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BUILDERS NEEDED - Aourora Eternity: Medieval Fantasy RPG, Races, MCMMO!

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Lady_Elisha's Avatar Lady_Elisha
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
BUILDERS NEEDED - Aourora Eternity: Medieval Fantasy RPG, Races, MCMMO!
Status Offline Pinged: 03/08/24
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BUILDERS NEEDED - Aourora Eternity: Medieval Fantasy RPG, Races, MCMMO! Minecraft Server

Greetings, this is to be my last and hopefully longest lasting server- I am to buy a server for 24/7 Purposes once this one is up on it's feet.

BUILDERS NEEDED - Aourora Eternity: Medieval Fantasy RPG, Races, MCMMO! Minecraft Server

Currently i'm looking for staff for the server, from Op's who can assist players and contribute greatly to builders who can help construct the servers vital points- maybe even both

The land in which the server is set is named Auorora, multiverse worlds for different continents may be made in the future.

I'm preferably looking for ops aged 15+ for maturity levels and so they may also come with a sense of discipline if asked to do something BUILDERS NEEDED - Aourora Eternity: Medieval Fantasy RPG, Races, MCMMO! Minecraft Server No judging meant in literal sense!

An optional mod which enhances gameplay and allows you to configure your character model in order to create race.
Please look here if you wish to use it!

Important and enhancing plugins this server has:
Lock chests, furnaces doors etc
Permissions & Groupmanager

Let me explain the idea behind the server:

First off ...

- This server acts as a ROLE PLAYING Server, with MMORPG game elements within such as the plugin MCMMO

- This server has a medieval FANTASY theme

- Only those who prove trustworthy, friendly and useful will remain and become ops

- Vampires are apart of the server- players can become vampires, more supernaturals may be added in the future

- Alot of lore will be made, as well as locations I hope to see come to life for players to visit and interact with

- Finally, to join the server and possibly become a builder/op you need to fill out YOUR OWN Role playing application for the whitelist.

Future hopes:

- A full community

- Guilds in which players may join one or multiples, coming with rewards, quests and ranks

- Real time battles and possible wars

- Excellent storylines and lore for the roleplay to pursue

- Dedicated staff who can help out as much as possible

- Large Constructs to come to life including Towns, Continents, Capital Cities

1. Absolutely NO Griefing- RESULTS IN A PERMA BAN
2. If the opportunity to steal crops up- do not take it.
3. Don't godmod during role play
4. Do not take advantage of your powers if you are an op/mod
5. Please include the world sugarpuff in BOLD somewhere in your application to prove you read these
6. Do not use cursing in your general chat all of the time, cursing is allowed yet not constant
7. Any rude behaviour to other players and you may face a perma band
8. DO NOT Ask to be an op/admin, I will choose who I see fit
9. IF using More Player Models, if seen messing with the settings such as turning into a deformed or unapproved creature, you will recieve a strike. If a player recieves two strikes they will face a PERMANENT BAN.

We recommened downloading and using More Player Models, an optional mod which allows character modification.

Races are as followed-

Do I really need to explain what a human is? The main advantage of the human is their adaptability; The Humans are one of the last races to travel to the land of Aourora. They have various bloodlines from all different races in their ancestry. Their traditions are small, varying from festivals celebrated in order to give gifts or celebrate past accomplishments. The Humans have expertise in their instincts to expand and are talented in Woodcutting, Mining and Excavation. They have various towns located throughout Aourora and have a human leader to govern and command the Humans. The Humans appear atheist and follow no Deity yet are accepting to those of their race that do. They have a natural dislike to Orc's due to their past and also Gnolls- viewing them as portrayers and a lesser race of themselves. Humans are excellent traders, said to trade with every race.

Traditions: Humans are not ones to revel in traditions, they of course celebrate birthdays and some festive holidays such as these:

Love Day - 13th Fantsia ; The celebration of love and the unity of marriage. Gifts are exchanged.
Hallows Eve - 31st Ortondo ; A festival said to ward off creatures and demons, or in some cases the slaying of these creatures.
Night Sparkle - 5th Norvenda; A festival celebrating the rule of independance, in which the humans govern themselves in Aourora. 
Creation - 25th Delite; In which gifts are given, celebrating life and the creation of Aourora.


Their architecture is that of a simple kind- using wood and stone to craft buildings. Their most common style is the 'Middle Age' style in which a cliche' medieval architecture is used, sometimes ranging in craftmanship to plain, to extremely fancy. In this style, stone shaped into variations along with wood is used. The stone is usually used as foundations while the wood consists of alot of the house, or in some cases- the other way around. 

The second style is the Nordic style, using the same or similar materials- yet the Norse style is usually located in snowy biomes. The norse style relates to humans that have relations to long lost ancestors, and the style is also used for insulation to keep warmth.

