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Judgement Day | PMC: Apocalypse Chapter II

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last we saw them, IGEBM, Si, Peter, and Tzyber were volunteering at Dr. Golden and her assistant Greief's warehouse lab, where they did some tests on the scientist duo's new collider. Unfortunately, one of the tests went awry, opening a portal to a universe that scared Golden and Greief, and which brought in a crazed version of IGEBM that proceeded to wreck the lab, knock out the scientists, and kill Peter before IGEBM teleported everyone away. Tzyber also strangely froze at the sight of the other IGEBM. IGEBM teleported his friends to the Cholan Empire, where they met with King Elightin Elytra, who called an emergency United Nations meeting.

King Elightin Elytra leads IGEBM and Si, the former carrying Tzyber and Dr. Golden and the latter carrying Greief and the fallen Peter, to the conference room in the castle, where people begin teleporting in using the emergency teleportation chambers. IGE and Si look around and see representatives from each nation arriving in the conference room. "You two can sit next to me, and you can pull up some extra chairs for the unconscious ones." Elightin says, leading them to the head of the table, where he sits in the big seat. IGE and Si pull up four chairs for their friends and sit down on opposite sides of Elghtin's chair. Once everyone sits down, Elightin begins speaking. "Alright, thank you all for coming on such short notice." he says, taking out a paper. IGE looks at it and sees a list of names. "Let me just start by taking attendance to make sure everyone is here. Are High Councilman Silabear of PMC City, Councilman Cloudkitty of the Forge, Aspect of Horror Firestar of Morbid Island, Lord Piaccu of the End, King ComfySteve of the Nether Empire, and Mayor IGEBM of Sodaville here?" They all respond with a "Yes." IGE, remembering that he's a member of the UN after forgetting during all the chaos, gets up and goes to his seat. "Good." Elightin says. "Now, let's begin."

Before he can continue, Elightin is cut off by Cloudkitty. "If I may ask, why are we all being summoned here to an emergency meeting?" he asks. "I was about to explain that, Cloud." Elightin says. "Or, rather, I was going to have IGEBM and Si explain, considering they know more about the situation. IGE, the floor is yours." "Thanks, Elightin." IGE says. "Basically, I told Elightin to call an emergency UN meeting because of something that just happened at Dr. Golden's warehouse laboratory. Me, Si, Peter, and Tzyber were volunteering to help out with Golden and Greief's tests on their collider." "I'm sorry, what did you just say about a lab and collider?" Silabear interrupts. "Was this on the Mainland?" "Legally, they can't be arrested." Si responds. "The island is far enough off the Mainland coast that it doesn't fall under any nation's legal jurisdiction, so they're not violating any laws." "Very well." Silabear says. "Continue." "As I was saying, we were doing collider tests when Golden opened a portal to a random universe." IGEBM continues. "When the portal opened and they saw the universe, the scientists froze with fear. We all watched a version of me with yellow eyes kill several soldiers and then raise their bodies from the dead to attack their allies. When we spoke, the other me looked at the portal and came through just as Golden finally moved and hit the button that closed the portal. The other me immediately attacked all six of us with energy beams, and we had to fight him off. Two of those beams hit the scientists and knocked them out, and Tzy had frozen at the sight of the other me. Me, Si, and Peter carried them out of the warehouse, where I teleported us away. Sadly, as I teleported us to the Cholan Empire, the other me hit Peter with a lethal energy blast." "Wait, Peter's dead?" Elightin interrupts, shocked. He gets up and checks Peter's pulse. "Dang, he's right. Rest in peace, buddy. Oh, sorry, continue, IGEBM." "Actually, that's pretty much it." IGE responds. "All that happened after was that I screamed on the beach after checking Peter's pulse, and then me and Si carried four bodies up to the castle, where we convinced the guards to let us speak to the King, and then he called this meeting."

Dr. Golden and Greief wake up, groggy and tired. They stretch and look around. "Wait, where are we?" Greief asks. "What happened?" Golden asks. "Last I remember, we were at the lab fighting a yellow-eyed IGEBM." Si, who is sitting next to them, catches them up on recent events. "I think I can provide an explanation for why we were scared." Golden says after Si finishes speaking. Immediately after she says that, Tzyber wakes up. "Systems reactivating." he says in a monotone voice. "Assessing location... surroundings... systems fully active." Si catches him up as well. "I can explain why I froze." Tzyber says after being caught up, his voice back to normal. "Let me and Golden talk first." Greief says.

