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Night at Chillingsworth Manor - PART 5

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Trotelot's Avatar Trotelot
Level 35 : Artisan Nether Knight
photo from google, not my art

I had lost motivation for awhile, but I have it back

Just keep in mind that nothing is personal and I did what I had to do :)

An automated robotic message was projected from Tzyber’s core.
Elimination denied.

The cyborg lowered their head and aimed arm. The pink eye flashed and pulsed with color.
No, no, no, no.” The robot repeated. To mention this, aside from the cloak which now lay on the ground, Tzyber was finely dressed in a jet black suit with a corsage carnation embedded on their front coat pocket.

“What’s going on!” Chaos half squealed.
Tzyber looked up slowly. “I seem to have made a mis-cal-culation… but the numbers… no, no, no… they all lined up…

Without another word the cyborg proceeded with no emotion whatsoever and disappeared down a dark corridor. They moved with freakish silence and speed, quickly extinguishing from view.

After the shock hit the group; comprehending that they had just eliminated an innocent, Shadow tore away from her colleagues in a fume of emotions. The rest of them, consisting of a startled Afap, a contemplative Greief, mentally discombobulated Chaos, and a shocked Robin, decided they had a better chance separating from each other.
“I think I need some air-“ Robin lifted a hand to his head.

“Really?” Greief replied annoyed. “You don’t need air.”

“No actually. I’m overheating.”
So Robin went outside and the rest of them went their separate ways about the Manor…


Whisper had been in grief over Ender’s poor body this whole time. She had forgotten about the screaming and missed the entire Trot ordeal. She had no idea of his recent absence of life… Probably for the best considering her fragile state of emotions at the moment.
Yes, she had noticed the secret doorway which stood ajar. Did she dare venture to see what lie beyond it? Absolutely not. That’s where the murderer had to have picked Ender off from… right?

She wiped at her face of stinging tears. She had to move on. She had to survive.

30 mins later

Whisper had been wandering the halls for quite some time at this point. She had been looking for her friends… she had seen no such sign of life in f o r e v e r. She’d even gone back to the dining hall. There was no one. The only thing she found was singed carpet and an empty chair with thin rope wrapped around it.

What is all this? What happened?

She moved on.

30 more minutes

Whisper was exploring some of the sleeping chambers when she heard two low, quiet voices in the corridor outside her room. She could hardly make out the speech.

“Who…oh really?…. Easy? I bet.” Said the first voice.
“Like… a… HA! I’m aiming for the other two now… do it..” Said the second.

There was a shuffle of quick footsteps and then a large gap of silence. One of the voices had left in a hurry. Whisper tried to glimpse the remaining figure through the keyhole in the door. She could not see. She had to find out.

They have to be the killer. She thought. And if it is them, I’ll just teleport away in a jiffy! She prepared to open the door. It bumped its frame and creaked so loudly. Whisper gritted her teeth and shoved it open before bounding into the hallway. She could just see the silhouette of the figure disappearing into the shadows in a loud flurry of more footsteps.

She sighed and started pursuing them with silent Enderman steps, but halted as she noticed something peculiar. A wardrobe door lie slightly cracked and she could see a pair of terrified eyes within.

Whisper, curious, grabbed the doors and flung them open. Shadow screamed from inside.


Robin, as mentioned, had certainly begun overheating. He’d only meant witnessing death as a joke, and was actually quite bothered by Trot’s absence of life.
But the fresh air of the courtyard felt good, and it cleared his very tangled mind. The weather was pleasant out there, the sky was clear, the stars bright, it was even a little warm. It was even kind of beautiful too. There were finely trimmed bushes, smooth stone walkways, and a huge elegant fountain in the middle.
Robin contemplated going back in the house and finding Converse for company, but he decided to stay alone, simply because he didn’t care to enter the building and risk untimely death.
He walked around the courtyard and attempted to find a way out. To none of his avail, he found no such way out; the rod iron fence was too high and unclimbable, and there were no imperfections in the stone.

He was staring dreamily into the fountain when he heard them. The rushed footsteps coming from inside the house. The heavy breathing followed by a quick and cut-off gasp.
Then, an eerie silence.
He could practically feel a body approaching even without turning.
“I’ve been expecting you.” He said intimidatingly.

“Haha- what? No you haven’t.” The voice replied behind him.

“How can you be so sure?”

“No one expects me- I am he who walks unseen, under hills and over hills, my path is lead. I am ever unexpected but maybe over suspected.”

Robin turned to see who it was, for he recognized the voice not. But he was not to privileged to see who it was, because an awfully contorted blade was stabbed into his screen. His upper body fell back into the fountain and sparks flew everywhere as the damaged screen contacted the electrified water.


Chaos was in a flurry of emotions. Trot was dead. Because of him. He felt awful.
“Does this make me a murderer?” He asked himself in a lonely drawing room.

The room was dull and dusty. It was wallpapered with a grey-blue floral pattern like the rest of the smaller rooms. It had three very tall doors connected to it, because this section of the Manor had a maze of small interconnected rooms within.

The time was night, at about 10:30. The only light in the room was produced from very poor looking candles which had served one too many uses.
“Well, no because I technically didn’t physically harm him…” he argued with himself, “but I did put him up for blame.. but I couldn’t have known…” he took a seat on a dusty couch and continued to himself.
“I wonder if you’re allowed to fight back if murder is attempted on you…”

This provoked a change of thoughts and a glint of curiosity within him. He quickly scanned the room before his eyes fell on two small axes which were displayed on the top of a small fireplace, which was not lit to his appreciation.
He quickly darted to them and selected one to scan.