Health: 35
Skills: Woodcutting, Mining, Excavation 
Traits: Taunt - The Human can tank an enemy mob by drawing a mob their attention within a 5 block radius.
Damage Reduction - The Human having various bloodlines throughout their ancestry has provided them with a combination of passive defences. 
Armour: All

These are nimble, wise, and beautiful beings. They appear to be Human, except for their tall frame and pointed ears. Elves live for thousands of years. They have a rich cultural past, and have long memories. Elves tend to associate mostly with other longer-lived races, and only companion Humans if they have few other options. Extremely wise and intelligent due to their long life-span, and possess very refined senses. Their ability of sight makes them deadly archers. As well, they are skilled artisans and craftsmen, and when it comes to crafting artifacts of beauty, none are the rivals of the Elves. Vampirisim actually spouted off from the Elf race in an ancient legend in which the curse was born. Elves commonly worship Ventria, the Deity of Life and can live up to thousands of years. The Elven race was created by Ventria herself, and usually have traits such as brown, blonde, white and black hair with green, blue and in rare cases white eyes. Elves are natural herbalists, gifted this talent by their creator- they use this skill to their advantage in caring and co-existing with Aouroras environment. With their herbalist skills, they founded the invention of the 'Elder Trees.' Elder Trees are grown with glowstone, the light emitted causes the trunks to flow of the purest essence and sprout glowstone from the trees branches. These trees are used in many Elven civillizations as light sources along with glowstone itself. Small Elder Trees are used regularly for wood while Grand Elder Tree's stand vigilante, uprooting to the sky. The Grand Elder tree is not to be cut until withering, due to tradition. The Elves have two specific traits. Their first being their jumping skills, being taller taking less damage and being able to jump higher- and their eyes providing expertise in Archery, leading to the deal of more damage. There are two types of Elven bloodlines, one being that of the 'Ancient Elf' in which the bloodline will relate directly to the Elven ancestors of old, before The Great War, and the 'Wood Elf' in which the bloodline become alot more mixed with the 'lower class' Elves if you will. 


A main tradition of the Elven race is the plantation of the Elder Tree on the birth of offspring. Once a child is born, an Elder Tree will be planted, said to represent the child's future in it's growth. For example, those grown into Grand Elder Tree's is said to reflect the childs life to be of the utmost adventurous, proving to do great things and have many accomplishments. 

On every Furtile the 13th- Elven warriors take part in the Cleansing Festival. This day is particurlary favored by Markozan, and so the Undead's numbers are extremely high. The Elven warriors will go out hunting the undead, cleansing Aourora of the evil that purges it on this particular day. Those of the Ancient Elf bloodlines usually adorn themselves in beautiful garnments, usually with light colours or pastel colours such as white, gold and blue. The Wood Elf bloodline however dress alot more freely, not really taking notice to carry on their heritage. Due to Elves being somewhat a patriarchal society, if a female is born into royalty and has brothers- she will not rule until all of her brothers have passed on. If a female comes to rule and is not yet married, suitors are presented or chosen in which a male will lead alongside the royal elf. The Elves hold great parties in the biggest Elven city on specific dates such as the birthdate of the ruling Lathariel family member, and also the 25th Delite in which Aourora is said to be created on. 

Elves are not always peaceful folk. If they or their friends have been grievously insulted or injured, they swear the sacred oath of vendetta—a ceremony carried out in the darkest hour before dawn. When they swear this terrible promise, they forsake all other pastimes to seek retribution. Elves understand this oath and will release the avenging elf from his or her tasks.

The avenging elves hunt down the offender to exact some form of vengeance, be it merely a sincere apology for an insult or something more severe. Typically, a time of service given to the injured elf is enough to satisfy this oath. However, there are occasions when nothing less than death will satisfy the demand of the blood oath.

Various Elves will swear an oath of peace to commit to the life of Aourora in which Ventria has granted them- swearing to never engage in conflict. These pacifist Elves usually live lonesome lives with loved ones in random locations or temples. Many give themselves to Ventria, tending and living in temples to the deity.

Elven marriage is more complex to most races. Females belonging to the Wood Elf bloodline will never usually decline a proposal from a male from the Ancient bloodline, trying to enrich their own bloodline into their offspring. Females in the Ancient bloodline are commonly known to have arranged marriages to males of the ancient bloodline in order to keep their family name pure. The process of marriage is in which a male elf will give the desired a favorite of their flora, if the female accepts and plants this visibly outside of her home, she has accepted. If she returns it or throws the flower away, it is the wrong flower or she declines. This is usually an elimination process for the male elves, until they successfully get the right flower or give in. If accepted, the exchanging of rings is presented, and the father of the female will admit the ceremony marrying his daughter. However, if the father is not present- a royal blooded elf must carry out the marriage. 
Royal females cannot officialy rule without a male counterpart. Many are forced into marriage, however others are stubborn. The counterpart to the royal elf will ALWAYS take on the royal name, and never has a Wood Elf bloodline married an Ancient Elf.


