This Blog is an entry in the completed "Mystery in the Mansion" - Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

Black and Red

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Rhines's Avatar Rhines
Level 70 : Legendary Sailor
Yo everyone! I decided to enter in the "Mystery in the Mansion" blog contest this lovely entree (down here). It's a short story that I wrote, and if you guys support me with a diamond, I'm sure it'll get to that 1st Place. Have a lovely day!

It was a dark and stormy night… No, no, that isn’t right. It wasn’t THAT dark, and it wasn’t THAT stormy. It was more of a night filled with eerie shadows covering the walls, and a slight downpour.

In a small thatched roof house, in a remote French town, a young girl sat by the fire with her avaricious stepfather, for he was very greedy and rich. Knitting with her small needles, as small as her fingers, she sighed, and a memory bubbled to the surface.

The young girl would always say, “Father, when can I go outside?” With a sparkle of hope in her eyes, her father would say, “Oh non, jamais jamais!” And crush her dreams, for she had never been let outside.

Until this night, she had given up hope of being outside. But something in the fire had given her an idea. Maybe it was how the flames raced away every time they got separated from the main fire, she came up with an ingenious plan.

For this plan was a plan of large proportions, and if she failed she was sure to be punished, possibly with the ruler she feared. The plan was simple, collect all her belongings and flee in the night, while her father was not watching. He rarely slept, but today was a day where he came home late and was awfully tired from his job.

Agreeing with her plan, she got up and started up the stairs, climbing into her lovely canopy bed, decorated with green strands. She had seen this kind of plant in her books, and recognized it as ivy. Nestling in to wait until her father went to bed, she fell asleep.

Shaking herself awake, tired and groggy, she lifted herself up into her normal route of getting out of bed, until she realized her plan. “Oh non!” She whispered to herself, and hurried into getting her plan in action. Slinging a light bag of her belongings over her back, she at last quickly snuck down the stairs, straight to the door. Twiddling with the knob, she finally turned it the right way and through her body through the crack between the door and the wall.

Stepping outside, she felt the cold mist surrounding her body, ears, and eyes. Taking in a breath of fresh air, she hurried down the cobblestone path that led to her front door. Looking back at the house, she saw it in a melancholy-like peace. Glad to be rid of the accursed place, she started dashing down the path, and entered a series of trees.

“It is called the woods, right, father?” She had once asked her father, who responded with picking up a book. Pointing at the hand drawn photos of these woods, he would tell her about the beautiful oak trees that populated these forests, along with other vegetation and fauna. She would “Ooo” and “Ahh” at the drawings, and go into a short conversation with her father about his favorite plant.

Distracted by this memory, she opened her eyes to see no path in front of her, and only the trees and plants could be seen. A spare piece of fright settled over her mind, as she imagined the animals were just shortly going to come for her. Making up her mind over the silent war between her body and mind, she won and quickly turned around in a 180 angle, and started running.

As her logic would find her, she indeed did not find the path, which seemed odd, as she had been walking in a straight line. What she did find seemed to be very surprising, a large mansion in a small plateau. It’s creaking windows and leering trees expressed the care put into this house, which was none. Fortunately, it was not in shambles, and appeared to have someone living there, for there were

Realizing that whoever lived here must be very knowledgable of the region, she rushed up to the doors and pushed them open, and the door creaked with age. Slipping through the doorway, she found herself in a long, extravagant hall, lined with gold candlesticks far more superior than anything she’d ever seen before.

“Hello?” She cried out, but no one seemed to have heard. Frightened but brave, she headed down one of the hallways to her right, only to see a small, sky blue painted, wooden door. Curving the doorknob, she tried to push it open, one realizing it was too heavy. Frustrated, she pulled even harder than she pushed, and it bounded out.

Now, this is the point where one would possibly get confused, so never fear. For behind this door was a village identical to her own, but when she peeked out of the doorway, the mansion was the main attraction. For regular mortals, it would look like what it did for the girl, but for those who were skilled in witchcraft and wizardry, it would look like an enchanted mirror brimmed with magic.

Stepping out into the cold and humid town, the door slammed behind her with a large “Creak”. She walked into the town square, and noticed people switching their signs to open, shutters opening and people popping outside. Terrified if her father would find her here, she went up to the closest resident, a lady with silver streaks down her fine hair.

“Ma’am, you must help me!” The lady inquisitively turned to the little girl, and shook her head. “Dearie, how can you ask a stranger to help you? At least tell me your name, little one.” The little girl thought long and hard, and another memory came up from her father, and as it came up, she blacked out.

In a long stretching hall like the one in the mansion, a girl and her father were sitting on couches, screams sounding in a room. Her father was wearing a long suit, and smiling, regardless of the terror inflicted upon the mortal close by. A long, elaborated cane was by his side, and his dark brown hair was neatly combed.

“My, little one, what a pretty one you are. Might you know your name?” The little girl looked very young, around the age of 10, and her dark brown hair matched his. Her light violet dress was distracting her fingers from the impending screams. She gave him a little smile, and nodded.

“Oui, monsieur Canary. My name is Zuria, sir!” Another wail was heard in the background, and instead of giving Zuria a shock, she laughed. “Monsieur Canary, what are you in need of me for?” He twiddled his fingers around a chain around his neck.

“Well, your lady Zuria, it seems I am in need of one that can support my lifeline, even if worse comes to worse. One that believes in wholeheartedly in those they call family, and one who trusts those, even if they are devils.”

