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The Great Convergence | PMC: Apocalypse Chapter VII | Finale

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last we saw them, IGEBM, Si, Tzyber, Dr. Golden, and Greief, as well as their allies Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief and the alternate versions of IGEBMs (IGEBM.MKII, IGEBM Green, and IGEBMtron) began phase 2 of their plan to stop the Maddened One. The first part of this plan saw Greief using his multiversal teleportation powers to enter Chaoseus 1122.27, where he had 20 minutes to convince the Chaos Legion (of which the Maddened One had once been one of the leaders of) to join the people of his home universe in their battle against the Maddened One. He succeeded, and, once the 20 minutes were up, Golden opened a portal through which the Legion entered Greief's universe, which was part 2 of the plan. Then, they began part 3 by gathering all of the armies of the Overworld, Nether, and End, as well as the Chaos Legion, outside Castle Cholan, where Golden began to explain the battle plans to them.

It is currently 12:17 PM OT in the Cholan Empire. Dr. Golden had explained the battle plans to everyone the night before. Numerous teams of soldiers and volunteers from every nation - PMC City, the Luminous Gang, the Forge, the Cryptic Family, the Cholan Empire, the Illager Empire, the Nether Empire, the End Nation, and the Chaos Legion - had been stationed throughout the city, all communicating via radios. Team 1 was the one exception to this, and the group - consisting of IGEBM, Si, Tzyber, Golden, Greief, Rob, Zibonzi, Shadow Greief, LegionairreSi (the leader of the Chaos Legion), IGEBM.MKII, IGEBM Green, and IGEBMtron - patrolled through the streets of the Cholan Empire in IGEBMtron's APC alt-mode with the super collider hitched on a small trailer while they all waited for the arrival of the Maddened One and his forces in about 10 minutes. "Time check?" IGE asks. "12:17." Si answers. "We have 10 minutes." Tzyber says. "Well, obviously." Golden responds. "That's basic math, especially for an android of your caliber." "Who says caliber?" Greief asks, surprised. "That's not the point." Golden answers. "Then what is it?" Rob asks. "That's beside the point." Golden responds. Zibonzi chuckles at the conversation. "Can we all just calm down?" Shadow Greief asks everyone. "I agree with the sculky one." LegionairreSi adds. "What's even going on?" MKII whispers to Green. "I think they got off-track in a conversation." Green whispers back. IGEBMtron continues driving them through the city.

At 12:27 PM, everyone in the Cholan Empire sees something they expected to see, but also hoped they wouldn't see: the Maddened One flying towards the island, with his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse riding ahead of him on their red-eyed, demonic black skeletal horses, which are surrounded by purple flames. They are carrying the Golden Collider, which the Maddened One stole from Golden and Greief's warehouse lab two days prior, when he arrived in this universe. "Guys, he's here." Cloudkitty says nervously on the radio. "Well, I guess Tzyber was right." IGEBMtron says. "You doubted an android from the future, where this has already happened?" Tzyber asks as they stop in front of Castle Cholan. The group disembark and IGEBMtron transforms, mass-changing to be slightly larger than all of them. "Well, where I'm from, time travelers from the future tend to be heralds of a planet-eating monster who spread lies and misinformation." the Autobot Micromaster says. "When this is over, you have to tell me what your world is like." Tzyber says. "It sounds interesting." They look up at the castle and see the Maddened One land at the top of the highest tower. His Horsemen join him there, with their horses disappearing.

As they arrive at the tower, the Maddened One looks around. "Horsemen, deal with them." he orders. "Sir, I understand that we have almost-godly powers, but wouldn't be easier to destroy them with more people fighting on our side?" DarkGEBM asks. "Don't worry, you'll get your reinforcements." the Maddened One answers. "Just go." "We won't fail you!" DarkIce says as he leaps off of the tower, creating a ramp made of corrupted ice to slide down. Shadow Zibonzi generates a pair of sculk gauntlets, which tendrils extend from. He swings down the side of the tower with them. Silence enters his shadow form and disappears. DarkGEBM teleports onto the ground. The Maddened One uses his powers to generate an energy shield around the tower, protecting himself and the collider. As they all watch the Horsemen arrive in the different parts of the town, High Councilman Silabear (the leader of PMC City) speaks into the radio. "People of Planet Minecraft, attack!" he shouts.

The Four Horsemen, each on one side of the city, begin to single-handedly fend off the soldiers. On the north end of town, DarkIce creates a wall of ice, and spreads it across the ground, causing his enemies to either slip and fall or slide into a wall. However, Storm and Pinkie shoot through the wall and tackle DarkIce, who is able to get them off of himself. Tem swings his silver sword at him as he gets up, but the Horseman freezes him in corrupted ice. Then, squad leader Firestar, the Aspect of Horror (leader) of the Cryptic Family, steps in and thaws out his friend. "Firestar, I had a feeling I'd see you here." DarkIce says. "I never miss a chance to beat the living crap out of you." Firestar responds, shooting two streams of fire from each of his fists at his dark duplicate. DarkIce counters with a single beam of corrupted ice, but is overpowered and pushed through the window of the general store behind him. "Faisal, with me." Firestar orders. "Tem, you too." "Coming." Faisal responds, following his commanding officer into the store. Tem nods and follows them both in. They find DarkIce, unconscious. As Firestar kneels to check his pulse, the Horseman opens his eyes, having faked being unconscious, and punches Firestar in the gut. He leaps to his feet and freezes him in an extremely thick cocoon of ice, before generating a frost glaive to face off against Faisal and Tem. Faisal swings his glow glaive at him, while Tem tries to break Firestar out of the ice. DarkIce knocks down Faisal and then leaps over Firestar's cocoon to tackle Tem. However, through all of this fighting, Firestar has been focusing all of his strength to create a coat of fire around his body, which is strong enough to melt the corrupted ice in seconds. He fires a massive stream of flame at DarkIce, which has enough force to push him through the door of the store. Firestar then charges out of the store and proceeds to beat the heck out of his opponent, who gets up and fights back.