The Elves have two distinguishing architecture styles. The first and most commonly used is the Elder Wood style,used mainly by the Wood Elf bloodline. The Elder wood style uses birch wood from Elder Tree's, crafted nto abstract shapes to form the foundations of houses. This style is often combined with stone and other variants of wood for detailing and stability. This housing style usually has tall, thin construction with a large roof. Glowstone and Elder Tree leaves often caress the outside of the buildings. These houses will sometimes have balconies, they do not have doors or windows and woolen material is rarely used for decor too. Flags or banners are often used in this style however. The interior consists of basic needs, tables chairs, bedding, cooking area and storage. Decoration such as flora and saplings are used. Rarely, family tapestries.

The Second style would be the Ancient Elf style. This architecture was first used by the Ancient Elves. It consists of highly decorative and beautiful white quartz stylised and placed in a detailed manor to ensure beauty. The use of Elder tree wood is present throughout as well and many of the Ancient Elf constructs led into the ground. Various ruins are found throughout Aourora, this style is famously present in the ancient capital city of Emanae.

Health: 35
Skills: Archery, Herbalism, Acrobatics
Traits: Fall Resistance - Elves nimble structure and tall bodies allows them to take less fall damage than other races.
Arrow Damage Increase- With their excellent eyes and hearing due to their long ears, the Elf is an expert bowman and so does extra damage with arrows.
Armour: Leather, Gold, Chain

If you had to describe a Dwarf in one word, you'd say 'tough,' because that is exactly what Dwarves are. Tough. They live in Clan-based societies and live up to three hundred to even five hundred years. That is, if they don't get killed before then. For the most part, Dwarves live underground in giant cavernous cities, but can be found in most major cities of the world. They are characterized by their large beards, stout frame and small four foot to four and a half foot tall bodies. Don't let the size mislead you, though: Dwarves are the toughest of the standard races. Their compact bodies are hard to hit, and if you do hit them, they barely notice it. As well, Dwarves the greatest craftsmen. Although Elves can craft beauty with a hammer, Dwarves craft excellence. Dwarves also hailed for their mining skill, often driven by their obsession towards gold rumored to be instilled by Urberus. Many a' Dwarf has shed blood over conflict, to do with gold. The Dwarves in Aourora came to the land through a tunnel under many an ocean from their own land. It's said the land was ripe with minerals and even Aourora can not compare to the gold of Dwellhold. It's location is unkown, as is how the Dwarves came to existance. How they came to be is unsure, many believe they are an evolution of races while others think of them to be of the God's creations, some Dwarves believe they was carved from stone itself before coming to life. Dwarves are often large in size- not heigh of course but their weight, while often having small arms too. The Dwarven race is often under estimated by other races until met in combat. 


Whether or not the dwarven claim that they were carved from the world’s stone is true the dwarves share many qualities considered similar to the stone they live with. Strong, hardy, and dependable dwarves are wreckless yet can be polite, particularly elders, and possess a wisdom beyond that of many other races. Dwarves value their traditions, regardless of the subrace they come from, and look for inspiration from ancestral heroes. Dwarves highly value the ties between family members and friends, weaving tightly knit clans. Dwarves particularly respect elders, from whom they expect sound leadership and the wisdom of experience, as well as ancestral heroes or clan founders. This idea carries on to relations with other races and dwarves are deferential even to the elders of another, non-dwarven race

Most dwarven societies are divided into clans built along family ties and political allegiances. These clans are usually led by hereditary rulers, often monarchs of a sort and descended from the founder of the clan. Dwarves strongly value loyalty to these rulers and to the clan as a whole and even objective dwarves tend to side primarily with their kin over other races or communities. Most dwarven clans focus on one or two kinds of crafting, such as blacksmithing, jewelry, engineering, or masonry. Dwarves strive to avoid overspecialization by sending some of their youth as apprentices to other clans, which also helps to foster racial unity. Because of the long age dwarves exhibit these apprenticeships may last decades.

Dwarves are known to have arranged marriages, however these can still be declined- which in some cases leads to disrespecting their family. However less strict families allow their sons and daughters choose their future partner. The female will always take on the males clan name.

Despite hailing truly to their clans leaders, there is a Dwarven Royalty in which the strongest clan known to the history of Dwarves will continue to lead unless whiped out by other means.

