Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Vhalar - Multi Biome Map - 750 Sub Special

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GGJ16's Avatar GGJ16
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
Hey guys! Today I finally present my new and best map since date ! After working on it 3 months, I am very glad to show you Vhalar.


It all started one afternoon, having nothing to do on an almost empty library, where I realised I was approaching a reasonable amount of subscribers. I thought then: Why not to do a map as a special ? ( as I always do)  I suddenly got a little image of what could be, and I drew it very quickly.


Of course, I wasn’t thinking of making it large at first, but when I got on my PC to start it, I soon realised it was going to be something huge. You may agree that 7k x 5k map is not that huge, but please keep in mind it is that for me. As you may see in the sketch, it is very similar to the final product, as I tried to make it as similar as possible.

The rest is days and days of constant work. I also had to test out many times all the custom biomes I did specially for this map, which added an extra amount of work. But sooner or later, I had to finish it, and here goes the result:


You may use this map for guiding yourself in order not to get lost. Trust me, it will be useful.

Map features

Vhalar is a 7k x 5k multi-biome map, result of my effort to get a high-detailed but useful map.

This map contains all the features people usually want (ores, caves, mobs,etc.). It doesn’t include, unfortunately, any kind of NPC structure (villages, strongholds...).

It includes the following custom biomes (from North to South):
  • Ice biome
  • Taiga
  • Alpine Forest
  • Flower plains
  • Delta biome
  • Mediterranean Forest
  • Badlands

The full map is done with worldpainter, except the northest part of the large river, which was partly done by hand in-game.

You may spawn in survival, but cheats are ON so you can turn into creative if you need it.

This map may be used for any creative purpose, as well as you can put it in servers, but credit must be given always and you cannot reupload it or claim it as yours. Never.

750 sub special

And now returning for the main purpose of this map. With this I wanted to thank all my subcribers and people who see my stuff for letting me reach the 750 subs ! I am really excited about it and I hope to keep bringing good stuff to you, guys.

I really want to thank my buddies for they never-ending suport, and hope to have them for a long time.


First of all, I would love to thank all my buddies  for they constant feedback and good times, as well as all my followers who make me happy with views and downloads.

I would also like to thank Ares945 for his world painter brushes pack.

And finally, I would specially like to mention the huge help and support given from Vortezzzz, as he has helped me with this map in many ways. If it wasn't by him, this map would be looking very different now. Thanks a lot mate ! <3

Just to sum up, I would like to leave a Spoiler in order to arrange any further video related to this map ( cinematics, let's play, etc.). If you have done any kind of video related to this map, feel free to contact me and I may add yours as well.

Related Videos
Amazing cinematic done by iSteamz, please check it out.

Now have fun !


Creative Commons License
Vhalar - Multi Biome Map - 750 Sub Special by GGJ16 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work athttp://www.planetminecraft.com/member/ggj16/.

Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by GGJ16 04/21/2014 4:32:13 pmApr 21st, 2014

New download ! Solved errors with exporting. There is a new cover render as well.

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05/26/2018 8:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
slinkyman128's Avatar
Is there a way to prevent ocean monuments from generating in the rivers and oceans? I've found two, and they generate in the most random places, and it's annoying. I'm pretty sure they weren't intended . . . the map is AWESOMELY AWESOME I love terrain maps. thaknks
11/03/2017 5:17 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
HaroCrow's Avatar
what resource pack did you use? also love the map and everything about! found it in a minecraft map book that i got at target! ;D now iam using as a TrollCraft map for me and my freinds! thxs for the map. :)
07/03/2016 7:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
skycat32's Avatar
The map won't work in my saves folder, I've extracted it and placed it in my zip folder but, level.dat_mcr and level.dat_old, won't show up in the saves so it doesn't appear in my saves. Any help?
07/04/2016 10:11 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
GGJ16's Avatar
This map was uploaded a lot of time ago, but I checked just in case there was something wrong. Everything works perfectly, just make sure you put the right folder in the saves folder, as when you download the zip file you get a folder, and inside that one you have the map save. Hope it helps :)
06/30/2016 10:37 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
maximoola1000's Avatar
Awesome Creation! I was wondering if i can use this to make a collection of cities and castles to make like a country type thing. Of course all credit for the landscape will go to you :)
07/04/2016 10:03 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
GGJ16's Avatar
Sure ! Go ahead :) Please let me check the final result, I'll be glad to see it. Please make sure to give proper credit to the map and the author. Thanks ! :)
04/10/2016 10:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Second_Paradox's Avatar
Hey, was just wondering if you could add a map?
I'm going to be using this map on a server (Crediting you of course!) and I'm currently looking for territory for different races, and it would be very helpful if there was a map that I could look at to aid me in this :)
07/04/2016 10:02 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
GGJ16's Avatar
Sure, you can use it ! Have fun with it, and please remember to credit the map and the creator. Thanks ! =)
02/16/2016 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BoBs31's Avatar
This map is Fantastic!!! Here is a diamond for you.
02/17/2016 2:07 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
GGJ16's Avatar
Thanks a lot :3
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