the door of the house. He then opens the door. A few moments later, Golden, Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief carry the collider through the door, setting it down on the platform truck. Si pushes it back into the van, and the others join him and IGE in the back. Greief then drives them all to Zibonzi Beach.

At the beach, they park the van and wheel out the collider. A Cholan Military soldier is waiting at the entrance to the beach, and leads them down a path to a fenced-off part of the beach, surrounded by soldiers. "King Elytra sent us to guard you while you perform your super collider tests." she explains. "Is this a big enough space?" "Yeah." Golden says as they arrive at the area. There are signs around it saying: "WARNING: NUCLEAR RADIATION." Greief turns on a datapad - which he got from the van - and enters his password. The datapad unlocks and he scrolls through a list of files, selecting the file "List of Known Universes." A document opens with a list of every universe they've discovered. While he does that, Golden brings down the control console for the collider (which folds up against the machine when not in use) and turns it on, getting the system set up.

The group spend the morning and part of the afternoon opening portals to known and random universes, before Golden has them take a 15-minute break. Following the break, during which the group mostly walked around the beach and talked with each other, Greief gathers them all so Golden can reveal a new feature of the super collider. "Alright, so, in addition to this collider being extra-powerful and having the ability to open a portal to unspace, which we still need to test, it can also open a portal near a specific person." Golden explains. "All I need is a blood sample, and then I can open a portal to another universe and pinpoint the exact location of that person's counterpart in that universe. We'll do a few tests with the same person. Any volunteers?" IGE raises his hand. Golden takes a syringe out from the inside of her coat and draws his blood. She empties the syringe into a small hole next to the control console of the collider, and the screen next to it changes to show a strand of IGE's DNA. Golden looks at the list of known universes, which Greief has left on the control console, and opens a portal Crypticus 1122.21.

A portal opens in front of a PMCer who looks very similar to IGEBM, with a few differences. For one, his right arm is a cannon made of mithril. He also appears to be wearing mithril boots, and his right eye is green. Instead of having cyan skin, the right side of his face is covered by a cybernetic mithril mask of sorts, and in the center of his chest, there is a fiery red core. The group also spots what looks to be a jetpack on his back. He is sitting on a couch in what looks to be an apartment, with a bag of chips in his hand. "Come through the portal!" Si says. The other IGEBM is still surprised by the appearance of the portal and takes a moment to respond. "I don't know if I should." he says in a voice similar to IGE's, but slightly deeper. "Just do it." Tzyber says. "I trust the android more than I trust the human, so I'm gonna do it." the other IGEBM says. He gets up, leaving his bag of chips, and walks through the portal. Golden closes it behind him. "Don't worry, I'll reopen it in a little bit." she says. "I don't wanna waste the collider's power."

Golden begins to scan this new IGEBM. "By the way, what's your name?" she asks. "IGEBM.MKII, but most people just call me IGE or MKII." he responds. "Can you explain to me what's going on and why I'm being scanned like an alien that just crashed on PMC?" "Allow me to explain." Tzyber begins. He proceeds to explain to MKII what's going on, and the events of the past day and a half. By then, Golden has finished scanning him. "You can go now." she says. "We were just testing a new part of the collider that can open portals to a version of someone in another universe." "I'm staying." MKII says. "If there's an evil me that's threatening this world's safety, I'm gonna stay and help fight it." "Well, the more the merrier." Shadow Greief says. "Welcome to the team, MKII." "I just had a thought." Rob says. "The only person who can truly know how to fight IGEBM is IGEBM. If we bring in more IGEs, they could all gang up on the Maddened One and beat him with his own moves, and a few more." "That's a good idea." IGE responds. "Golden, let's bring in some more mes."

Golden proceeds to open portals to several other universes, bringing in IGEBM Green, from Digitas 323.5, a universe where PMC is a video game, and IGEBMtron, an Autobot Micromaster from Quadwal 223.24 Iota, where IGE and Clay are Transformers fighting in the Great War. Golden scans them and they are confirmed to be other versions of IGEBM. Tzyber explains the situation to them after they introduce themselves. They all agree to stay for the fight. "Alright, it's time for the final test." Greief says. "The big one." "Wait, can I ask one question?" Zibonzi asks. "What is it?" Greief answers. "Why did we just spend half an hour testing out a collider feature that isn't important to our current mission?" he asks. "Well, mandatory lab protocol requires that we test every feature of a new device." Greief responds. "Now, who's ready for us to test out the portal to unspace? Once we finish that test, we'll be done. Then we can start phase 2 of the plan." "Let's do it." Si says. Golden turns around to the console and presses a purple button labeled "UNSPACE." Inside the collider, the nucleon power core lights up brightly, sending large bursts of energy to all four energy rods, which power the collider's portal beam. Outside, the group sees the collider fire a pitch black beam, which opens a black portal. A few moments later, the group looks through the portal and sees a vast expanse of nothingness. A complete void. "Behold, unspace." Golden says. "Wait, lemme make sure all the systems are still good and that that didn't burn the inside of the collider." Golden looks at the console and runs a systems scan. A green check appears on the screen signaling that everything is okay. Inside, the coolant begins to run through the collider and cool things down.