Meanwhile, on the east side of the city, Shadow Zibonzi is wreaking havoc in the streets with his sculk tendrils. Fear Priest DarkRob leads a squad to combat him, and they cross paths with his friend, fellow Fear Priest Aspirin, and his squad. "Wanna tag team him?" Aspirin asks. "Let's do it." DarkRob responds. Aspirin summons a horde of zombie toads that distract Shadow Zibonzi long enough for DarkRob to open a portal and direct more of Aspirin's toads into it. They exit the other portal, which DarkRob generates behind the Horseman. He is then overwhelmed by zombie toads, which allows the members of DarkRob and Aspirin's teams - Katress, Belle, Legit, Robin, Converses, and many more - to open fire on him. Shadow Zibonzi's powers make him immune to the zombie toads' zombification abilities, but they can still bite him and cause him pain. "This is tiring." the Horseman says. "I was gonna let you guys have a little fun, but now it's no holds barred." He shakes off the toads and engulfs them in sculk. "They may be soulless, but the sculk can still control them." he says. The sculk toads crawl towards DarkRob and Aspirin's teams, but both groups are saved when they are shot dead by another team. "Ghostly!" DarkRob and Aspirin cheer in unison. "And me!" another voice says from behind them. Former Aspect of Horror Guts' team has arrived to help as well. Guts and Ghostly's teams open fire on Shadow Zibonzi, keeping him distracted long enough for Haza (a member of Guts' team) to send his Haza-Bots in to beat him. However, Shadow Zibonzi shoots sculk tendrils through the robots' bodies, infecting them with sculk. With three robots now aiding him, he gains the upper hand against the four teams. However, Ghostly enters his ghost form and possesses one of the robots, before crushing the heads of the other two in this form. "Enough games!" Shadow Zibonzi shouts. "Give me a real fight!" "I'll show you a real fight." Guts says, drawing his sword. He charges at Shadow Zibonzi, who draws a deepslate sword infused with sculk. The two clash.

On the west side, Spencer's team battles the shadowy Silence. His troops - Arianwyn, Sophia, Libby, Blue, Ferret, Eremite, and Froggo, as well as many others - try and fail to shoot him, as he enters shadow form when the bullets near him. "How do we beat this guy?" Blue wonders. However, before anyone can do anything else, a fireball flies through Silence's shadowy body. The team looks to their right and sees Trotelot's team - which includes Shadow, Stubbs, Rakkitatoru, Potato, and General Axo Playz - ready to help them out. "More people to kill." Silence says as he returns to his normal form. "Isn't life fun?" He generates a pair of shadowy daggers and tries to stab Stubbs with them, but the ex-councilman dodges the blades and punches Silence in the face before he can return to his shadow form. Trot throws a series of fireballs at him, but this time he enters shadow form and they go through him. Both teams continue to fire their plasma rifles at the Horseman, but all of their shots go through him. "How do we beat someone who can literally change his molecular structure so objects pass through him?" Shadow asks. Rakkitatoru answers that question by casting Fireball in Silence's direction. The magical ball of flame hits and burns him, even though he's in his shadow form. "What?" the Horseman asks. "But how?" "Never underestimate magic." Rakkiatoru answers. She casts more Fireballs, and he tries to get out of the way and attack someone else, returning to his normal form and tackling Eremite to the ground. "Blue!" he shouts. "Help me!" Eremite attempts to hit Silence with his rifle, to no avail. Blue grabs Silence's legs and drags him off of his brother, weakly swinging him at Ferret, who goes ballistic on the Horseman and proceeds to beat him into near submission. Silence enters shadow form and the punches start to go through him. "Aw man." Ferret says. "I was hoping I could knock him out." Silence appears behind him, returns to his normal form, and punches his attacker in the back, causing him to fall to the floor. Arian, Sophia, and Libby try to tag team him, but he throws them all off. Then, Spencer swings his glow glaive at the Horseman. Silence generates a shadow glaive, and two begin to battle.

In the center of the island, IGEBM's team fight DarkGEBM near the entrance to Castle Cholan, attempting to prevent him from getting into the city. "This battle is futile!" the Horseman leader shouts. "Soon, the Maddened One will crush you all and render this world a barren wasteland, before beginning his conquest of the multiverse!" Rob shoots him, but the shot is blocked by an energy shield on his left arm. Golden, Greief, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief try to hit him from other angles, but he simply generates walls that blocked the blasts. Tzyber lunges at him and tries to stab him with his bayonet, but DarkGEBM shoots an energy blast that knocks the android back. MKII flies into the air and attempts to shoot his head from above, but the Horseman shoots him out of the sky, damaging his extremely durable mithril jetpack in the process. Green tries to hit him with a hammer, but DarkGEBM dodges it and shoots the incoming IGEBMtron, who was trying to pick him up and throw him. Si fires on him, but DarkGEBM fires back, which leads to IGEBM leaping in the way and blocking the energy beam with his own light shield. "I'm not losing another friend this week." he says. "DarkGEBM, this is between you and me!" He generates a light sword and charges at his opponent, swinging his sword at him. DarkGEBM generates his own sword with his powers and the two begin to have a swordfight. At this exact moment, several radio calls come in from various teams, all saying that they need back-up fighting the Horsemen. "Go." IGE says. "Me and the other versions of me will deal with DG and the Maddened One." "But-" Greief's attempt to protest is cut off. "Go!" IGE says. Golden, Greief, Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief reluctantly head east to aid in the fight against Shadow Zibonzi while Si and his Chaoseus counterpart head west to join in the fight against Silence. Tzyber runs north to help out in the battle against DarkIce. "Now it's just you and us." IGE says to DarkGEBM as the other three IGEBMs close in on him from behind.

