Minecraft Servers


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Flenix's Avatar Flenix
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
Status Offline Pinged: 03/06/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Posted Imagev4.0
Factions, Jobs, War.

NOTE: WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS HERE! If you want to be whitelisted, please sign up on our forums or on the official Minecraft Forum thread. I dislike how Planet Minecraft is run, hence no longer using these pages or updating them. This server listing is up-to-date as of 1st Jan - more recent updates are available on our website and MCforums.

You need to apply for whitelist for this server. If you try and connect before you are accepted we will deny you for not reading this.

DiamondWelcome to Silvania

Silvania is a roleplaying server, which is all about the players running their own political and economic system. Various players play different roles in shaping the future, whether its enforcing the rules by punishing bad residents, sorting problems with other nations or simply helping new people around town, everyone is sure to be busy with something. If thats not what you like, you can help support the economy by setting up a shop and selling wares that only you can make. Start with your small house on the outskirts of a town, and maybe eventually move up to own a town of your own!

Silvania is run by the players. That means that when a problem arises, the players take it upon themselves to fix it. If its a simple problem, such as a player caught stealing, they could just be jailed or fined. However in more serious cases ((including things like using illegal client mods)) The Executioner is summoned to execute them ((Ban)). If a diplomatic problem comes up that the Diplomatic Relations team cannot solve, the players can declare war on an enemy state and take the battle out across the vast lands and oceans of Silvania.

Finally, if that isn't enough there is a huge element of exploration and gameplay. Help various residents around the lands with quests they have, and search for the sacred Shrines hidden by a woman known as Feretory, which can teach you new skills and powers! (Assuming, of course, you have the power for that particular skill locked within you) Feretory also hid journals all over the lands, telling the story of the epic war tearing the land to pieces.

Silvania was once a peaceful land, created by a God, called Fenikkusu, and a Demon known as Fureniku. Many years later, a series of events led to a small group of Mortalitasians attacking Loxley. This lead to the tyrant Ramonski rising up and crushing all that stood before him, assisted by his monster Baloin. Ramonski came close to destroying the entire world... but what really happened? That's up to you to piece together from various books found all over the world!

1000 years on from that war, people are beginning to create new towns across the lands. All they knew were the distant myths of the war, but the two factions still felt a grudge amongst one another. The new world people named their factions after the ones from the past: Caelum, who make helping others and good deeds a high priority and worship Fenikkusu, and Mortalitas, the supporters of Fureniku, who although they support each other they put themselves first.

There are many more events to the history, which can be learnt by reading books in-game.

DiamondFeatures and Installed Mods

We currently run quite a few plug-ins and features, and we're constantly adding to the list. We never give out our plugin list, but here is a guide to what kind of things we have!

  • Towns - Simply lets us create towns for you all to live in!

  • Economy - This plugin allows us to add money into the game, helping with jobs and war.

  • Elevators - Real working lifts!

  • Chest Protection - This adds the ability for locking chests, furnaces, doors and other various objects.

  • Leveling - A leveling up system, adding a lot more to do. High levels get special bonuses!

  • Jobs System - This basically means if you don't have the right job, you won't be able to craft various things. It drives the economy forwards and gives a real value to your money!

  • Overhead Map - Available here.

  • Factions - This is a feature of our server. We base everything around each faction, the good, and the evil.

  • Races - We incorporate a system of race in our server.

  • Player-run - Almost everything is done by the players - Mods and Admins rarely have to intervene once you are set up!

  • Quests - Quite a new feature with a few simple quests around the game. Much more will develop soon!

The server is sorted into six countries, called Lands (or Nations). Each of these has a ruler and a capital city as of now. Pick a town to join, and work your way up... if you earn enough money you might be able to fund a town of your own!

The Realm of Caelum
Nation of Stonebow
- Harfang, A small town located on the edge of a large Island. High population.
- Falconreach, A town suspended above the ocean by a mysterious magical force. Not yet open

Nation of Ramonia
- Shinto, A Japanese style town. Low population.

Unowned Nation
- Unowned - buy this land for 25,000 Silva!

