Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Simple Language Pack: Easy to understand deaths and enchants!

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Steel St0rm Master's Avatar Steel St0rm Master
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Hello! Thanks for stopping by!
This is a LANGUAGE PACK, which means you install it just like a resource pack but it does not modify Textures, just names of mobs, items, etc. HERE'S ALL THE COOL THINGS IT DOES!

-Removed enchantment names
-Added new enchantment names to describe almost exactly what it does
-Enchantment levels up to 10 now are shown 1-10 instead of I-X
-Potion levels up to 4 (including the first level) are now shown 2-4 instead of II-IV
-Changed the names of the Inventory tabs
-Death messages are modified to describe exactly how your player died. Example: PLAYER caught fire and was soon burnt to a crisp thanks to KILLER

Questions someone will probably ask soon:

Q: Is this like a world file or only one command or something?
A: Nope! Just install it like a resource pack and you'll be good :)

Q: What version should I use?
A: 1.9.4 was what I used to test with. Any version of 1.9 will work. Any versions above 1.9.4 and below 1.9 WILL NOT WORK!

Q: How do I install it?
A: For windows users: Open the .zip file you downloaded, now click the windows icon and search for %appdata%. Navigate to .minecraft, then resourcepacks, and drop the folder in there. If you were already looking at the resource pack menu exit it and check it again, you should see the Language Pack! If you use another operating system then just look it up, because I don't know how.

Q: It won't work!
A: Make sure it's in the right folder and you're on version 1.9, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, or 1.9.4 Any other versions WON'T WORK! Also, you need to make sure you're using the English (US) language. If you're still having trouble, send me a PM. I might be able to help.

Q: You missed something/I found a bug!
A: Oh no :( Comment or PM this thing that isn't working/I missed and I might fix it if it needs fixing.

Q: Can you add ___?
A: Ask me in the comments. If I think it's a good idea, I may add it.

Thank you for getting this pack to 70 DOWNLOADS in the first 24 hours! Viewers/downloaders/diamonders/favoriters are the people who keep me wanting to make more stuff here on Planet Minecraft!

WOW! 100+ downloads AND 700+ views?! Thank you all so much!

O_O 2k+ views and 200+ downloads?! That's awesome! THANK YOU!
CreditSome guy on a server's forum for showing me how to do this and providing a default language file.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Steel St0rm Master 07/04/2016 5:00:51 pmJul 4th, 2016

Changed the pack description.

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04/03/2017 10:21 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Nerd
K3wl_'s Avatar
Sounds awesome I think you should update it to 1.10! Love the hard work put into it!
Steel St0rm Master
04/13/2017 10:15 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Steel St0rm Master's Avatar
Thanks! I might update it to 1.12 if I can do it once 1.12 comes out.
Mushrom Brother
07/05/2016 6:44 am
Level 42 : Master Lumberjack
Mushrom Brother's Avatar
Is it compatible with 1.10?
Steel St0rm Master
07/05/2016 10:41 am
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Steel St0rm Master's Avatar
No, sadly. I tried and it won't work.
Mushrom Brother
07/06/2016 8:26 am
Level 42 : Master Lumberjack
Mushrom Brother's Avatar
Ok, thanks
07/04/2016 10:45 pm
Level 22 : Expert Zombie
mc_myster's Avatar
That is very cool
07/04/2016 10:53 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
IronEater's Avatar
Does it work with other resource packs?
Steel St0rm Master
07/04/2016 4:13 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Steel St0rm Master's Avatar
Yes, but make sure you don't have any packs that change the name of things also, that hasn't been tested. Should work as long as it's on top though :)
07/03/2016 8:50 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
Nerdy-Creeper's Avatar
Wow this is really cool.
good job!
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