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    CianoMJF's Avatar CianoMJF
    Level 19 : Journeyman Miner

    This is the resurrection of my Apocacraft re-texture, revamped and remade for indev use. It changes all of the bricks, all of the menus, most of the mobs, and some of the items (More will come later), and makes indev into what I consider to be a very cool, very dark experience.

    If you're bored, give it a try. It's been extensively playtested, but I'd like some feedback from other people. The process of changing to this texture is easy as can be, and the method is detailed in the Read Me.

    Speaking of which, here is the download link.


    If you want to use this texture in creative or survival, here's the versions for that.


    Unzip it, READ THE READ ME, and try that sum-bitch out! Let me know what you think!

    Oh wait, some advice.
    Nights in Apocacraft are not dark. They are HELLA DARK. And since most of the mobs are now terminators with only one subroutine (Kill) it might be good to hide at night.
    Additionally, don't even think about going underground unless you have a TON of torches. Seriously.
    Play on normal or hard for best experience. Easy at the very very least. Peaceful means you'll never be able to get your John Connor on.

    + Initial Release
    + Added Armor functionality
    + Changed icons for all armor
    - Cloth has become hand stitched fur padding
    - Iron armor is now the steel battleplate of a Resistance Marine
    - Gold armor is archaic plate of a long dead warrior culture.
    - Diamond armor has become the impenetrable armor of a secret government project, finished too late to stop the machines.
    + Changed moon and sun, hopefully removing the horrible glow effect.
    + Removed superfluous folders/files so it will work with simple updates.
    + Released Apocacreative
    + Added Furnace texture and menu
    + Porkchops now equals Bacon. Helllll yeah.
    + Tool updates
    - All picks and axes prettified.
    - Diamond and gold sword altered
    + Main menu buttons darkened to increase contrast with letters.
    + Glass and tree textures changing slightly.
    + Modified GUI to have a different health bar, and inverted the armor bar. Notch's version doesn't make sense to me.
    + Sheep wool fixed.
    + Flint fixed.
    + Diamond pick modified (Hopefully fixed?)
    + Arrow and feather icons recolored to match arrow model.
    Progress100% complete
    Game VersionMinecraft 1.1

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    Hiding Master
    04/30/2012 4:03 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Skinner
    Hiding Master's Avatar
    so Gat is dead huh?
    03/03/2012 9:57 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Unicorn
    Arch_FLyer's Avatar
    very nice very nice gets my diamond and download
    03/03/2012 9:42 am
    Level 37 : Artisan Grump
    tex12347's Avatar
    why dose it say indev?
    Hiding Master
    03/01/2012 11:04 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Skinner
    Hiding Master's Avatar
    its pretty good but man it is hard to survive on expert i died on night 10 they broke my door and got me
    02/09/2012 7:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Loj84's Avatar
    please answer this: i tried to download it but the %temp%www.minecraft.net run thing didnt work; i found a way around that. but the http://www.minecraft.net/indev link wouldnt work...
    02/08/2012 6:27 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
    deathtqo13's Avatar
    minecraft indev....................
    Planet Minecraft


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