Minecraft Servers

MineBenders Whitelist (Mindcrack Style Server) 1.8 snapshot

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TheEndShot's Avatar TheEndShot
Level 23 : Expert Goblin
MineBenders Whitelist (Mindcrack Style Server) 1.8 snapshot
Status Offline Pinged: 11/20/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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What kind of server is this?
This is a pure survival-based server with mostly no plugins affecting how you would normally play singleplayer or a vanilla server.
Our plugins are mainly to track griefing of any sort.
We run the server using the honor system, no locking of chests, creepers go bang and if you break someone else's stuff you are expected to fix it and leave a message.
We do have the capability to track griefers but prefer to let people do the right thing.

We actually become really good friends on this server and most of the time we are on mumble or skype helping each other with different builds or just talk smack.

The server is mature which means unless you are recommended by a player you will need to be 18 to apply. We allow recording for youtube.

Vlad's building his starter house

How to join?
Send an email with the below questions and your answers to:
pieloversserver (@) gmail (dot) com
Applications here in the forum will be ignored.

Complete this application to get whitelisted
1. What is your in game name
2. How old are you?
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft?
4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before?
5. Why would you like to play on this server?
6. Do you have a microphone?
7. How often do you play?

Please visit our Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest FTB server also at:

AgrarianSkies Hardcore Quest

A Vote and a diamond is always highly appreciated


Additional Notes

Whitelist Vanilla Mindcrack Style Server

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by TheEndShot 01/17/2014 5:59:53 pmJan 17th, 2014

Silky shop open

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10/16/2014 11:20 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MrShagoo's Avatar
1. What is your in game name? Dillzilla

2. How old are you? 11, but I am more mature than you might think.

3. How long have you been playing Minecraft?  3 1/2 years

4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before? Yes

5. Why would you like to play on this server? I want to play on this server to have fun and to play with other people on the server. I have never been on a Mindcrack like server, plus I might record on this server. Yes I have youtube my channel name is DeCoBros.

6. Do you have a microphone? Yes

7. How often do you play? I play minecraft daily.
10/11/2014 5:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KappaGaming's Avatar
1. What is your in game name? - KappaGaming
2. How old are you? 16
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since 1.5.2
4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before? Yes I have
5. Why would you like to play on this server? I love pure vanilla minecraft... on the previous server i played on (no whitelist) i got pretty far with tons of diamonds and enchanted stuff just to come back to find my whole place destroyed and my resources missing:/
6. Do you have a microphone? Kinda :)
7. How often do you play? Weekends and fridays... or holidays... but i play a heck of a lot then! :D
09/14/2014 8:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
mvilcis's Avatar
I don't understand why people are applying here.
09/13/2014 7:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
ExtremeAren's Avatar
1. What is your in game name? ExtremeAren
2. How old are you? 12
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft? 2.5 years
4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before? No
5. Why would you like to play on this server? To have fun in a not so crowded server and improve my minecraft skills.
6. Do you have a microphone? I do have a michrophone.
7. How often do you play? 1-5 hours a day.
09/06/2014 9:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RavidBanana's Avatar
1. What is your in game name- iLgxtrumblezz (I would like to change it to RavidBanana when that is possible)
2. How old are you?- I am 15 years old
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft? - I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.3
4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before? Yes but they used alot of Vanilla helping plugins which i didnt enjoy as much so i am looking for a new server
5. Why would you like to play on this server?- I am looking for a server that i can safely build and get comments and not have to worry about people greifing it
6. Do you have a microphone?- I do have a microphone which i can use to skype people on here or (if you have) join a mumble 
7. How often do you play?- I would be playing close to every day. I am a very active minecraft player especially if i am on a sever.
09/02/2014 5:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CarpetCraftPvP's Avatar
1. What is your in game name? - PandaMan1998
2. How old are you? 16
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since 1.2.5
4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before? Yes I have
5. Why would you like to play on this server? The other Vanilla server i played on got shut down and ive been looking for a new one to play on for a while
6. Do you have a microphone? Yes
7. How often do you play? Most days when im not doing anything irl
09/01/2014 10:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
skullruss's Avatar
1: skullruss
2: 13
3: since 1.7.2 but ive got a lot of fun out of it, and i love building midieval and modern (anything that looks good)
4: yes, although im fine with mods or plugins or anything they have
5: im sick of playing on a server yet never getting to know anyone, or play WITH them, or build together, thats the experience i WANT from a server
6: yes multipul in fact and a back up built into my pc
7: everyday unless school takes over (priorities) - please reply if i get whitelisted (skype name is luke.daoud with a gamer picture, please tell me over skype if i get accepted)
08/28/2014 9:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ArrowKiller101's Avatar
1. What is your in game name  ArrowKiller101
2. How old are you? 14
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft? about a year or so now
4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before? yes but not one like this
5. Why would you like to play on this server? i would love this beacuse i want comunity like this
6. Do you have a microphone? yes i have a gaming head set wit a decent microphone
7. How often do you play? almost every day

Thank you fo r your time,

08/24/2014 10:15 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
brkillpack's Avatar
What happened?
08/21/2014 6:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ryeguy2001's Avatar
1. What is your in game name (Ryeguy2001)
2. How old are you? (13)
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft? (Beta 1.7.2)
4. Have you played on a Vanilla server before? (Yes)
5. Why would you like to play on this server? i have a youtube channle and i am aching for a new series on an online server and also i like playing on an online whitlisted servers and a magor factor is meeting people / soon to be friends.
6. Do you have a microphone? yes 
7. How often do you play? almost every day
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