Afap appeared in one of the doorways to his right.

“What are you doing with that axe?” Afap asked with an inquisitive tone.

“Self defense.” Chaos replied gripping the handle with his uninjured arm. “So we can prevent harm by protecting-“

Just as Chaos spoke, the head of the axe fell from its belly and thudded to the ground.

“Oh- poorly crafted.” He snorted, disappointed.

“Hmm.” Afap stepped closer. “That’s odd.”

Chaos took the other axe in his hand. It was light and plasticity. “Useless! A child could use this as a toy!” He exclaimed and tossed it to the couch.

Afap gave him a questioning look and shuffled over to the sofa. He took up the axe with some effort.

“What do you mean? It’s sharp as a, well, an axe, and it weighs good.” The boy observed.

“How would you know- it’s so awful- wait.”

“It’s fine! Just fine.” Afap smiled at Chaos.

“Why do you look like that- AH!”

Afap’s expression changed immediately. Before Chaos could even react, the axe was thrown at his face.
“It’s YOu- agh!”

While Chaos dodged it, Afap had also thrown a star, which caught the tender cheek of his victim’s face. The small sharp object flipped metallically to the ground covered in a splash of red. Clutching his face, Chaos grabbed the star and rushed out of the room. He could hear the footsteps pursuing him from behind. He turned a slightly lit room before crashing into a panicked Blue.

“AHH!” Blue screamed as a decent amount of blood covered his sweaty clothing.

“It’s not what it looks like, I promise!” Chaos yelled as his voice broke.

Afap slowed down and threw his hands in his pockets while trying to act relaxed behind the blood-caked Chaos.

“I-it’s him!” The blacksmith waved a shaky arm over at Afap. “He threw a bunch of stuff at me, and …”

“What!?” Blue exclaimed. “But you just ran at me covered in blood with a knife! It could be both of you who just staged the whole thing!”

“It’s Chaos! Don’t believe him, Blue! He tried to murder me, but I stopped him!” Afap yelled across the room.

“NO!” Chaos clutched his face again. “What a horrible argument. You tried to stop me by covering me in my own blood?”

“Self defense.” Afap retorted.

“I hardly agree. Innocents can’t use weapons.” Chaos observed.

“Oh yeah? How so? This place cursed or something?”

“Everyone just calm down!” Blue yelled out. “I was just playing with you. This is simple. You don’t think I know who it is? I’ve known this entire night! I was hiding in the doorway when YOU *points at Afap* stabbed poor Ender in the back whilst running to aid Chaos’s screams. But now that we have sufficient evidence, there’s no hiding now, Afap! Get out of here before that cyborg sniffs you out. Well, I guess they can’t sniff you since they don’t have senses—but that’s not the point!”

“What?!” Afap fumed, “You can’t do that! You-“ he caught himself as Blue stared at him maliciously with the truth.

“Wait. Ender is dead?” Chaos asked.

“Stabbed like a stuffed pig- and here is your culprit.” Blue motioned to Afap.

Of course, Afap, was in a less than overjoyed mood, and he prepared to poison them both when an small dagger flew across the room and into his side. He clutched it but fell the ground regardless.

Elimination Affirmed.” The robotic voice from Tzyber’s core sounded from the doorway.

Blue, trembling, turned to see them. He knew what had to be done, but it disturbed him greatly to witness it. Chaos laid a gentle hand on Blue’s shoulder to calm his nerves.

There is another.” Tzyber projected and stared at the two gentlemen coldly. “I will not rest.”

Tzyber entered the room and cleared it of its recent impurities. They left without a word and disappeared down another anonymous hallway.

Blue and Chaos had simply stared in silence the whole time.

“I’ve got an idea,” Chaos turned to Blue. But he actually turned to nobody, because Blue had disappeared.

Ignore the typos, I’ll find em

:) that’s the end for now
this is going to go beyond the Halloween season if that’s alright.
PMC Members previously or currently included:
CreditTzyber BlueBoyBuilds Afap blackconverses TheCrypteral Literal_Garbage_Robin ShadowOnTheLoose EnderHasVanished _Whisper12_ Greief

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12/27/2022 7:18 am
Level 35 : Artisan Nether Knight
Trotelot's Avatar
Ikik- I apologize- I have it written just not super polished-
I’ve been crazy busy these past few months, so a few things had to go on hold…
12/27/2022 12:45 am
Level 38 : Artisan Princess
Emminlk12's Avatar

11/23/2022 11:32 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
CesarCarter's Avatar
Y’kow, I’ve really been a jerk to most people because I didn’t know them at the time. I gotta figure out what to do…
11/21/2022 12:56 pm
Level 40 : Master Toast
T0ast's Avatar
Make this a book!!! I've never been this entertained!
11/10/2022 6:34 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Wolf
GenevaDog's Avatar
I just found this amazing story!
11/10/2022 6:50 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Nether Knight
Trotelot's Avatar
Thank you!
11/09/2022 8:38 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Is the contorted blade that was jammed into Robin’s head the same one that we saw in the first part?
11/09/2022 8:45 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Nether Knight
Trotelot's Avatar
Yes it is!
good job for putting the puzzle together lol
11/07/2022 12:58 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Birb
Josuavl's Avatar
N i c e very spooky
11/06/2022 2:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
ShadowOnTheLoose's Avatar
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