Architecture: The dwarven race being truly experts in craftmanship are also known for their complex architecture. There isn't really a variation in dwarven style, they carve incredible patterns and entire cities into underground cave complexes. The dwarves often have many tunnels, catering to the dwarven size in their homes, which usually lead to the city as a whole, making it truly trepeditious to try and infiltrate a dwarven city.Their obsession with gold leads them to decorate their builds with beautiful golden bricks, forged by themselves in the great dwarven forges found within their cities. Cities usually specialise in different things, such as Dhol-Moldur which lies heavily on it's ancient Library which contains thousands of years of history; not only the dwarven history but other races alike. 

Health: 40
Skills: Mining, Smelting, Repair
Traits: Dwarf Skin - The Dwarves being a tough race, have a good fighting drive. When their health reaches below 30% they become better defenders due to their instinct and so take less damage
Taunt - The Dwarf can tank an enemy mob by drawing a mob their attention within a 5 block radius.
Armour: Iron, Gold, Diamond, Chain

Halflings are little, but with a big heart. They are the size of a child, and as weak as an adolescent, but they are cheery fellows and love good jokes and good wine. They could easily be mistaken as a Human child except that they are very hairy. Halflings have a ruddy complexion, and enjoy the outdoors very much. Surprisingly, they are not timid creatures, but are actually fearless, and are not capable of panic or terror, although they have been known to shake in their boots when cornered by three ogres. They even more nimble than Elves, but are still yet weaker. They have lower health for example. The Halfling also known as the Hobbit to many, live in small homes buried under dirt mounds- catering to their size. These homes are usually decorated nicely and made very homely. It is rare for Haflings to venture out into the lands, many are known to live the simple life in their Hobbiton. Hobbits don't really have a royal blood or a true governing force- however some Halflings have Mayor's or a leader of some sort of their particular hobbiton. An example would be Fallohide, in which a Mayor rules. Hafling's are known to be jolly folk, known especially for their parties and friendship, it is rare to meet a Hafling in combat unless triggered by yourself...


Hobbit's are known to throw incredible birthday parties, decorating their landscapes with various things in which they can enjoy the celebration of a birth of their kind. 
They aren't know for many other traditions and many Hobbits do not believe in the Gods and live a free life.
Hobbit's marriage consists between the simplicity of giving a ring to the desired, and if accepted celebrating with their whole settlement- inviting friends and family alike. The female will either take on the males family name or the two family names will be combined for their new marital name.

Architecture: The most common Halfling architecture is their 'burrows' if you will, most commonly known as the Hobbit Hole which burys under a mound of dirt, leading into the ground or mound as a home. They are usually adorned with wooden ceilings, floorings and walls and decorated fruitfully. Many halflings lead a farmers life and so grow their own crops, to either share, eat or trade.

Health: 30
Skills: Fishing, Herbalism, Acrobatics
Traits: Hunger Strike - The Halfling being naturally evolved rumouring to be from Dwarves and Humans, can resist food longer than other races.
Armours: All

Orc: Deadly creatures who perfer to attack in groups. Orcs are very strong, but stupid and lacking common sense and charm. They can see in the dark, but are not friends of bright light. They have a warfare based tribal society, where the strongest and most deadly Orc leads. Orcs are extremely violent and the bane of all civilization.

Health: 35
Skills: Repair, Swords, Unarmed
Traits: Berserker Rage - This trait allows the Orc's inner war to fury burst out when they reach below 30% health, dealing extra damage.
Swinging Axes - The Orc's being brutal beings, favour the axe and tend to do more damage with this weapon.
Nightvision - This race has nightvision, being able to see in the dark. Toggled with the use of /bright
Armours usable : Leather, Iron, Diamond, Chain

Goblin: Weak creatures that prefer to attack in groups. Goblins are small, ugly creatures that are weak, but agile. They can see in the dark, and are very good at moving quietly and riding. They typically fight in tight formations using spears and short bows. They are known to ambush at night, and to run away if they themselves are ambushed.

Health: 30
Skills: Acrobatics, Taming, Axes
Traits: Nimble Feet - The Goblin has a %20 chance to dodge any incoming attacks
Nightvision - This race has nightvision, being able to see in the dark. Toggled with the use of /bright

Drow: Drow are subterranean Elves with stark white hair and skin black like coal. They are powerful warriors, whether it be with a bow, a sword or a spell, they are some of the most deadly beings in the world. Drows exist in a matriarchal society, where the woman rules and men are treated like second class citizens. The vast majority of them are extremely evil, and hate anything belonging to the above world or relating to light.

Health: 45
Skills: Sword, Archery, Axes
Traits: Drow's Destruction -The Drow are experts of combat and so do extra damage.
Nightvision - This race has nightvision, being able to see in the dark. Toggled with the use of /bright
Armours: All but gold.

