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PMC: A Year in Review

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
2023 has been an amazing year, with some bumps along the way, of course, and back in July, I came up with the idea to make a blog recapping everything that's happened, both to serve as a record of the chaos that PMC has been through and a way for people to reflect on everything. Happy New Year's! (Technically New Year's Eve, but I'm scheduling this to post 1 minute before midnight, so it doesn't really matter.)

Nicknames List (For the Ones That Aren't Obvious)
TheCrypteral - Chaos
GoStormPlays/Stormy - Storm
ghostoftheglade - Pinkie
OrderOutOfChaos - Peter

Like all beginnings, be it to a story or a year, January sorta set the tone for the coming year. Not much happened, but some pretty notable things that you guys may or may not have forgotten did occur. For one, TheCrypteral's WiFi was out (if I remember correctly), so there was 2 weeks where he couldn't log on, and then there was the Rankings Disaster of January 2023. For those who don't remember this event, one of the Apprentices (the old name for the Forge Council back when Chaos was still here and running the group), whose identity shall remain anonymous, was editing the Rankings widget on the Forge group page when they accidentally deleted the entire widget instead of clicking the edit button. BigFatPotat thought maybe Chaos had been keeping track of them somewhere else, but I doubted it since he'd been gone for 2 weeks; the earliest saved version on Archive was from a few months after the group was formed, so that was a dead end too. A few days later, Cyprezz himself (yes, I'm tagging him; I'm that crazy) sent me a PM with a link to a site that had the BBCode from the widget's most recent saved version. I didn't click on it until a day or two later, at which point I found that it was gone because he had saved it there temporarily, but I told him what happened and simply re-uploaded it and sent me a new link, and I was able to restore the widget. Another thing about January was that it was the first month of LogMaiden's mysterious inactivity. To this day, which is almost a year later, she hasn't been seen, and her last post is just reminder for people to submit their entries for her jam, which was almost done at the time. The results have yet to be revealed. I miss her; she made some great art, especially for the Forge, and I remember one time she actually redrew something I drew on one of her Magma boards so it was 3D. That was pretty cool. Trotelot left for a break from the site in January as well, but she returned several months later. I also started the Soda SMP in January, which was a Bedrock server for members of the PMC Soda Community run by me and my friends, OrderOutOfChaos and TheMcPig, also known as the Soda Trio. The server was active until at least late February, which was when the last of the weekly blogs describing the events of the past week on it had been made, but I made an attempt to revive it in April. It's since been deleted, as there was no activity on it for 6 months, so Aternos auto-deleted the world. Now, I have a feeling y'all are screaming at me right now because I haven't mentioned something yet; don't worry, I'm about to mention it. On January 16th, I posted a blog titled "PMC in IGEBM Lore," which was this community's introduction to the ever-iconic IGEBM lore universe. Originally, it was meant to just be a single blog describing the universe my persona lived in, but it expanded to another blog with short stories, and now, there's 72 different blogs connected to it! Plus, it's been adopted to basically be the main thing people think of when they hear something about lore on this site (it's either that, me, or illager). I'm so thankful for all the support it's received, especially since I never expected it to get this big. This section is long enough already, but I'm almost done! cloudkitty started PMC Among Us, which was an Among Us roleplay game that took place in PMs, and then she would post a write-up of the events in a blog. I participated in every game, with the last one happening in July and the blog being posted in August. I'm putting this at the end since I can't find an exact date for when it happened, but a user by the name of SuperstitiousBot had announced that they were leaving PMC. SB (as we call him) founded and ran the Chaos Legion group, which he left to his friend violiie, along with access to his account, which he renamed SB_dead_account. This account was mysteriously deleted several months later, presumably by SB himself, as Violiie hadn't filed for deletion. She held a poll later on to determine the group's new leader, and LegendarySi won. Another thing related to Si that happened was me giving him the nickname of "the Gravedigger," as he had a section on his profile for users that had left (or died, as users that left were killed off in IGEBM lore) called the PMC Cemetery, which was moved to a blog in March. (By the way, that blog is where I'm getting the dates for when people left for this blog.)