Unfortunately for everyone fighting for the safety of this universe (and the multiverse), at the top of the tower, the Maddened One has finally gotten the Golden Collider online. "It is time!" he shouts triumphantly. "When this collider is fully energized, the multiverse shall be mine for the taking!" As sky begins to turn grey, the Maddened One sends his own Underbase energies into the air, creating a powerful thunderstorm that swiftly spreads across the entirety of Planet Minecraft. Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, the Maddened One proceeds to open a portal to Chaoseus 1122.27. However, because of his powers being used to amplify the collider, he is able to open multiple portals across the universe. Out of each of them come hordes of Astral Beasts and undead mobs, which he takes control of with his powers. These hordes swarm across the island. "Are these the reinforcements you asked for, DarkGEBM?!" he shouts. "My army has arrived!"

Meanwhile, in the eastern part of the island, Golden, Greief, Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief arrive on the scene to battle Shadow Zibonzi. "Hey, sculk me, get over here!" Zibonzi shouts. Shadow Zibonzi turns away from his sword fight with Guts, pushing the former Aspect of Horror back with a sculk tendril. "Oh, this should be fun." he says to himself as he begins swinging his tendrils around. He swings one in the direction of Shadow Greief and another towards Rob. He pulls Shadow Greief towards him. "Join the sculk, my brother." the Horseman says. "Never." Shadow Greief responds, pulling out a plasma blaster and shooting off the end of the tendril. He uses his own weak control of sculk to reconfigure it into a ball, which he then throws at Shadow Zibonzi. He then pulls out a machete and leaps into the air, slicing off the end of the tendril that was holding Rob, freeing him and allowing them both to distract Shadow Zibonzi with plasma fire. Zibonzi joins in, and Golden and Greief begin to sneak around to the back. However, at this moment, the Astral Beasts and mind-controlled mobs arrive. "Reinforcements are here!" Shadow Zibonzi cheers, before spinning around and shooting both of his tendrils at Golden and Greief, forcing them against the wall of a nearby house. Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief aid the other teams in fending off the Maddened One's army. "Elightin was quite foolish." Shadow Zibonzi says, as he moves closer to Golden and Greief. "He built this island above a sculk cave. But, then again, I guess he never expected for me to use it to my advantage in a battle to bring about the end of the world." The Horseman proceeds to let go of his captives, before creating cracks in the ground as his eyes briefly glow yellow. Out of the cracks burst clumps of sculk mixed in with deepslate, which attach to Shadow Zibonzi, forming a massive suit of armor around him, with multiple tendril-like arms. "Holy mother of Paril." DarkRob says, briefly freezing in fear, before regaining his confidence. "Comrades, let's kick this monster's sculky behind! Charge!" The teams charge at Shadow Zibonzi, who directs his sculk tendrils towards them, throwing deepslate at them and picking a few of them up to be tossed around. Golden and Greief open fire on their powerful adversary while trying to come up with a plan to stop him.

At the same time, in the west, Si and LegionairreSi make it to the battle against Silence. "Silence, guess who's here?" Si asks. "You know this guy?" LegionairreSi asks quietly. "Smokey doppelganger." Si responds as Silence turns around. "Oh, look, it's you." the Horseman says. He lunges at Si with and attempts to stab him with his shadow daggers. LegionairreSi attempts to drag Silence off of Si by the legs, but he enters his shadow form and stands up, returning to his normal form and tackling his other opponent. Si gets up and tries to help his ally. The teams watch as the three fight, before realizing they should help them out. However, as they run towards the fight, the Maddened One's forces begin to arrive, and keep them busy. "Astral Beasts!" LegionairreSi notices. "He brought them here?! Si, lemme help them out. Can you handle Silence on your own?" "Yeah." Si responds. LegionairreSi leaves the fight to help battle the Astral Beasts. "Okay, guys, you probably know how to kill the mobs, but Astral Beasts are a bit trickier to off." he begins to explain. "What most of my troops do is shoot off their four arms at the joint - that's where they're weakest - and then shoot them in the head. Before you ask why they don't just shoot them in the head and be done with it, it's because these guys will just block their faces with their arm shields if they see something coming towards it." "Thanks for the tip!" Spencer says, slicing off an Astral Beast's arms before plunging his spear through its head. "One down, a million more to go." He looks around glumly, watching his friends kill members of the horde, before being caught off guard by an Astral Beast. He is saved by LegionairreSi, who shoots in the back of the head with his plasma rifle. "You can also shoot them in the back of the head." he says. "Their arms don't bend backwards." "Thanks for the save." Spencer says, getting up. "You're welcome." LegionairreSi responds. Si continues to battle Silence, attempting to stab him with his bayonet. "Time to call upon the full power of the Maddened One." Silence says, his eyes briefly glowing yellow. He begins grow a little bit, his hands transforming into blades, and he enters a form in between his physical and shadow forms, allowing him to rapidly flash between the two. He swings his blades at Si, who dodges them. "How the heck am I supposed to stop this?" he asks himself, before opening fire on Silence.