Zuria gave a frown, and sighed. “You men and your impossible wishes. What will you give me in return?” Canary held his hands out, and grinned. “Well, you’ll be having some fun, of course! Messing with mortals is what you like, my lady!”

The memory fizzed out of her mind, and she climbed up. Surrounding her were paralyzed bodies of the villagers, and she stuttered back, terrified. Running back, she headed into the mansion.

“Help! Help! The villagers, they need help!” The doors slammed behind her, and she backed up. Her back slammed into something, and she swiveled around. In the mirror she turned to, her body was coated in blood, and you could see her brown hair with a white streak messy. A dress like the Zuria girl’s dress was on her body, but this one had blood stains. She looked down at her hands, seeing cuts and scratches.

Breathing hard, she turned around again and headed down the hallway, swaying with the wind that shouldn’t have been here. Her eyes, coated with shock, were searching for a doorway out, and she at last found one.

Pulling the door knob, she slipped into the room, but she wasn’t alone. A giant dragon was clutching to the ceiling, and it’s head was on the floor, watching her. Their eyes met, and the dragon curled up.

Her heartbeat tripled, and she clutched to the wall. The dragon’s mouth moved, and she heard a child’s voice. “Who art thou, who wandersss into my lair?” The dragon spoke with such a soft voice, she was shocked.

“My name is… erm…” The dragon stared into her eyes, and gave a dragon sized smile. “I will call thou Orion, for the starsssss glisssssten in thou’ssssss favor.” The dragon slithered closer, and it’s wings were spread out.

Orion stepped forward, and an idea sprang in her mind. Before she could think, she was petting the dragon’s head in a soothing way. “And what is your name, wise one?” She said, with utmost certainty it had a name. “My name issss Draco, and I wasss brought here by one that looked like thou.

Orion remembered the vision she had before misfortune befell upon the villagers, and remembered Zuria. At this memory, Orion collapsed again, her vision fading into red. Another wretched memory, she thought.

“Are you sure this is safe, Canary?” Zuria laid on a table, chained up and looking at Canary, and he sighed. “I am sure, lady Zuria. Do you not trust me?” Zuria nodded, and Canary put his hand on his forehead, bringing his hair up. “There is nothing that I can do without your assistance.”

Orion lifted herself up again, and felt scales. Below her was the body of Draco, and his eyes looked compassionately at her. “Art thou okay?” Orion nodded, and tossed herself down. “Orion, did you ever feel like you were human, but not anymore?” She looked up at Draco, and he turned away.

“I have been guarding thissssss entrance from the townsssssspeople, and I sssssshouldn’t have been able to withssssstand the urge to desssstroy thou when thou came here. I wonder why, and why I can talk to thou.” Orion’s hand came up to her chest, and she gave a sigh. “Why are you guarding this,” inquired Orion.

“Because, Master Canary threatened to kill…” And then they saw it, a knife in Draco’s scales, blue goo oozing out of it. Draco slithered in pain, and Orion rushed up to him, trying to help him.

Turning to see the attacker, she saw none other but her father, Canary. A smile was on his face, his arms open. “My sweet child! Why are you out here, little darling? I was frightened when you left the house.”

Orion backed up, hugging herself to Draco. “W-Who are you, you monster?” His hand laid itself on his hip, and gave a ‘tut tut’. “Well,” he said, with utmost confidence, “If I’m a monster, then you’re the child of a monster.”

She stammered back, angry at his claims. “N-no! I am no monster, you foul, loathsome creature of the dark,” she claimed. Canary stepped forward, and she backed up. “I didn’t want to do this, but you left me with no choice.” He waved his hand, and her vision started blackening.

“Draco… help me!” But when she turned to the dragon, she looked into it’s eyes and saw nothing but a soul departed. Emotionally torn, she let the darkness engulf her vision, and right when it was about to engulf her completely, she saw the girl, Zuria. Zuria stepped towards her, and stood beside her.

“Little Orion, you may be wondering who I am, or why you always bring despair to those who come in contact with you, so I’ll tell the tale of why this is. I am the lord of the monsters, and Canary sold his soul to remove a quarter of mine.”

Orion shakely meet Zuria’s eyes, and she remembered Draco’s statement. When did I start questioning myself, I wonder… “Orion, you are now a complete soul thanks do me. You were chosen as vessel for me, so I could let my old body wither. And now, even though you almost escaped, the ritual will be complete, and you will be mine.”

Orion’s vision was almost completely gone, and Zuria’s breath wavered in her ear. “It’s not your fault… it’s just simply my frame of mind.” And at that, Orion was engulfed by darkness.

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11/17/2017 7:26 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Mining_Mr_Fox's Avatar
Hmm, is that the scent of antique literature? This pleases me greatly.
Thou shallt be awarded one diamond for thine efforts!
11/17/2017 9:40 am
Level 70 : Legendary Sailor
Rhines's Avatar
Thou art very kind!
11/16/2017 11:16 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Ladybug
Chiaroscuro's Avatar
If I may be so bold as to offer some critique, it seems that although your writing style is very compelling, it isn't suited for this kind of story. It seems like you're just trying to sound fancy for the sake of sounding fancy.

Otherwise, it's a very interesting story concept!
11/16/2017 11:19 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Sailor
Rhines's Avatar
Wasn't trying to sound fancy, but if it came off to you like that, just gonna mention that my writing style was heavily influenced by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Which I have been recently reading) and those kinds of stories... are just, yeah.
11/16/2017 11:22 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Ladybug
Chiaroscuro's Avatar
Agreed, 19th century literature in general is a bit brutish. It's just a bit distracting at times, that's all.
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