"I guess that means we're ready." Greief says. "What's phase 2 of the plan?" Rob asks. "Mobilizing troops." Golden answers. "I'm going to head to the castle and let Elightin know to tell the rest of the UN that it's time to mobilize the combined forces of PMC's three dimensions. See you guys soon." She leaves the beach and runs through the streets to the castle. "What're we doing here?" IGEBM Green asks. "We need to open a portal to the home universe of the Maddened One to bring the soldiers from that world over here, since they may know how to fight him." Greief explains. "But we can't do that for another hour, because the collider needs to fully cool down first. It's a good thing Tzy said that the Maddened One isn't supposed to come to the Cholan Empire until tomorrow afternoon." "Hey, MKII, Green, IGEBMtron, can you guys walk with me for a bit?" IGE asks. "I need to talk to you about something important." "I'll call you when it's time to open the portal." Si says. "Got it." IGE responds as he walks with his multiversal selves out of the protected area.

After they've walked far enough away from the others, IGE explains why he had them walk with him. "So, I wanted you to walk with me because I need some help." he begins. "Several months ago, I was the leader of a nation called Hell's Island. Unfortunately, some rebels tried to overthrow me and my fellow councilmen, and they destroyed the city." He then explains how is life has been troubling, and he's moved around a lot and thinks he's the reason people he cares about always die. "I guess I just feel like I'm cursed." IGE finishes. "Like everything I touch crumbles to dust." "So, why come to us?" MKII asks. "We barely know you. Your friends have known you for longer and can probably help you." "I came to you guys because I figured no one knows me better than myself." IGE explains. "Golden said that all universes and the people in them have some similarities or constants across the multiverse. For example, in every universe, there's a PMC." "Come to think of it, you're right." Green says. "Several months ago, I too was the ruler of a land. I was the king of an island that was destroyed by a shadow army." "I lost my entire Micromaster squad in the heat of battle several months ago." IGEBMtron says. "And a village I had moved to was burned to the ground by a bunch of crazy religious nuts who thought the sacrifice would please Paril." MKII adds. "So we've all been through things like this." IGE says. "How do we work through it? How do we get over it?" "Nothing can change the past." Green answers. "And no matter how hard we try to hold on to those we lost, time has to go on. Life has to go on." "You need to let go of your guilt." IGEBMtron adds. "Yeah, it wasn't your fault." MKII says, putting his right arm on IGE's left shoulder and looking him in the eyes. "We all make mistakes, but we have to accept those mistakes and move on. However, we can learn from those mistakes and do better next time, and work to avenge those we lost. Are you going to avenge the mage tribe? Or the people of Hell's Island? Or Peter?" IGE's eyes change from sad and depressed to fierce and determined. "Yes." he says. "I'm going to avenge them all. I may not be able to kill that enemy tribe's leader, or the leader of those rebels, but I will kill the Maddened One. For Peter!" "That's the spirt." MKII says, taking his arm off of IGE's shoulder. "That's one strong metal claw." IGE says. "Well, it is made of mithril." MKII responds.

They continue walking around the beach, sharing stories about their life from their respective universes, before turning around and walking back towards the end of the hour. On their way back, Si calls IGE. "I'm guessing it's time." IGE says as he answers the phone. "Yep." Si says. "It's time for phase 2." "Got it." IGE says before he hangs up. He turns to the other versions of himself. "Let's go." They run across the beach back to the collider. Golden arrives a few minutes later. "The UN is working to send hundreds of troops from every nation here." she says. "We have until around 12:27 PM tomorrow to get everything ready for his arrival." "Then let's not waste time." Green says. Greief walks over to the collider's control console.

