Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

{SURV}{ADV}A Pirate's Survival

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Megalandrys's Avatar Megalandrys
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
*Note* This is a Survival Island and an Adventure
Map cross.
*Another Note* This can be used as a multiplayer map, but it is more singleplayer.
*Another Another Note* PLEASE Read to the bottom of this page.

Background: You are a pirate, pretty much. You use a beach house as a base of operations, a home, and for survival. You must stay at home by night, protecting yourself from death, and go adventuring by day, looking for treasure on your boat as you go from island to island, not only for the wealth, but so you can get the set of armor and a diamond sword you need to effectively protect yourself, so you can adventure day and night. Who knows, maybe this treasure will allow you to adventure further!

1. Do not destroy any of the redstone dust that will be found on this map that is placed by me.
2. Do not cheat.
3. Do not use mods to get through the map faster.
4. Do not destroy any creations found in this adventure map made by me.

Some more info: Chests can be found around the map on one of the three islands featured most (please note that any island you find can be used to mine or get wood, or etc, you can even set your own base there, but three are the main islands that have stuff placed by me'). They can have either treasure or treasure 'maps'.

Also note that there are two maps of your starting island and main base. There is one left that is empty. Use it how you want. Feel free to make more, along with compass's.

1. Find the first treasure(s) of the real world.
2. Find the second treasure(s) of the real world.
3. Find the 1st bonus level and complete it.
4. Find the 3 easter eggs in the bonus level.
5. Get the treasures from the bonus level. All of the ones in chests. All of them.
6. Get out of the bonus level with a stack of obsidian (it will be provided to you in secret places, or kind of obvious places.)
7. Find the 2nd bonus level and complete it (please note that entering the second bonus level makes it impossible to go back to the original open-world map (no storyline included, unless you like to RP) unless you save the coordinates and tp to them, or something similar.)
8. Get all the treasure from the 2nd bonus level.
9. Keep playing after the 'end' and make a suit of diamond armor.
10. Tame a horse and use the treasure you found in the bonus level to equip it.
11. Make beach houses on the two islands.
12. Make at least one almost completely out of Nether Brick Fence for fences, if you use that, and Gold, Iron, Diamond, Redstone, or Emerald blocks for cobble or wooden planks, or just wood. Doors must be Iron Doors, and if you use pressure plates at all they must be gold or iron. Furnaces and Crafting Tables can be put in the house, along with beds. Glass must be Stained Glass.
13. Search for more islands, make beach houses there too.
14. Guess what the next bonus level (that might be found in the first, or the real world possibly) is and what it might entail (not required, but I want to see what you can guess. First one to guess both correctly can beta test the next update, that has the bonus in it (hint: Don't jump to straight the End or Nether. It could be that still, but there are mods allowing other worlds. I did mention I would have mods in one of my next maps some time ago, right? There might be more bonus levels.)
15. Do all of the above achievements!

Also, If you can guess:
What my next map will be (I have 2 series's of them).
and What the next easter egg in the first bonus level will be (or at least, how you get to it), then...
you will be allowed to beta test every map and if you want, every big new update for any of my maps until I stop making them. This includes: EscapeCraft 4 and its possible sequel EscapeCraft 5, any of my superhero map series, and the updates to this that add anything big, AND all the updates that add anything big to the EscapeCraft series and my superhero map series.
Send your guess's in PM.

Additional Notes

Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Megalandrys 01/04/2014 6:30:24 pmJan 4th, 2014

Added bonus level #2.
Fixed some problems.

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01/10/2014 11:43 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Scribe
LuvMc's Avatar
Not saying it's a virus, but why do you use a hacking client? Wouldn't you know where the chests were lol?
01/11/2014 10:53 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
It took me 2-3 days to make this map, since it is open world and all, and I had to add things and make sure the Book and Quills were right, so I used ChestESP to find them all again, and FullBright for underground places. Also sometimes I would use either FastBreak to break the wall faster (I found it does do its work in Creative) or FastPlace to fill a hole (one of the parts in the bonus level) in quicker.
01/04/2014 11:26 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
CommanderRadiated's Avatar
What texture pack do you use?
01/04/2014 11:32 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
Uh Default Minecraft...
Well I occasionally use Jolicraft, and once I used something like Life texture/resource pack, it was pretty cool.
01/04/2014 11:46 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
CommanderRadiated's Avatar
I just downloaded your map, and I can't find any houses.
01/04/2014 11:48 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
Did you not spawn where the picture shows?
01/04/2014 11:50 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
CommanderRadiated's Avatar
I did, but I never found houses with lootable stuff. Maybe I need to play it a little more.
01/04/2014 11:54 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
Oh. There are not many houses with lootable stuff, a lot of it is in hidden chests. You also have the option to mine it, but that doesn't follow the set storyline, so I choose to ignore that part. But yeah, if you play it to a certain point, with searching enough, you will find hidden chests with, I quote: "treasure or treasure 'maps'". Most of the stuff is hidden though. This is meant to be a openworld thing you can explore and use, but you can follow the storyline I set and do actual unique things.
01/04/2014 11:11 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
I might actually update the picture, considering the ChestESP I had on to help find my secret chests after I put them there shows one of them.
01/04/2014 6:57 pm
Level 40 : Master Architect
DUMB's Avatar
hax hes using weepcraft i wouldnt trust this it probably includes a virus
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