Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

paint.net texture pack!!!!

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • check_circle Models
  • 914 views, 1 today
  • 46 downloads, 0 today
tomcraft68's Avatar tomcraft68
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
hola chicos :P!
DESPUES DE TANTO TIEMPO TRABAJANDO EN ESTE RESOURCE PACK, AL FIN, HE TERMINADO EL TEXTURE PACK!!! bueno, no es que este 100% completado, pero al menos ya todo lo que uno normalmente ve en un survival o en un mundo esta cambiado, los mobs basicos, el inventario (no todas las interfases estan terminadas) o incluso los items estan terminados!!! estoy trabajando en lo restante, pero al menos este resource pack
dejo de estar en fase beta y ya es un resource pack oficial! gracias a los que lo esperaron completo, o casi completo. PAINT EDITION TEXTURE PACK
By TomCraft68 :)

PD: Hola, soy yo de nuevo, aviso, este texture pack NO SERA ACTUALIZADO ni modificado otra vez, decidi por dejarlo de lado y concentrarme en mi otro texture pack, ya que este de aqui solo habia sido uno de prueba y ademas, no voy a negar que es bastante una mierda, aunque esa sea la idea, no es una mierda en el buen sentido. Aun asi, ustedes tienen el derecho de descargarlo y terminarlo si asi lo quieren, lo unico, den creditos, digan que soy el creador original del pack, mas que eso, estan en su derecho de hacer lo que quieran con el pack, espero comprendan, por ahora, no tengo espectativas ni motivaciones para terminarlo, no por ahora, espero comprendan

hi guys :P!
AFTER SO LONG TIME WORKING ON THIS RESOURCE PACK, FINALLY, I HAVE FINISHED THE TEXTURE PACK!!! Well, it is not that it is 100% complete, but at least everything that one normally sees in a survival or in a world is changed, the basic mobs, the inventory (not all the interfaces are finished) or even the items are finished!!! Im working on the rest, but at least this resource pack is out of beta and its now an official resource pack! thanks to those who waited for it complete, or almost complete. PAINT EDITION TEXTURE PACK By TomCraft68 :)

PS: Hello, it's me again, notice, this texture pack WILL NOT BE UPDATED or modified again, I decided to put it aside and concentrate on my other texture pack, since this one here had only been a test one and also, Im not going to deny that it's pretty shitty, even if that's the idea, it's not shitty in a good way. Even so, you have the right to download it and finish it if you want, the only thing is, give credits, say that I am the original creator of the pack, more than that, you have the right to do whatever you want with the pack, I hope you understand. For now, I have no expectations or motivations to finish it, not for now, I hope you understand.
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.17

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10/15/2022 8:45 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
tomcraft68's Avatar
and? how about the texture pack? is cool? :)
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