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DWBoyGamer's Avatar DWBoyGamer
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
So after almost a year after starting to make it, I finally desided to upload it, my very own resoucepack, DWPack.

Btw. that black bar that is in most of the pictures is hiding ip of my private server

This pack includes (among everything else):
Support for many different plugins. At the moment it supports:
- TARDIS Plugin
- TARDISWeepingAngels Plugin (Doesnt include custom model for K9)
- TARDISSonicBlaster Plugin
- TARDISVortexManipulator Plugin
- Echopet Plugin (Partly)
- CloneMe Plugin
- CrackShot Plugin (W.I.P, only some of the default guns and some custom DoctorCraft only guns)
- Slimefun Plugin (Partly, W.I.P, 1.8 only)
- SensibleToolBox Plugin (W.I.P, 1.8 only)
- Slimedustry Plugin (W.I.P, 1.8 only)
- GunFun Plugin
- PortableChest Plugin
- Dolly Plugin
- GravityGun Plugin
- portalGun Plugin (Only with custom configuration)
- AdvancedGenetics Plugin (Partly)
- Piano Plugin (not yet added)
- PrivateStorage Plugin
- ChestCommands Plugin (DoctorCraft only)
- ZeldaHearts Plugin
- Shelter Plugin
- ExtraGear Plugin (W.I.P)
- ExoticGarden Plugin (W.I.P)
- Cannons Plugin (Partly)
- SoulShards Plugin
- Sonic Screwdriver Plugin (Partly, WIP)
- TextForSpeech Plugin
- MoreFishes Plugin (W.I.P)
- Morphy Plugin
- Parachute Plugin
- DecoHeads Plugin (Currently broken)
- MythicMobs (DoctorCraft only)
- BelovedBlocks Plugin
- BlockPainter
- EffectBlocks (DoctorCraft only, only with custom configuration)
- TextToSpeech (Official TTS plugin resource pack is not required while using DWPack)
- Cannons (Partly)

If you are wondering, how resource pack can support plugins, here is an answer for you: CIT Mod (Custom Item Textures Mod) added by Optifine. It allows you to have items with alternative textures (and in newer versions of Optifne, even models) depending on items name, lore, enhant or enchant level. It even allows you to have blocks and mobs with different textures depending of the biome they are in, or as in the case of mobs, even depending which co-ords they are in Y-axes or what name they have.

Some of the custom items were originally seen in Itembound resource pack: [url=www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/blue-haven-items-v11-item-customization-using-optifine/


[/url]200+ mainly Doctor Who related custom sounds (Most of them custom themes) EDIT! Since update 1.4Release they have been moved to additinal resource pack which may or may not become downloadable in the future

Lots of stuff that is only functional/usable on my server, sorry

Alternative textures for mobs which can either appear randomly or in specific biome (For example in MushroomIslandShore biome villagers look like, atleast are supposed to look like, Timelords)

As I designed this recourse pack to be used mainly on my private server, it includes lots of thing you cant use in normal game at all. Also, this is supposed to be Doctor Who themed resource pack. This pack might be nice to use in Doctor Who roleplay, especially if you do it on a server using TARDIS plugin...

Note, that some of the stuff in this pack is not made by me, but I have gathered it from other resource packs or in same cases even from mods to be used in this pack. I wont be crediting them all here, as I dont even remember how many mods/resource packs I have obtained textures from.

- Optifine Mod (This pack will not not work properly without it, I recommend downloading newest available version)
- MorePlayerModels Mod (Optional, but you need it in order to use custom skins
- World Edit Mod/plugin, but MCEdit should work just fine too (You will need it to use custom block textures in building)

Caution! Because of this packs file size, it is possible that not all computers can handle it without some lag. So please, dont put comments like "It is crashing my game!" or "I cant run this pack!". I am aware of these problems, but as I originally designed this pack to be used ONLY in my private server (And as I personally have very good computer), I will not really care about these problems, not that I could even really make something about them. Also this pack contains some 3D models, so thay might cause little bit lag aswell.

Also, why 1.8 and not newer version? There is an answer for this. As my server is still running 1.8, I dont see any reason why should I update it for newer version. Also, as color codes in optifine are broken in newer versions, this pack wouldnt even fully work in never versions than 1.8. Aka Im not updating this untill developers of optifine fix those color codes (and untill I have enough time and motivation to update all 200+ plugins on my server) EDIT! Wont by happening at all unless developers of MyCommands plugin continue developing their plugin, as it is very important plugin for many functions of my server.

Btw. This pack isnt really 512x512, as this pack has textures with MANY different resolutions.

So, what is DWPack? It is combinations of many different resource packs an themes. Some of the blocks have 3D models, some of them and items have animated custom textures, you can play around with more than 1000+ different custom items and listen for more than 200+ custom Doctor Who musics (Im sorry my taste of music is so limited) EDIT as already mentioned musics have been moved to additional pack. It can be used to playing just regural survival, or playing with plugins like TARDIS plugin of Slimefun. Because of high variety of different items, it is ideal for roleplaying purposes. And because it includes high variety of custom blocks aswell, like dyed planks (Yes, dyed planks, ask in the comments if you want to know how to access them), it is also good to be used while building something. Also, you must keep in mind that Im not good with taking pictures, so just those screenshots dont really explain how big (and great, atleat in my opinion) this pack actually is.