As both of these battles happen, Tzyber arrives in the northern part of town to battle DarkIce. "Hey, DarkIce, your old friend is here!" they say. DarkIce turns away from his fight with Firestar. "Tzyber, old buddy, old pal!" he cheers, walking towards them. "Why don't you drop all this hero stuff and join up with me and the Maddened One. You'll be spared from the purging of this world's population, and you can slaughter millions of people across the multiverse. So, what do you say?" He extends his right hand for Tzyber to shake. However, the android doesn't shake it. "Fat chance, buddy." they say as a set of beetle-like wings transform out of their back and they fly into the air, pulling out a sniper rifle and shooting the Horseman. DarkIce creates a thick wall of ice that blocks the bullet, and Tzyber flies down and rams into him with his own head, taking both into the air for a duel in the skies. They start punching DarkIce repeatedly in side of the head, before letting go of him and moving to the left a little to dodge a lightning bolt from the growing storm. They look down at the ground and sees the hordes of Astral Beasts and mind-controlled mobs arriving on the scene. Firestar quickly incinerates a group them with his fire generation powers, and his troops start shooting at them. As Darkice nears the ground, he creates a platform of ice to land on. Tzyber flies down and draws their Tzaber. "Let's settle this fair and square." they say. "I challenge you to a sword fight." "Personally, I prefer glaives, but okay." DarkIce says, generating a sword out of corrupted ice. The two began to duel above the horde of Astral Beasts and mobs.

As all of this happens, the IGEBMs continue their battle with DarkGEBM, attempting to get through him and climb up the tower to break through the Maddened One's shield so they can stop him. "DarkGEBM, why are you doing this?!" IGE asks. "Because I would rather not die when the world ends!" DarkGEBM responds, swinging his dark energy scythe at his opponent. "The Maddened One reached out to me after I stopped stalking you. He offered me a spot as his second-in-command in exchange for helping him conquer the multiverse when the time came, and thus being spared the fate you will all endure." "Yeah, well sometimes you need to think about everyone else and not just yourself!" Green says, swinging his sword at the Horsemen leader. DarkGEBM doesn't respond and keeps fighting. MKII fires his arm cannon at him, but the cybernetically-enhanced PMCer's shot is blocked by his energy shield. IGEBMtron runs back a few yards and transforms into his APC mode before beginning to drive towards DarkGEBM. "Everyone, get out of the way!" he shouts as he speeds up and rams into the surprised Horseman. He transforms and picks up DarkGEBM, throwing him to the ground. "Don't forget about the collider!" "I didn't." IGE responds, generating a light kusarigama and swinging it at DarkGEBM as he gets up. He then leaps on top of the Horsemen and proceeds to punch him repeatedly. DarkGEBM quickly gets knocked out. "IGEBM Squad - and yes, that's what we're called now - let's go!" The IGEBMs rush over the wall of the tower, and IGE generates a set of hard light platforms to climb up on. IGEBMtron carries the collider up, and the group stop when they get to the top. "I'll deal with the forcefield." IGE says. He fires an extremely powerful beam of light at the yellow dome, boring a hole through it that the group climb through. "Hey, Maddened One, remember me?" The Maddened One turns around, having just finished changing the collider settings after opening the portal to Chaoseus 1122.27. "Of course." he says. "I killed your friend, and I'll do the same to you!" He lunges towards IGEBM.

In the west, as Si battles Silence and LegionairreSi and his new allies deal with the Astral Beasts, they all see something flying rapidly across the water, ahead of a group of purple and white ships. "Is that who I think it is?" Eremite asks. "Yep." Blue responds. As the flying object gets closer, they recognize it as Grimm, piloting his repaired Eva-13 mech, which is duel wielding the Spears of Longinus. On the mech's back is Gracie, armed with dual plasma blasters, and he is flying ahead of a fleet of End Nation ships led by the Starless Night, which is captained by Lord Piaccu and his military leaders, Lieutenant Endrys and his older brother, Commander Worpin! The mech lands in the middle of the battle, crushing several Astral Beasts and mind-controlled mobs and killing even more with its weapons. Gracie leaps off of its shoulder and shoots several skeletons, blasting them to pieces. Piaccu directs the ship towards the south, where they can dock near all the other ships that have arrived on the island. On Zibonzi Beach, a team led by pirate captain Clay - which includes Wither, Enny, Pac, Vult, Owange, and Frokieee - turn away from fighting Astral Beasts to greet the Ender Army soldiers and explain the current situation to them. "Alright, Ender Army, attack!" Piaccu orders. The soldiers charge at the Astral Beasts, swinging their Endersteel weapons at them.

Over in the east, Shadow Zibonzi continues to wreck the town in his new "meta-sculk god" form. Golden and Greief continue to try and figure out how to stop him while also shooting at his back. "Wait!" Golden says. "I know what to do!" "What?" Greief asks. "We have to get rid of the sculk!" Golden answers. "Do you still have that small bottle of sculk repellent?" "Oh my God, why didn't I think of that?!" Greief realizes. He takes out the bottle of sculk repellent. "Should I just spray it on him or...?" Golden pulls a small container out of her satchel. "Empty out the liquid into this device." she says, holding it out to show it to her lab partner. "Then, I can attach it to the end of my gun and spray it all over him in large amounts." Greief takes the device out of her hand and opens it up, before opening up the bottle and emptying out the liquid into the device. He closes both containers and hands the device back to Golden, who fixes it to the end of her gun. A gun barrel emerges from the end of the device, and she pulls the trigger on her plasma rifle, spraying it all over Shadow Zibonzi's back. "While I'm doing that, get out the sedative." she says. Greief takes a syringe out of his satchel as Shadow Zibonzi turns around, realizing that his armor is beginning to break and separate. "What's going on?!" he asks angrily. "Sculk repellent." Golden answers. As the last of his armor falls off of him and is carried back through the cracks by the sculk, Shadow Zibonzi screams in rage. At that exact moment, Greief rushes over and thrusts the syringe into his neck, emptying out the drugs and knocking out the Horseman of Death for at least 12 hours. "Alright, now we just need to take care of this horde of monsters." Rob says, turning away from Shadow Zibonzi's unconscious body to shoot at a mind-controlled cave spider.