The Realm of Mortalitas
- Tennebrae, A small town located in a swamp, next to an active volcano. Low population
- Valthraxus, A large town split into 3 sections - the home to all the worlds hardest criminals. Medium population

Nation of Ramonia This town is allied with Ramonia, although remains "evil"
- Faerun, A large walled town with plenty of room for new residents. Low population

Nation of Arcustian
- Loxley, A desolate town found on a sandy island, very well defended. Medium population

Once you have established yourself in our lands and raised enough money, you may fund your own town within the Lands mentioned above. The first good resident to do so would earn the final empty slot!

When a mayor is inactive, or is relieved of their duties, an election will take place to choose a new mayor.

There are two categories of jobs: Crafting, where you make items, and Role, where you work as a political figure.

Note, if you choose a service job you will be very limited in what you can craft, I suggest reading the linked thread below before choosing a job.

Yes, it needed the big red text, because so many people miss it then say "Why can't I craft a workbench?"

Full information on jobs can be found on our website and forums, but a quick list:

Crafting Jobs
Builder: These craft things like Stone for people to build with.
Armourer: They craft all manor of weapons and armour (Currently not available to Caelum residents due to too many people choosing it)
Blacksmith: These guys make all technology, such as dispensers and Redstone-related items
Toolsmith: These guys craft tools
Farmer: These guys farm all the crops, and also make books and so on.
Carpenter: These make wooden objects such as doors and chests. (Desperately needed!)
Chef: These people cook all the delicious foods for you to eat

Once we have more residents, more jobs will be released involving custom Spoutcraft items.

Political/Role Jobs
Diplomatic Relations: These guys talk to the other nations to sort out things like trade, and also any problems.
Rule Enforcement: These are the Police of the server. They have the power to set rules, and jail/kick/mute people. You cannot join with this job, but you can change to it after playing for 1 month.
Economic Advisor: These guys watch the Economic status, and advise shopkeepers of any changes in the economy. They also have input on server-wide prices, such as creating towns.
Town Representative: These guys help new people around with things such as finding a plot and answering any questions. They are also who to speak to if you want to move house. Obviously, you cannot apply for this role initially, but can change to it later.

Alternatively, read about your job in a Library.

On our server we have a few races. These races are not compulsory but will give you a bonus in PvP and PvE.
Many races will need to learn skills to be able to progress - these skills are hidden in shrines scattered across the worlds.
There are 6 races to choose from:
- Warrior - fighting up close and personal, with a few defensive skills
- Hunter - using bows and creatures to destroy your opponents from afar
- Battle Mage - combating with the dark arts
- Combat Engineer - Supporting your allies with a plethora of assisting spells
- Assassin - Stalking your victims from the shadows and destroying them silently
- Psychic - Use your mind to manipulate your foes

More information about the races can be found at http://www.silvania.co.uk/races.php
NB: Race is a British term - residents from the USA would know it as Class.

To join Silvania, you will need to register for whitelist. Please copy this form exactly and fill out all sections marked with *. Any other sections are optional. the Red sections indicate sections for you, as a person. the Blue sections are your characters.

User name*:
Location/Time Zone*:
Did someone refer you?:
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:

Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies

Please copy and paste this form EXACTLY. Change NOTHING.

A lot of people are posting below-par biographies so here is a bit more information on what kind of thing to post. Well worth reading - follow this and you'll almost definatly be accepted!
1. Some background is useful: Where did you come from, anything happen while growing up
2. Try and make it original - Seem to have a lot of parents dying...
3. Grammar is important! It says a lot about you as a person! (Dyslexia etc is excused but you'll have to let us know if thats the case)
4. Remember what you wrote. Some people might ask you about it as part of in-game RP
5. Don't mention any dates or earth locations - the server is another world and is no way related to Earth. Time is not a factor either and there is no official "Time"
6. Do not overpower/immortalize yourself. You are a citizen, either born and raised in Silvania or moving there. You're not famous at all in any way and have no special powers, your dad is not a demon king and you don't lead an army (unless every soldier is applying with you and agrees to be your army of course) - Keep it realistic and balanced.

If you do not follow these guidelines, we can deny you. Simple as that, I'm bored of seeing apps which clearly have no effort put into them. You can always re-apply with an improvement - you get 3 attempts, and we're nowhere near as strict as some other servers. If we get a really good one, I'll post a link here as an example.

