Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

[16x][1.12.2] Revritek Resource Pack - v1.14 Beta

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Terrain
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Cyber-Sama's Avatar Cyber-Sama
Level 47 : Master Artist
Notice: This resource pack is currently in its Beta phase. Content is subject to change, so some designs may be abandoned in the future.

News Updates (Latest: 10-24-16)
Starting from Scratch... and More Updates! (10-24-16)
I know it's been quite some time for me to manage recovering my old files. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Instead, I recreated the entire Revritech palette and am now creating new textures from scratch.

For this resource pack, the palette is certainly the most important factor in it, and it was a pretty tedious procedure to recreate. I haven't quite finished recreating all of the data for the palette, but I at least have enough resources to produce more updates.

Through all of this mess, I managed to finish the next update, "the Color Update Part 2/2". I also plan on updating into 1.10 soon, so I'll give you that to look forward to ;)

PC Crash! Oh Noez! (6-30-16)

For those who may've been wondering why I haven't been updating lately, it's solely due to the untimely occurrence of my laptop crashing. I was hoping to post the latter part of the color update before then but I suppose all that has gotta wait.

The crash seems pretty serious, as I can't even really get to the login screen. I've tried contacting a few tech experts on the problem and it's apparent that it's not going to be easy. I'll be lucky if I can even recover some of the data. Money has been short and I've yet to learn more PC operating skills but I try not to let it bother me. There's not a whole lot I can do anyway.

I'm certain the cause of the crash was from downloading a preview version the Optifine mod. Frankly, I'm a little less disconcerted knowing what I was getting into anyways. If I can impart any message from this, it is to be careful what you download. If you can, store some backups of your PC files and get a good anti-virus. After all, losing computer files changes a person.... *stares solemnly into the sunset*

[16x][1.12.2] Revritek Resource Pack - v1.14 Beta Minecraft Texture Pack
Revritek! A retro role-playing romp!

Retro Video Game Design & Palettes!

Revritek pays homage to the 16-bit era of gaming. Relive that experience with Revritek's simplistic design and unique color theme. Revritek comes with an art style referred to as limited/shared color palettes. It can be a good way to invoke that nostalgia of yours, or create new memories using Revritek's distinctive design!

[spoiler="Shared Color Palettes" Preview (from v1.0 Beta):]Shared Color Palettes[/spoiler]
Realistic Colors!

Looking for something more realistic than neon-blue water, cyan-colored diamonds, or iron that looks like silver? Get a change of scenery with Revritek's realistic colors! Now you can get acquainted with the nature of the real world within the confines of Minecraft. Tangential learning at it's finest -- how Minecraft ought to be!

[spoiler="Realistic Wood" Preview (from v1.0 Beta):]Real-life photos are highlighted in green
Realistic Wood[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Realistic Ores" Preview (from v1.0 Beta):]Real-life photos are highlighted in green
Realistic Ores[/spoiler]
Role-Playing Features!

A special tweak to Revritek's art style is its RPG-based textures. Revritek comes with a load of custom-designed blocks & items such as stone machetes, diamond broadswords & broadaxes, flint-based lighters, powder kegs, just to name a few. The custom blocks and items are also customly named in-game, to improve immersion. Great for creating RPG towns and adventure maps!

Revritek also comes with some special themes...
  • Medieval - use masonry and iron technology to create expansive castles for the knights at the round table!
  • Renaissance - use granite brick, diorite brick, quartz and glass to build vast, complex cities just like Rome. Be your very own Brunelleschi!
  • Prison - A popular game type of Minecraft, build you own sturdy dungeons of brick and iron to house those vile criminals. Be careful that they don't stock up their reserves of wooden shivs and sporks to dig their way to freedom!
  • Extra fantasy textures and more!
Extra Animations & Compressed Images!

Revritek offers an array of custom animations that you won't find in most texture packs -- torches, workbenches, tall grass, shiny ores, and more! Revritek also uses an image-compressing method known as indexing so images take up only about 70% as much space as usual, without compromising quality. A performance-friendly resource pack!

Pack FAQ's:
Q1: First of all, should I even use this resource pack?
A: The main purpose of a resource pack is to change up the style and theme of the game. However, this pack has a special theme which uses shared palettes, realistic colors, and a retro video game design. It also has some role-playing designs, meaning some textures deviate from a more realistic feel which might break immersion for sim-type survival players.