Up in the north, Tzyber continues their sword fight with DarkIce, which is going nowhere. However, the futuristic android suddenly gets an idea. They continue battling DarkIce, luring him into a false sense of security that will prevent him from expecting their next move. Quickly, Tzyber pulls out their revolver with their other hand and shoots DarkIce in the chest, knocking him off of the ice platform. DarkIce lands in the middle of the battle, and Tzyber flies down and shoots him five more times, before reloading it and shooting him another six times. They quickly stab an enderman that attempts to sneak up on him, killing it before it can teleport away. Then, they turn to the wounded DarkIce. "I thought... we... were friends..." the Horseman says. "Maybe, in a few months, we can talk and be friends again, but you lost my friendship the moment I found out you sided with that genocidal sadist on the tower." Tzyber responds. "I'm sorry I have to do this to you, DarkIce." They reholster their revolver and draw their sniper rifle. However, instead of shooting DarkIce, they hold the gun by the barrel and hit him in the head with it, knocking the Horseman of Conquest unconscious. They put their rifle away and draw their revolver again, shooting, stabbing, and slicing Astral Beasts and mind-controlled mobs.

Si continues his battle with Silence in the west, while Grimm and Gracie give LegionairreSi and the others an advantage against the Maddened One's forces. "Silence, you are one hard guy to deal with!" Si says as he dodges another swing of Silence's bladed arms. "That's why I'm fighting you!" Silence responds. "I know how much you hate me!" The blade on his right arm morphs back into a hand and he tries to crush Si, who gets an idea. "Oh wait, but I'll need Golden for it..." he realizes. Then, he spots a motorcycle parked in the street. He races towards it, shooting Astral Beasts and mobs to push them away, and hops on the bike. Silence chases after him, but disappears after a while, leaving Si to think he gave up on chasing him to fight someone else. The two arrive outside Golden's house after a few minutes, and Si sees Golden and Greief fighting Astral Beasts in front of an unconscious Shadow Zibonzi's body. Silence sees his defeated comrade, but ignores it. "Golden!" Si shouts. "I need your help with something!" Golden hears his voice and rushes over. "I need that vacuum-like device you told me about." Si says. Golden nods and unlocks the door. "It's in the basement next to the table with the Rube Goldblock machine." she says. Si rushes in and returns a few moments later with the machine. "Silence seems to have given up on following me." he says. Silence appears before them. "You were saying?" he asks, before swinging his sword arm at Si, who responds by shooting at him, which causes Silence to enter his shadow form.. "I knew you were there the whole time." Si says. "I can feel your presence, but I can't see you. That's why I said what I just said." Then, he activates the machine and it begins to suck Silence - in his shadow form - into the container attached to the machine, containing the threat of Horseman of Famine. "I also needed you in shadow form for my plan to work." Si adds. "That's why I shot you." "This isn't the last you'll see of me!" Silence shouts in a rageful but muffled voice. "You're right." Si responds. "Maybe I'll visit you in prison every couple of months." He chuckles, and then tells Golden that he needs to go back and help LegionairreSi and the others. He hops on the motorcycle and drives back to the western part of the island.

At the top of the tower, the IGEBM Squad battles the Maddened One, who attacks them all with powerful energy beams and energy weapons. "Face it, you are doomed!" he says. "Nothing can stop me, nothing!" "Well, there's definitely something." IGEBMtron comments quietly, the super collider still attached to his back as he fires at the Maddened One, who doesn't hear him. MKII charges up his arm cannon and fires a powerful plasma blast at him, but the soon-to-be conqueror of the multiverse catches the energy and strengthens it with his own Underbase energies, before redirecting it and returning to the person that fired it, hitting MKII right below his power core. Green attempts to sneak attack the Maddened One while he does this, but immediately after redirecting that shot, he shoots him back with another energy blast. IGEBMtron continues firing from a distance to avoid damaging the collider in close combat, but is shot in the shoulder of his firing arm by the Maddened One. "Thank Primus he missed my spark chamber." the Micromaster remarks as he gets up and weakly continues firing at his opponent. IGEBM charges straight at him and swings his light kusarigama at him. The Maddened One generates a double-edged sword and fights back. IGE turns to IGEBMtron and gives him a nod. IGEBMtron begins to take the collider off of his back and set it up while IGE keeps the Maddened One busy. "I'm not going to stand by and let you conquer the multiverse!" IGE says. "Your efforts are futile!" the Maddened One responds. "You can't stop me!" He attempts to sweep kick IGE, but he misses because his target jumps into the air before the kick and hit him. "How- how did you know I would do that?" the Maddened One asks, surprised. "You're me from another universe, remember?" IGE answers as he swings his kusarigama at his opponent. "At least one part of us is the same, and sweep kicking is one of my favorite moves. As my friend Rob said, the only person who can truly know how to fight IGEBM is IGEBM." "Is that so?" a voice says behind them. They all turn and see DarkGEBM arriving at the top of the tower. "Then this should be a piece of cake." "No need to aid me, DarkGEBM." the Maddened One says. He shoots IGEBM in the chest with an energy blast, knocking him back. "My victory is near." He turns to the collider, which has finished breaking through the multiverse, and which has opened a portal to an interdimensional tunnel network that can travel to every universe through. "Don't you mean our victory?" DarkGEBM asks. "After all, I am your second-in-command." "No, I meant mine." the Maddened One responds, shooting the Horseman of War with an energy blast that knocks him back. "You- you betrayed me?" DarkGEBM asks, surprised. "You promised I would be your right-hand man when you ruled the multiverse? Did you promise me lies?!" "Master, master, you promised only lies." IGE sings quietly. Everyone except the Maddened One looks at him. "What? 'Master of Puppets' is awesome." "He's not wrong." DarkGEBM comments. The rest of the IGEBM Squad nods in agreement. They all turn back to the Maddened One, who is flying up towards the collider's portal (it was pointed upwards).