Gnome: What would you get if you bred a Halfling and a Dwarf between each other? Well, that wasn't how the Gnome was created, but you'd get something close to it. Gnomes are bigger than Halflings but smaller than Dwarves, possess small beards and are considered the "younger cousin" of Dwarves. Gnomes prefer brains over brawn, and their society shows it. Gnomes are by and large the most advanced technological race, and Dwarves owe most of their mining equipment to the ingenuity of a Gnome. They are capable of seeing through most illusions. Most Gnomes like to tinker, either seriously or as a little hobby, and Gnomes know their way past mechanical locks and traps like none other. Plus, Gnomes, although timid, always try and keep a good attitude about everything. Gnomes are also surprisingly sturdy, and can take a good hit despite their skinny stature.

Health: 35
Skills: Repair, Smelting, Alchemy
Traits: Leap Frog - The Gnome's have a tendency to launch themselves in the air which makes it easier to climb the large gizmo's in which they create.
Armours: All

Gnoll: Gnolls are nocturnal, tribal monsters with the head of hyenas. Gnolls are very strong, and tough, but stupid and lack charm. They can see in the dark. They are slightly difficult to damage.

Health: 35
Skills: Taming, Axe, Herbalism
Traits: Last Stand- The Gnoll's call upon their favored Deity, Kontart Olan- in return for sacrifices the Deity will heal the Gnoll when reaching low health. 
Nightvision - This race has nightvision, being able to see in the dark. Toggled with the use of /bright
Armours: All but gold.

Pixie: Pixies are small creatures who usually wear bright clothing. Pixies are very weak, extremely agile, greatly intelligent, very wise and greatly charming. Pixies see well in low light. They are good with searching and spotting, and have good hearing. They are very difficult to damage in battle. They can cast a variety of magical abilities at will.

Health: 30
Skills: Acrobatics, Fishing, Alchemy
Traits: Water's Nature - Pixie's being natural beings are one with the flow and hence can breathe underwater.
Floatation - Pixie's can float, sending them higher into the sky when jumping. 
Armours: Diamond, Chain, Gold

Keys : Aourora - The continental setting of the server.
BW - Before War
AW - After War
Realm - A realm is a land in which. deities harbour, the realm is created by the deity. 

Deities :

Ventria - Aourora's Saviour 
Calcelmo - Night's Harborage 
Markozan - Courier of Death
Namatotzka - The Corrupter
Fanslone - of The Hunt
Julenta - Weather's Conjurer
Urberus - Insanity's Complexion
Kontart Olan - Sacrificial God

Deity Background.

Deities are unknown of gender, yet take appearance of mortals as they choose.

Ventria - The Deity of life, rumored to have created the very land of Aourora, which blossomed in her womb. Ventria is creator of the Elven race, the Pixie and other unkown races also. She is a symbolism of all things natural and peaceful. Her followers consist of the Elves and Pixies. She is rumored to take form of a youthful Elven woman. Due to her creation of Aourora and the planet it settles within, some deem this planet her own Realm. Pixies were created by Ventria to restore natural order in Aourora after the Great War. Ventria is know to aid the mortals in time of need, entitling her 'Aourora's Saviour'.

Calcelmo - The Deity of Strife is humbled by criminals and races alike. Calcelmo being the cause for the Drow's nightvision after striking a deal with the first of kin gained the Drows worship. Thieves and assassins also worship the God, along with Goblins who he aided in their escape from their Orcish slave masters. Calcelmo created the creatures of Ender, and his realm resides as The End. Calcelmo is known to steal souls from Markozan in order to take pity on mortals who have passed on. Favoring the Drow, this thief steals the form of an Elderly Drow in order to rob mortals blind for amusement. It is said his temples are stacked with riches from retired thieves paying respect to their deity for their luck and skill in their lives. Due to his sneaky ways, Calcelmo is entitled 'Night's Harbourage'.

Markozan - The Deity of Death brought creation to the undead and mere evil beings in full sight. Creating demons which led to the trail of the Imp's, and striking deals with lost souls, in which death had greeted the mortals. The first worshippers of this Deity are the Purebloods, discovering his realm The Nether and the power within, when death greeted their mortal lives he struck a deal with them, reviving them as the undead in order to cause havoc upon Ventria's creations. In more recent times, Markozan has created new beings from mortals that have passed on in the form of a Zombie. No rumors have been spoken of his form. If so, they were probably before the seeing eyes death. Markozan is a courier of souls, collecting and feeding from the passed mortals of Aourora and reviving them as his own undead beings is a specialty of Markozans. Markozan's realm is The Nether, randomly gates from this hell will be open in Aourora to aggrivate Ventria and plunge the land into Chaos. Markozan often does this at the most inconvenient times such as The Great War of Aourora. Because of his actions, Markozan is entitled the 'Courier of Death'.