"So, allow me to tell a short tale." Golden begins. "For most of our lives, me and Greief have been working together at PMC Laboratories. Most of our time there was spent working on a top secret project called Project: Hadron. It was a collider that could allow us to travel across multiverses. Think of the research and commercial opportunities: not only could we make money off of it, but we could also have a greater understanding of our universe. Sadly, it seemed like none of that would happen when the collider was completed and ready for testing. Greief formed a team of skilled scientists, analysts, and soldiers known as Hadron Exploration Team 1, or HET-1 for short. We opened a portal to a random universe, and when HET-1 entered the universe, they were all killed - save for Greief - by some weird creatures running through the ruins of the lab, or rather, the lab in that universe, which appeared to be in ruins. Greief made it back, and one creature followed him through, but a security guard killed it. The higher-ups saw the dangers of multiversal travel and shut down the project, firing me and Greief and making anyone involved with the HET-1 incident sign an NDA." "However, that wasn't the end of our collider work." Greief continues. "Golden was the one who designed the collider, and had the plans on her phone. About a week after being fired, me and Golden took a trip to the far reaches of the Mainland, where we traveled by boat to an island far enough offshore that it didn't fall under any legal jurisdiction. We set up a lab in the warehouse on the island and began working on the Golden Collider, a bigger, better version of the one we had built at the lab. We had also created a universe catalogging system, and we named the universe that got us fired 'Chaoseus 1122.27.' When we were running those tests today, we opened a portal to a random universe, and by some horrific chance, 1122.27 was that universe. The strange thing was that we didn't see any of those creatures, just the other IGEBM. I wonder if things have changed a lot since March 2022."

"I might be able to explain the other IGEBM." Tzyber says. "But first, allow to me explain why I froze as well. When I first arrived in this time, I came here from the year 3021, exactly 1000 years before the day arrived in this time. However, the energies of the time machine had damaged my memory and data circuits, causing a robotic version of partial amnesia. Before I came, my data banks had been uploaded with the complete history of PMC since its creation over a 1000 years earlier. Sadly, most of my future knowledge, and some of my past knowledge, was lost, including why I was sent back and why I was even created. I remembered vague things, however, including my primary role, which was to kill, and that there was some sort of apocalypse in the future. That's why, when I first arrived, I tried to warn people in PMC City about an apocalypse. Now, lately, I've been exploring PMC in attempt to jog my memory, but nothing has worked, except for a prophecy I saw on a rock in the woods back in April, during the Nether War. Let me show you what it says." Tzyber projects a hologram of the prophecy from his eyes. It reads:

Darkness will fall upon the multiverse itself
And the world will enter a new era
An era of darkness
An era of evil
An era where the Maddened One shall reign supreme
And they will know when he comes
When the sky lights up
With the glow of madness and death
And Hell breaks loose
And death rains from above

"Horrific." Firestar says. "And that's coming from the leader of the nation that was formed to create horrific things." "Anyways, as I was saying, that prophecy gave me a sense of deja-vu, like I had read it before." Tzyber continues. "But seeing the other IGEBM come through that portal caused all my memories to come back to me. It took so much power for this to happen that my body had to shut down and divert all power to the restoration of these memories. Now, I know who that IGEBM is. He is the Maddened One, a corrupted version of IGEBM a universe scientists in my time called 'Chaoseus 1122.27.' In the year 2023, he came through a portal, which was closed, but he eventually reopened it, bringing his army of Astral Beasts into our universe to cause an apocalypse. He destroyed entire cities with his powers, and he was smarter than the population of PMC combined, and don't think we had a smaller population in 3021 because of the apocalypse, because we actually had a higher population than there is now. My point is, he was crazy powerful, considering we'd been waging a war against him for almost a thousand years, and he could even raise the dead and make them serve him. I was created as the first in a new line of assassin androids meant to help the humans in the war, but I was chosen to go on a solo mission to the past to await the Maddened One's arrival, and hopefully prevent him from even coming into this universe, which would effectively prevent the apocalypse from happening. I seem to have failed at the mission, but there's still hope. If we can stop him before he brings his army into this universe, that'll prevent the apocalypse and save our future."

