Gorpleck [Selective Hero] Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Original Heroes vs Villains Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Gorpleck [Selective Hero]

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Blondberd's Avatar Blondberd
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Gorpleck's story starts before he was born. When he was still in the womb his mother ate some salmon rolls thinking there wouldn't be any fish in it since it had the Kosher sign on it. That is NOT where he got his brains from. Anyways, when he was born the doctor looked him over and took a blood test, finding that he had a very high amount of mercury in his blood. (From the fish.) He warned his mother to be very careful with him up to the age of 5 beacuse his body might not be able to handle sickness until it got stronger. Gorpleck's mother followed the doctor's orders but it was hard as she was a single mother. One day when he was about 3 and a half years, Gorpleck was blowing some bubble with his mother and she looked away for a couple of seconds in which Gorpleck drank the bottle of bubble fluid. He started shaking uncontrollably until he stopped and went into a catatonic state. Everyone thought he had died so they arranged a funeral the next week. Just as they were about to close the lid to the coffin, Gorpleck's eyes opened and he sat up. Everyone screamed and ran but his mother stood there in shock, she stared at him as if he weren't real, and then she fainted as she fell here head hit a tomb stone. No one around to help the funeral home filled with the sounds of a toddler crying. When someone finaly came, it was too late. All that was left was a little boy and tear soaked corpse. The man knelt down to look at the boy and half jumped back. Gorpleck's skin in the coffin was a light pale blue, but now it was a bright almost healthy looking blue. His hair had turned a bright purple and there was a strange glow around him. The man took him by the hand a brought him to his home. There Gorpleck lived until he was 10, the man taught him to judge people and to be prepared to be judged. He taught him stratigy, Gorpleck's favorite book was "The Art of War." the man had some company over. One of the man's guests was a doctor and when he saw Gorpleck and his blue skin he asked if the man could bring Gorplack by his office some time. The man was unwilling at first but the doctor said that he want to take a couple of tests to find out what what made his skin blue.

At the doctors office they strapped Gorpleck to a bench and started to hook him up with IVs. The doctor had given Gorpleck some pills, everything became blurry. When he finally started to come to Gorpleck heard the doctor talking., "It's weird it seams to have completely become apart of his system. Not one cell of his is without it." A nurse came in and injected something into his IV tube and Gorpleck felt the sleep calling for him to come back, and he slipped back into the artificial rest Gorpleck heard the doctor say one more thing, "We'll have to keep him here for some time, this may be the biggest break-through in my whole life!" And so it went for months, Gorpleck having only about 5 seconds of awake time before the nurse came in again. One day Gorpleck finally woke up all the way and saw his room for the first time for 7 months. The walls were smooth polished concrete, the floor white and blue tiles, he was in a pipe framed bed with white sheets. "I wonder what's going on," he said. A few moments later a nurse came rushing in mumbling something. All Gorpleck could make out was, "Jeez....first day on job and I'm..... I hope he won't get...." She came over with the needle and Gorpleck knew what was coming. "Please," he said,"Don't do it, please." The nurse looked at him, his his hair was scragaly and purple, his skin blue. "I have orders it's for the best," she said. "Let me take a walk outside for a bit first then," said Gorpleck, "It's been so long I can't remember what the trees look like." Once they were out side Gorpleck started looking around the Hostpital Garden, seeing a way out near the back we started walking towards it. Once he was about 30 feet from it he bent down to smell a flower, he then fell to the ground. The nurse was frightened and ran to get help. Once she was gone Gorpleck got up and ran away.

Gorpleck went to the mans house, the only person he knew of that cared for him. But when he was there noone was home. He waited for 2 hours until the neighbors got home and told him that the man had died. Gorpleck cried, the neighbors little girl came up to him and asked if he wanted to blow some bubbles. "I always feel better after blowing some bubbles," she said. Gorpleck blew some bubble and a cat jumped on his lap. As he was petting the cat he noticed that all the bubble had become the shape of cats. And that is how he found out his power.

He is a selective hero because he knows that sometimes decisions need to be made for the greater good. His power extends to being able to minupulate bubbles in ways of size thickness, and hardness. He has also learned how to make the bubbles let of certain spectrums of light through allowing him to make deadly lasers in the day. Gorpleck's suit and pack were made to be light weight and very comfortable and flexible. his helmet has bubbles floating around that Gorpleck can easily make into a shield to protect himself.

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03/16/2012 5:48 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
MikeABC123's Avatar
Hey it's Mike, hope you win! :)
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