Once an admin sees you have applied, we will quote you saying either "Done!" or "Denied: Reason(s)" - if you are approved, we will also PM you the IP address for the server. We're only human and may miss the occasional app - if we do, just quote yourself and say "I think you missed me" - give us 24 hours though as we may be busy in-game!!
The whitelist team consists of:
juanja302 (Darthness)

DiamondMini games

Mini Games is a very broad term for the "free play" section of our server. We have a variety of things you can do. All of these are outside of roleplay so chat is also free. They are located on another world entirely - which is also a freebuild world.

Build a challenge course and challenge the others to finish it! You could offer prizes, or thanks to our book plugin make people follow clues to make it even longer. Basic challenge maps should go in the game world, but you can hide clues in any world!
Challenges may at some points be included in future quests too, and often lead to skill shrines.

There will be a section to play games such as Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch for lighthearted fun. You wont gain anything from it, just something fun to do sometimes There is also a fairground where you can play Spleef, Chess or try your hand at our Redstone Lottery.


We have a very complex server system, so naturally we also have a lot of rules. Most are small things, but the following are in force server wide. Many rules will depend on where you choose to live, so make sure you visit your towns courtroom or library and get a book on law!

  • No griefing, unless your king allows it in his Lands.

  • Absolutely NO client modifications, but we recommend you DO use spoutcraft for many bonuses.

  • Moderators and Admins have final say on any disputes and reserve the right to mute you.

  • Follow all the rules of your Land, as set by the King.

  • Never ask to become a Mod, Admin or Op. We'll ban you, no questions asked.

  • Do not exploit any bugs, including trying to get past protections. This includes things like when the town protection stops you place blocks and you use that to go over a wall - We DO get informed in game!!

There are a few ways to get help if you need it on the server:
  • Talk to a Town Representative - They should be able to answer any questions you have about the server. After all, its their job.

  • Ask your mayor - If the Rep can't help, maybe your mayor can.

  • "Pray" on our forums - Post in the Prayer board to get help from a higher power. Only for cases where above methods did not work.


http://www.silvania.co.uk/ - Our website, lots more information on there as well as our own forums!
http://www.silvania.co.uk/forums/ - Our forums, can be accessed via our website as well!
http://www.facebook....184038004942707 - Our facebook group!
Posted Imagev4.0
Factions, Jobs, War.

Official Website

NOTE: This is the real Silvania server. If you joined Silvania through Planet Minecraft previously, it was a FAKE. And a very bad one at that, without even Bukkit installed. Please re-apply on here for the real Silvania experience.
You need to apply for whitelist for this server. If you try and connect before you are accepted we will deny you for not reading this.

DiamondWelcome to Silvania

Silvania is a roleplaying server, which is all about the players running their own political and economic system. Various players play different roles in shaping the future, whether its enforcing the rules by punishing bad residents, sorting problems with other nations or simply helping new people around town, everyone is sure to be busy with something. If thats not what you like, you can help support the economy by setting up a shop and selling wares that only you can make. Start with your small house on the outskirts of a town, and maybe eventually move up to own a town of your own!

Silvania is run by the players. That means that when a problem arises, the players take it upon themselves to fix it. If its a simple problem, such as a player caught stealing, they could just be jailed or fined. However in more serious cases ((including things like using illegal client mods)) The Executioner is summoned to execute them ((Ban)). If a diplomatic problem comes up that the Diplomatic Relations team cannot solve, the players can declare war on an enemy state and take the battle out across the vast lands and oceans of Silvania.

Finally, if that isn't enough there is a huge element of exploration and gameplay. Help various residents around the lands with quests they have, and search for the sacred Shrines hidden by a woman known as Feretory, which can teach you new skills and powers! (Assuming, of course, you have the power for that particular skill locked within you) Feretory also hid journals all over the lands, telling the story of the epic war tearing the land to pieces.

Silvania was once a peaceful land, created by a God, called Fenikkusu, and a Demon known as Fureniku. Many years later, a series of events led to a small group of Mortalitasians attacking Loxley. This lead to the tyrant Ramonski rising up and crushing all that stood before him, assisted by his monster Baloin. Ramonski came close to destroying the entire world... but what really happened? That's up to you to piece together from various books found all over the world!