Namatotzka - Deity of War, and as some say Corruption. Namatotzka The Corrupter as known gained their name once corrupting the Elves and creating Orcs after driving a passion of War and power into their heads. Namatotzka also purged the Drow of their near pacifist views. Namatotzka is rumored to appear as both male and female orcs and is known to be brutal if punishing mortals. Namatotzka is known to also corrupt landscapes bringing about the creation of deserts. Namtotzka's realm; Oourat is said to be a never ending desert in which mortals are sent to be punished if not following Namatotzka's orders. Orc's favor Namatotzka for the drive of power and strength installed in them by this Deity.

Fanslone - Deity of the Hunt is rumored to be of Namatotzka's offspring. Favoring some sort of combat too, Fanslone uses mortals in the sport of hunting, finding it truly amusing and rewarding them in return. Fanslone is said to appear as a wolf, and those rewarded by Fanslone are rewarded with Lycanthropacy. Due to Fanslone's beastlike nature and personality- Fanslone is titled 'of The Hunt'.

Julenta - Being the Deity of Weather, Julenta of course controls the weather. Legend speaks of Julenta being sibling to Ventria, therefore having homeage in this planet, Julenta is instilled with the power of weather. It is said mortals who worship enough to Julenta for wishes of weather, their wish may just come true. 

Urberus - Deity of Existance is a Deity who is said to control space and time as a whole. This Deity usually is shown in mortals minds and is the reason for mental disability to occur. Gnomes worship this Deity as his extreme power of the unkown and mind rewards as he allows the Gnomes to be of the utter most smartest of the races. The Drow's evil tendencies are said to be caused by Urberus toying with their minds during their creation. 

Kontart Olan - Kontart the Deity of Sacrifice is worshipped by necromancers and the Gnoll race. In order of sacrificing to Kontart, this deity trades the sacrificed with Markozan to gain unkown powers. The Gnoll being greedy creatures often sacrifice to this deity in order to gain abilities unseen by many. It is said the Gnoll was created when Kontart traded a one off with Falsone and as a prank Falsone gave them the power to transform. Of course it wasn't entirely what it turned out to be and so the Humans changed into the form of the Gnoll. 

Months & Days

In the land of Aourora, months and days have separate names from that of the usual lands, invented by the Elven discoverers of the land and being apart of the Elven language.

Monday - Midrift 
Tuesday - Tirsan 
Wednesday - Wollay
Thursday - Thursan 
Friday - Furtile
Saturday - Surndale 
Sunday - Survert 

January - Jondver 
February - Fantsia
March - Martin
April - Aronle
May - Mettle
June - Jenvie
July - Jolt
August - Aultos
September - Serunder 
October - Ortondo
November - Norvenda
December - Delite


Year 0 BW
Aourora was established by the Elves, who still settle in the land today. The first family of Elves were named the Lathariel- which means 'Purity'. The Lathariel bloodline still lives to this present day and continue their reign. The Elves, being true herbalists and having true talent for settling habitat within nature, strided through the land keeping it as pure and natural as can be. They established various temples to Ventria in which the ruins remain to this day, full of mystical magic and treasures. 

Year 5063 BW 
Many years passed, all was natural and full of peace in Aourora. The Elves herbalism had advanced to an uttermost experienced talent and their senses had evolved to the use of a Bow. 

All was peaceful in the Elven land of Aourora. But this was soon to change. An Elven expedition party was sent across the snowy mountainscapes of Tondres, located in the north east of Aourora. Here, a cave system was discovered. A race that had evolved from the Elves themselves- a previous expedition from hundreds of years ago that had led to disaster and the avalanche of Tondres's mountains, left Elves stranded inside the biggest mountain of. Tondres. Adapting to utter darkness, was no easy feat- It was in their time of need that these Elves were approached by Calcelmo- God of Strife. Here he bargained with the Elves, offering them salvage and solution in return for their loyalty. The Elves having no other choice agreed and was given the adapting powers they needed, nightvision being a key. Due to this, the Elves that were stranded survived and the Drow was born. 

The discovery of the Drow was a harsh one. As the latest expedition of Elves entered a found cave leading into Tondres, the Drow civilisation that had built up within was prepared for any intruders. The first to enter were killed instantly, there screams and blood staining the snowy biome of Tondres. The Drow could see clearly in the dark, their once pale complexion, blonde or brunette hair and light eyes had changed too. Their skin now resembling a jet black or purple, their hair and eyes stained white like the mountain snow itself. Yet the Drow cowered from sunlight as the light would leave them unsure on what to do. In their adaption, the Drow had become combat experts, their muscles becoming an opposite to their counterparts the Elves, and in their time locked away under the mountains of Tondres
many of the Drows minds had become unstable. The race is now known for their insanity, leading them to have evil tendencies.