"So, basically, you're saying that we need to find the Maddened One and stop him from opening a portal to Chaoseus 1122.27?" Piaccu asks. "Precisely." Tzyber responds. "So I suggest that you guys announce a lockdown and issue a call to arms to the citizens of your nations." "We'll get right on that." ComfySteve says. "Such a shame the Butchers are dead. They probably could've been a big help in this situation. Who even killed them? I never found out after the peace treaty signing." Piaccu and IGEBM lean back in their seats, remembering their fight with the Crimson Butchers atop the spire of Piaccu's fortress during the Nether War. "On that note, I say we end this meeting and return to our respective nations to get to work on locating and stopping the Maddened One." Elightin says. The different leaders return to their nations, while IGEBM and his friends stay behind. "We're gonna stay here for a little longer." IGE says. "Me, Si, and Tzyber need to talk." "And me and Greief need to get some stuff from our house here." Golden adds. "Yeah, do you know where Rob and Zibonzi are?" "Zibonzi should be at the café having lunch, and Rob said he was gonna be out and about today, but just give him a call and he'll tell you where he is." Elightin responds.

IGEBM, Si, and Tzyber walk out of the castle and take a walk along the beach. "So, Tzy, what else should we know about the future?" IGE asks. "Yeah, I'm curious too." Si says. "Well, you both are dead." Tzyber says. "What?!" IGE and Si ask in unison, startled by this revelation. "Yeah, you both fell in the Battle of the Cholan Empire." Tzyber explains. "That's another thing I forgot to mention: the Maddened One summoned his army atop Elightin's castle. Sorry I didn't say it earlier, but my memories are still coming back, it's just that most of them came back during my shutdown." "I'll let the UN know." IGE says, taking out his phone to email the United Nations members. "Also, another thing I just remembered: the Maddened One has, in addition to his army of Astral Beasts, reanimated PMCers, and corrupted mobs, four heralds." Tzyber continues. "These heralds are known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and consist of Conquest, Death, Famine, and their leader, War. Their names have been lost to time, but I was able to match the descriptions of them in my files to faces of people today. Conquest is DarkIce, Death is Shadow Zibonzi, Famine is Silence, and War is DarkGEBM." "Wait, DarkGEBM is their leader?" IGE asks, surprised. "That explains where he went during the Nether War." "And Silence is Famine?" Si asks, also surprised. "This is concerning. I'm gonna have to fight him at some point." "IGE, you should let the UN know about this." Tzyber says. "Already writing another email." IGE responds.

Meanwhile, Golden and Greief are walking through the streets of the Cholan Empire, on their way to their house, where they'll be meeting up with Rob and Zibonzi. A few minutes later, they arrive there, and find Rob and Zibonzi already there, as is Shadow Greief. "Oh, you're here." Greief says upon seeing his sculk counterpart. "Look, Greief, I know we don't get along well, but Rob thought it would be good for us to see each other again." Shadow Greief says. "I'm just trying to live a normal life, and repair my past relationships, and maybe start some new ones. Can we please just drop this conflict and work together for once?" "Fine." Greief says. "Come on, let's go inside. Golden has something to show you all." He opens the door and lets everyone in. They sit down around the dinner table, where Golden explains her plan. "So, did you guys see my email about the incident at the warehouse?" she asks. "Yeah." Zibonzi says. "I showed it to Rob and Shadow Greief." "Anyways, I was thinking that we stop him by trapping him in a place he can never escape." Golden says. "And where would that be?" Rob asks. "Unspace." Golden answers. "If we can build a stronger version of the Golden Collider, then maybe we can open a portal to unspace. But, do that, we'll need to get some materials that are pretty hard to find." "I just told IGE, Si, and Tzyber to meet us at the docks in an hour." Greief says, looking up from his phone. "Until then, let's get to work building this thing." The group get up and head downstairs to the basement, where they take out some supplies and a welder and begin to build the frame of the collider. Golden hooks up her phone to a projector and projects the schematics for the original collider onto the wall, which they can work off of.