1000 years on from that war, people are beginning to create new towns across the lands. All they knew were the distant myths of the war, but the two factions still felt a grudge amongst one another. The new world people named their factions after the ones from the past: Caelum, who make helping others and good deeds a high priority and worship Fenikkusu, and Mortalitas, the supporters of Fureniku, who although they support each other they put themselves first.

There are many more events to the history, which can be learnt by reading books in-game.

DiamondFeatures and Installed Mods

We currently run quite a few plug-ins and features, and we're constantly adding to the list. We never give out our plugin list, but here is a guide to what kind of things we have!

  • Towns - Simply lets us create towns for you all to live in!

  • Economy - This plugin allows us to add money into the game, helping with jobs and war.

  • Elevators - Real working lifts!

  • Chest Protection - This adds the ability for locking chests, furnaces, doors and other various objects.

  • Leveling - A leveling up system, adding a lot more to do. High levels get special bonuses!

  • Jobs System - This basically means if you don't have the right job, you won't be able to craft various things. It drives the economy forwards and gives a real value to your money!

  • Overhead Map - Available here.

  • Factions - This is a feature of our server. We base everything around each faction, the good, and the evil.

  • Races - We incorporate a system of race in our server.

  • Player-run - Almost everything is done by the players - Mods and Admins rarely have to intervene once you are set up!

  • Quests - Quite a new feature with a few simple quests around the game. Much more will develop soon!

The server is sorted into six countries, called Lands (or Nations). Each of these has a ruler and a capital city as of now. Pick a town to join, and work your way up... if you earn enough money you might be able to fund a town of your own!

The Realm of Caelum
Nation of Stonebow
- Harfang, A small town located on the edge of a large Island. High population.
- Falconreach, A town suspended above the ocean by a mysterious magical force. Not yet open

Nation of Ramonia
- Shinto, A Japanese style town. Low population.

Unowned Nation
- Unowned - buy this land for 25,000 Silva!

The Realm of Mortalitas
- Tennebrae, A small town located in a swamp, next to an active volcano. Low population
- Valthraxus, A large town split into 3 sections - the home to all the worlds hardest criminals. Medium population

Nation of Ramonia This town is allied with Ramonia, although remains "evil"
- Faerun, A large walled town with plenty of room for new residents. Low population

Nation of Arcustian
- Loxley, A desolate town found on a sandy island, very well defended. Medium population

Once you have established yourself in our lands and raised enough money, you may fund your own town within the Lands mentioned above. The first good resident to do so would earn the final empty slot!

When a mayor is inactive, or is relieved of their duties, an election will take place to choose a new mayor.

There are two categories of jobs: Crafting, where you make items, and Role, where you work as a political figure.

Note, if you choose a service job you will be very limited in what you can craft, I suggest reading the linked thread below before choosing a job.

Yes, it needed the big red text, because so many people miss it then say "Why can't I craft a workbench?"

Full information on jobs can be found on our website and forums, but a quick list:

Crafting Jobs
Builder: These craft things like Stone for people to build with.
Armourer: They craft all manor of weapons and armour (Currently not available to Caelum residents due to too many people choosing it)
Blacksmith: These guys make all technology, such as dispensers and Redstone-related items
Toolsmith: These guys craft tools
Farmer: These guys farm all the crops, and also make books and so on.
Carpenter: These make wooden objects such as doors and chests. (Desperately needed!)
Chef: These people cook all the delicious foods for you to eat

Once we have more residents, more jobs will be released involving custom Spoutcraft items.

Political/Role Jobs
Diplomatic Relations: These guys talk to the other nations to sort out things like trade, and also any problems.
Rule Enforcement: These are the Police of the server. They have the power to set rules, and jail/kick/mute people. You cannot join with this job, but you can change to it after playing for 1 month.
Economic Advisor: These guys watch the Economic status, and advise shopkeepers of any changes in the economy. They also have input on server-wide prices, such as creating towns.
Town Representative: These guys help new people around with things such as finding a plot and answering any questions. They are also who to speak to if you want to move house. Obviously, you cannot apply for this role initially, but can change to it later.