Alright, let's move on to February, my birthday month, both in real life (the 13th) and on PMC (the 8th)! As of February 8th, I was on this site for one year, but I'll save the reflection on my year of being on the site for February 8th, 2024. I don't remember the exact weekend, but I'm pretty sure it was February 5th that Emminlk12 was banned for being underage. We were all deeply saddened by the event, but the mods gotta do what the mods gotta do. That day, I also made the "2023 is Cursed" thread, which listed everything bad that happened this year so far. (And yes, I know the 5th comes before the 8th; it's just putting the 8th first allowed for a better transition from the opening sentence about my birthday to it.) Unfortunately, that title was pretty accurate, as another person left that month, that being Greppi, who wasn't allowed to chat online anymore with most people. He announced that he'd be leaving a few months prior, but February 25th was the dreaded day that he said goodbye. Luckily, he's since come back and just makes posts with comments disabled. I don't think much else notable happened on PMC until the end of the month, so let's return to IGEBM lore. On February 28th, chapter 1 of a 9-chapter series I wrote for my lore called PMC: War on the Nether came out, and I spent the next 10 weeks (I missed a week in the release schedule) writing and releasing the following stories. I'll go into more detail about it in my personal anniversary blog, but this was a pretty memorable part of the month.

March, March, March... what happened in March? Actually though, what happened? Oh, right! GracieMockingjay's then-boyfriend and also a friend of many, TheGrimmKnight, left the site... He was a great guy who loved Evangelion, but sadly, he wasn't allowed on anymore. (I'm pretty sure that was the reason, but I could be wrong.) Like Greppi, however, he would eventually return, and is just periodically inactive (like right now). At the end of the month, PMC had it's monthly dose of drama when I shared a post about the International Transgender Day of Visibility, which had a modification of the original logo for the Transformers franchise (of which I'm a big fan). In the comments, a user named GoStormPlays (who would later rename himself to Stormy) simply wrote the word "no." This prompted me and TheGlitchedRobin to get into an argument with him about how it's okay to be trans. This argument would lead to Storm being given a short ban that led to him leaving for a few days. Before that, however, it spilled over into a group PM that LegendarySi had sent to us and ghostoftheglade about getting hired to work at his Nugget Factory. However, we were able to end it and became good friends, believe it or not. In that PM, which has over 4000 messages, we would talk and occasionally debate, mostly about religion-related topics. Not everything was sunshine and rainbows, though; all the recent drama had prompted Peter to leave.

Ah, April... one of the most drama heavy months of the year, now that I think about it. Firstly, on April 1st, Cyprezz introduced CFT cards, which are basically PMC NFTs. They were originally an April Fools' Day joke feature that would be removed the next day, but they stuck. Secondly, on April 2nd, Peter returned! As it turned out, his leaving the site was actually just an April Fools' joke. What wasn't a joke, however, was Chaos leaving the site on April 5th. Tragically, he had to go because he needed to sort out some stuff in his life. He said he may one day come back, but I personally doubt he will. We were all saddened by this announcement, but his girlfriend, ShadowOnTheLoose, was arguably the most affected. After all, her boyfriend and someone she deeply cared about had announced that he was leaving and broken up with her because of it. The PMC community was there for both of them, and Chaos is certainly one whose presence and impact on the site will not soon be forgotten. (This was his final wall post, by the way.) However, as Silabear said, don’t cry because it ended, smile because it happened. (In other words, be happy that you had the chance to know him.) It's kinda hard to transition from such serious stuff to the next topic, but I'm gonna try it anyways... So, there's this guy, illager, who currently runs the Blockly Craft (a weekly newspaper; they're both cool, so check 'em out). He thought Chaos was the king of PMC and posted a thread with a poll to elect a new leader. Of course, this was all a big misunderstanding and he didn't mean anything by it, but this thread would be the original source of the drama surrounding the PMC Revolution. Silabear was elected as the new king, and he was rather tyrannical, banning things such as the 8-ball. This prompted LeLovesJazz to form LAPADAC (Lé And People Against Dictatorship And Communism), a revolutionary organization that sought to remove the monarchy. We waged war against the monarchists, with our first victory being convincing Sila to allow 8-balls again (inspiring our symbol). We ultimately won and Sila was dethroned, but, being a roleplay that involved politics, things got heated.