Far away, in a cave on the Mainland, the Four Horsemen are sitting around a fire made by DarkGEBM. "Where is he?" DarkIce asks. "You said today was the prophesied day." Shadow Zibonzi adds. Through his thoughts, Silence speaks to them. "We demand to know where our master is." he says telepathically. DarkGEBM gets up. "Silence, everyone!" he shouts. "Well, except Silence, since he's already quiet, but you know what I mean! He will be here soon, I know it!" Suddenly, the Maddened One teleports in behind DarkGEBM. "War, you have done well." he says. DarkGEBM jumps. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" he says. Realizing the way he spoke, he corrects himself and bows. "I mean, what an honor it is to have you here, my master." The others bow. "Enough of this." the Maddened One says. "Arise, my horsemen, for I have a mission for you. I want you to start attacking the various nations across this planet, starting with Sodaville, the nation of my counterpart in this world." "Yes, my liege." DarkGEBM says. "Horsemen, let us ride!" They leave the cave, where DarkGEBM conjures the four horses. The horsemen mount their steeds and ride off into the woods. As they leave, the Maddened One teleports away.


Cast (in order of appearance)
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
LegendarySi as Si
Tzyber as Tzyber
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
CesarCarter as Greief
Silabear as High Councilman Silabear
cloudkitty as Councilman Cloudkitty
Firestar2477278 as Aspect of Horror Firestar
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
ComfySteve12345 as King ComfySteve of the Nether Empire
Rob333 as Rob
Zibonzi as Zibonzi
ShadowGreief as Shadow Greief
DarkGEBM666 as DarkGEBM/War
DarkIce8727742 as DarkIce/Conquest
ShadowZibonzi as Shadow Zibonzi/Death
-Silence- as Silence/Famine
The Maddened One

Writing began 5-16-2023 at 4:48 PM ET
Writing completed 5-18-2023 at 7:27 AM ET

Released 5-23-2023 at 4:00 PM ET
Written by IGEBM

Why the song?

Well, if you're wondering why there's a Metallica song linked at the top of this blog, I've decided to link a song at the top of each Apocalypse story blog that I think fits the story. In this case, I chose "Blackened" because the song is about the apocalypse, and this chapter talks a lot about what PMC is like in 1000 years, after Judgement Day has happened. (I literally wrote a whole paragraph about it.) The song itself also has a lot of lyrics that with what PMC is like after Judgement Day, including chorus ("Fire/To begin whipping dance of dead/Blackened is the end/To begin whipping dance of the dead/Color our world blackened"), and the entire bridge, which includes lyrics like "Darkest color/Blistered Earth/True death of life."

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Stormy, ghostoftheglade, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Guts N Pixels, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, Pixella_9487, violiie, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, FE98, Noncommercial, Owange, ShadowOnTheLoose, Crois, GracieMockingjay, Arianwyn, Insomniac_Toad, ItsYeWffl

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07/24/2023 10:03 am
Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder
RB22486's Avatar


07/24/2023 10:04 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Question: how is this a ripoff?

(ik it’s a joke, but why’d you make the joke in the first place?)
07/24/2023 10:26 am
Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder
RB22486's Avatar
Judgement day...

Judgement day...

Judgement Day...

Do you wanna have a bad time?
05/24/2023 3:25 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar

(may i offer a suggestion?

if you use a new line for each line of dialouge, it would be easier to read that way ;D)
05/24/2023 4:09 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
thanks :D

(I probably won't do that since this is the way I'm used to writing)
05/23/2023 7:09 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
A visitor... Mmmm... Indeed. I have waited long enough. The kingdom of i forget what it's called has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember.
However, the blood of Kyoukichi stains your hands, and I must admit, I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities, and crush the armies of i forget what it's called... you, shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, child of Etao, and DIE.

The coins in my pocket:

05/23/2023 4:02 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
05/23/2023 4:40 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
05/23/2023 4:00 pm
Level 43 : Master Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
I am S P E E D
05/23/2023 4:41 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
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