Within the next few years, the Drow would send constant attacks on the Elves during the night, leading the races to feud. Elves following strong peace views hardly retaliated to the Drow, and so not much was done to combat the problem. A rare time would take place where the Elves would finally use their combat against the Drow, and so bloodshed was a huge thing in the once peaceful Aourora. 

Year 5580 BW
While the ongoing combat between the Elves and Drow took place, little did the two races know that new inhabitants had taken homage in Aourora. The Dwarven people, travelling for hundreds of years built a tunnel network from distant lands, from their own- discovering Aourora. They were to keep out of the affairs of the Drow and Elves unless needing to trade with either race, the Elves for their glowstone, the Drow for their small found amounts of Obsidian and Bedrock in which their homes are built from.

Year 5592 BW 
Markozan, jealous of Ventria's success in her realm of Aourora and amused by the corruption of combat in which Namtotzka played their role in driving the Drow to have such brutality, wanted to play their own part in making things worse for the Deity of Life.. So Markozan, courier of souls bargained with lost souls of the war, offering to revive them as the Vampire, in return they would spread their gift in way to disturb order. 

Vampirism distraught all 3 of the races and played a huge role in the races unity for the time being. Drow's and Elves actually co-existing despite their disagreements. Forever growing in population, Ventria cursed the beings, cancelling their ability to walk in the sun. Pureblooded Vampires are still rumoured to walk the land to this day, famously in the Douvou ancestry. 

Year 6403 BW 
The Elves, Drow and Dwarves had not had complete peace, yet had cut down on their violent ways to one another since the outbreak of Vampirism. During this time period, people had noticed the existance of the Halfling or as known to many the Hobbit, having evolved from the Dwarves that ventured away from their mining hobbies, pursuing a more natural life.

6507 BW
This year is when chaos truly begun within Aourora. A new race, the Humans came sailing from distant lands in order to take new land and make it their home. Orc's, long time enemies to the humans followed shortly after, bringing along with them their slaves the Goblins. The sudden changes in Aourora caused havoc, the Orc's and Humans constantly battling for new lands in Aourora and even threatening advancement into Elven territory- and also, these races lead to even more victims of Vampirism. With the two at war within Aourora in the coming years, other races were soon sucked into the combat leading to the greatest war of Aourora.

Furtile 27 Martin Year 6910 
The Great War had begun, all races plotted against once another for the fight of Aourora. A tangent of Humans craving power turned to the Deity Kontart Olan, offering sacrifices to the deity in return for power. It was here that Falsone played his part in the creation of the Gnolls. Another counterpart to play in The Great War. The Goblins also spreading and revolutionising against their way from that of the Orcs begun a rebellion against their masters, havoc was stricken throughout Aourora- especially when Markozan opened his realm The Nether to Aourora, spilling all new beings into the land. 

Year 7250 During The Great War
Markozan reviving the lost mortals as zombies during The Great War did this to entice humans into his power, and once more cause more distress to Ventria. By this time, the Elves were almost wiped completely out and their many temples destroyed. The Dwarves had sent for reinforcements in their homeland in the form that is the Gnomes, and hearing of this- the Orc's attacked the Dwarven City of Molt-Kar and collapsed the tunnel to the Dwarven continent. With the Gnomes complex inventions, more war machines were built and Aourora was tearing itself apart.

Year 8450 End of The Great War
After fighting for over two thousand years, war finally dcame to an end, the land distraught as an outcome. Ventria finally made appearance in order to try and revive her land, in clearing the results of the Great War- yet not at an extreme measure. The Pixie was created in order to try and restore natural balance to Aourora, and unite the races once again. 

Year 8526 AW 
After war, the Deity Calcelmo took pity on those who lost their lives in The Great War, and so the Skeleton was created. 

Year 1500 AW
Many many years have passed and we reach the end of our history. It's now present time in Aourora and right now war is avoidable. But how long will this last...? 

Fill this out in the comment section or mail me if you're up for the challenge!


Picture of skin (I suggest using Minershoes.com):

Are you expierienced with roleplay?

Real Name:


Information onself (Let's be friendly!  )

Location & Timezone: 

Character Name:

Character Age:

Character Gender:

Character Personality:

Character's Bio:

Building or Server OPing experience (Pictures and Examples would help:

Why YOU Want to join:

Character's Race:
Please note, you can be a race and a supernatural at the same time, for example: Drow Vampire,
Vampirisim and Lycanthropacy are off boundaries to the following races: Pixie, Impling, Gnoll, Zombie, Skeleton
New MCMMO Skills can be unlocked in future gameplay.

Finally I would like you to participate in a short scene of roleplay responding to this, place your responses where the underlines are :

You're on a boat, finally harbored in the land of Aourora, it was an easily sailed journey and your life may now begin in this strange land... So what brought you here? Why when and how?