Not much happened in May... outside of one, very important thing (that happened on the 11th). I still remember it to this day... Peter had made two posts, one about how being transgender was a way of telling God he made a mistake when making you, and the other about how abortion is murder (please, no debates about these topics in the comments). He asked people to copy the text to their own walls and repost it, which Sumjih, Shadow, and several others did. In the abortion post, there was a link to a video of a baby after the procedure. I never clicked on it, but I remember hearing someone say that video was the most horrific thing they'd ever seen. The mods proceeded to ban Peter, Sumjih, and Shadow, although Shadow repealed her ban. Peter was a very strong Christian, and would often make posts similar to this, but this was very extreme. In the post, he added that he knew he'd get banned for it. Clearly, he was right...

June, the month of the beginning of summer! (Yep, I did the transition again!) Something actually happened to me this time instead of someone else, so lemme tell you the story. Basically, it was the first week of summer break, and I was on my alt account, DarkGEBM666, making skins for the Four Horsemen from my series, PMC: Apocalypse, and when I tried to log back into my main account, it said my administration had blocked access to PMC and needed to review it. This was because I had made my main account with my school email, and they had evidently found it. I announced the situation on my alt and then made a ticket, and after a few days, Cyprezz was able to link my main account to my non-school email and I got back in. Other than that, nothing happened.

In July, I was with my dad and didn't really keep up much with what was showing up on my site feed, but I do know that it was the month where Emmin got unbanned, which was a cause for celebration, and it was the month that saw the rise of the secret share trend. Secret message boxes were something that more and more users were making so they could receive funny anonymous messages (the majority of them seemed to Storm messing with people by telling people he had a crush on them), and even I made a box. In my box, I received several messages from someone who said they had a crush on me, and that led to the launch of an investigation into who they could be, which Pinkie would help me out with in later months, but that's something that I can go into more detail on in my 2-year anniversary blog. I returned from my dad's a few days before the end of the month, and the whole community was in panic. Piaccu had announced he'd be leaving sometime in the winter, which made Gracie, his girlfriend, very sad. She left for church camp, made her profile picture pitch black, and changed her status to "someone kill me now-," which had suicidal implications. Her guest book was flooded with people (including me) telling her she'd be okay and that some of them understood where she was coming from, and when she came back, she announced that she was feeling better now. While digging through he guest book to find out when this whole thing happened, I counted all the posts, and she got a whopping 22 (not counting all of Illager's smile emoticon post). (For anyone who wants to see 'em all, it's pages 14 and 13 of her guest book.)

The trend continued into August (at which point I was back to regular activity after leaving my dad's), but this was when things got bad. Someone went around saying very hurtful messages to people in their boxes, like telling them their mother never loved them or worse, that they should end their life. No one was safe, and most of them just brushed them off and focused on the positive messages, but the final straw was when they came for me too. In addition to telling me to kill myself, this person also called me the n-word 28 times. (The exact message was "F—K OFF MY [​CENSORED].") I'm Afro-Latino, so that word is offensive to me, and I was very hurt. I announced what happened and later closed my message box, and others did too because of their own hateful messages. To this day, no one knows who the person (or people) responsible for these atrocious acts was. TheMountaineer also started the PMC Kingdom roleplay, which has died down in popularity recently, but it'll be important in the next section.