Alternatively, read about your job in a Library.

On our server we have a few races. These races are not compulsory but will give you a bonus in PvP and PvE.
Many races will need to learn skills to be able to progress - these skills are hidden in shrines scattered across the worlds.
There are 6 races to choose from:
- Warrior - fighting up close and personal, with a few defensive skills
- Hunter - using bows and creatures to destroy your opponents from afar
- Battle Mage - combating with the dark arts
- Combat Engineer - Supporting your allies with a plethora of assisting spells
- Assassin - Stalking your victims from the shadows and destroying them silently
- Psychic - Use your mind to manipulate your foes

More information about the races can be found at http://www.silvania.co.uk/races.php
NB: Race is a British term - residents from the USA would know it as Class.

To join Silvania, you will need to register for whitelist. Please copy this form exactly and fill out all sections marked with *. Any other sections are optional. the Red sections indicate sections for you, as a person. the Blue sections are your characters.

User name*:
Location/Time Zone*:
Did someone refer you?:
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:

Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies

Please copy and paste this form EXACTLY. Change NOTHING.

A lot of people are posting below-par biographies so here is a bit more information on what kind of thing to post. Well worth reading - follow this and you'll almost definatly be accepted!
1. Some background is useful: Where did you come from, anything happen while growing up
2. Try and make it original - Seem to have a lot of parents dying...
3. Grammar is important! It says a lot about you as a person! (Dyslexia etc is excused but you'll have to let us know if thats the case)
4. Remember what you wrote. Some people might ask you about it as part of in-game RP
5. Don't mention any dates or earth locations - the server is another world and is no way related to Earth. Time is not a factor either and there is no official "Time"
6. Do not overpower/immortalize yourself. You are a citizen, either born and raised in Silvania or moving there. You're not famous at all in any way and have no special powers, your dad is not a demon king and you don't lead an army (unless every soldier is applying with you and agrees to be your army of course) - Keep it realistic and balanced.

If you do not follow these guidelines, we can deny you. Simple as that, I'm bored of seeing apps which clearly have no effort put into them. You can always re-apply with an improvement - you get 3 attempts, and we're nowhere near as strict as some other servers. If we get a really good one, I'll post a link here as an example.

Once an admin sees you have applied, we will quote you saying either "Done!" or "Denied: Reason(s)" - if you are approved, we will also PM you the IP address for the server. We're only human and may miss the occasional app - if we do, just quote yourself and say "I think you missed me" - give us 24 hours though as we may be busy in-game!!
The whitelist team consists of:
juanja302 (Darthness)

DiamondMini games

Mini Games is a very broad term for the "free play" section of our server. We have a variety of things you can do. All of these are outside of roleplay so chat is also free. They are located on another world entirely - which is also a freebuild world.

Build a challenge course and challenge the others to finish it! You could offer prizes, or thanks to our book plugin make people follow clues to make it even longer. Basic challenge maps should go in the game world, but you can hide clues in any world!
Challenges may at some points be included in future quests too, and often lead to skill shrines.

There will be a section to play games such as Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch for lighthearted fun. You wont gain anything from it, just something fun to do sometimes There is also a fairground where you can play Spleef, Chess or try your hand at our Redstone Lottery.


We have a very complex server system, so naturally we also have a lot of rules. Most are small things, but the following are in force server wide. Many rules will depend on where you choose to live, so make sure you visit your towns courtroom or library and get a book on law!

  • No griefing, unless your king allows it in his Lands.

  • Absolutely NO client modifications, but we recommend you DO use spoutcraft for many bonuses.

  • Moderators and Admins have final say on any disputes and reserve the right to mute you.

  • Follow all the rules of your Land, as set by the King.

  • Never ask to become a Mod, Admin or Op. We'll ban you, no questions asked.

  • Do not exploit any bugs, including trying to get past protections. This includes things like when the town protection stops you place blocks and you use that to go over a wall - We DO get informed in game!!

There are a few ways to get help if you need it on the server:
  • Talk to a Town Representative - They should be able to answer any questions you have about the server. After all, its their job.

  • Ask your mayor - If the Rep can't help, maybe your mayor can.

  • "Pray" on our forums - Post in the Prayer board to get help from a higher power. Only for cases where above methods did not work.

