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Swords of Valor - Adventure RPG

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Malatak1+'s Avatar Malatak1+
Level 24 : Expert Mage
Swords of Valor - Adventure RPG
Status Offline Pinged: 02/04/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Swords of Valor - Adventure RPG Minecraft Server
 500 years have passed since the age of darkness. Since then, six kingdoms have risen from the ashes of the broken lands of Aerios. The conflict that ended five centuries ago gave way to a golden age of peace and prosperity. Cities were built anew, the arts flourished, Kingdoms fought not with steel, but with innovation and technology. The gods were content to let us live in peace. Until now. For any person can see all that humanity has worked for is being threatened again by the flames of war.[/code]

Hero of Aerios, rise again. The lands require your talent once more...
Ip: mc.swordsofvalor.net

Swords of Valor is a one of a kind RPG, combining elements of both PvE and PvP combat encapsulated in an RPG Skills and Abilities framework. Located across a 5000x5000 block custom terraformed landmass, containing six seperate Kingdoms, filled with towns, cities, dungeons, and fortresses. Players are free to roam wherever they choose in search of wealth and power. Cash gained from completing quests and dungeons can be spent at shops across the world.

[b]Skills and Abilities:
[/b]Utilizing our
custom leveling and skills plugin, players can shape their character as they progress on the server. Experience is given during combat based on the weapons a player chooses to fight with.

Abilities are the core feature of RPGPlus, our custom skills plugin. Leveling up yields SkillPoints that can then be allocated towards new abilities, or upgrading abilities that one has already obtained.

Furthermore, Swords of Valor has taken it a step further than the usual "Swords" and "Archery" skills, and has implemented dynamic magic spells that are obtained through upgrading the wisdom skill. One is able to decimate enemies with the flick of a wand, bombarding them with fire, ice, lightning and more.

[b]Dynamic Lore:[/b]
Swords of Valor has a great deal of lore regarding age-old tales of heroic battles and accomplishments. However, players themselves get to shape the path of the server, as evil creeps out from ancient depths. Players can choose to aid the resistance - or join the dark monsters that seek to obliterate humanity. 

[/b]Swords of Valor incorporates a unique combat system. The basic idea remains the same, but as abilities are added, a fight changes shape entirely. Spells are slung between sides and magical energies explode amidst a chaos of swinging swords and arrows zipping through the air.

PvP combat is one of the most exciting aspects of the server, but at the same time, new players may not want to be killed constantly by players that have been online longer. Players can thus choose whether they want to have PvP enabled or not, as well as whether or not they want to drop items on death.

[b]Quests Dungeons and more:
[/b]We would never be able to finish describing all of the elements that go into Swords of Valor. Some of the more important ones should be mentioned though. Quests are great ways for players to gain quick cash, as well as special items. Ranging from short tasks, to long thought out, forked quests that merit the use of good descision making, quests can occupy a player for hours.Dungeons are great ways to obtain fast loot. Every dungeon can be raided once a day, however often bosses can be found at the end. These bosses can drop rare items not sold in shops.

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05/21/2018 1:36 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ZequinoXx's Avatar
HEY GUYS! SOV Survivors, I may have let a little small, tiniest little detail slip my mind for the past..... few months.... BUT SOV IS BACK!!!

WearsomeKarma, Me (ZequinoX), AbsoluteZenith, SamOfHam aka MarshmallowSam, AllenR11 or whatever that dicks name was, and Wyldew have all been working to bring the server back to Life, Blue and Pikachu visit from time to time as well!
Here is a link to the discord we all use: https://discord.gg/dXH5Hus
and here is the link the the New server, its changed a bit so dont freak out and calm down, but its still SoV:
02/03/2018 5:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dafa_the_Bo's Avatar
I doubt any of you would remember
me, but I used to play on the original SOV quite regularly (in truth, I
was in love with the server and utterly obsessed with anything and
everything to do with it). My actual username read as follows. I was:
Dafa_The_Boa. The times we had. Killing the same three bandits over and
over again, parkour-ing over the rooftops of the great big city (the
blasted name escapes me), farming bosses, running into some old elf,
buying hoes that were crossbows, fishing, admiring the beauty of a
mastercrafted world, traveling all over the bleeding place, dying to
overpowered Vikings(?) and Orcs... If I'm not mistaken, I was even an
admin for a time--that is before everything came crashing down in a
horrible maelstrom. I tried and failed to decorate some elf house's
interior but was, as a result of the mercy of other admins, allow to
fulfill my dream of adminship. Swimming in those sewers... I am
overwhelmed with memories and with joy. The scope and love contained in
that masterpiece of a server still astound me. I am now near tears.
Here's to you, Zeq, Teh, Black, Chip, Rare, Mal, etc. You've got to admit I make for a
splendid mage. Wait... I just remembered the little zombie who sold you
things in the starting town--what ever was his name? I think I was part
of the community for something like half a year--maybe more? However
long it was, it had me at my happiest and I'd have you know I've looked
back on it joyously on multiple occasions. Nostalgia overwhelms me.
05/22/2018 4:54 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ZequinoXx's Avatar
BABY COME BACK! You can blame it all on ME! jk jk.... Its all Maltaks fault </3
12/14/2017 1:38 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
SOV_RPG's Avatar
Incase any of the old players are lurking and enjoying the vintage glory of this server, we are back! Check this account's posts for more info.
12/16/2016 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ZequinoXx's Avatar
And the server has fallen, yet once again, from for what truly caused its fall, but all we can do now is hope for it to rise once again. Whether its Wearsome and the other admin, or Maltak and Black themselves, now all there is left to do, is Hope.
R.I.P. Swords Of Valor...
08/04/2016 1:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wearsome's Avatar
Hey guys! WearsomeKarma here, I used to be an Admin on this server and I got great news for all of you!

The Swords of Valor staff wants to bring the server back! And we need support!

If you would like to see our updates on the server, as well as seeing how you can contribute please go to my profile to view the discord chat link!

Or message me in private and I will keep you in touch.

Hope to see you guys around!
~WearsomeKarma on the behalf of the SOV team
08/16/2016 1:03 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ZequinoXx's Avatar
Took you guys long enough, Finally man! You guys all suck!
(thanks guys,jk your da best)
06/18/2016 3:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
furryCyclone's Avatar
well, I just found something interesting, for some reason it sais Swords of valor is online on mine status, this is probably a glitch, because I tried to get on the server but it said : java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information :. but maybe not all hope is lost ? ( this is probably all just a bunch of wishful thinking though :P ) and here is the page I got this from https://www.minestatus.net/106764-swords-of-valor
07/01/2016 10:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
furryCyclone's Avatar
Dang it, well now I'm wondering if anyone has heard from Malatak since the server went down
06/27/2016 8:48 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ZequinoXx's Avatar
It didn't work...
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