Do you remember the 21st night of September? Nothing happened that day, but that throughout the month, people were referencing "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire. I don't know if this has always happened, but I don't remember it happening last year... Anyways, a funny thing happened on the 10th. A few months earlier, Si had made a secret alt account called RedBoyBuilds, and out of nowhere, on this day, people had begun either renaming their accounts in Blue's style (ColorNounVerb) or making alts with usernames like his. I made an alt account called TurquoiseMetalheadLores purely for the trend. Even Silabear changed his name, becoming BrownBearModerates. The trend subsided a few days later, with most people waiting to be able to change their names back, but Blue made a widget on his profile page with a list of all the people he could find. There was also some drama that month (of course there was, there's always drama), and this time, it was once again roleplay-related. So there was this user named kay_moon, and in the roleplay, her character was hanging out with Arianwyn's, Princess Aria. I never saw exactly what they did, since the comments got deleted before I could see them, but Arian herself told me that they hadn't done anything inappropriate and it was just interpreted that way, although others would disagree. (Don't argue about this in the comments. It's resolved, and there's no need to restart old debates.) Kay's dad saw the comments and told his daughter she couldn't be on the site anymore, so Kay announced she was leaving, albeit without citing why. Arian's account was locked not too long after, and Kay's dad would soon explain in a wall post on her account giving more information on why she had to leave, but without names. Naturally, people began speculating, and rumors were spread. The mods went around quelling all the talk of misinformation and tried to give some better explanations of why Arian's account was locked, but without specifically saying why. (They generalized it by stating the reasons for account locks, one of which was investigations into a user's activities.) Kay's account was also locked during this period. A few days later, Arian's account was unlocked, and people began to move past what had happened and carry on with their daily (PMC) lives. In the final days of September, Tovarishh Vizer Shtorm (then Emperor Wither Storm II) created a roleplay group called the Great Monster Empire, which was threatening the Chaos Legion. (Among the group's leaders was an ex-Legion member and alt of Wither named Marshal GrossDemonStein, who, under the username Feldmarshall Wither Storm, had also supported King Silabear back in April. He initially left because he didn't like roleplay, but he's clearly had a change of mind.) I was trying to prevent the war and set up peace negotiations in PMs, but those failed miserably, and the GME launched their first attack. RyluSpark created a roleplay thread, presumably after seeing Wither's wall post describing the attack, and that's where the combat portion of the war took place.

The war continued into October, ending on the 7th. Wither and the Marshal posted the comments where the major events took place, like a GME missile strike that set the X-20 virus loose on Anarchy Island (the Legion's island) and the Marshal's coup against the Emperor. In PMs, the leaders of the Chaos Legion, Cholan Empire, and Illager Clan communicated, discussing battle plans and the such, and two more peace conferences happened. One of them ended in disaster. Remember how I said this was a roleplay? These clearly haven't had a good track record on PMC, and Elightin_elytra's actions, which I'm about to describe, were just another strike against them. In the beginning of the war, when we (me, Elightin, Si, Cloud, Rob333, and GoldenScientist, although Golden didn't talk at all) were brainstorming battle plans, Elightin, the king of the Cholan Empire, came up with the idea to nuke the GME. That was the lore explanation of it; what was actually going to happen was that Elightin was going to trick Wither into clicking a Grabify link and then threaten to post his IP information in a wall post (the nuke) if he didn't surrender. Blackmail and doxing. How delightful. He got the IP and sent it to the war council PM, and a few days later, after the second attempt at peace talks was failing, he launched the nuke. Wither reported the post to Silabear, who promptly deleted the post, while Palaeos (yes, I'm tagging him too; also, I'm surprised I didn't mention him until now) banned Elightin for 10 years. I'm assuming it was one of them who also locked the war thread, ending the roleplay. Elightin told us he was planning on leaving now that he couldn't post, but he did participate in the third and final peace conference, a slightly-edited retelling of which can be found here. In the aftermath of the doxing, Wither demanded apologies from everyone in the PM, since he assumed they were all involved, and I compiled them all into a blog posted to the Chaos Legion group. Most of us didn't actually apologize, but rather explain that they had nothing to apologize for, which opened Wither's eyes to fact that Elightin was the only who was really involved in the incident. Speaking of Elightin, after the war ended, he would occasionally pop on PMC to chat with us in PMs, but otherwise, he was gone.