Current to-do list:
- Make a suggestion

Do you want to make an suggestion? Here are things you should read before you do that:
About suggestion and questions someone is propably going to ask:
Will you add this epic new item [​insert item name here]?
- If I like idea, then yes. If I dont, then no.
Change this [​insert thing here] to [​insert another thing here]?
- propably not.
Please remove [​insert thing here]?
- Why, what is wrong with it?
Add this [​insert name here] music to the DWPack.
- My taste of music is quite limited, I admit that. Most likely I will not add music suggested by someone. Also, as mentioned custom music was moved to additional pack.
Will you add this awesome skin?
- Maybe, if I like it and it is worth of adding.
How often is this pack going to be updated?
- I seriously dont know. I update pack almost every day, but I wont be uploading it that often. Maybe once a week?
Ho do I use [​insert feature here]?
- In order to obtain some of the items, you are going to have to use NBT edit (commands cant give them]. In order to obtain special blocks, however, you are going to have to use WorldEdit. You can ask further information in the comments.
Update this to [​insert version nubmer here]
- I already said reason why this wont be happening anytime soon.
I cant run this pack my game crashes.
- It is because huge file size of the pack. There is nothing I can do about that.
Is there map where all different items are?
- How would you do map, which includes 1000+ custom items? You would need item frames for that, and just how laggy would that be.
Is there doc file about all different items?
- At the moment, no. Im planning to add one however (It will only include information about items which are meant to be obtainable elsewhere than my server as well).
I dont want to download optifine it will give me virus. Do I really need it?
- No, optifine doesnt give a virus. And yes, you are going to need it.
Can I join to your server?
- Sorry, no! DoctorCraft (My server) is still work in progress, and doesnt include things like proper protection. Also, it is just too laggy for huge amounts of players.
Can I extract this pack and use properties and textures in it in my own projects?
- Yes, if you are planning to use Itembound stuff, but other things, please no!
CreditSpecial thanks for my friend, BadFCA who made that DWPack text for the title screen!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8

12 Update Logs

DWpack1.10Release : by DWBoyGamer 01/09/2021 9:04:42 amJan 9th, 2021

- Changed biome of all Aperture Science blocks from extreme hills to mushroom island
- Misc. changes I no longer remember

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09/05/2019 3:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
the-moipapa13's Avatar
Hello hello. I would like to know. Could we have some server files or anything with that? Like a pack of plugins/configs MADE for that pack? Thanks.
09/06/2019 12:58 am
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
DWBoyGamer's Avatar
Right, here is link for zip file containing all (I think) plugins DWPack supports as well as all (I think) plugins required to run plugins DWPack supports:

Here is also link for additional resourcepack which includes only currently existing DWPack addon, DWPackMusics, in case you are interested (I am yet to make it public, but it should work):
09/09/2019 7:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
the-moipapa13's Avatar
Thanks alot.
09/09/2019 8:02 am
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
DWBoyGamer's Avatar
You are welcome
09/06/2019 12:30 am
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
DWBoyGamer's Avatar
Also I wont be giving you my MyCommands files (those are also WIP)
09/06/2019 12:25 am
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
DWBoyGamer's Avatar
I can give you pack of plugins this resource pack supports (beware, they are all for 1.8-1.8.8), but I wont be giving you my Mythicmobs or Crackshot files as those are still WIP (but I might release my Mythicmobs files to download from official Mythicmobs website at somepoint)
07/19/2019 9:52 pm
Level 49 : Master Magical Boy
NightJasian's Avatar
a bunch of stuff in a resourpack,well,can i dowload it just to take the sky and slimefun
07/21/2019 10:16 am
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
DWBoyGamer's Avatar
sure, if it is for your personal use. Also currently custom sky provided by this resourcepack looks very different (but in my opinion, better) than in the screenshots, just to let you know.

Btw. If you didnt know, most of the stuff in this pack is optifine dependent. Thus most stuff mentioned in the change logs and in the description wont even show up in normal gameplay, even with use of optifine. This means, that there are very little changes to vanilla stuff, mostly just some animated or otherwise improved textures.
07/03/2019 9:27 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
GatKong's Avatar
So... this isn't a texture pack NOR a datapack at all. It's a mod.

You've posted it into the texture pack category, and title it as a pack.

Very confusing to users looking for packs when people use the wrong terminology in their titles and descriptions.

Consider moving it to it's proper place under mods and renaming it to DWMod.
07/04/2019 9:54 am
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
DWBoyGamer's Avatar
First of all, proper term is resource pack, not texture pack. Second thing, here is a list of reasons why it is a resource pack, and not a mod.
- In order to make it work, you put it in to the resource pack folder, not mod folder.
- Requires optifine, most thing in it dont work without it, but does not require forge or other such modifications (MorePlayerModels mod and World Edit mod supports are optional, but recommended)
- Yes, it does contain lots of content that cant be used in normal game at all, but I did make this pack to be used on my private server.
- "Plugin support" mentioned in the description means, that this pack provides custom textures and properties for custom items provided by plugins, which are simply old, already existing items with new names and uses. For example, in the latest change log it says "added texture and properties for Magnum (Half Life 2 inspired)". This item can theoreticly be obtained in normal game, but it only works as actual gun in my server.
- If I were to move this under mods, someone would come to complain they cant understand how to install it. As it is intalled as resource pack, it should be called resource pack.
I am aware that DWPack might feel like a mod (Especially if you unzip it and take a look at whats inside) but it is just very fancy resource pack, trust me.
Overall, Im not moving it under mods, as it is not a mod, but resource pack (even if it could be considered as one)
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