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Weakk's Avatar Weakk
Level 49 : Master Network
I would like to apologize to those who have been waiting for this map to come out, there has been a slight problem and now have to restart. However I won't take as long because I have created a drawn map showing locations of all buildings and such. Thank you so far for your support and patience!

- Weak27

Additional Notes

Got any ideas towards things I can add to or put inside this city? Put in the comments!
Progress10% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2: Borders and zombie works : by Weakk 12/08/2013 2:00:14 amDec 8th, 2013

I have recently added region borders and different zombie types, from fast to strong to smarter! This will make the map a little more challenging

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11/19/2013 2:57 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
moondreamer's Avatar
This is quite interesting!
Will there Factory?
11/13/2013 10:17 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hatesthisgame's Avatar
*Thinks of World War Z... Cringes in fear of all the zombies*
11/13/2013 6:17 pm
Level 49 : Master Network
Weakk's Avatar
Oh? Should I make the zombie behavior "World War Z" style? Meaning faster and batshit insane xD
11/15/2013 3:27 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hatesthisgame's Avatar
It could be cool the thing i'd make sure of is that its not just 4 buildings like if this is a zombie city thing i'd make it so you have to go through buildings and stuff because crap is in the roads and that kind of stuff... Not just like lets descend through this building and then thats it. I think batshit insane zombies would rock aslong as it isn't to hard. I mean it's no fun to keep get killed over and over again by mutant zombies. The issue is if it is a city you would have tons of zombies and zombies are to kill by the thousands.
11/16/2013 3:07 am
Level 49 : Master Network
Weakk's Avatar
Indeed they do, and I like your idea of making a more complex way of getting around the city rather than aimlessly wandering in the middle of the street.
11/16/2013 4:08 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hatesthisgame's Avatar
Well then you can add a faster pace and more control over like traps and stuff... I'm making a survival island and i'd love you input on it so Check it out :) ?
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