At the same time, in a cave on the Mainland, the Four Horsemen meet with their leader, the Maddened One. "Not only did you fail all your missions, but you also failed to kill this universe's IGEBM and his allies?!" their leader asks, furious. "Well, in our defense-" DarkIce begins, before being cut off. "Silence, Conquest!" he shouts angrily. Shadow Zibonzi quietly giggles, finding the unintentional mention of Silence's name funny. He stops when the Maddened One gives him a look. "What do we do now?" Silence asks his leader telepathically, also allowing his fellow Horsemen to hear him. "Well, I think it's about time we initiate phase 2." the Maddened One answers. "War, start preparing the collider for transport." "Yes, my liege." DarkGEBM. "DarkIce, come with me." DarkIce follows him further into the cave, where they begin preparing the stolen Golden Collider - which they took from Golden and Greief's warehouse lab after the Maddened One drove them out of it - for transport to the Cholan Empire.


Cast (in order of appearance)
LegendarySi as Si
Tzyber as Tzyber
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
CesarCarter as Greief
Owange as Owange
Rob333 as Rob
Zibonzi as Zibonzi
ShadowGreief as Shadow Greief
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
The Maddened One
DarkIce8727742 as DarkIce/Conquest
ShadowZibonzi as Shadow Zibonzi/Death
-Silence- as Silence/Famine
DarkGEBM666 as DarkGEBM/War

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
@Paril as Paril

Writing began 5-31-2023 at 5:34 PM ET
Writing completed 6-7-2023 at 5:56 PM ET

Published 6-13-2023 at 4:00 PM ET (My last day of school!)
Written by IGEBM

Why the song?

Well, if you're wondering why there's a Metallica song linked at the top of this blog, I've decided to link a song at the top of each Apocalypse story blog that I think fits the story. In this case, I chose "The Unforgiven II" because the latter part of this chapter focuses mainly on IGEBM's inability to forgive himself for all the deaths he considers himself to have caused. The lyrics of the second "Unforgiven" song depict this unforgiven person meeting someone like him, who can't forgive himself, and the lyrics talk about him asking if she could be there for him ("Could you be there? / 'Cause I'm the one who waits for you"). In this case, IGEBM is asking if the other IGEs can be there for him, and sure enough, they are, and they help him finally forgive himself. Lastly, I chose the Ben Zimmerman S&M-style version because this songs sounds so much better with an orchestra.

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Stormy, ghostoftheglade, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Guts N Pixels, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, Pixella_9487, violiie, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, FE98, Noncommercial, Owange, ShadowOnTheLoose, Crois, GracieMockingjay, Arianwyn, Insomniac_Toad, ItsYeWffl, TacoFromTheSky, TheGrimmKnight, Silabear

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06/23/2023 3:48 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
illager's Avatar
can i be written in, kinda as maybe a side character? i just wanna do something, even just appear in a battle scene. again, i want to speak a bit about gracies death (use the blog/obituary i made)
06/24/2023 7:19 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
DarkGEBM666's Avatar
yes, you will be in the funeral scene

(also, look at PMC: War on the Nether chapter 7's dedication to TheCrypteral to see where the obituary will go, because I'm just going to say that you spoke about Gracie and not actually have a section where you read the obituary as dialogue - but that doesn't mean you won't get a line or two)
06/13/2023 7:39 pm
Level 43 : Master Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
Why are these so good?
06/14/2023 6:22 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
that's a question not even I can answer
06/13/2023 5:16 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
Canonically speaking Darkice could kill Tzyber pretty easily utilizing the power of emotional damage
Well technically Darkice wouldn't be doing the killing... anyway-

Who does end up dying by the end of the series?
06/14/2023 6:22 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
None of the main characters (IGEBM's team and Horsemen) actually die, as one of my rules when writing my lore is that I only kill off characters in my lore if the user they're based on leaves the site. For example, Peter (@OrderOutOfChaos) was supposed to be in the rest of the series, where he would have been one of the ones to stay in the Cholan Empire to build the collider alongside Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief. However, when he got banned, I was in the middle of working on chapter 1, so I figured I may as well kill him off there and then and also dedicate the chapter to him.

The only deaths that happen in the story are not named characters, but rather military soldiers from different nations who aren't based on PMC users.

I will not reveal the details of the Maddened One's fate.

Also, if the first part of that comment is referring to your lore thing with DarkIce, I am going to reference that in the final chapter.
06/14/2023 7:33 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
What about high-speed car chases? :O
06/15/2023 6:19 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Possibly, but probably not considering what I’ve already planned out for the finale

Lots of explosions tho (Michael Bay left a mark on me after I saw the first five live-action Transformers movies)
06/13/2023 7:00 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman System
DarkIce8727742's Avatar
Hmm, I could. . but. . tsk- Nevermind. . .
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