Minecraft Servers

Ilu Ambar - Quenta Arda

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AlteOgre's Avatar AlteOgre
Level 29 : Expert Grump
Ilu Ambar - Quenta Arda
Status Offline Pinged: 05/23/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Ilu Ambar - Quenta Arda | Third Age Middle-earth
LOTR Mod - Immersive roleplay survival
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Ilu Ambar - Quenta Arda is discontinued per 26 August 2023 and revived as Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda on 28 August 2023!

Enquenta Arda uses the same seed as Quenta Arda, but starts with a clean canvas. Many of Quenta Arda's best builds (a.o. the ones in the image gallery) are transferred to Enquenta Arda.
CreditTolkien, Mevans, The LOTRmod mod team, The Lembas Modding Team, Chronicles of Elyria - Duchy of Anor

32 Update Logs

Update #32 : by AlteOgre 08/28/2023 2:11:40 amAug 28th, 2023

We discontinued this server on 26 August 2023, but the server community and many of its magnificent survival builds live on, on Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda, which opened for all whitelisted players on 28 August 2023!

Enquenta Arda uses the same seed as Quenta Arda, but is started with a fresh new canvas. Many of Quenta Arda's best builds are transferred to Enquenta Arda.

Community projects posted by members on this server

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03/16/2020 5:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Aranarth's Avatar
Love this server so much! Great community, staff, and management! Keep up the good work!
02/21/2020 7:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Arnaros's Avatar
If you love the LOTR mod, Minecraft, Tolkien's world + Roleplay, this is your server. The community is so welcoming and the server it's okay, with all the mods in order and they have modpack.

All the players play nicelly, even if they're your enemies, there's honour here, totally recommend it for those who seeks a more leisurely way to play. If you want PVP you have it (as long as it's agreed for the two parts), if you want Survival you have it, RP or just building. Also the restart of the server is nice, the reconnection it's almost a few seconds after.
02/21/2020 7:57 am
Level 29 : Expert Grump
AlteOgre's Avatar
Thanks for your enthusiastic support.

Please note that atm we only require the LOTRmod to be loaded client-side but we are indeed exploring options to add a few more mods to the server that may have to be loaded client-side. Other than that, we use several mods on the server that clients do not need but do greatly enhance server functionality and performance. Finally, we do not have any plugins as we run a Forge-only system.
01/03/2020 3:53 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Belzeref's Avatar
10/10 would join Ilu Ambar again
06/04/2019 10:18 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Ottra_The_Fox's Avatar
Can't recommend.

Global chat is polluted by things not related to game! How will the server fight the issue? Will the rp chat survive? No, RP failed. Global chat is full of things not related to RolePlay, and a few people will talk about tacos.

Great job, done well. Casual server with lotr mod and 2-3 people online. And those 2-3 will still not even try to roleplay.

The only good thing about the server is that it is relatively stable. But, once again. 100 ping ms + So no mining. And as there is no roleplay and mining is so hard... Well...
06/04/2019 12:29 pm
Level 29 : Expert Grump
AlteOgre's Avatar
Global chat is out-of-character chat, since the server launched. Select /rp chat for local, in-character, chat and any ooc chat will no longer be visible.

The server population is stable and many are willing to roleplay if you put effort in it, but do note it always requires willingness and effort from both sides. If you wish to roleplay, use /rp chat and the Discord channels designated for in-character communication. Not playing and not using these out-of-game options to initiate roleplay encounters is a fairly bad excuse to complain about the lack of roleplay opportunity. Finally, there is always the generous option to create additional characters and switch character once a week. You can use this to create characters in more populated sub-factions as you please.

A ping of 100 ms is totaly acceptable, and should be no reason for any complaints.

It's saddening to hear how you feel about the server experience, even after over 200 hours of playtime on the server, but even more saddening to learn how you decide to share your personal issue with the chat system we have in place in this way.
02/23/2019 1:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SomeRandomFromSpace's Avatar
This server is great. The people here are very welcoming and it's quite fun. Please, do join the server.
02/10/2019 8:48 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Mountaineer
Kastivi's Avatar
Stop looking around. You've found it. This server's the one. Trust me.
02/02/2019 1:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Malvegil's Avatar
I can just recommend that server to everyone, who seeks a mature community. The main goal of the server, providing an environment for the long-term, is just great, because players can take as much time as they need, and nothing forces one to rush. This is especially interesting for players who want to build, because you can work on rather large projects, without the fear that the server will shut down and your work is for nothing, and without constant pressure to finish your build. The PvP Mode Mod, the server uses, also ensures that no other players will just kill you while building - PvP is only possible if all involved players do agree. If you seek for a mature community and want something for the long-term, then this server is definetely the right thing for you!
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