DiamondAdditional NotesWHITELIST, TOWNS, FACTIONS, PvP, BUKKIT. - Lots to do!o ½ Live day to day making money by doing your job. If that gets boring, head out across the work to track down the 80+ shrines. Spoutcraft users get extra items from each job and even an entirely new job Magecraft! Over 100 items and blocks added via spoutcraft! SPOUTCRAFT IS NOT REQUIRED TO PLAY
CreditLeiAfkpuz, TH3_5HAD0W5, juanja302, hallo746, Baloin, ramonski, Nron

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Flenix 04/19/2012 4:11:18 pmApr 19th, 2012


1. Started using PMC again for advertising. We were live and active the whole time, just didn't use the site here for a while.
2. Many, MANY bug fixes, new features and more. I've updated the main post as best as I could.

Create an account or sign in to comment.

08/07/2012 1:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
leilani908's Avatar
how do i white-list im confused
08/02/2012 9:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
killermande's Avatar
User name*:killermande
Location/Time Zone*:Fort Atkinson,WI
Did someone refer you?:NO
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0-1.3.1 Spout Craft

Land/Town: Caelum

Bio*: Shadowy history father commanded the Rebelion of a neiboring Country were the caelum Goverment moved the famliy to a safe location and father died of heart attack at age 46 and mother died while giving birth to his 8th sibling
04/05/2012 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Antiro's Avatar
User name*: TechnoBitch
Age*: 17
Location/Time Zone*: Slidell, Louisisana
Did someone refer you?: No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.2.4

Land/Town: Cave system
Job*: Carpenter
Race Assassin
Name: Velenzo Alitori
Bio*: The day had started out as any other day. My mom and dad had a picnic while I had practiced my knife throwing skills which were quite poor at the time because I was 9. But after I was done eating I had asked if I could go exploring and view the surrounding area, I had been gone for about 3 hours and was extremely tired. So when I went back to the camp sight I had saw blood and gore spattered on the ground and a skeleton on the ground. The very moment I had seen the skeleton I had known that my parent were killed by the mighty army of the undead. Out of panic I had quickly ran to the nearest town in order to seek help, I had tried to tell a guard but he refused to listen as I was known for my practical jokes, out of rage I assaulted the guard with no effect and retreated. But just as I had thought that all hope was lost a man jumped out of the woods and quickly dispatched the guards. I had feared the man yet I had respected him. When I explained to him what had happened he had felt pity and took me in. He had told me he would train me for 2 years then I would get my revenge. So during the time he had taught me the arts of stealth and woodworking. Exactly 2 years later I was forced to leave so I may exact my revenge and this is where my story starts.
04/05/2012 11:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Antiro's Avatar
02/25/2012 5:20 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Narwhal
Brispere's Avatar
User name*: Brispere
Age*: 13
Location/Time Zone*: pacific standard
Did someone refer you?: no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1 release

Land/Town: Vancouver
Job*: N/A
Race: Caucasian
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Age*: 13
Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies

I live in metro vancouver, canada. I really dont have very many interesting things happen in my life but i do like to play video games. I would like to join this server as it looks very very good.
02/09/2012 9:46 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
SheaDB's Avatar
User name*:SheaDB
Location/Time Zone*:moutain
Did someone refer you?:just found it
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1

Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies
01/22/2012 1:35 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Dolphin
CaptMonkey_Man's Avatar
User name*: CaptMonkey_Man


Location/Time Zone*:London GMT

Did someone refer you?:No

Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1.0

Job*: Carpenter

Race:Hunter (Bowman)

Name: Yumiko

Age*: 24

Bio*: I am a Carpenter through an through, like my father and his father after that. Our family has always provided bows for the army. My mother ran away with a foreigner and my father became a drunk, I have lost contact with them both. I offer my bow and my craft, for the fight against the Mortalitas, and I will restore the honour of this family.
01/22/2012 1:29 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Dolphin
CaptMonkey_Man's Avatar
01/11/2012 12:21 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
Flenix's Avatar
Players barred from joining (Repeatedly tried to join without whitelist, meaning they didn't read the post)

01/10/2012 4:49 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
Flenix's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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