However, before he can enter the portal, he shot out of the sky by a teal energy blast and a purple one! IGEBM and DarkGEBM have teamed up to stop him. "Wait, you're helping us?" IGE asks as the Maddened One falls back to the tower. "My way of getting back at my former master." DarkGEBM answers. As the Maddened One gets up and attempts to fly up again, IGE, DarkGEBM, MKII, and Green all grab onto his legs, dragging him down to the ground. At this moment, a black beam shoots out of the collider, ending a few feet behind the Maddened One and opening a portal to the empty dimension of unspace. "No!" he says. "I will not be defeated!" IGE lets go of him and generates a light kusarigama. "Everyone, get off of the tower!" he orders. "What?" Green asks. "GO!" he shouts. "This is my fight and I'm going to finish it! I'm taking him into unspace, because, let's face it, he's obviously not going willingly, and he won't go down without a fight." "The collider's going to be on for too long in a few seconds!" IGEBMtron protests. "It can't hold an unspace portal open for this long! The coolant won't cool it down for long, it'll overheat, and then explode! You'll be stuck there!" "Then that's the price I'll have to pay." IGE says. "Now go!" Everyone except the Maddened One reluctantly scrambles off of the tower. "It's just you and me now." IGE says. "You tried to take everything from me. Now I take everything from you!" He swings his kusarigama at the Golden Collider and it explodes. "NO!" the Maddened One shouts as IGE tackles him into the portal, and the both end up in unspace. He rushes to get out, but the collider overheats and explodes, closing the portal in front of him. "We're both going to die here." the Maddened One says sadistically. "You can finally see your friend again." IGE angrily turns back to the Maddened One after hearing these words and pushes himself towards him, before punching him. "This is for Peter!" he says, before punching him in the face. "And this is for trying to conquer the multiverse!" The Maddened One begins to fight back after this second punch, and the two battle as they wait to be turned to dust by unspace.

Back in the Cholan Empire, the double explosion creates something everyone can see, and it almost completely destroys the tower. Tzyber pulls out their Tzyglass, flies into the air, and zooms in on the ruins of the tower and the surrounding area. They see the IGEBM Squad and DarkGEBM looking around, but not IGEBM or the Maddened One. "IGE isn't there." they say. "Oh no." After the soldiers finally finish off what's left of the Astral Beasts (at least the ones that were summoned to their universe), they slowly all make their way to the front of Castle Cholan like Golden said they would if they won the battle. Inside the castle, Tzyber meets up with Si, Golden, Greief, Rob, Zibonzi, Shadow Greief, King Elightin Elytra, and LegionairreSi, where they all head to the castle grounds to search the ruins of the tower with MKII, Green, IGEBMtron, and DarkGEBM (after MKII explained DarkGEBM's change of allegiance and what happened to IGE). They find nothing, and sit down, saddened by the loss of their friend. Then, Greief stands up. "I refuse to let IGE die in unspace." he says. "Well, sadly, you don't have a choice." Si says. "I'm going in." Greief responds. "Wait, you can't go to unspace!' Golden says, standing up. "You don't have the energy for that, and you know it!" "I have to try." Greief says. "I can't live with the fact that I have the potential to save him but didn't. Everyone step back." They all stand up and step back. Greief focuses all of his energy into teleporting into unspace. Green sparks flicker around him, and he disappears in a burst of energy that knocks everyone off of their feet. He materializes in unspace and sees IGE beating the Maddened One in the blackness. "IGE, over here!" he says. "Greief?!" IGE asks, surprised at his friend's appearance. "I came to save you!" Greief says. "Grab onto me and I'll get us out of here!" IGE pushes himself towards Greief by turning around and kicking the Maddened One back, and takes his hand. The Maddened One floats towards IGE and grabs onto his leg. "I will not be trapped here!" he says. "Too bad, motherflubber." IGE says as Greief teleports them out. Before they disappear, he shakes the Maddened One off, leaving him to watch them return to Normax 1010.17 without him. "Noooo!" he shouts.

Greief rematerializes in his home universe with IGEBM next to him, and everyone around them cheers at their return. Then, they all return to the front of the castle, where Silabear begins speaking after seeing them arrive at the top of the steps. "People of Planet Minecraft, it is my pleasure to announce that we have successfully defeated the Maddened One and his forces!" he begins. "And it couldn't have been done without several of the people standing behind me. IGEBM, Si, Tzyber, Dr. Golden, and Greief, please step forward." They step forward. "Actually, before you say anything to or about us, I'd like to let you know that Rob, Zibonzi, Shadow Greief, MKII - the guy with the cannon arm, Green - it's obvious who he is, IGEBMtron - the big robot, LegionairreSi - he looks like Si, and DarkGEBM." IGE says. "Good to know." Silabear says, before signaling to them to step forward. "These 13 people were key parts of saving the multiverse itself, and deserve to be hailed as heroes and saviors. We'll have an official ceremony next week, but I would like to announce that they will all be awarded the Planet Minecraft Medal of Ultimate Heroism for their acts these past three days." Everyone cheers, and then Uknownymous steps up to the mic. "Alright, now, will everyone please begin returning to their nations on the same ships that brought them here?" they asks. "Not to sound rude, it's just that I think after everything that's happened in the past 20 minutes, and we should all head home to rest a little bit." Everyone starts to make their way to the docks to board the ships. "Hey, we should have a party tonight at the Nugget Factory." Si suggests. "Yeah!" IGE agrees. "Elightin, do you want to come?" "Yeah, sure." Elightin says. "I may be a bit late. I wanna help out with cleaning up this island. It's gonna be fun to burn these bodies." "What about the four of us?" LegionairreSi asks, gesturing to himself, MKII, Green, and IGEBMtron. "All the colliders that we know of have been destroyed. We have no way to get home." "Me, Greief, Rob, Zibonzi, and Shadow Greief can work on a new one." Golden says. "As soon as the important parts are completed. It shouldn't take long if we build it out of the remaining pieces from these colliders." "Thanks." MKII says. "Where do we stay for now?" "The Emmin Hotel is pretty big, and there's three hotels in PMC City." Greief answers. "You guys and the Chaos Legion can stay there, or some of you can stay with us." "Got it." Green says. "I'll go let the Legion know." LegionairreSi says, rushing off to gather his troops. "I still can't believe we just saved the multiverse." Si says. "Me neither." Tzyber says. "Well, shall I get the boat ready so we can head to the city and get ready for this party?" Golden asks. "Yeah." IGE responds. Golden leaves to get the Golden Glory ready. They all follow.