Basically this pack was designed for more of a target audience. If you're looking for a resource pack that sticks more to the feel of the default resource pack, I wouldn't recommend this pack.

Q2: What do you mean by "shared palettes"?
A: One of the special themes of Revritek is the use of limited or shared color palettes, which means each texture comes with a preset their own color groups. Also, each texture has limit of 16 colors (with a few exceptions), and some textures even share colors with other textures. The purpose of this artistic design method is to give a retro video game feel similar to the classic 16-bit era of video games. It also allows the artistic ability of utilizing the complimentary colors of the preset palettes and to mix blocks that have shared palettes.

Q3: Where does the name "Revritek" come from?
A: The name comes from a combination of the words "reverie" (which means "to dream") and "tech" (from the Greek word "techne", meaning "craft, skill, trade, art" etc). These were condensed to form the name Revritek. Before v1.13 Beta, the name was originally "Revritech," with a "ch".

Q4: Why is this resource pack still in Beta?
A: The main factor that determines the design of Revritek is its custom palettes. Most of the work done on the resource pack has been experimental and my first attempt at such art methods. Even if most of the textures appear to be finished, a major quality that is subject to change are the palettes. So since it is in Beta, the majority of the textures are subject to change, especially the colors.

Q5: Will this resource pack ever update out of Beta?
A: Honestly, with its original author alone. it is a slim chance. The kind of changes that are planned for the full release will likely require some professional-tier learning of graphics arts and color design. The main reason for creating this resource pack was basically so I could have a collection of 16-bit textures at my disposal, in case I decide to use them in other projects. People are more than welcome though to design their own resource packs off of mine, so long as they maintain the changelog.

Future Updates:
Upcoming Features - Stuff that might be added in the future
* Separate resource pack choices (Vanilla or RPG)
* Randomized textures
* Connected Textures support
* Redstone/Steampunk-themed update
* Custom 3D models (maybe)
* Custom soundtrack! (maybe)

Placeholder Textures - Stuff you should expect to see changed
* Most or all texture colors
* All mob textures
* Most tools and weapons
* Skull sand (AKA soul sand)
* Horse armor sets
* Quartz (item)
CreditGIMP: image-editing freeware used to make all the textures; kyctarniq: provided Kab's Resource Pack Showcase map
Progress85% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

15 Update Logs

v1.14 Beta : by Cyber-Sama 08/10/2018 9:21:45 pmAug 10th, 2018

* Added all mushroom textures
* Added all piston textures
* Added melon and melon slice textures
* Added glistering melon texture
* Added cactus textures
* Added double tallgrass textures with animation
* Added flint texture
* Added feather texture
* Changed tall grass palette
* Changed "en_us.lang" file
* Changed pack format to type 3

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06/30/2019 10:11 am
Level 48 : Master Nether Knight
Aideck's Avatar
Great work man!
06/01/2017 8:30 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
puffcap's Avatar
I like the pack, but mostly I like the logo a lot
06/05/2017 4:59 pm
Level 47 : Master Artist
Cyber-Sama's Avatar
Thanks, I'm looking to remaster the logo and other showcase graphics sometime in the future. This has largely been a learning process for me.
Claymario the brave
01/17/2017 2:26 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pokemon
Claymario the brave's Avatar
Looking Good! +1 Diamond.
11/11/2016 10:30 am
Level 72 : Legendary Narwhal
Tjardo's Avatar
Love the armor <3
11/10/2016 12:10 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
DangerAce856's Avatar
06/30/2016 11:40 pm
Level 47 : Master Artist
Cyber-Sama's Avatar
To inform ya'll, my PC crashed a few months ago and I have more deets about it in the "News Update" spoiler above. Sorry for the hang-up, guys.
10/24/2016 8:33 pm
Level 47 : Master Artist
Cyber-Sama's Avatar
Update: I bought a new PC and am now working on new updates. Aww yeeah!
i play minceraft
05/20/2016 5:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
i play minceraft's Avatar
a diamond to encourage you to get the 1.9 version done <3
03/20/2016 10:22 pm
Level 36 : Artisan uwu
hizi's Avatar
Very nice!
Planet Minecraft


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