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new (clarified) EULA, IMHO a mistake

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MamiyaOtaru's Avatar MamiyaOtaru
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
Recently Mojang clarified their stance on aspects of the EULA. Despite their insistence that there are now more ways to monetize a server, I feel these conditions will be detrimental to server hosting. Here's why.

Servers offer various things to players. Things like features (mini games, creative building environment, etc). One of the most important things a server offers is the ability to play with other players. Players want to play with other people, no one wants to play in a ghost town.

Servers cost money to run. There's the cost of renting hardware, bandwidth, etc. Until now, we have had servers that charged for gameplay features. This allowed a subset of players to (voluntarily) subsidize the experience for a much larger population of non paying players. This allowed servers to offer that large population that is in itself a draw.

With the new rules, this is no longer possible. Remaining possibilies are charging for access, cosmetics, or asking for donations. None of those will work as well as charging for features. Donations do not offer an incentive to pay. Relying on donations means fewer players paying less money. Cosmetics are an incentive, but a lesser one that features, again meaning les smoney from fewer players. Charging for access means far fewer players will play there, destroying a server's ability to offer a large population, leading to even fewer players playing there.

Now I understand Mojang's position on this. They don't want people charging for things Mojang made. I get it. But they lose me when they forbid charging for things they had nothing to do with.

As an example, let's take Twilight Forest. I don't know what TF's conditions are (since they can set their own), but think of a dimension like it for the example, or imagine the maker of TF has a server. TF is a new dimension, with new mobs, biomes, items etc. which were not made by Mojang. According to the new rules, charging for access to the TF dimension is forbidden. Why? They didn't create it. It was distributed to clients without any Mojang classes (modified or otherwise). People who couldn't go there would still be able to play Minecraft with no restrictions the same as anyone else in the standard dimensions. How is charging for access to this dimension in any way charging money for something Mojang made?

I have never attempted to make any money from the Minecraft mods I have made. I have no donation button, and have never put my mods behind adf.ly or anything like that. But I like playing on large servers with lots of people. I recognize that this is expensive. Previously I could play on such servers without impacting my own wallet thanks to a few people who chose to pay for something. Did I miss whatever they got in return? Perhaps, but so what! If it isn't a vanilla Minecraft feature, I didn't pay for it! I can live without, in return for having a crowd of people to interact with on a server that costs money to run.

If it was a vanilla Minecraft feature that was granted in return for payment, well yeah that would suck and be wrong, since I had already payed Mojang for it and the code to run it was their copyright, and it would be wrong for someone else to charge for it. I am fine with them clarifying that this is not allowed. But I remain in deep disagreement that server owners should not be able to charge for access to something Mojang had nothing to do with, and I'll miss some of the larger servers such practices made possible.

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06/14/2014 10:53 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
Surseance's Avatar
I think we've been spoiled about how gracious and open Mojang has been with their code. How many popular games do you know are open-source with a modding community as large as MC's? I can't name even one (maye Starbound?).

In any case, I can see why this would make a lot of server owners upset, but it is important to remember who created the game that is run on their servers. Mods would be nothing without MC, and this conversation wouldn't even exist. My point is though Mojang seems restrictive on their EULA now, they are still leaps and bounds ahead of every other game because of its allowances.


Nicely made post. Thanks.
06/15/2014 12:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MaskedMilitant's Avatar
Funny you say its important to remember who create the game right? well lets show some examples here ok. MC used a PC to create MC right? So therefore PC=MC and without the PC which they did NOT create means no MC, right? So now take MC=Server. Without MC you have no server right? same thing, so isnt Mojang showing some hypocrisy here???? Also a donation is a donation NOT SELLING/CHARGING. And they have no right to tell you that someone cannot give a server owner money and how they are thanked for donating.
06/16/2014 11:41 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
Surseance's Avatar
Jesus Christ, you are taking this way to far down the line. First off, let's not confuse PC with an OS. PC means personal computer, thus it could apply to any OS (operating system). If you mean Windows, then no, they are not responsible for the creation of Minecraft because it was not their idea and they did not write the code. Also, Mojang has every right to stipulate what people can sell and what they can't. As such, mod-makers are allowed to stipulate what people do with their mods because it is their creation (and the MC EULA allows them to set the permissions).
06/13/2014 9:48 am
Level 1 : New System
TiggaBiscuit's Avatar
I disagree, it isn't a mistake. They should've done this long ago and their EULA is heavily based around servers.
06/13/2014 6:53 pm
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
would like to hear your reasoning, and why you think it will be a positive thing for your minecraft experience
06/13/2014 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New System
TiggaBiscuit's Avatar
Well I think it's a good thing because people are exploiting it and you shouldn't be able to make money off of someone elses money. I think making money for a server through donations is fine but not by selling stuff. I think it'll give smaller servers a chance of surviving while some stupidly big ones will fall. That's what I want to happen.
06/13/2014 9:32 am
Level 88 : Elite Engineer
TheLarsinator's Avatar
I see your point with TF, but many classes in a mod extend Mojang Code. For example all entities and all Blocks and Items...
06/13/2014 7:00 pm
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
yeah that is true.  So they certainly can forbid charging for it.  It's just more of a grey area, and one that I wouldn't have minded existing. 

Just for purposes of thinking about it, I wonder how a Team Fortress 2 mod would fair. No client side component, adding features not available in Vanilla Minecraft, and doing so running on bukkit.  Mojang will of course say this is also not allowed (and I don't dispute their right to do so, bar quibbles with the enforceability of EULAs), but this one I think is even harder to justify

Granted it's just in a different spot in the grey zone, and I understand them wanting to eliminate anything questionable.  Still think it's too bad!  Coming from a company with such a relaxed attitude towards people playing without having payed for MC at all, stepping down on Servers' ability to maintain themselves I find a bit too bad
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