In the month that followed what became known as the Battle of the Cholan Empire, the corpses of the Maddened One's forces that littered the streets of the Cholan Empire were cleaned up and piled up on a garbage barge, where the bodies were set on fire, and the tower was reconstructed. The night after the battle, IGEBM, Si, Tzyber, Golden, and Greief hosted their party, and Golden, Greief, and the rest of their lab team successfully made a new collider three days after battle, which was crude, but allowed the Chaos Legion and the other IGEBMs (save for DarkGEBM, who chose to live in PMC City after arriving there in November) to return to their home universes. However, they chose to stay for the award ceremony for the 13 Heroes of the Multiverse (as they came to be known), during which the 13 Heroes were awarded shiny gold medals that read "Planet Minecraft Medal of Ultimate Heroism," as well as their names and the date they were awarded them (June 1st, 2023, the day of the battle). Towards the end of June, Gracie announced that, because the events of the past few months, she has decided to take a vacation and travel the world. She didn't know when she'd be back, but hosted a going away party at the Nugget Factory, which attended by many of her friends, including IGE, Si, Storm, Legit, Illager, and Arian, which ended with her leaving the Mainland to enjoy her vacation. Life in PMC was normal, and near the end of the month (June 27th, to be exact), IGE and Si held a funeral for Peter outside the gates of the PMC City Cemetery, which was attended by many people. "I still can't believe it's been almost a month since we saved the multiverse... since he died." IGE says to Si at the repast. "Do you still blame yourself for his death?" Si asks. "A little." IGE says. "But I had a talk with the others versions of myself on the beach after we brought them into this universe. They helped me realize that sometimes I have to accept my mistakes, learn from them, and realize that it wasn't my fault." "I'm glad you're feeling better." Si says. "Ready to go back to work tomorrow?" "Yep." IGE answers. "I actually miss serving mystery nuggets to grumpy customers."

The end.

Cast (in order of appearance)
LegendarySi as Si
Tzyber as Tzyber
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
CesarCarter as Greief
Rob333 as Rob
Zibonzi as Zibonzi
ShadowGreief as Shadow Greief
Anarchist LegionairreSi

The Maddened One
DarkGEBM666 as DarkGEBM/War
DarkIce8727742 as DarkIce/Conquest
ShadowZibonzi as Shadow Zibonzi/Death
-Silence- as Silence/Famine
cloudkitty as Cloudkitty
Silabear as Silabear
Stormy as Storm
ghostoftheglade as Pinkie
CrownDeluxe as Tem
FE98 as Faisal
DarkRob333 as Fear Priest DarkRob
Aspirin60 as Fear Priest Aspirin
katress as Katress
BelleChxn as Belle
TheMountaineer as Legit
TheGlitchedRobin as Robin
blackconverses as Converses
GhostlyBit_57 as Fear Priest Ghostly
Guts N Pixels as Guts
Haza as Haza
Sp3nc3r_ as Spencer
Arianwyn as Arianwyn
MadLibs112 as Libby
BlueBoyBuilds as Blue
MiloNotTea_5398 as Ferret
EccentricEremite as Eremite
Insomniac_Toad as Froggo
Trotelot as Trot
ShadowOnTheLoose as Shadow
Stubbs1 as Stubbs
Rakkitatoru as Rakkitatoru
BigFatPotat as Potato
AxolotlArmy as General Axo Playz
TheGrimmKnight as Grimm Knight
GracieMockingjay as Gracie Mockingjay
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
Lieutenant Endrys of the Ender Army
Commander Worpin, Head of the Ender Royal Guard
ClayMan1077 as Captain Clay
Marshal GrossDemonStein as Wither
Papa Enny as Enny
Pacifity as Pac
Elyrantha as Vult
Owange as Owange
Frokieee as Frokieee
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
Uknownymous as Uknownymous
illager as Illager, Ruler of the Illager Empire

Mentioned (in order of appearance)
OrderOutOfChaos as Peter

Writing began 6-18-2023 at 8:51 AM ET
Writing completed 6-27-2023 at 5:38 PM ET
Entire blog completed 6-27-2023 at 6:13 PM ET
Published 6-27-2023 at 7:00 PM ET
Written by IGEBM

Why the song?