Now for the penultimate month, November! The first major event that month was yet another ban... well, technically a lock. Ever since that comment back at the end of March, Storm's been in hot water with the mods. He would frequently get into debates with the mods and make controversial blogs about Christianity. One time he had a whole back-and-forth with Uknownymous in PMs, and each message had several long paragraphs, and somehow, he fit that all into one screenshot that he sent to the You're Hired PM. Me, Si, and Pinkie were all surprised, not at the messages, but rather at how long that screenshot was. Anyways, back to the present day, Storm's account was locked out of nowhere, and Silabear made a post clarifying everything: the mods had been discussing it for days in their group chat, and ultimately decided he should be banned as he had been given several warnings from them and ignored them. Through his friend Panda Gocarts3, he announced to PMC that he would be posting a video in a few days explaining everything, and it would be taken down after a few days as well. In the video (which I have a screen recording of saved on my Drive), he explained that the basic reason he was banned was for having a link to a blog on external site about Christianity titled "Basic Principles," which did say some things disagreeing with a certain group. Storm never specified the group, and I never saw the blog (I didn't even know it was linked until I saw the video), but based on what I know about him, I'm going to make the probably correct guess that it was the LGBTQIA+ community. However, the interesting thing was that, in the video, he claims that a mod gave him permission to link it. I made a thread just linking the video so people could see it, with a short message, and it was taken down by a mod with a note saying that the attached video contained misinformation about the site moderation team, so I don't know who to believe. Anyways, Storm isn't completely gone from the online world. There's still his YouTube videos and his site, the Underground, which several PMCers reading this (including me, Si, and Pinkie) are on. However, that site is going to be shutting down tomorrow (the date is January 1st, but again, this is posting a minute before midnight, so it's technically tomorrow) due to a lack of funding to support it. That's about it for stuff regarding Storm. In other news, Firestar2477278 found a website that steals other peoples' artwork and sells it, and there was a ton of stuff from PMC, including (to name a few) Firestar's old art, katress' art, and the NovaSkin wallpapers I made for a blog a few months prior. Cloud and Tzyber both asked for their accounts to be locked so they could take mental health breaks (it was coincidental that it happened around the same time), but both would return (here and here). Most notably, Elightin managed to repeal his ban and is back on PMC, and the GME had fluctuating activity. In the lore, a lot of power struggles were happening, and they briefly went inactive when Wither/the Marshal/all the other alts took a break to focus on his studies, and they deleted all of their past wall posts, but they've since returned to regular activity.

We're almost done! Come to think of it, nothing too major happened in December. (I'd say "this month," but I have a feeling most people will be reading this in January and are gonna get confused, so...) CaraRose, a retired mod, hosted the Winter Quest, which, according to someone in the comments of the accompanying forum, was the first PMC quest in a couple of years, so that's special. (For those wondering, it lasted from the 14th to the 26th.) Other than that, I really can't think of anything else that happened this month that's worth talking about. Oh yeah, Si took a break until January to spend time with family, though he briefly popped in to wish us all a merry Christmas. Cloud announced that she's restarting PMC Among Us, so that's exciting. Honestly, I feel like this has been such a crazy year, so by the time it's almost done, we're all just too tired to start any drama.

Anyways, I think that's about it. This has been a great year and I look forward to the next one. (Hopefully it won't be as cursed as this one.) My New Year's resolution is to remain dedicated to my writing and not lose my motivation for it like I have in the past.

Cover Art

The cover for this blog was done across 4 different Magma boards over a course of 3 days, with the deadline being this morning (as in the 31st) at 10 AM EDT. I originally made one, then two because there wasn't enough, and then others made the third and fourth. Here's a list of the people that contributed to this amazing piece of art, as well as which ones they drew on:

Me (1, 2, 3, 4)
Panda_Tyger (1)
Panda_Wolfe (1)
Darkfap (1)
asdfjjj#1656 (1)
ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul (1, 2, 3)
ajthepeach (1)
Wait \|#2684 (1)
Pirealta (1)
WhisperOfTheWild (1)
bigotato (1, 2)
AxolotlArmy (1, 2)
ghostoftheglade (1, 2, 3, 4)
Angelonasher (1)
LeLovesJazz (1, 2)
bitemark#1228 (1, 4)
BlueBoyBuilds (1, 3, 4)
Square Pirate (1, 2)
bowties#2723 (2)
RB22486 (2, 3)
oliviobobby (2)
wqffles (2)
Silly Creations (2)
pmc member#3062 (2)
PsioPsia001 (2)
katress (2)
jellyfishh (3)
Cirxett (3)
Marshal GrossDemonStein (3)
Ayanoaishi (4)
EccentricEremite (4)
DoctorValeyard2150AD (4)

(As you can tell, if it wasn't clear what your PMC username was, I put your Magma username.)

