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Subscriber Interviews: DolphinCupcake

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AstroCat09's Avatar AstroCat09
Level 24 : Expert Lemon
hello everyone! Welcome to the ONE and ONLY... subscriber milestone interviews!
Whenever I reach a milestone, I will randomize a subscriber and I will ask them through PM if they'd like to join an interview.

Today we have the one and only... DolphinCupcake!

My answers are PINK and their answers are BLUE


How did you join PMC?

I found the PMC Skin Editor and wanted to make a cape. So I decided to make an account to publish it. I've also heard of PMC on videos from Unspeakable when he and his friends would join random servers.

What is your favorite content you've uploaded?

I liked my "German Shepard" mob skin as well as my "Cherry Blossoms" Skin. Each skin has great shading and detail. As for blogs, I liked my "Axolotls 101: Caring for Axolotls" blog the most. The blog has the best info and info that I use for my axolotls.

Do your axolotls have anything to say?

My axolotls say "Hi :D"

What made you have the idea to make PMCC?

I have been watching MCC (Minecraft Championships) for a while. I wanted to join the event, but after finding out it was invite-only, I decided to make my event. So that's how PMCC (formerly PMC MCC) formed. The event was also inspired by BlockWars and the Skeppy Events.

What inspired your username?

Well, my favorite animal is a dolphin and of course, people already have the name "Dolphin" on YouTube channels and Minecraft users. I was thinking of what to add to make it original and one of my favorite desserts is cupcakes. So, that's how DolphinCupcake formed as my Youtube channel, then I just decided all my other online usernames to be DolphinCupcake to make it simple.

What is your opinion on AI?

I love AI! I use ChatGPT on different projects and to help and give ideas to my questions. I don't think AI would take away jobs, but probably create more jobs. With AI, I think life would be a little bit easier and harder. AI would make life easier with helping projects, but harder as it can guess passwords and provide harmful info.

Have you ever stepped on a LEGO?

I have stepped on a LEGO and let me tell you it hurts. Once I had to walk through a pile of them, which hurt BADLY :(

What is your favorite food other than cupcakes?

I like ice cream as it has millions of different flavors and combinations. But since most people consider ice cream as a dessert, pizza would be my favorite food. Most people disagree with me, but I LOVE pineapple on pizza. Also please try pineapple on pizza before you disagree with me.

Do you think Minecraft designed axolotls correctly?

Yes with the body shape, but the only thing that was designed incorrectly was that axolotls can go out of water. In IRL if an axolotl goes out of the water it would most definitely get very stressed/crazy and eventually die. Also when axolotls peak their head out of water, their gills go out of water which can also stress them out.

Is there anything else you want to let the viewer know before the interview ends?

Join PMCC if you can and invite your friends! As of right now, the teams are filling up quickly and less than 20 spots are currently available. Also, I would go check out my axolotl blog and my axolotls' pictures :D

Okay! That's all for this interview. Please subscribe to DolphinCupcake
and have a great day!


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