As you take your first steps on Aouroras land you notice just infont of where you docked is a small hut, accompanied by an elderly elf standing outside clling frantically out to you...

"Hey stranger.. yes you..! I cannot see you so clearly come closer... Aaah my eyes have aged too I see.. I apologise for my rudeness young one but what race are you?"


"Yes, I see now! What is your name if you do not mind me asking..."


"Well what brings you here?"


"Oh I see. Alone too? May Aourora take mercy upon you. You realise the dangers of this land? The Vampirism stricken here?"


""*laughing* Good luck to ye' regardless, I have some some fresh fish in the chest- go ahead, take for your travels."


He ushers you towards the chest and you stock up on food, beginning your journey.

Current To-Do List:
- Finish the Orcish City of Torunka-Al-Tah
- Finish the Drow City, Estelman: City of Darkness
- Begin Gnoll Island
- Finish Gnoll island
- Begin Halfling settlements
- Finish Halfling settlement
- Begin Gnome settlements
- Begin Pixie settlements
- Finish Pixie settlement
- Add more Human and Elven settlements
- Begin the Elven Capital of Eamane
- Finish the capital
- Successfully make various ruins in different styles for players to explore
- Add Easter Egg's
- Add hidden treasure chests across Aourora
- Fix the borderline (generation issues)
- Create more buid space in the land of Aourora (new islands)

Thankyou hoping to see you all soon 

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08/28/2014 8:54 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Botanist
Olly's Avatar

IGN: OllyHodgson24

Picture of skin (I suggest using Minershoes.com): My skin currently is this, however I could always change it into something more appropriate if needed.

Are you expierienced with roleplay?: Yes, I am. I've roleplayed on servers of yours before, and others. I also used to do a lot of forum roleplay here on PMC.

Real Name: Brad

Age: 13

Information onself (Let's be friendly!): I'm not sure where to start :'). You know me, I've known you for a long time now. But, in general, I've been playing Minecraft for coming up on 4 years now and I still love to play. I have lots of experience on servers and stuff like that (as you know) and I enjoy building various styles.

Location & Timezone: GMT, UK

Character Name: Stewart Lochley

Character Age: 29

Character Gender: Male Gnoll

Character Personality: Grouchy and sometimes intimidating, yet on the inside still a friendly man to those who know him personally. Not necessarily someone to be messed with.

Character's Bio: Stewart was brought up by his single mother, who didn't have enough to support her child other than the bare necessities. Due to this, Stewart grew up on the hard shoulder and never really enjoyed anything luxurious, but rather he thrived from the simple things in life.

He has always been a hard nut to crack, he doesn't exactly enjoy socializing or other people in general. To him, anyone is an enemy until proven otherwise.

But what he lacks in charm, he makes up for with his fighting skills. Stewart is a skilled craftsman and is able to easily intimidate anyone, and if that doesn't work, he can fight them off with his years of training.

Building or Server OPing experience (Pictures and Examples would help): Well, obviously, I've been OP on Aura back in the day, however recently I've owned my own server and I'm also currently operator (step above moderator) on a prestigious building server called Vindicta UK.

Why YOU Want to join: I've always loved roleplaying and I have fond memories of the old servers you've had, so when I saw this I was very excited. I feel like I could be at home here.

On a side note, I'm currently writing this at near enough 2am so excuse me if this is full of typos and errors.
08/21/2014 2:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CotumbDoes's Avatar

IGN: CotumbMC 

Picture of skin (I suggest using Minershoes.com): My Skin Link

Are you expierienced with roleplay? I have done it before but not often.

Real Name: Connor Gary

Age: 13

Information onself (Let's be friendly! :) ) 

Location & Timezone:  North Carolina, UTC (-5:00)

Character Name: Eragon Prior

Character Age: 21

Character Gender: Drow

Character Personality: Shy

Character's Bio: Eragon, born in the woodlands. And Raised by Elves, is a skilled warrior, proficient in the art of archery, and swordsmanship.

Building or Server OPing experience (Pictures and Examples would help: Build Team Elvex Builder, ScorchMC Head Admin, MCGalactic Admin, RaidedMines Helper, WarzonePVP Admin, SolitaryNetwork Builder, LuxuryNetwork GFX Designer/Mod, Vibrant Network Mod/Builder, Squadcraft Jr. Mod.


Imgur Album of my Builds

Why YOU Want to join: I would like to try out building for a new server, and this one seems like a perfectly good one to build for.
08/19/2014 11:09 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
Lady_Elisha's Avatar
Good idea brother ^.^
08/19/2014 10:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hunchyy's Avatar
Is it possible to post status updates for the server so that people know the stages that its going through. On another thread maybe?
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