PMC: A Year in Review
Individual Boards
PMC: A Year in ReviewPMC: A Year in Review

Lastly, I'd like to thank all these people for making this year as amazing as it was (I probably forgot a few people I meant to include because, well, look how many people I mentioned):

LegendarySi, ghostoftheglade, Stormy, OrderOutOfChaos, TheMcPig, TacoFromLeSky, 2000sindie, Pixella_9487 TheCrypteral, ShadowOnTheLoose, Trotelot, cloudkitty, GracieMockingjay, LeLovesJazz, TheGrimmKnight, ClayMan1077, Elightin_elytra, Rob333, GoldenScientist, CesarCarter, Emminlk12, Liara121, ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy, Zibonzi AxolotlArmy, WhisperOfTheWild, Tovarishh Vizer Shtorm/Marshal GrossDemonStein/Emperor Totenkriegstein III/Professor Verwelkterstein/Tsar XenomorphRex II, Panda_Tyger, Panda_Aberdokki, Panda_Wolfe, JustaFlqmingo, ItzOrangey, ajthepeach, RyluSpark, Insomniac_Toad, ItsYeWffl, ExtremeGames, pluckpi, Tzyber, TheGlitchedRobin, MiloNotTea_5398, blackconverses, CrownDeluxe, BigFatPotat, MaltyOtter, PsioPsia001, Papa Enny, Bubblez705, RB22486, illager, anonpmc4592387, BlueBoyBuilds, EccentricEremite, Darkfap, TheMountaineer, KaiOceansword, Haza, Guts N Pixels, Firestar2477278, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Arianwyn, LeafpoolCat2009, WaffleWolf-, NarwhalYT, whoever the heck my secret admirer was, T0ast, Silabear, Uknownymous, Palaeos, Cyprezz, _Phantasm, dreamCritting, Adrestio, CaraRose, PMC, DreamWanderer, anonpmc4611129, CrystalRuby, VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict, REBELE0N, Owange, Sp3nc3r_, Christ8Pizza, SnappNote, ZappyGru, MerBatPhan89,Commander_The_Fox, LimeSpeedCrystal, Lyra_Capricorn, violiie, Eligames2009, ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul, ScotsMiser, r a i n b o w, Spongie, Mad, Usaki, Wagnerbaum, _-Zuimba Wields a Blackhole-_, Aelle, Katfoo10, katress, jellyfishh, Ash Silvershade, bigotato, nathsphere, WelcomeToPMC, FISH5398, Greppi, GenevaDog, GoggleD0GG, Crois, Rakkitatoru, Demidiant_, oliviobobby, MOLTENONI, SpartanHarv, KhakiKayaks, SynthesizedEcho, Diiby, The Last Kirbalorian, Cirxett, BelleChxn, Fuschi, Pacifity, Panda Gocarts3, @kay_moon, Rxsealayna, someone-I-should-have-added, SouthDakotaGirl, SteamMallard07, Tricolor, Weirdness, Sailven, Wandering Blaze, xRosePetalx, AstralSapphire, Bubbles_, _Grace, Berrymxxn, TheNewTK421, Frokieee, Purpl3_, FE98, FishyBusiness, Ayanoaishi, Angelonasher, DoctorValeyard2150AD, Dronko fire blaster, Square Pirate, Kypickle, FlintN_Steel, aquarine, FishStacks, Autumn pastry, wqffles, LBoomsky, Juillyoom

Happy New Year to all of you and to anyone else reading this!
CreditAll of you! :D

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02/21/2024 1:13 am
Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn
SatoshiHikari's Avatar
o7 @Kay_Moon @OrderOutOfChaos @Stormy And All Those Who Left Us In 2023 For Different Reasons
01/17/2024 5:03 am
Level 42 : Master Artist
Frwf's Avatar
quit with the yapping please
01/17/2024 6:56 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
01/05/2024 3:11 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
who was peter again? I forget his username

was it orderoutofchaos?


I remember seeing that post about him quitting

that was my first real interaction with the community XD

I actually read all that

that was really fun to read actually

01/06/2024 7:38 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
yeah, it was OrderOutOfChaos (formerly OrderOfChaos)

there's a nicknames list at the top for all the non-username-based nicknames (like TheCrypteral being called Chaos)

he fooled us all lol
01/03/2024 9:20 am
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
SpartanHarv's Avatar
GOsh- that's long qwp
01/05/2024 8:34 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
well, it summarizes 12 months of drama and utter chaos-
01/01/2024 7:59 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
Me reading this like:
01/05/2024 8:33 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
lol how true
01/01/2024 1:35 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Bear
Silabear's Avatar
not me being asdfjjj on the magma board managing to write just an H before my internet cut off
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