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38Gaming | Survival PvP and Creative Plots | Ranks, Economy, Community.

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TiggerPike's Avatar TiggerPike
Level 38 : Artisan Gent
38Gaming | Survival PvP and Creative Plots | Ranks, Economy, Community.
Status Offline Pinged: 04/02/24
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Hello and welcome to 38Gaming. Over the last two years, our server has become known for it's quality, friendliness and diversity of members. We run three worlds, which are a Creative plots world, Survival world and Skyblock world. 38Gaming is a building server; your plots cannot be griefed and builds we like will be rewarded with ranks and perms that will allow you to build even more amazing things! When you start out on 38Gaming, you get one plot, but by gaining ranks you can gain more plots

www.38Gaming.uk FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @38GamingUK

We hope you have a great time with 38Gaming... we certainly have a great time with our community. Thanks all!

38Gaming | Survival PvP and Creative Plots | Ranks, Economy, Community. Minecraft Server < Current Status of 38Gaming


Management Team
Owner – 38Edward
Ambassador –TiggerPike
Co-Owner –emeruld

1999ajh (Retired)
avidbeatlesfan (Retired)





Our staff are always happy to help, with any questions or help with builds. If you need to chat via email, go to our contact page, or Email: info@38Gaming.uk

Ranks, and how to earn them

Player - Default Rank
Builder - Build anything on your plot, House, Redstone Stuff.
Architect - Build nice fancy builds, with some nice gardens.
Designer - Build a large mansion, filling at least half the plot, then add gardens
Redstoner - Make 3 good redstone contraptions, that work.
Electrician - Make 7 or more amazing redstone contraptions.
Elder - Build a large house, or lots of great pixel art
Technician - Build Brilliant redstone Contraptions, at least 10
Master - Make a mansion covering 1 full plot, must look fancy.
Mayor - Own a large town, with a few players.
Tourist-Guide - Help out lots of new players, and give them advise.
Helper - Apply for Mod, good at helping and building (Trail Mod)
Moderator - Really good at building, and good at helping people.
Admin - Owner decides to make you an admin.
Donator - Donate £10
Premium - Donate £14


Skyblocks is a recent addition to the server upon request of the majority of players.


Skype: Server_38Gaming

Twitter: @38GamingUK

Email: info@38Gaming.uk


Donate online at www.38Gaming.uk

If you like the Recourse Pack used in the screenshots - Download it here:

Additional Notes

38Gaming is run by a few mated. With multiple worlds, a great community and great achievement for being a good builder, it's THE BEST server for people who are just out for building and fun.
Credit38Edward (Owner), TiggerPike (Ambassador) and all of our other Staff.

19 Update Logs

Update #19 : by TiggerPike 11/24/2015 12:59:50 pmNov 24th, 2015

We have just collated our donations for the period since June 2015. It's good news! 38Gaming will be able to continue thriving for many months to come. So, from us, a huge thank you to the 38Gaming community and here's to much more time to come; cheers!

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03/12/2017 1:32 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ItzKaden's Avatar
What happend to the server
11/14/2015 4:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dadydad's Avatar
Im mumymum
11/14/2015 4:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dadydad's Avatar
I got banned from Aj because I apparently (Hacked) but he was invisable and the door opened and I said Aj just walked in
11/24/2015 1:26 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Gent
TiggerPike's Avatar

I am sure that the 38 team will resolve this promptly for you.

Best wishes,
NoCopyright - Music
09/02/2015 1:52 am
Level 26 : Expert Princess
NoCopyright - Music's Avatar
I really like the server and i would see this server more people :D <3 11/10 - luv it
11/24/2015 1:25 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Gent
TiggerPike's Avatar

Thanks for your kind words.

Best wishes,
06/29/2015 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ocelotamer's Avatar
I was really hurt when I saw that Ak, one of our (former) players, had posted lies about my favorite server, 38Gaming. So, let me clear some things up.

I'll start with the accusation about our staff. I am a moderator here, and I know for a fact that all of us try to be as friendly and helpful as possible. A lot of work goes into selecting our staff and no immature players would become staff in the first place. We understand that with great power comes great responsibility, and we take that very seriously.

Our owner has never been "cheap." He has sacrificed a lot for this amazing server to be what it is today.

One thing I love about this server is the community we've built here. Almost everyone who plays here has made great friends, and I think I speak for a lot of people when I say it's become more than just a minecraft server to us.

Now, I understand there are some misconceptions about 1999ajh, or Aj, as he's known on the server. Aj's not very good at making friends, but you'll find he's actually a really nice guy once you get to know him. He wants only to make this server a better place, and struggles continuously to do so. He banned Ak because he had been threatening to hack, and the screenshot of him saying he "loves abusing" was obviously a joke.

I love getting new players on 38Gaming, and I hope I will see you all there! :)
07/14/2015 8:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
N3321's Avatar
I agree with ocelot here, and most of all the fact that Aj does want to make the server a better place is true.
If a player steps out of line and greifs and no admin is on, we can always rely on Aj to find the person responsible and deal with them. The fact that Ak called the server "Cheap" is an insult, not everyone can run a server as big as Mineplex and expect to pay so little money, i find this a HUGE insult on the owners part.
And Ak says that the staff are abusive, not really, some like to joke around and i know that when i was staff i did, but i always made it up to the players, like helping build or giving supplies, but stil, no one has the rightto do what they want, like the former Admin Jake4ever, who gave players OP unlegit weapons, he was promptley Deopped and banned for theis distribution, showing that we crack down on on abuse.

And as Ocelot said, Aj can be a bit hard to make friends with, but you need to earn his respect, but do it within the rule of the server ;)
07/05/2015 8:12 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ak521's Avatar
I'm really sorry about calling the owner cheap. I told my bro to post this, and he was in a bad mood. I'm so mad at him right now.

I know it. But really, I didn't threaten. Not at all. If I did, I still want proof. 

Aj is abusive. No doubt. If I come on the server when Aj's on, I got kicked, or even tempbanned. If I say something in chat, Aj gives me a 5 day mute -,-
06/29/2015 6:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_keniferrrr_'s Avatar
It is truly sad to see one of our former loyal players waste their time to type up a false accusation about the wonderful community of 38gaming.
Our owner is not cheap at all for a start. If he was ever cheap it would be something like giving only half a stack instead of a whole stack of diamonds. Which is how I believe you're interpreting him being cheap.

The videos are all true. The reviews are amazing. The only time someone on the staff team has been rude to a player is when they threatened to hack the server. Sounds familiar doesn't it AK?

Staff is chosen on maturity we wouldn't have any of them if they were immature.

1999ajh is a wonderful retired owner. He's like a brother to me so I'd not start.

Unfriendly community? The 1% [YOU] of the community that is unfriendly is gone.

I reccomend to join this wonderful server, Hope to see you there! [IP : 38Gaming.uk]



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