Well, if you're wondering why there's a Metallica song linked at the top of this blog, I've decided to link a song at the top of each Apocalypse story blog that I think fits the story. In this case, I chose "Seek and Destroy" because, well, I don't know, so let me write this out and figure it out. Originally, I planned to have the song be "The Day That Never Comes," but I was singing it one day and I realized it didn't really fit the story, so I changed it before I started writing the story. I chose "The Day That Never Comes" because it was a song about war, and they were trying to prevent Judgement Day (and thus make it a day that never comes), but I realized while singing it that the song was more of a sad song that an action song, and this story was mostly action. I tried to think of another song, and realized "Seek and Destroy" was a song about a fight, and I guess that' why I chose it. Truth be told, if I wasn't constraining myself to Metallica songs, the song I would pick for this story is Helloween's "The King for 1000 Years." It starts out calm (like the very beginning of the story), but after the line "I know it all," it turns into a more fast-paced song that I think works perfectly with this blog, and then the end of it kind of fits the end of the story, but also kind of doesn't.

Sorry About the Late Release

Originally, this was planned to post today (6-27-2023) at 4 PM ET, but about a week before, I was locked out of my main account (this account) because I made it with my school account and they had found it and needed to "review Planet Minecraft." I made a ticket, spent my time on PMC on my alt, DarkGEBM666, and eventually decided to ask Silabear to somehow give me access to the contents of the then-work-in-progress blog, and he did so by PMing it to me. Now, I was about to go to camp the next morning (and then straight to my dad's) when this happened, so I couldn't do anything with it, but when I got back on Monday afternoon (yesterday), I spent some time working on it. After I got to a point I was comfortable stopping at ("The two began to duel above the horde of Astral Beasts and mobs."), I made a plan to finish the story after soccer camp (which was from 9 to 12 AM) the next day, aka today. I packed my computer in my bag, since I was going to my grandpa's after camp (my mom had a surgery to do, and he was picking me up), and worked on it there. However, I didn't end up finishing it before 4, and thus pushed back the release time to 5, but I still didn't finish, because we had to go back to my mom's after that, where he dropped me off. Then, I started working on it after I got home, and hoped to finish it before 6, when I would post it, but it's currently 5:52 and I still have to write the fun fact, tag the people that I want to see this, and write the (usually long) Author's Note. So, that's why this story is releasing at 7 PM ET, 3 hours after it should have been released.

Fun Fact
Originally, I wanted to have a scene where LegionairreSi also joins the fight against the Maddened One, since it's the IGEBM from his universe and his friend, but I forgot about it because I was in a rush to finish and then decided not to include it. I also originally planned to kill off Gracie, because she said she was leaving the site, but then I saw that she was just not being as active as she used to and taking a break, so I changed it from a death scene and a funeral (as well as dedicating this chapter to her) to a going away party and a vacation. If you want to read the messages I got for the dedication, here they are.

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
TheMcPig, Pixella_9487, violiie, Noncommercial,Crois, ,ItsYeWffl, TacoFromDaSky, SynthesizedEcho

Author's Note

Well, that's it. That's the end of the plans I've had for my lore since January/February. I wanted to do the lore blog, Tales From PMC, War on the Nether, and the apocalypse, and I did it all. As of this blog, there are currently no overarching plotlines in my lore.

I just can't believe that it's over. This series has been so much fun to write, for myself, for you guys, for all of PMC, and I'm both happy and sad that it's finished. I'm happy because this has been a bit stressful for me, especially since I give myself deadlines, and I can direct all of my writing energy to working on my Transformers fanfic, but I'm also sad because, as I said, this was really fun to write. I loved all the characters, the action sequences, and the story.

About being stressed, the most stressful part of working on this series has actually been writing this story, but as I've learned, stress is a great motivator. I was originally planning to take things slow with writing this, because I feared that it wouldn't be as detailed as I wanted it to be if I rushed through it, but when I got locked out of my account, I was so worried because I wouldn't be able to work on this until I got it back. Luckily, Silabear sent me the blog and I was able to work on it, and I've spent the past day or so working on the bulk of this story, and it came out exactly how I wanted it to, even though I rushed through it. Most of this story was written in the span of 5 hours! It took me so much longer to finish War on the Nether's finale! So, I guess what I'm trying to tell you is that you shouldn't let the stress worry you. Instead, use it to motivate you further, and make your writing even better. (That doesn't mean you should wait until the last minute to finish your story, though.)

Anyways, I don't really know what else to say. Wow, this was much shorter than I expected. Let me close this out.

I hope you enjoyed PMC: Apocalypse, and thanks for reading.

So, yeah, there’s my message to you guys, and this is Gaél signing off (not from the site).

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08/20/2023 3:47 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
You took everything from me!

08/20/2023 8:02 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
lol what
08/20/2023 8:51 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
It's a meme I thought would fit in hereAlso I finally got around to reading the blogWasn't bad 👍
08/20/2023 9:19 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar

lol only took 2 months
07/12/2023 9:47 am
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
Now I can comment :D
It's amazing!
08/08/2023 11:32 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar

(and I’m aware I’m replying later than I saw it lol)
07/01/2023 9:32 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I crept trying to find a place for someone to reference’s Megatron’s line in Dark of the Moon, “Here we are. Fight us now.” Sadly, I couldn’t find a good place, as much as I love that line…
06/30/2023 5:25 am
Level 43 : Master Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
Also, with font size 10.5 this chapter was ten and a half pages total (not including the tags and that)
06/30/2023 7:34 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
it's funny that I don't see that as long, considering I'm writing a Transformers fanfic (second of nine parts) that's gonna end up being like 40 pages long

also did you use Google Docs, cause the font size I normally use when writing is 11, so if I pasted it there it would be longer
06/30/2023 8:04 am
Level 43 : Master Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
Yeah, I used googly docs, Word would friggin crash if I pasted that many words into it, and then again if I reopened it cuz of the document-recovery thingymagig. It can't handle a two-page Paper Minecraft seed XD
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